40 research outputs found

    Pragmalinguistic Aspect of Interrogative Speech Acts in Discourse of “Rig Veda”

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    The interrogative speech acts presented in the linguistic material of the “Rig Veda” — one of the most ancient and culturally significant works that were a manifestation of ritual and mythological discourse, are researched. The language of Vedic texts is considered from the standpoint of the functional approach as a pragmatic system for which such communicative characteristics as intentions and illocutionary power of utterances are relevant. The system of norms and ideas that govern speech activity in the Vedic ritual interaction is taken into account. It has been proven that interrogative speech acts are one of the most important pragmatic elements of this type of discourse. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that all the interrogative structures of the monument extracted as a result of a continuous sampling are studied for the first time from the point of view of pragmatics, taking into account communicative intentions. Various types of questions are described and analyzed, including interrogative constants, interrogative directives, including questions with secondary illocution, as well as proper interrogative sentences. The author comes to the conclusion that, in addition to non-specific pragmatics for a given linguistic material, interrogative sentences in the text of the Rig Veda contribute to the realization of the magic-incantatory function of speech. The results are valuable both for studying the named type of discourse and for clarifying the understanding of the text of the monument and Vedic culture as a whole

    Modern scaffolding strategies based on naturally pre-fabricated 3D biomaterials of poriferan origin

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    Modern scaffolding strategies include two key ways: to produce requested 3D constructs from corresponding precursors using technological tools, or simply use naturally already pre-fabricated scaffolds if they originate from renewable sources. Marine sponges inhabit oceans since the Precambrian. These ancient multicellular organisms possess a broad variety of evolutionary approved and ready to use skeletal structures, which seem to be well applicable as 3D scaffolds in diverse fields of modern bioinspired materials science, biomimetics and regenerative medicine. In this review, most attention is paid to biosilica-, chitin-, and spongin-based scaffolds of poriferan origin with respect to their potential use. © 2020, The Author(s).Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: HE 394–3Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, MNiSW: 0912/SBAD/2006PPN/BEK/2018/1/00071Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFGSächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, SMWK: 02010311This work was financially supported by German Research Foundation (DFG) grant HE 394–3, SMWK Project 02010311 (Germany) and subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland to PUT (no. 0912/SBAD/2006). M.W. is thankful for financial support from Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (PPN/BEK/2018/1/00071)


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    This review attempts to summarize the available data concerning the influence of viruses on the generation of the cellular genome coding genes content. For a long time endogenous retroviruses have been considered as selfish elements of the organism genome. But now there is growing evidence that endogenous retroviruses are more than genome junk and can serve as source for new coding sequences allowing organism evolution. Many genes derived from retroviruses have been identified in eukaryote through comparative genomics and functional analyses. In particular, genes derived from gag structural protein and envelope (env) genes, as well as from the integrase-coding and protease-coding sequences, have been identified in humans and other vertebrates. It has been proved that a number of these genes fulfill essential functions for the development and survival of their host. One of the best known co-opted retroviral genes encoded syncytin plays a key role in the placenta development. It is interesting that during mammalian evolution retroviral envelope genes have been domesticated several times independently to generate syncytin. The activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein Arc is important for cognitive functions and memory formation. Arc was one of over 100 human proteins that have been ‘‘domesticated’’ from the retrotransposon remains of ancient viruses. A number of genes that code the transcription factors have emerged as a result of “taming” the viral genes by the host organism. Now growing evidence reveals that not only retroviruses but other RNA viruses are reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of infected cells. It has been recently demonstrated that all Homo sapiens bornavirus like nucleoproteins (EBLN) are expressed in at least one tissue and consequently may have function.The co-option of the viral sequences not only can lead to the major evolutionary innovations, but also is able to create interspecies polymorphism.What it has been described here is probably only the tip of the iceberg, and future genome analyses will certainly uncover new virus-derived genes


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    Experimental study the effect of antibiotics (amoksatsyllin/clavulanat, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin) to process formation of biofilms MSSA and MRSA strains of staphylococcus and their effect on the already established «mature» biofilm.Проведено експериментальне вивчення впливу антибіотиків (амоксациліну/клавуланату, гентаміцину та ципрофлоксацину) на процес біоплівкоутворення метициліночутливими (MSSA) та метицилінорезистентними (MRSA) штамами стафілокока та їх дії на вже сформовані «зрілі» біоплівки

