15,512 research outputs found

    Characterization of the anticipated synchronization regime in the coupled FitzHugh--Nagumo model for neurons

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    We characterize numerically the regime of anticipated synchronization in the coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo model for neurons. We consider two neurons, coupled unidirectionally (in a master-slave configuration), subject to the same random external forcing and with a recurrent inhibitory delayed connection in the slave neuron. We show that the scheme leads to anticipated synchronization, a regime in which the slave neuron fires the same train of pulses as the master neuron, but earlier in time. We characterize the synchronization in the parameter space (coupling strength, anticipation time) and introduce several quantities to measure the degree of synchronization.Comment: 8 pages. Proceedings of the conference on "Stochastic Systems: From Randomness to"Complexit

    The identification of continuous, spatiotemporal systems

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    We present a method for the identification of continuous, spatiotemporal dynamics from experimental data. We use a model in the form of a partial differential equation and formulate an optimization problem for its estimation from data. The solution is found as a multivariate nonlinear regression problem using the ACE-algorithm. The procedure is successfully applied to data, obtained by simulation of the Swift-Hohenberg equation. There are no restrictions on the dimensionality of the investigated system, allowing for the analysis of high-dimensional chaotic as well as transient dynamics. The demands on the experimental data are discussed as well as the sensitivity of the method towards noise

    Feeding ecology of sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus W.) larvae in the German Bight, North Sea

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    The abundance of the sardine in the North Sea suddenly increased after 1995. Since 2002, the sardine has been spawning regularly in the German Bight, and all its life stages can be found in the area. The larval feeding ecology of two small pelagic clupeiform species with very similar life histories was investigated, the particular aim being to determine signs of food overlap. The distribution and feeding of sprat and sardine larvae were investigated during late spring 2003 on two transects covering a wide range of environmental conditions in the German Bight. Larvae co-occurred at all the stations investigated. Sprat and sardine larvae shared a wide range of prey types. Gut fullness and feeding success were similar in both species; however, potential food competition is avoided to some extent by different habitat preferences

    Analysis of SPDEs Arising in Path Sampling Part I: The Gaussian Case

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    In many applications it is important to be able to sample paths of SDEs conditional on observations of various kinds. This paper studies SPDEs which solve such sampling problems. The SPDE may be viewed as an infinite dimensional analogue of the Langevin SDE used in finite dimensional sampling. Here the theory is developed for conditioned Gaussian processes for which the resulting SPDE is linear. Applications include the Kalman-Bucy filter/smoother. A companion paper studies the nonlinear case, building on the linear analysis provided here

    Measurements of Penetration and Detoxification of PS II Herbicides in Whole Leaves by a Fluorometric Method

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    The effect of herbicides that inhibit the photosynthetic electron transport at the photosystem II acceptor side has been analyzed in whole plants by using a fluorometric method. The data reported indicate that the apparent variable fluorescence of the induction curve normalized to the control value provides reliable information about the penetration rate and metabolic detoxification of PS II herbicides in whole plants

    GABAergic compensation in connexin36 knock-out mice evident during low-magnesium seizure-like event activity

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    Gap junctions within the cerebral cortex may facilitate cortical seizure formation by their ability to synchronize electrical activity. To investigate this, one option is to compare wild-type (WT) animals with those lacking the gene for connexin36 (Cx36 KO); the protein that forms neuronal gap junctions between cortical inhibitory cells. However, genetically modified knock-out animals may exhibit compensatory effects; with the risk that observed differences between WT and Cx36 KO animals could be erroneously attributed to Cx36 gap junction effects. In this study we investigated the effect of GABAA-receptor modulation (augmentation with 16 μM etomidate and blockade with 100 μM picrotoxin) on low-magnesium seizure-like events (SLEs) in mouse cortical slices. In WT slices, picrotoxin enhanced both the amplitude (49% increase, p = 0.0006) and frequency (37% increase, p = 0.005) of SLEs; etomidate also enhanced SLE amplitude (18% increase, p = 0.003) but reduced event frequency (25% decrease, p < 0.0001). In Cx36 KO slices, the frequency effects of etomidate and picrotoxin were preserved, but the amplitude responses were abolished. Pre-treatment with the gap junction blocker mefloquin in WT slices did not significantly alter the drug responses, indicating that the reduction in amplitude seen in the Cx36 KO mice was not primarily mediated by their lack of interneuronal gap junctions, but was rather due to pre-existing compensatory changes in these animals. Conclusions from studies comparing seizure characteristics between WT and Cx36 KO mice must be viewed with a degree of caution because of the possible confounding effect of compensatory neurophysiological changes in the genetically modified animals

    A rocket-borne electrostatic analyzer for measurement of energetic particle flux

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    A rocket-borne electrostatic analyzer experiment is described. It is used to measure energetic particle flux (0.9 to 14 keV) in the nighttime midlatitude E region. Energetic particle precipitation is believed to be a significant nighttime ionization source, particularly during times of high geomagnetic activity. The experiment was designed for use in the payload of a Nike Apache sounding rocket. The electrostatic analyzer employs two cylindrical parallel plates subtending a central angle of 90 deg. The voltage waveform supplied to the plates is a series of steps synchronized to the spin of the payload during flight. Both positive and negative voltages are provided, extending the detection capabilities of the instrument to both electrons and protons (and positive ions). The development, construction and operation of the instrument is described together with a preliminary evaluation of its performance in a rocket flight