29 research outputs found

    Public Social Welfare System

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    The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that the economic welfare of the society depends not only on commercial but also public budget activities. Citizens with different income levels are interested in the stable public social safety net. It is important to understand the nature and efficiency of the public welfare system aimed at protecting social and economic welfare for different categories of citizens. The study uses the benchmark method to understand the key trends. The analytical method of research is used to understand the common problems of the public welfare system. In Russia, the public social safety net has been established in order to protect social and economic welfare of those citizens who are unable to do it themselves. This system includes legal, financial, and organizational components. The laws specify the categories of people who are eligible to receive aid from public authorities. The system provides for welfare payments in cash and social services to citizens. Payments in cash are sourced from budgets of different levels. Social institutions are divided into several groups depending on sources of funding. The pension and health care systems in Vietnam have in common with those in Russia. However, citizens in Vietnam are more involved in funding these systems. The accounting and public contracting system allows social organizations to use public funds in an efficient and targeted manner. There are some problems of funding the social sector in remote areas. These problems can be solved through differential funding

    Emotional Basis of Organizational Vandalism: A Theoretical Model

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    Introduction. This paper considers the possibility of explaining organizational vandalism through personality emotional manifestations in employees. Despite the fact that company employees often cause considerable damage to its material, information, and social environment, little attention has been devoted to studying such a form of destructive behavior in adults. Previous studies have taken into account only disparate data on employees’ aggressive manifestations in the workplace (corporate sabotage, mobbing, negligence, etc.). In the scientific literature, scant attention has been paid to the predictors of adult vandalism and formation mechanisms of this type of human interaction with the organizational environment. This reduces the potential effectiveness of the programs and measures designed to prevent and combat vandal behavior in employees. This study introduces the concept of ‘organizational vandalism’ among company employees and attempts to discover its emotional basis. Theoretical Basis. The ‘organizational vandalism’ concept and the model of its emotional basis were developed using the method of theoretical modeling. The authors relied on Plutchik’s evolutionary theory of emotions to describe the emotional basis of organizational vandalism. This enabled them to correlate emotions experienced by individuals in organizational environments with various vandal behaviors provoked by them. Results. The model of organizational vandalism developed by the authors included eight basic types of employees’ vandalism related to primary (basic) emotions. These were aggressive, existential, conformal, incidental, reactive, and environmental types of vandalism and also vandalism of incompetence and vandalism of alienation. ‘Mixing’ primary emotions leads to more complex emotional experiences, which form the basis for certain types of employees’ vandalism in the workplace including vandalism of modernization and also its possessive, curious, vindictive, ‘cynical’, panic, and competitive types. Discussion. The proposed theoretical model of the emotional basis of organizational vandalism should be integrated into a comprehensive system that would consider personal and organizational factors to prevent destructive behavior in company employees

    Neurobehavioral, Cognitive, and Paroxysmal Disorders in the Long-Term Period of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury

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    The consequences of the traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children and adolescents represent a major medical and social problem, as TBI interferes in the normal processes of neuroontogenesis. Brain damage in TBI in children and adolescents occurs during the ongoing processes of its growth and maturation, and therefore the clinical course and outcomes may differ significantly from those in adults. Poor outcomes of TBI sustained in early childhood may be explained considerably by the timing of injury in a period of rapid brain and behavioral development. Thus, TBI has a negative impact on the cognitive function development, behavior, school education, and social skills acquisition. Cognitive and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents in the long-term period of TBI become more prominent in co-occurrence with paroxysmal disorders, including posttraumatic headaches, posttraumatic epilepsy, and subclinical epileptiform activity on the EEG. In general, a favorable outcome is possible in children more often than adults even after severe TBI, due to the high neuroplasticity of the developing brain. Therapeutic and rehabilitation measures in the long-term period of TBI in children and adolescents should be intensively carried out both in the first 12 months after TBI, when the most significant results from their use are expected, and in the long-term period, considering the ongoing processes of morpho-functional maturation and neuroplasticity mechanisms


