164 research outputs found

    Automatic profile picture validation

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    The purpose of this study was to explore areas of computer vision, which may prove useful in automatic profile picture validation in Information Systems. For practical example, we used a web portal that enables users to upload their own profile pictures. In the first part we explain useful algorithms for face detection, age and gender. The second part focuses on implementation of our own solution in Java, which uses explored algorithms to suggest the appropriateness of the image based on the detected facial features - age and gender. An image can be marked as appropriate, if it contains exactly one face of an adult and is not blurred. This work overlooks image quality but focuses on face detection. Finally, we calculate success rate, the likelihood that the algorithm can determine the suitability of random user image, and discuss how our approach could be improved

    Advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy

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    In the developed countries, more than 30% of female population is in the postmenopusal period of their life. Approximately one third of these present with severe clinical menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, sleeplessness, night sweats, and depression. Many women search medical help. By means of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), these problems can be either completely eliminated or alleviated in 90% of women. The suspected association between HRT and risk of carcinoma should be ignored, however. While estrogens in combination with progestogens exert a protective effec against ovarian and endometrial carcinomas, a possible correlation between HRT and breast cancer has not been fully explained yet. Nevertheless, some published reports have indicated a slightly increased risk of breast cancer after a prolonged use of HRT

    Human papilloma viruses 16 and 18 in patients under 40 years of age with operable squamous cancer of the uterine cervix

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    Rak materničnega vratu in telesa

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    Human Papillomavirus-Related Diseases and Prevention with Vaccination

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    Okužbe s humanimi virusi papiloma (HPV) so zelo pogoste spolno prenosljive bolezni, ki se značilno pojavijo kmalu po začetku spolne dejavnosti. Breme z njimi povezanih bolezni, rakavih in nerakavih, je veliko za ženske in moške. HPV, ki prinašajo veliko tveganje, visokotvegani ali onkogeni HPV pri ženskah povzročajo raka materničnega vratu, nožnice in zunanjega spolovila, pri moških pa raka penisa ter pomemben delež raka žrela in raka zadnjika pri ženskah in moških. Pred nekaj leti sta bili izdelani cepivi, ki preprečujeta okužbo z 2 genotipoma, ki povzročata raka (HPV 16 in 18). Pri neokuženih osebah v približno 95 % učinkovito preprečujeta bolezni, ki jih povzročata oba genotipa, ne zdravita pa okužbe. Profilaktični cepivi sta prvi, ki so ju naredili, da bi pri človeku preprečevali raka.Human papillomavirus (HPV) is an extremely prevalent sexually transmited infection that is typically acquired soon after the onset of sexual activity. The burden of HPV-related malignant and nonmalignant disease is high in women and men. High-risk or oncogenic types of HPV cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar vancer in women. These types have also been shown to cause penile cancer in men and a substantial proportion of oropharingeal and anal cancer in women and men. Low-risk types of HPV cause anogenital warts. Virus-like particle-based vaccines have recently been developed to prevent the infection with two cancer-associated HPV genotypes (HPV 16, HPV 18) and have been ~ 95% effective in preventing HPV-associated disease caused by genotypes in virus-naive subjects. The prophylactic vaccines are not therapeutic for the already present infection. HPV prophylactic vaccines are the first vaccines designed to prevent a human cancer

    Soil Protection Activities and Soil Quality Monitoring in South Eastern Europe

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    The conference Soil Protection Activities and Soil Quality Monitoring in South Eastern Europe was organized in Sarajevo as a joint action by the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Soil Science Society of Slovenia. The main objectives of conference were to review the soil protection and soil quality monitoring activities in SEE including research activities, project reports, good practice guides and various methodologies and monitoring strategies. The special emphasis was laid on the ecological and technical soil functions, remediation and re-cultivation measures, data collection and processing, soil protection policy, soil quality and soil resources management issues on the regional level. The conference was an opportunity to key regional soil science research institutions to present activities and achievements with further prospects of cross - border scientific collaboration. This publication presents a selection of 20 conference papers prepared by the authors from SEE countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and guest contributions from Austria, Slovenia and Syria.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard


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