71 research outputs found

    Effect of one-time dextran-polyacrylamide polymer matrixes treatment on female reproductive function

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    Background: recently, it has been proved that copolymers with dextran cores and grafted polyacrylamide are effective in photodynamic and chemotherapy. However, further research is needed to define correct dosage and to assess the risks. Thus, animal studies are becoming more relevant to determine the effect of the treatment of such drug nano-systems on female reproductive function in particular.Methods: a technique for estimation of pre- and post-implantation death rates, in vitro meotic maturation of oocytes, double fluorescent vital assay and statistical analysis were used. The effects of a one-time treatment of different doses of dextran-polyacrylamide matrices and silver (Ag)-nanoparticles-dextran-polyacrylamide (AgNPs-D-PAA) on reproductive function, namely on 1) the number of oocytes isolated from one ovary and the meiotic maturation of such oocytes in vitro; 2) the indicators of cell viability of the cells of follicular environment of oocytes (FEO) and the cells of inguinal lymph nodes (ILN); 3) the pre- and post-implantation mortality rates and the number of live newborns (pups) were investigated in female mice.Results: no significant changes in the number of oocytes isolated from one ovary and meiotic maturation of such ovarian oocytes in vitro, the number of living cells of follicular environment of oocytes  and the number of such cells with morphological signs of apoptosis and necrosis, pre- and post-implantation mortality rates of embryos and the number of live newborns (pups) have been established under conditions of one-time treatment with dextran-polyacrylamide at doses of 0.39 mg/kg and 3.90 mg/kg and Ag-nanoparticles-dextran-polyacrylamide at doses of 0.20 mg/kg and 2.00 mg/kg.Conclusions: branched polymer systems (dextran-polyacrylamide (D-PAA) polymer matrices) are promising materials for use in next-generation medicine

    Sensing element for the formation fluid refractometer on the basis of total internal reflection

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    When developing oil fields, there is an urgent task to quickly determine the type of pumped formation fluid, which includes formation gas, formation oil and formation water. In this paper, we propose a new type of a sensor element designed for flow refractometry of formation fluid based on the effect of total internal reflection. The sensor element is a taper tip of a conical shape made of sapphire and is 20 mm in length and 20 mm in diameter. The original shape of the sensor element is determined by a modified ray tracing method, taking into account analytical relations that determine the conditions for providing a larger dynamic range of measurements under specified physical, technological and design constraints. The conversion dependence of the tip is obtained for the wavelengths of 405 nm, 1064 nm and 3300 nm and allows determining the type of formation fluid (gas/water/oil). The proposed method enables the development of conical sensor elements based on the total internal reflection for downhole monitoring systems and optical threshold sensors of the refractive index

    Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Cleome gynandra L., a C4 dicotyledon that is closely related to Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In leaves of most C4 plants, the biochemistry of photosynthesis is partitioned between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. In addition, their cell biology and development also differs from that in C3 plants. We have a poor understanding of the mechanisms that generate the cell-specific accumulation of proteins used in the C4 pathway, and there are few genes that have been shown to be important for the cell biology and development of C4 leaves. To facilitate functional analysis of C4 photosynthesis, and to enable knowledge from Arabidopsis thaliana to be translated to C4 species, an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation protocol was developed for the C4 species Cleome gynandra. A. tumefaciens, harbouring the binary vector SLJ1006, was used to transfer the uidA gene under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter into C. gynandra. Co-incubation of hypocotyls or cotyledons with SLJ1006 allowed efficient transfer of DNA into C. gynandra, and media that allowed callus production and then shoot regeneration were identified. Stable transformants of C. gynandra with detectable amounts of β-glucuronidase (GUS) were produced at an efficiency of 14%. When driven by the CaMV 35S promoter, GUS was visible in all leaf cells, whereas uidA translationally fused to a CgRbcS gene generated GUS accumulation specifically in bundle sheath cells. This transformation procedure is the first for an NAD-ME type C4 plant and should significantly accelerate the analysis of mechanisms underlying C4 photosynthesis

    A case of 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency type 3 in adult endocrinologist practice

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    17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 deficiency (17HSD3) is a rare autosomal recessive cause of 46, XY disorders of sex development resulting from HSD17B3 gene mutations, in which conversion of androstenedione to testosterone is impared. The clinical signs of 17HSD3 deficiency depend on the residual activity of the enzyme. The diagnosis of 17HSD3 deficiency is based on reduced testosterone/androstenedione ratio (T/AD < 0.8). Patients are usually assigned at birth and raise as female. If the diagnosis is made before puberty, gonadectomy is recommended, taking into account the risk of masculinization during the puberty and estrogen therapy initiation in this period. If the diagnosis of 17HSD3 deficiency is established during puberty, when virilization manifests, the therapeutic strategy is based on the results of comprehensive psychological testing and gender identity of a patient. In patients with more pronounced masculinization or diagnosis established shortly after birth, who are assigned at birth and raise as male, testosterone therapy is used to achieve a male phenotype. The 17HSD3 deficiency and virilization often result in a change of gender identity during puberty. The article presents a clinical case of 17-βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 deficiency with late diagnosis due to parental will. The diagnostic approaches and management of the disease are also described

    Rubisco evolution in C₄ eudicots: an analysis of Amaranthaceae sensu lato.