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    Objective. This article is devoted to the analysis of the mechanism for the implementation of the national project «Health», as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of its implementation. Materials and methods. Currently, there is no system for timely and publicly available assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the national project «Healthcare» both at the national and regional levels. In this regard, it is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of the national project according to the methodology based on the integral indicator of effectiveness, developed by the experts of the Higher School of Health Management for assessing the health of the region. Results. The concept and role of national projects in the regional economy as part of strategic planning is given. The management system and the mechanism for the implementation of the national project in health care at the regional level are disclosed. Techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of national projects have been studied. The current state of the implementation of the national project «Healthcare» in the Altai Territory is characterized. The mechanism for the implementation of the national project «Healthcare» is analyzed. Conclusion. An assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the national project showed an insufficient level of implementation of the program in the Altai Territory during 2019-2020, which was facilitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly worsened the mortality rate among the adult population

    Primary School Children’s Vandalism: The Problem of Upbringing and Interaction in Russian Families

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    The study is devoted to the problem of primary school children’s vandalism, and particularly its connection with child-parent relationships on the example of Russian families. We define the main predictors of a child’s vandal activity on the basis of psychological diagnostics of 228 8–9-year-old children and the assessment of the frequency and specifics of their vandal behaviour by their 228 parents. The children are classified into 3 groups by the extent of their propensity for vandalism. The complex analysis identifies personal and emotional factors influencing the frequency of a child’s acts of destruction and transformation of other people’s items, devaluation of their own and others’ things including those explained by the covert desire to acquire new items. The research findings confirm a significant role of the parent-child relationships in the formation of the child’s readiness for vandal behaviour. In particular, we prove that limitation of a child’s freedom by excessive strictness and hyper protection aggravates children’s propensity for vandalism

    Real-world experience with netakimab in the treatment of spondyloarthritis

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    Aim. To study the real-world efficacy and safety of netakimab in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis included 23 patients (13 males; 56.5%) aged 23 to 73 years (median 42, interquartile range 28 to 52 years) with AS (n=12) or PsA (n=11) who received netakimab therapy from February 2021 to April 2023. Disease activity was assessed every 3-6 months based on the C-reactive protein (CRP) level for all patients according to the BASDAI and ASDAS-CRP indices for AS, DAPSA and PASI for PsA. These indicators were analyzed before therapy and at the last visit to assess the effectiveness of treatment. The results are presented as median (interquartile range). Results. In all patients treated with netakimab (median duration of treatment 11 months), the CRP level decreased from 10.6 (3.1; 17.3) to 3.1 (1.9; 8.9) mg/L (absolute difference -7.5 mg/L, median relative reduction -60%; p=0.008), and the proportion of patients with elevated CRP decreased from 70 to 41%; p=0.039. In patients with AS (median duration of treatment 9 months), BASDAI score decreased from 5.8 (4.7; 6.5) to 3.0 (1.9; 3.8) points (absolute difference -2.8 points, median relative reduction of -45%; p=0.008) and ASDAS-CRP score decreased from 2.8 (1.9; 3.9) to 1.9 (1.7; 2.6) points (absolute difference -0.9 points, median relative reduction -21%; p=0.007). The proportion of patients with high AS activity (BASDAI≥4) decreased from 90% to 20% (p=0.031); however, there was no significant change in the CRP level (absolute difference -4.9 mg/L, median relative reduction -57%; p=0.110). In patients with PsA (median duration of treatment 18 months), the CRP level decreased from 12.0 (4.5; 17.3) to 3.3 (2.0; 7.8) mg/L (absolute difference -8.7 mg/L, median relative reduction -80%; p=0.041), the DAPSA score decreased from 23.0 (19.0; 30.5) to 6.3 (5.2; 13.5) points (absolute difference -16.7 points, median relative reduction -69%; p=0.018). Three (13%) patients reported mild to moderate adverse events. Conclusion. The obtained data confirm the effectiveness and safety of netakimab in treating AS and PsA in real-world practice

