41 research outputs found

    A note on the efficiency of position mechanisms with budget constraints

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    We study the social efficiency of several well-known mechanisms for the allocation of a set of available (advertising) positions to a set of competing budget-constrained users (advertisers). Specifically, we focus on the Generalized Second Price auction (GSP), the Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechanism (VCG) and the Expressive Generalized First Price auction (EGFP). Using liquid welfare as our efficiency benchmark, we prove a tight bound of 2 on the liquid price of anarchy and stability of these mechanisms for pure Nash equilibria

    Simple combinatorial auctions with budget constraints

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    We study the efficiency of simple combinatorial auctions for the allocation of a set of items to a set of agents, with private subadditive valuation functions and budget constraints. The class we consider includes all auctions that allocate each item independently to the agent that submits the highest bid for it, and requests a payment that depends on the bids of all agents only for this item. Two well-known examples of this class are the simultaneous first and second price auctions. We focus on the pure equilibria of the induced strategic games, and using the liquid welfare as our efficiency benchmark, we show an upper bound of 2 on the price of anarchy for any auction in this class, as well as a tight corresponding lower bound on the price of stability for all auctions whose payment rules are convex combinations of the bids. This implies a tight bound of 2 on the price of stability of the well-known simultaneous first and second price auctions, which are members of the class. Additionally, we show lower bounds for the whole class, for more complex auctions (like VCG), and for settings where the budgets are assumed to be common knowledge rather than private information

    Adaptive wireless power transfer in mobile ad hoc networks

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    We investigate the interesting impact of mobility on the problem of efficient wireless power transfer in ad hoc networks. We consider a set of mobile agents (consuming energy to perform certain sensing and communication tasks), and a single static charger (with finite energy) which can recharge the agents when they get in its range. In particular, we focus on the problem of efficiently computing the appropriate range of the charger with the goal of prolonging the network lifetime. We first demonstrate (under the realistic assumption of fixed energy supplies) the limitations of any fixed charging range and, therefore, the need for (and power of) a dynamic selection of the charging range, by adapting to the behavior of the mobile agents which is revealed in an online manner. We investigate the complexity of optimizing the selection of such an adaptive charging range, by showing that two simplified offline optimization problems (closely related to the online one) are NP-hard. To effectively address the involved performance trade-offs, we finally present a variety of adaptive heuristics, assuming different levels of agent information regarding their mobility and energy

    Envy-freeness in house allocation problems

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    We consider the house allocation problem, where m houses are to be assigned to n agents so that each agent gets exactly one house. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that determines whether an envy-free assignment exists, and if so, computes one such assignment. We also show that an envy-free assignment exists with high probability if the number of houses exceeds the number of agents by a logarithmic factor

    Bounding the inefficiency of compromise

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    Social networks on the Internet have seen an enormous growth recently and play a crucial role in different aspects of today's life. They have facilitated information dissemination in ways that have been beneficial for their users but they are often used strategically in order to spread information that only serves the objectives of particular users. These properties have inspired a revision of classical opinion formation models from sociology using game-theoretic notions and tools. We follow the same modeling approach, focusing on scenarios where the opinion expressed by each user is a compromise between her internal belief and the opinions of a small number of neighbors among her social acquaintances. We formulate simple games that capture this behavior and quantify the inefficiency of equilibria using the well-known notion of the price of anarchy. Our results indicate that compromise comes at a cost that strongly depends on the neighborhood size

    Aggregating partial rankings with applications to peer grading in massive online open courses

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    We investigate the potential of using ordinal peer grading for the evaluation of students in massive online open courses (MOOCs). According to such grading schemes, each student receives a few assignments (by other students) which she has to rank. Then, a global ranking (possibly translated into numerical scores) is produced by combining the individual ones. This is a novel application area for social choice concepts and methods where the important problem to be solved is as follows: how should the assignments be distributed so that the collected individual rankings can be easily merged into a global one that is as close as possible to the ranking that represents the relative performance of the students in the assignment? Our main theoretical result suggests that using very simple ways to distribute the assignments so that each student has to rank only k of them, a Borda-like aggregation method can recover a 1 - O(1/k) fraction of the true ranking when each student correctly ranks the assignments she receives. Experimental results strengthen our analysis further and also demonstrate that the same method is extremely robust even when students have imperfect capabilities as graders. Our results provide strong evidence that ordinal peer grading cam be a highly effective and scalable solution for evaluation in MOOCs

    Truthful Interval Covering

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    We initiate the study of a novel problem in mechanism design without money, which we term Truthful Interval Covering (TIC). An instance of TIC consists of a set of agents each associated with an individual interval on a line, and the objective is to decide where to place a covering interval to minimize the total social cost of the agents, which is determined by the intersection of this interval with their individual ones. This fundamental problem can model situations of provisioning a public good, such as the use of power generators to prevent or mitigate load shedding in developing countries. In the strategic version of the problem, the agents wish to minimize their individual costs, and might misreport the position and/or length of their intervals to achieve that. Our goal is to design truthful mechanisms to prevent such strategic misreports and achieve good approximations to the best possible social cost. We consider the fundamental setting of known intervals with equal lengths and provide tight bounds on the approximation ratios achieved by truthful deterministic mechanisms. We also design a randomized truthful mechanism that outperforms all possible deterministic ones. Finally, we highlight a plethora of natural extensions of our model for future work, as well as some natural limitations of those settings

    On Truthful Constrained Heterogeneous Facility Location with Max-Variant Cost

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    We consider a problem where agents have private positions on a line, and public approval preferences over two facilities, and their cost is the maximum distance from their approved facilities. The goal is to decide the facility locations to minimize the total and the max cost, while incentivizing the agents to be truthful. We design a strategyproof mechanism that is simultaneously 11- and 5-approximate for these two objective functions, thus improving the previously best-known bounds of 2n+1 and 9