    Multifollicular ovary: norm or pathology

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    The article presents the data of a retrospective and prospective study of women of reproductive age with an ultrasound picture “multifollicular Ovaries”.В статье представлены данные проведенного ретроспективного и проспективного исследования женщин репродуктивного возраста с ультразвуковой картиной «мультифолликулярные яичники»

    Multifollicular ovary: norm or pathology

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    The article presents the data of a retrospective and prospective study of women of reproductive age with an ultrasound picture “multifollicular Ovaries”.В статье представлены данные проведенного ретроспективного и проспективного исследования женщин репродуктивного возраста с ультразвуковой картиной «мультифолликулярные яичники»


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    The qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract may vary depending on various factors. However, inflammatory processes that will foster the development of such an endogenous infection as Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) may take place in the mucous membrane. The aim – to study the nature of changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora in patients with possible CDI. Materials and Methods. The bacteriological method has been used to examine samples of biotic material (faeces) received from 73 patients with clinical manifestations of CDI. The given samples have been subjected to dysbacteriosis examination and the presence of a CDI pathogen tests. Results. The pathogen of C. difficile was isolated in 9.7 % of patients with diarrhea and possible CDI during the examination. Dysbiotic disorders of the intestinal microflora were detected in all patients without exception. The character of microflora abnormalities in both groups corresponded to grade 2 and 3 in severity. The patients with C. difficile showed a reduced number of representatives of normobiocenosis 10 times or more, the prevalence of coccal forms in the total number of microbes and an increase of Candida fungi in the number. It is recommended to include drugs aimed at eliminating the pathogen (metronidazole, fidaxomycin, etc.) or to carry out fecal microbiota transplantation in the schemes of correction of the intestinal microflora in patients with diarrhea in case if C. difficile is detected in their faecesКачественный и количественный состав микрофлоры кишечника в желудочно-кишечном тракте может меняться в зависимости от разных причин. При этом могут возникать воспалительные процессы в слизистой оболочке, которые будут способствовать развитию такой эндогенной инфекции, как Clostridium difficile-инфекция (CDI). Цель – изучить характер изменений качественного и количественного состава микрофлоры кишечника у пациентов с подозрением на CDI. Материал и методы. Бактериологическим методом проведено исследование образцов фекалий, отобранных от 72 пациентов с клиническими проявлениями CDI. Полученные пробы были исследованы на дисбактериоз и наличие возбудителя CDI. Результаты. При обследовании больных с диареей и подозрением на СDІ возбудитель C. difficile был обнаружен у 9,7 %. Дисбиотические нарушения состояния микрофлоры кишечника выявлены у всех пациентов. Характер изменений в обеих группах соответствовал 2 и 3 степеням тяжести. У пациентов с выделенной C. difficile выявлено уменьшение количества представителей нормобиоценоза в 10 и более раз, преобладание кокковых форм в общем количестве микробов и увеличение количества грибов рода Candida. В схемы коррекции состояния микрофлоры кишечника у больных с диареей, в фекалиях которых выделено C. difficile, целесообразно включать препараты, направленые на элиминацию возбудителя (метронидазол, фидаксомицин и др.) или проводить трансплантацию фекальной микробиоты.Якісний та кількісний склад мікрофлори у шлунково-кишковому тракті може змінюватись у залежності від різних чинників. При цьому в слизовій оболонці можуть виникати запальні процеси, які сприятимуть розвитку такої ендогенної інфекції, як Clostridium difficile-інфекція (CDI). Мета – вивчити характер змін якісного та кількісного складу мікрофлори кишечника у хворих з підозрою на CDI. Матеріал і методи. Бактеріологічним методом досліджено зразки біотичного матеріалу (фекалії), відібрані від 73 хворих з клінічними проявами CDI. Отримані проби підлягали дослідженню на дисбактеріоз та наявність збудника CDI. Результати. При обстеженні хворих з діареєю та підозрою на СDІ збудник C. difficile було виділено у 9,7 %. Дисбіотичні порушення складу мікрофлори кишечника виявлені у всіх без винятку пацієнтів. Характер порушень мікрофлори в обох групах відповідав 2 та 3 ступеням тяжкості. У пацієнтів з наявністю C. difficile виявлено знижену кількість представників нормобіоценозу в 10 і більше разів, переважання кокових форм у загальній кількості мікробів та підвищення кількості грибів роду Candida. У схеми корекції стану мікрофлори кишечника хворих з діареями, у фекаліях яких виявлено C. difficile, доцільно включати препарати, направлені на елімінацію збудника (метронідазол, фідаксоміцин тощо) або проводити трансплантацію фекальної мікробіоти

