299 research outputs found

    Does the Constitution Provide More Ballot Access Protection for Presidential Elections Than for U.S. House Elections?

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    Both the U.S. Constitution and The Federalist Papers suggest that voters ought to have more freedom to vote for the candidate of their choice for the U.S. House of Representatives than they do for the President or the U.S. Senate. Yet, strangely, for the last thirty-three years, the U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts have ruled that the Constitution gives voters more freedom to vote for the candidate of their choice in presidential elections than in congressional elections. Also, state legislatures, which have been writing ballot access laws since 1888, have passed laws that make it easier for minor-party and independent candidates to get on the ballot for President than for the U.S. House. As a result, voters in virtually every state invariably have far more choices on their general election ballots for the President than they do for the House. This Article argues that the right of a voter to vote for someone other than a Democrat or a Republican for the House is just as important as a voter’s right to do so for President, and that courts should grant more ballot access protection to minor-party and independent candidates for the House

    A comparison of forward and backward pp pair knockout in 3He(e,e'pp)n

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    Measuring nucleon-nucleon Short Range Correlations (SRC) has been a goal of the nuclear physics community for many years. They are an important part of the nuclear wavefunction, accounting for almost all of the high-momentum strength. They are closely related to the EMC effect. While their overall probability has been measured, measuring their momentum distributions is more difficult. In order to determine the best configuration for studying SRC momentum distributions, we measured the 3^3He(e,eâ€Čpp)n(e,e'pp)n reaction, looking at events with high momentum protons (pp>0.35p_p > 0.35 GeV/c) and a low momentum neutron (pn<0.2p_n< 0.2 GeV/c). We examined two angular configurations: either both protons emitted forward or one proton emitted forward and one backward (with respect to the momentum transfer, q⃗\vec q). The measured relative momentum distribution of the events with one forward and one backward proton was much closer to the calculated initial-state pppp relative momentum distribution, indicating that this is the preferred configuration for measuring SRC.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys Rev C. Version 2 incorporates minor corrections in response to referee comment

    Target and beam-target spin asymmetries in exclusive pion electroproduction for Q2>1GeV2 . I. ep→eπ+n

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    Beam-target double-spin asymmetries and target single-spin asymmetries were measured for the exclusive π + electroproduction reaction Îł ∗ p → n π + . The results were obtained from scattering of 6-GeV longitudinally polarized electrons off longitudinally polarized protons using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory. The kinematic range covered is 1.1 &lt; W &lt; 3 GeV and 1 &lt; Q 2 &lt; 6 GeV 2 . Results were obtained for about 6000 bins in W ,   Q 2 ,   cos ( Ξ ∗ ) , and ϕ ∗ . Except at forward angles, very large target-spin asymmetries are observed over the entire W region. Reasonable agreement is found with phenomenological fits to previous data for W &lt; 1.6 GeV, but very large differences are seen at higher values of W . A generalized parton distributions (GPD)-based model is in poor agreement with the data. When combined with cross-sectional measurements, the present results provide powerful constraints on nucleon resonance amplitudes at moderate and large values of Q 2 , for resonances with masses as high as 2.4 GeV

    Compton Scattering Cross Section on the Proton at High Momentum Transfer

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    Cross-section values for Compton scattering on the proton were measured at 25 kinematic settings over the range s = 5-11 and -t = 2-7 GeV2 with statistical accuracy of a few percent. The scaling power for the s-dependence of the cross section at fixed center of mass angle was found to be 8.0 +/ 0.2, strongly inconsistent with the prediction of perturbative QCD. The observed cross-section values are in fair agreement with the calculations using the handbag mechanism, in which the external photons couple to a single quark.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The Heavy Photon Search test detector

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    The Heavy Photon Search (HPS), an experiment to search for a hidden sector photon in fixed target electroproduction, is preparing for installation at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) in the Fall of 2014. As the first stage of this project, the HPS Test Run apparatus was constructed and operated in 2012 to demonstrate the experimentŚłs technical feasibility and to confirm that the trigger rates and occupancies are as expected. This paper describes the HPS Test Run apparatus and readout electronics and its performance. In this setting, a heavy photon can be identified as a narrow peak in the e+e− invariant mass spectrum above the trident background or as a narrow invariant mass peak with a decay vertex displaced from the production target, so charged particle tracking and vertexing are needed for its detection. In the HPS Test Run, charged particles are measured with a compact forward silicon microstrip tracker inside a dipole magnet. Electromagnetic showers are detected in a PbW04 crystal calorimeter situated behind the magnet, and are used to trigger the experiment and identify electrons and positrons. Both detectors are placed close to the beam line and split top-bottom. This arrangement provides sensitivity to low-mass heavy photons, allows clear passage of the unscattered beam, and avoids the spray of degraded electrons coming from the target. The discrimination between prompt and displaced e+e− pairs requires the first layer of silicon sensors be placed only 10 cm downstream of the target. The expected signal is small, and the trident background huge, so the experiment requires very large statistics. Accordingly, the HPS Test Run utilizes high-rate readout and data acquisition electronics and a fast trigger to exploit the essentially 100% duty cycle of the CEBAF accelerator at JLab

