123 research outputs found

    Improvement of the organizational-economic mechanism of resource-saving at the machine building enterprise

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    The characteristic of the resource-saving at the machine-building enterprise has been presented. The complexity and system of the resource-saving control, as well as reasonableness of the development of the efficient organizational economic resource-saving mechanism have been interpreted. It was testified that the basis of the successful activity strategy in the resource-saving at the local machine-building enterprises is the efficient application of the available resources according to the requirement of the manufacturing products. Efficiency of such control can result from the proper application of the resourcenomy levers as a new science. Innovation chain of investigation of the resource-saving control problems from the point of view of resourcenomy has been proposed. Determination of the most efficient ways of setting up the organizational economic mechanism of resource-saving basing on the qualitative and quantitative factors of the resources application, using the resourcenomy techniques and taking into account the possibility to provide the enterprise with technologies, staff, control system, as well as the influence of each of the factors of the outside and inside environment of the enterprise, has been presented

    Development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses: Psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity

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    The development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses with consideration of psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity is an actual task facing modern managers. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the relevance and identify the psychological and pedagogical aspects for designing a program of leisure activities in animation service. The challenge is to substantiate the need for a psychological and pedagogical approach to the work of a manager who develops and performs animation activities in the hospitality industry, as well as to show the impact of the animation service on the quality of service. The factors influencing the formation of animation services are analysed in the article; the main functions and trends of animation activity are highlighted; the ways of introducing animation programs into the domestic tourism activity are identified. The tourism industry development in the general infrastructure of the hospitality industry will help solve various problems: upbringing, culture developing, strength-recreating, mood raising, creating a unique recreation program to attract more guests

    Analysis of mechanisms of effective use of resources in enterprises of machine-building branch

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    У статті проведено аналіз механізмів ресурсозбереження підприємств машинобудівної галузі. Запропоновано альтернативні механізми ефективного використання ресурсів

    The main technical and economic parameters of instrumental self-established tool blocks with elastic links

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    тези доповідіПредставлено основні техніко-економічні показники самоустановлювальних інструментальних блоків з пружними зв’язками. Доведено ефективність використання інструментів адаптивного типу за рахунок підвищення техніко-економічних показників.Presented key technical and economic indices of instrumental self- established blocks with elastic links. Proved the efficiency of adaptive tools such as through raising the technical and economic indicators

    Організаційно-економічний механізм управління раціональним використанням ресурсів

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    The article, based on analysis of existing mechanisms, proposed an effective organizational and economic mechanism of rational use of resources that will effectively utilize available resources in the enterprise. У статті, на основі аналізу існуючих механізмів, запропоновано дієвий організаційно-економічний механізм управління раціональним використанням ресурсів, який дозволить ефективно використовувати наявні ресурси підприємства