    Electrochemical method for isolation of chitinous 3D scaffolds from cultivated Aplysina aerophoba marine demosponge and its biomimetic application

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    Three-dimensional (3D) biopolymer-based scaffolds including chitinous matrices have been widely used for tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and other modern interdisciplinary fields including extreme biomimetics. In this study, we introduce a novel, electrochemically assisted method for 3D chitin scaffolds isolation from the cultivated marine demosponge Aplysina aerophoba which consists of three main steps: (1) decellularization, (2) decalcification and (3) main deproteinization along with desilicification and depigmentation. For the first time, the obtained electrochemically isolated 3D chitinous scaffolds have been further biomineralized ex vivo using hemolymph of Cornu aspersum edible snail aimed to generate calcium carbonates-based layered biomimetic scaffolds. The analysis of prior to, during and post-electrochemical isolation samples as well as samples treated with molluscan hemolymph was conducted employing analytical techniques such as SEM, XRD, ATR–FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Finally, the use of described method for chitin isolation combined with biomineralization ex vivo resulted in the formation of crystalline (calcite) calcium carbonate-based deposits on the surface of chitinous scaffolds, which could serve as promising biomaterials for the wide range of biomedical, environmental and biomimetic applications. © 2020, The Author(s).Politechnika PoznaÅ ska, PUT: 0911/SBAD/0380/2019Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: HE 394/3Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAADRussian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-13-00220PPN/BEK/2018/1/0007103/32/SBAD/0906Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, SMWK: 02010311This work was performed with the financial support of Poznan University of Technology, Poland (Grant No. 0911/SBAD/0380/2019), as well as by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) as financial subsidy to PUT No. 03/32/SBAD/0906. Krzysztof Nowacki was supported by the Erasmus Plus program (2019). Also, this study was partially supported by the DFG Project HE 394/3 and SMWK Project No. 02010311 (Germany). Marcin Wysokowski is financially supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (PPN/BEK/2018/1/00071). Tomasz Machałowski is supported by DAAD (Personal Ref. No. 91734605). Yuliya Khrunyk is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 18-13-00220)

    Antiseptics: analysis of assortment, technologies of compounding and using

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    Proper hand hygiene disrupts the spread of a numerous infections and is therefore a guarantee of good human health. Wide use of antiseptics by the public raises questions about their effectiveness, safety and availability. At the same time, the culture of hand hygiene is a priority for all spheres of society. The aim of the work is to study the range of antiseptics on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and assess the peculiarities of their use, to compound the antiseptic for hands of optimal composition and provide its quality control. The study used information retrieval, pharmacological, organoleptic, physical and chemical, graphic and statistical methods. Based on the analysis of information sources, the active ingredients and their optimal concentrations in the composition of antiseptics of industrial and extemporaneous production have been established. According to the results of this stage of work, four prescriptions of antisepticswith different compositions were selected for further compounding.It was found that positive results of quality control according to the organoleptic and physical and chemical parameters were received for the solution compounded using 96%ethanol and paying attention to key technological features that are decisive in the compounding of non-aqueous solutions and affect the quality of the product. The problematic issues of registration and circulation of antiseptics in Ukraine were identified as a result of the development of normative documents. Its consequence is the spread of unscrupulous practices of selling products that do not have a proven disinfection effect. The active components of industrial and extemporaneous antiseptic agents were determined based on the analysis of literary sources. It was established that most of the products recommended for home production did not meet the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of composition and concentration of active substances. This is a sign of the spread of unreliable information among the population, which can harm health. The need to comply with the rules for dosing ingredients and the technological features of manufacturing of non-aqueous solutions is substantiated. It was established that the required concentration of ethanol in the finished product is achieved when preparing solutions according to prescription N 3, which included 96% ethanol according to the results of the physical and chemical control. The presence of disinfection corners at National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya certainly popularizes hand hygiene among students of higher education. This is indicated by the high frequency of students' use of the products that were placed in the appropriate places. At the same time, it was established the need to conduct educational work among students, which will contribute to increasing the level of awareness of the regulatory framework of registered disinfectants, their proper composition, labeling and method of use

    Prevalence of psychopathological symptoms at rheumatological in-patients, contribution to subjective life quality assessment

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    The article presents the results of a cross - sectional /correlational study on the assessment of the prevalence of psychopathological symptoms in rheumatologic in-patients and their associations with quality of life.В статье представлены результаты кросс – секционного и корреляционного исследования, посвященного оценке распространенности психопатологической симптоматики у пациентов с ревматической патологией и ассоциаций психопатологических симптомов с качеством жизни