    Determination of the proton spin structure functions for 0.05 \u3c Q(2) \u3c 5GeV(2) using CLAS

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    We present the results of our final analysis of the full data set of g(1)(p) (Q(2)), the spin structure function of the proton, collected using CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory in 2000-2001. Polarized electrons with energies of 1.6, 2.5, 4.2, and 5.7 GeV were scattered from proton targets ((NH3)-N-15 dynamically polarized along the beam direction) and detected with CLAS. From the measured double spin asymmetries, we extracted virtual photon asymmetries A(1)(p) and A(2)(p) and spin structure functions g(1)(p) and g(2)(p) over a wide kinematic range (0.05 GeV2 \u3c Q(2) \u3c 5 GeV2 and 1.08 GeV\u3c W \u3c 3 GeV) and calculated moments of g(1)(p). We compare our final results with various theoretical models and expectations, as well as with parametrizations of the world data. Our data, with their precision and dense kinematic coverage, are able to constrain fits of polarized parton distributions, test pQCD predictions for quark polarizations at large x, offer a better understanding of quark-hadron duality, and provide more precise values of higher twist matrix elements in the framework of the operator product expansion

    Measurement of Exclusive π0\pi^0 Electroproduction Structure Functions and their Relationship to Transversity GPDs

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    Exclusive π0\pi^0 electroproduction at a beam energy of 5.75 GeV has been measured with the Jefferson Lab CLAS spectrometer. Differential cross sections were measured at more than 1800 kinematic values in Q2Q^2, xBx_B, tt, and ϕπ\phi_\pi, in the Q2Q^2 range from 1.0 to 4.6 GeV2^2,\ −t-t up to 2 GeV2^2, and xBx_B from 0.1 to 0.58. Structure functions σT+ϔσL,σTT\sigma_T +\epsilon \sigma_L, \sigma_{TT} and σLT\sigma_{LT} were extracted as functions of tt for each of 17 combinations of Q2Q^2 and xBx_B. The data were compared directly with two handbag-based calculations including both longitudinal and transversity GPDs. Inclusion of only longitudinal GPDs very strongly underestimates σT+ϔσL\sigma_T +\epsilon \sigma_L and fails to account for σTT\sigma_{TT} and σLT\sigma_{LT}, while inclusion of transversity GPDs brings the calculations into substantially better agreement with the data. There is very strong sensitivity to the relative contributions of nucleon helicity flip and helicity non-flip processes. The results confirm that exclusive π0\pi^0 electroproduction offers direct experimental access to the transversity GPDs.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Measurement of the nuclear multiplicity ratio for Ks0K^0_s hadronization at CLAS

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    The influence of cold nuclear matter on lepto-production of hadrons in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering is measured using the CLAS detector in Hall B at Jefferson Lab and a 5.014 GeV electron beam. We report the Ks0K_s^0 multiplicity ratios for targets of C, Fe, and Pb relative to deuterium as a function of the fractional virtual photon energy zz transferred to the Ks0K_s^0 and the transverse momentum squared pT2p_{T}^2 of the Ks0K_s^0. We find that the multiplicity ratios for Ks0K^0_s are reduced in the nuclear medium at high zz and low pT2p_{T}^2, with a trend for the Ks0K^0_s transverse momentum to be broadened in the nucleus for large pT2p_{T}^2.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Cross sections for the γp→K*+Λ and γp→K*+Σ0 reactions measured at CLAS

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    The first high-statistics cross sections for the reactions γp→K*+Λ and γp→K*+Σ0 were measured using the CLAS detector at photon energies between threshold and 3.9 GeV at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. Differential cross sections are presented over the full range of the center-of-mass angles, and then fitted to Legendre polynomials to extract the total cross section. Results for the K*+Λ final state are compared with two different calculations in an isobar and a Regge model, respectively. Theoretical calculations significantly underestimate the K*+Λ total cross sections between 2.1 and 2.6 GeV, but are in better agreement with present data at higher photon energies
