1,361 research outputs found

    A Note on the Definition and the Development of Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Zones

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    The definition of Purkinje cell zones by their white matter comprtments, their physiological properties, and their molecular identity and the birthdate of their Purkinje cells will be reviewed

    Deiters’ Nucleus. Its Role in Cerebellar Ideogenesis

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    Otto Deiters (1834–1863) was a promising neuroscientist who, like Ferdinando Rossi, died too young. His notes and drawings were posthumously published by Max Schultze in the book “Untersuchungen ĂŒber Gehirn und RĂŒckenmark.” The book is well-known for his dissections of nerve cells, showing the presence of multiple dendrites and a single axon. Deiters also made beautiful drawings of microscopical sections through the spinal cord and the brain stem, the latter showing the lateral vestibular nucleus which received his name. This nucleus, however, should be considered as a cerebellar nucleus because it receives Purkinje cell axons from the vermal B zone in its dorsal portion. Afferents from the labyrinth occur in its ventral part. The nucleus gives rise to the lateral vestibulospinal tract. The cerebellar B module of which Deiters’ nucleus is the target nucleus was used in many innovative studies of the cerebellum on the zonal organization of the olivocerebellar projection, its somatotopical organization, its microzones, and its role in posture and movement that are the subject of this review

    Sponges of the family Esperiopsidae (Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida) from Northwest Africa, with the descriptions of four new species

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    Sponges belonging to the genera Amphilectus Vosmaer, Esperiopsis Carter and Ulosa de Laubenfels of the family Esperiopsidae were collected during 1986 and 1988 expeditions of the Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis (at that time the National Museum of Natural History at Leiden and the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam) in waters off the coasts of Mauritania and the Cape Verde Islands. Four new species, Amphilectus utriculus sp. nov., Amphilectus strepsichelifer sp. nov., Esperiopsis cimensis sp. nov., Ulosa capblancensis sp. nov., and two already known species, Amphilectus cf. fucorum (Esper) and Ulosa stuposa (Esper) are described and discussed

    Spin-mediated dissipation and frequency shifts of a cantilever at milliKelvin temperatures

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    We measure the dissipation and frequency shift of a magnetically coupled cantilever in the vicinity of a silicon chip, down to 2525 mK. The dissipation and frequency shift originates from the interaction with the unpaired electrons, associated with the dangling bonds in the native oxide layer of the silicon, which form a two dimensional system of electron spins. We approach the sample with a 3.433.43 ÎŒ\mum-diameter magnetic particle attached to an ultrasoft cantilever, and measure the frequency shift and quality factor as a function of temperature and the distance. Using a recent theoretical analysis [J. M. de Voogd et al., arXiv:1508.07972 (2015)] of the dynamics of a system consisting of a spin and a magnetic resonator, we are able to fit the data and extract the relaxation time T1=0.39±0.08T_1=0.39\pm0.08 ms and spin density σ=0.14±0.01\sigma=0.14\pm0.01 spins per nm2^2. Our analysis shows that at temperatures ≀500\leq500 mK magnetic dissipation is an important source of non-contact friction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Equilibrium spherically curved 2D Lennard-Jones systems

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    To learn about basic aspects of nano-scale spherical molecular shells during their formation, spherically curved two-dimensional N-particle Lennard-Jones systems are simulated, studying curvature evolution paths at zero-temperature. For many N-values (N<800) equilibrium configurations are traced as a function of the curvature radius R. Sharp jumps for tiny changes in R between trajectories with major differences in topological structure correspond to avalanche-like transitions. For a typical case, N=25, equilibrium configurations fall on smooth trajectories in state space which can be traced in the E-R plane. The trajectories show-up with local energy minima, from which growth in N at steady curvature can develop.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Vervulde vacatures onder de loep genomen

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    Cerebellum: What is in a Name? Historical Origins and First Use of This Anatomical Term

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    In this paper, we study who first used the Latin anatomical term “cerebellum” for the posterior part of the brain. The suggestion that this term was introduced by Leonardo da Vinci is unlikely. Just before the start of the da Vinci era in the fifteenth century, several authors referred to the cerebellum as “cerebri posteriorus.” Instead, in his translation of Galen’s anatomical text De utilitare particularum of 1307, Nicolo da Reggio used the Latinized Greek word “parencephalon.” More peculiar was the Latin nautical term “puppi,” referring to the stern of a ship, that was applied to the cerebellum by Constantine the African in his translation of the Arabic Liber regius in the eleventh century. The first to use the term “cerebellum” appears to be Magnus Hundt in his Anthropologia from 1501. Like many of the anatomists of this period, he was a humanist with an interest in classical literature. They may have encountered the term “cerebellum” in the writings by classical authors such as Celsus, where it was used as the diminutive of “cerebrum” for the small brains of small animals, and, subsequently, applied the term to the posterior part of the brain. In the subsequent decades of the sixteenth century, an increasing number of pre-Vesalian authors of anatomical texts started to use the name “cerebellum,” initially often combined with one or more of the earlier terms, but eventually more frequently in isolation. We found that a woodcut in Dryander’s Anatomia capitis humani of 1536 is the first realistic picture of the cerebellum

    Secondary vestibulocerebellar projections to the flocculus and uvulo-nodular lobule of the rabbit: a study using HRP and double fluorescent tracer techniques

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    The distribution of vestibular neurons projecting to the flocculus and the nodulus and uvula of the caudal vermis (Larsell's lobules X and IX) was investigated with retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase and the fluorescent tracers Fast Blue, Nuclear Yellow and Diamidino Yellow. The presence of collateral axons innervating the flocculus on one hand and the nodulus and uvula on the other was studied with simultaneous injection of the different fluorescent tracers. The distribution of vestibular neurons projecting to either flocculus or caudal vermis is rather similar and has a bilateral symmetry. The projection from the magnocellular medial vestibular nucleus is very sparse, while that from the lateral vestibular nucleus is absent. The majority of labeled neurons was found in the medial, superior, and descending vestibular nuclei, in that order. Double labeled neurons were distributed in a similar way as the single labeled ones. Labeled neurons project to the nodulus and uvula, the flocculus, and to both parts of the cerebellum simultaneously in a ratio of 12:4:1. Five different populations of vestibulocerebellar neurons can be distinguished on the basis of their projection to the: (1) ipsilateral flocculus, (2) contralateral flocculus, (3) ipsilateral flocculus and nodulus/uvula, (4) contralateral flocculus and nodulus/uvula, and (5) nodulus/uvula
