486 research outputs found
County-Specific Net Migration by Five-Year Age Groups, Hispanic Origin, Race and Sex 2000-2010
This report documents the methodology used to prepare county-level, net migration estimates by five-year age cohorts and sex, and by race and Hispanic origin, for the intercensal period from 2000 to 2010. The estimates were prepared using a vital statistics version of the forward cohort residual method (Siegel and Hamilton 1952) following the techniques used to prepare the 1990 to 2000 net migration estimates (Voss, McNiven, Johnson, Hammer, and Fuguitt 2004) as described in detail below. These numbers (and the net migration rates derivable from them) extend the set of decennial estimates of net migration that have been produced following each decennial census beginning with 1960 (net migration for the 1950s: Bowles and Tarver, 1965; 1960s: Bowles, Beale and Lee, 1975; 1970s: White, Mueser and Tierney, 1987; 1980s: Fuguitt, Beale, and Voss 2010; and 1990s: Voss, McNiven, Hammer, Johnson and Fuguitt, 2004)
The role of seawater constituents in light backscattering in the ocean
The significance of light backscattering in the ocean is wide ranging, especially in optical remote sensing. However, the complexity of natural seawater as an optical medium often obscures the measured optical signals to the point that our present-day interpretation and detailed understanding of major sources of backscattering and its variability in the ocean are uncertain and controversial. Here we review the roles played by various seawater constituents in light backscattering and we address a question of \u27missing\u27 backscattering. Historically, this question has resulted from a hypothesis that under non-bloom conditions in the open ocean, phytoplankton make a significantly smaller contribution to the particulate backscattering coefficient than to the particulate (total) scattering coefficient. By discussing the backscattering properties and potential contributions of the various water constituents (colloids, bacteria, phytoplankton, biogenic detritus, minerogenic particles, bubbles), we show that due to substantial variability in water composition, different types of constituents can explain the \u27missing\u27 backscattering. Under typical non-bloom conditions in the open ocean, the small-sized non-living particles appear to be the most important because of their high abundance relative to other particle types. These particles are believed to be primarily of organic origin but an important role of minerogenic particles cannot be excluded. Still, in the very clear ocean water the backscattering by water molecules themselves can contribute as much as 80% to the total backscattering coefficient in the blue spectral region. The general scenario of the dominance of molecules and small-sized particles can, however, be readily perturbed due to changes in local conditions. For example, bubbles entrained by breaking waves can intermittently dominate the backscattering at shallow depths below the sea surface, the calcifying phytoplankton (coccolithophores) producing calcite scales of high refractive index can dominate if present in sufficient concentration, and other plankton species can dominate during blooms. The role of phytoplankton could be generally greater than commonly assumed given the fact that real cells backscatter more light than predicted from homogeneous sphere models. In addition, high refractive index mineral particles can dominate in many coastal areas, and perhaps also in some open ocean areas during events of atmospheric dust deposition. It is likely that the different scenarios are quite widespread and frequent. Further improvements in quantitative understanding of the variability in light backscattering and its sources require an increased effort in basic research to better characterize the optical properties of the various seawater constituents and the variability in the detailed composition of seawater. Seawater is a complex optical medium containing a great variety of particle types and soluble species that vary in concentration and composition with time and location in the ocean, so ocean optics science must progress beyond the traditional overly simplified description, which has been based only on a few constituent categories defined broadly as molecular water, suspended particles (phytoplankton and non-algal particles), and dissolved organic matter. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Spectral Reflectance of Whitecaps: Instrumentation, Calibration, and Performance in Coastal Waters
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Toward closure of the inherent optical properties of natural waters
A fundamental relationship of inherent optical properties (IOP) is that the
beam attenuation coefficient is the sum of the volume absorption and scattering
coefficients (c = a + b). A relative calibration of a set of instruments can be provided
using this IOP closure equation. Measurement of the true beam attenuation coefficient
c is not practical as all attenuation instrumentation has some finite acceptance angle in
which scattered light is collected. We provide a theoretical framework for measuring
the attenuation and scattering coefficients in a consistent manner. Using this
framework, we provide a practical version of the IOP closure equation. We apply the
practical IOP closure equation to measurements made at Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, in
the spring of 1992. Results of this IOP closure indicate that the practical closure
equation is a useful approach. Closure was achieved during some measurement sets but
not at others. The intermittent lack of closure may be due to the method of
determining the scattering coefficient from the general angle scattering meter or that the
calibration of at least one of the instruments drifted during the time of the experiment
A review of protocols for fiducial reference measurements of water-leaving radiance for validation of satellite remote-sensing data over water
© 2019 by the authors. This paper reviews the state of the art of protocols for measurement of water-leaving radiance in the context of fiducial reference measurements (FRM) of water reflectance for satellite validation. Measurement of water reflectance requires the measurement of water-leaving radiance and downwelling irradiance just above water. For the former there are four generic families of method, based on: (1) underwater radiometry at fixed depths; or (2) underwater radiometry with vertical profiling; or (3) above-water radiometry with skyglint correction; or (4) on-water radiometry with skylight blocked. Each method is described generically in the FRM context with reference to the measurement equation, documented implementations and the intra-method diversity of deployment platform and practice. Ideal measurement conditions are stated, practical recommendations are provided on best practice and guidelines for estimating the measurement uncertainty are provided for each protocol-related component of the measurement uncertainty budget. The state of the art for measurement of water-leaving radiance is summarized, future perspectives are outlined, and the question of which method is best adapted to various circumstances (water type, wavelength) is discussed. This review is based on practice and papers of the aquatic optics community for the validation of water reflectance estimated from satellite data but can be relevant also for other applications such as the development or validation of algorithms for remote-sensing estimation of water constituents including chlorophyll a concentration, inherent optical properties and related products
A Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of Water-Leaving Radiance for Validation of Satellite Remote-Sensing Data over Water
This paper reviews the state of the art of protocols for measurement of water-leaving radiance in the context of fiducial reference measurements (FRM) of water reflectance for satellite validation. Measurement of water reflectance requires the measurement of water-leaving radiance and downwelling irradiance just above water. For the former there are four generic families of method, based on: (1) underwater radiometry at fixed depths; or (2) underwater radiometry with vertical profiling; or (3) above-water radiometry with skyglint correction; or (4) on-water radiometry with skylight blocked. Each method is described generically in the FRM context with reference to the measurement equation, documented implementations and the intra-method diversity of deployment platform and practice. Ideal measurement conditions are stated, practical recommendations are provided on best practice and guidelines for estimating the measurement uncertainty are provided for each protocol-related component of the measurement uncertainty budget. The state of the art for measurement of water-leaving radiance is summarized, future perspectives are outlined, and the question of which method is best adapted to various circumstances (water type, wavelength) is discussed. This review is based on practice and papers of the aquatic optics community for the validation of water reflectance estimated from satellite data but can be relevant also for other applications such as the development or validation of algorithms for remote-sensing estimation of water constituents including chlorophyll a concentration, inherent optical properties and related products
A review of protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of downwelling irradiance for the validation of satellite remote sensing data over water
This paper reviews the state of the art of protocols for the measurement of downwelling irradiance in the context of Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) of water reflectance for satellite validation. The measurement of water reflectance requires the measurement of water-leaving radiance and downwelling irradiance just above water. For the latter, there are four generic families of method, using: (1) an above-water upward-pointing irradiance sensor; (2) an above-water downward-pointing radiance sensor and a reflective plaque; (3) a Sun-pointing radiance sensor (sunphotometer); or (4) an underwater upward-pointing irradiance sensor deployed at different depths. Each method-except for the fourth, which is considered obsolete for the measurement of above-water downwelling irradiance-is described generically in the FRM context with reference to the measurement equation, documented implementations, and the intra-method diversity of deployment platform and practice. Ideal measurement conditions are stated, practical recommendations are provided on best practice, and guidelines for estimating the measurement uncertainty are provided for each protocol-related component of the measurement uncertainty budget. The state of the art for the measurement of downwelling irradiance is summarized, future perspectives are outlined, and key debates such as the use of reflectance plaques with calibrated or uncalibrated radiometers are presented. This review is based on the practice and studies of the aquatic optics community and the validation of water reflectance, but is also relevant to land radiation monitoring and the validation of satellite-derived land surface reflectance
European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA): A Contribution to the Design of the European Copernicus Infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration
In the context of the Copernicus Program, EUMETSAT prioritizes the creation of an ocean color infrastructure for system vicarious calibration (OC-SVC). This work aims to reply to this need by proposing the European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA). EURYBIA is designed as an autonomous European infrastructure operating within the Marine Optical Network (MarONet) established by University of Miami (Miami, FL, USA) based on the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) experience and NASA support. MarONet addresses SVC requirements in different sites, consistently and in a traceable way. The selected EURYBIA installation is close to the Lampedusa Island in the central Mediterranean Sea. This area is widely studied and hosts an Atmospheric and Oceanographic Observatory for long-term climate monitoring. The EURYBIA field segment comprises off-shore and on-shore infrastructures to manage the observation system and perform routine sensors calibrations. The ground segment includes the telemetry center for data communication and the processing center to compute data products and uncertainty budgets. The study shows that the overall uncertainty of EURYBIA SVC gains computed for the Sentinel-3 OLCI mission under EUMETSAT protocols is of about 0.05% in the blue-green wavelengths after a decade of measurements, similar to that of the reference site in Hawaii and in compliance with requirements for climate studies
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European radiometry buoy and infrastructure (EURYBIA): A contribution to the design of the European copernicus infrastructure for ocean colour system vicarious calibration
In the context of the Copernicus Program, EUMETSAT prioritizes the creation of an ocean color infrastructure for system vicarious calibration (OC-SVC). This work aims to reply to this need by proposing the European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA). EURYBIA is designed as an autonomous European infrastructure operating within the Marine Optical Network (MarONet) established by University of Miami (Miami, FL, USA) based on the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) experience and NASA support. MarONet addresses SVC requirements in different sites, consistently and in a traceable way. The selected EURYBIA installation is close to the Lampedusa Island in the central Mediterranean Sea. This area is widely studied and hosts an Atmospheric and Oceanographic Observatory for long-term climate monitoring. The EURYBIA field segment comprises off-shore and on-shore infrastructures to manage the observation system and perform routine sensors calibrations. The ground segment includes the telemetry center for data communication and the processing center to compute data products and uncertainty budgets. The study shows that the overall uncertainty of EURYBIA SVC gains computed for the Sentinel-3 OLCI mission under EUMETSAT protocols is of about 0.05% in the blue-green wavelengths after a decade of measurements, similar to that of the reference site in Hawaii and in compliance with requirements for climate studies
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Wrinkling of the facings of sandwich construction subjected to edgewise compression : sandwich constructions having honeycomb cores
This report is one of a series issued in cooperation with the Air Force-Navy-Civil Subcommittee on Aircraft Design Criteria under the supervision of the Aircraft Committee of the Munitions Board
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