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    BACKGROUND: Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) catalyses the key reaction in the photosynthetic assimilation of CO₂. In C₄ plants CO₂ is supplied to Rubisco by an auxiliary CO₂-concentrating pathway that helps to maximize the carboxylase activity of the enzyme while suppressing its oxygenase activity. As a consequence, C₄ Rubisco exhibits a higher maximum velocity but lower substrate specificity compared with the C₃ enzyme. Specific amino-acids in Rubisco are associated with C₄ photosynthesis in monocots, but it is not known whether selection has acted on Rubisco in a similar way in eudicots. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated Rubisco evolution in Amaranthaceae sensu lato (including Chenopodiaceae), the third-largest family of C₄ plants, using phylogeny-based maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods to detect Darwinian selection on the chloroplast rbcL gene in a sample of 179 species. Two Rubisco residues, 281 and 309, were found to be under positive selection in C₄ Amaranthaceae with multiple parallel replacements of alanine by serine at position 281 and methionine by isoleucine at position 309. Remarkably, both amino-acids have been detected in other C₄ plant groups, such as C₄ monocots, illustrating a striking parallelism in molecular evolution. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings illustrate how simple genetic changes can contribute to the evolution of photosynthesis and strengthen the hypothesis that parallel amino-acid replacements are associated with adaptive changes in Rubisco


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    The article is dedicated to the issue of bronchial asthma in children. Immaturity of respiratory and immune systems, peculiarities of the disease course, difficulty in establishing diagnosis and selecting delivery devices for drugs and a limited amount of evidence-based recommendations determine the current situation: only few guides touch upon the subject of infant asthma management. Although asthma is the most widespread disease of lower respiratory tract in children, a significant number of patients do not receive adequate treatment, which is why they cannot control asthma. The authors of this article analyzed the most up-to-date documents (ICON, GINA, PRACTALL, NAEPP, SIGN) that touch upon this subject and briefly stated the key principles of attaining control over this nosology in order to increase availability, spread and introduction of standard therapy of infant asthma. Статья посвящена проблеме бронхиальной астмы у детей. Незрелость дыхательной и иммунной систем, особенности течения болезни, трудности при постановке диагноза и выборе средств доставки лекарственных средств, а также небольшое количество доказательных рекомендаций по лечению астмы у детей обусловливают тот факт, что немногие руководства касаются вопроса ведения детской астмы. Несмотря на то, что астма является наиболее распространенным хроническим заболеванием у детей, значительное количество пациентов не получают адекватного лечения, в связи с чем по-прежнему не могут контролировать свою болезнь. Авторами статьи в целях увеличения доступности, распространения и внедрения стандартной терапии детской астмы были проанализированы наиболее современные документы (ICON, GINA, PRACTALL, NAEPP, SIGN), касающиеся данного вопроса, и кратко изложены основные ключевые принципы достижения контроля над астмой

    Пищевая аллергия к белкам пшеницы. Трудности диагностики и лечения

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    The article is dedicated to the problem of food allergy in children. The number of patients with this pathology continues to rise, which can be explained by multiple factors, which speaks for the relevance and the social importance of the matter. For food allergy, the causesignificant allergens are both simple and complex food proteins. Wheat is one of the most prevalent source of food allergens not only for children, but for adults too. The article contains the main information concerning the ley characteristics of this product; the protein content and the different roles of individual components in forming allergic reactions and cross activity are thoroughly investigated. The authors provide recommendations for the diagnostics and treatment of wheat protein allergy, and various difficulties in different clinical cases are examined. The article also contains main treatment approaches, which are relevant to the modern data. An individual approach in each case means regular monitoring of the main figures, preventing the negative consequences of an eliminative diet at wheat protein allergy through using specialized gluten-free products.Статья посвящена проблеме пищевой аллергии у детей. Множество факторов объясняют тенденцию увеличения числа пациентов с данной патологией, что обусловливает актуальность и медико-социальную составляющую этой проблемы. Причинно-значимыми аллергенами при пищевой аллергии являются белки пищевых продуктов, как простые, так и сложные. Пшеница — один из наиболее важных и распространенных источников пищевых аллергенов не только для детей, но и для взрослых. В статье представлены основные сведения по ключевым характеристикам данного продукта, подробно рассмотрены белковый состав и разноплановые роли отдельных компонентов в развитии аллергических реакций и перекрестной реактивности. Авторами представлены рекомендации по диагностике аллергии на белок пшеницы, рассматриваются возможные трудности в разных клинических случаях. В статье также предложены основные лечебные подходы, отвечающие современным данным. Индивидуальный подход в каждом конкретном случае заключается в регулярном мониторинге основных показателей, профилактике нежелательных последствий строгой элиминационной диеты при аллергии к белкам пшеницы с использованием специализированных продуктов, не содержащих глютен