143 research outputs found

    Tensor-based Nonlinear Classifier for High-Order Data Analysis

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    In this paper we propose a tensor-based nonlinear model for high-order data classification. The advantages of the proposed scheme are that (i) it significantly reduces the number of weight parameters, and hence of required training samples, and (ii) it retains the spatial structure of the input samples. The proposed model, called \textit{Rank}-1 FNN, is based on a modification of a feedforward neural network (FNN), such that its weights satisfy the {\it rank}-1 canonical decomposition. We also introduce a new learning algorithm to train the model, and we evaluate the \textit{Rank}-1 FNN on third-order hyperspectral data. Experimental results and comparisons indicate that the proposed model outperforms state of the art classification methods, including deep learning based ones, especially in cases with small numbers of available training samples.Comment: To appear in IEEE ICASSP 2018. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0816

    Automatic 3D modeling and reconstruction of cultural heritage sites from Twitter images

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    This paper presents an approach for leveraging the abundance of images posted on social media like Twitter for large scale 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage landmarks. Twitter allows users to post short messages, including photos, describing a plethora of activities or events, e.g., tweets are used by travelers on vacation, capturing images from various cultural heritage assets. As such, a great number of images are available online, able to drive a successful 3D reconstruction process. However, reconstruction of any asset, based on images mined from Twitter, presents several challenges. There are three main steps that have to be considered: (i) tweets’ content identification, (ii) image retrieval and filtering, and (iii) 3D reconstruction. The proposed approach first extracts key events from unstructured tweet messages and then identifies cultural activities and landmarks. The second stage is the application of a content-based filtering method so that only a small but representative portion of cultural images are selected to support fast 3D reconstruction. The proposed methods are experimentally evaluated using real-world data and comparisons verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.peer-reviewe

    Stacked Autoencoders for Outlier Detection in Over-the-Horizon Radar Signals

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    Detection of outliers in radar signals is a considerable challenge in maritime surveillance applications. High-Frequency Surface-Wave (HFSW) radars have attracted significant interest as potential tools for long-range target identification and outlier detection at over-the-horizon (OTH) distances. However, a number of disadvantages, such as their low spatial resolution and presence of clutter, have a negative impact on their accuracy. In this paper, we explore the applicability of deep learning techniques for detecting deviations from the norm in behavioral patterns of vessels (outliers) as they are tracked from an OTH radar. The proposed methodology exploits the nonlinear mapping capabilities of deep stacked autoencoders in combination with density-based clustering. A comparative experimental evaluation of the approach shows promising results in terms of the proposed methodology’s performance

    Automatic detection of Ionospheric Alfvén Resonances in magnetic spectrograms using U-net

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    Ionospheric Alfven Resonances (IARs) are weak discrete non-stationary Alfven waves along magnetic field lines, at periods of ~0.5-20 Hz, that occur during local night-time, particularly during low geomagnetic activity. They are detectable through time-frequency analysis (spectrograms) of measurements made by sensitive search coil magnetometers. The IARs are generated by the interaction of electromagnetic energy partially trapped in the Earth-ionosphere cavity with the main geomagnetic field and their behavior provides proxy information about atmospheric ion density between 100-1000 km altitude. Limited methods exist to automatically detect and analyse their properties and behavior as they are difficult to extract using standard image and signal processing techniques. We present a new method for the detection of IARs based on the fully convolutional neural network U-net. U-net was chosen as it is able to perform accurate image segmentation and it can be trained in a supervised fashion on a relatively small labeled dataset utilizing data augmentation. We show that the resulting predictive model generated by training the U-net is able to detect IAR signals while mislabelling considerably less noise than other data analysis methods. We achieved our best results by using a training set of 178 hand-digitized examples from high-quality spectrograms measured at the Eskdalemuir Geophysical Observatory (UK). We find that the network converges in ten iterations with a final intersection over union (IoU) metric of 0.9 and a training loss of below 0.2. We use the trained network to extract IARs from over 2300 images, covering six years of search coil magnetometer data measured at the Eskdalemuir Observatory. U-net can also automatically handle missing data or days without IARs, giving a null result as expected. This constitutes the first use of a neural network for pattern recognition of unstructured image data such as spectrograms containing IAR signals, though the method is applicable to other types of resonances or geophysical features in the time-frequency domain
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