    Challenges and opportunities for culturally responsive leadership in schools: evidence from four European countries

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    Whether voluntary or enforced, increasing patterns of migration have significantly impacted schools by making them linguistically, culturally, religiously and ethnically more diverse than ever before. This increasing diversity requires school leaders to put in place mechanisms to ensure equity of participation for migration background students. Dimmock and Walker (2005) believe that school leaders need to play a vital role in promoting and sustaining an environment that embraces diversity and, by association, contributes to solving the macro problems of society. To accomplish this emerging role, there is a need for ‘new approaches to educational leadership in which leaders exhibit culturally responsive organisational practices, behaviours and competencies’ (Madhlangobe and Gordon, 2012: p. 177). This is all well and good in theory, but the current and historical context in which school leaders operate, together with the training and supports that are provided, influences, to a significant extent, how culturally responsive leadership can operate in practice. This study, which is part of a European Commission Erasmus+ funded project entitled Supporting Culturally Responsive Leadership and Evaluation in Schools (CReLES), examines these assumptions by mapping out the factors and actors that can hinder and facilitate the flourishing of such practices in four European countries, Austria, Ireland, Russia and Spain

    Platby spotřebitelských účtů a služba inkasa hotovostníh plateb v České republice: podklady pro připravení strategie vstupu

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    The thesis is focused on consumer bill payments (payments of a small and medium value of 10 to 100 EUR) and the provision of payment-collection service in the Czech Republic, which being a member-state of the EU can show the trends and characteristics that can be identified in the markets of Germany, France, Italy and other countries of the Single Market of the EU. The purpose of this research is to analyze payment channels used by consumers in C2B level of transfers in the Czech Republic, what provides the basics to understand the appropriate form an instant payments business entity (consumer bill payment collector) should better take to have the space for future development and growth. The focus is made on the market of consumer bill payments and the current development of C2B payments sphere in the Czech Republic and the EU -- all to see the specifics of the market and to answer the question if the entrance and the launch of an IPS in the Czech Republic, first, would be of demand and, second, would have enough time to develop and mature itself to stay in existence in a long-term

    The prognosis of the diabetic retinopathy using computer science and biotechnology

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    The problem of diabetic retinopathy causes loss of the vision. In nowadays, modern equipment is used to diagnose this disease: an optical coherent tomograph and a fundus microperimeter. For even more accurate diagnosis, biomarker levels in the lacrimal fluid and blood serum are being researched. The mathematical model for predicting the developing of the course of the disease is proposed. The mathematical model is based on four mathematical criteria. The first two criteria analyze the data of digital equipment: the thickness of the retina in 9 zones and the photosensitivity of the macula. The third and the fourth mathematical criteria analyze the levels of pathogenetic biomarkers in the lacrimal fluid (vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF-A) and the blood serum (glycated hemoglobin). The program based on the proposed mathematical formulas combines the objective data from the digital equipment and the biomarkers. The program gives the possibility for the automatic prediction of developing the diabetic retinopathy. The prognosis of development of the course of the disease according to the program coincides with a clinical prognosis of a doctor. It was shown that the application of the proposed complex approach gives more opportunities in comparison with separate studies of the biomarkers, morphology and retinal function

    An Effective Log Mining Approach for Database Intrusion Detection

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    Database is a critical component of today’s Web applications. Web applications permit users to remotely access sensitive data such as business transactions, personal financial information, and medical records. Organizations expend significant resources securing the network perimeter and servers. However, these mechanisms are not sufficient for protecting databases. We present a new technique for identifying malicious database transactions. Compared to many existing approaches, which profile SQL query structure and database user activities to detect intrusions, the novelty of this approach is the automatic discovery of essential data dependencies, namely, multi-dimensional and multi-level data dependencies, for identifying anomalous database transactions