42 research outputs found

    Homophobia; an obstacle for gay communities

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    Homophobia, the fear of homosexuality, is a major obstacle which inhibits universities from acknowledging the needs of the homosexual portion of their communities, a speaker for the Women In Curriculum program said last week. Lee Nicoloff, a staff psychologist, cooperating assistant professor in education and self-proclaimed homosexual, said things won\u27t change for faculty, staff and administrators. Note: The page 1 article appears to have been truncated during the layout process and the continuation not published

    A framework for evaluating and configuring location-privacy solutions.

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    The increased capabilities of technology in both fields of mobile devices and position retrieval during last years allowed a widespread use of Location-Based services. If in a first point of view LBS simplified user’s life on the other side they enlarged possible vulnerabilities that may be used to violate privacy of users. Guaranteeing privacy is a key aspect and lots of studies were made to accomplish this requirement; in this work is presented a novel framework in which the k-anonymity method is used to raise performances of the mix-zones approach, this goal is reached defining an automated way to select the zones instead of using a manual/empirical method. In section n.1 there is a brief introduction on all the work done, in section n.2 background technologies and methods used are explained, in section n.3 we propose our novel framework idea and in section n.4 we explain the development of the work. In the end in section n.5 results of simulation are shown and in section n.6 conclusions and future works considerations are present

    Transizione sulla lastra piana: analisi delle metodologie CFD

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    Nel presente lavoro di tesi nasce dall’esigenza di andare a valutare quale sia l’effettiva attendibilità di alcune tipologie di risultati forniti dalla CFD (*Computational Fluid Dynamics*). Il lavoro si è diviso in due fasi distinte nelle quali si è affrontato lo studio di due problematiche differenti: l’attendibilità dei risultati forniti dal modello di transizione laminare/turbolento implementato a partire dalle versione 4.02.007 di STAR-CCM+ (modello *GammaReTheta*) e la validità dei risultati CFD ottenuti utilizzando griglie di calcolo con elevato numero di elementi. Lo studio circa l’attendibilità dei risultati del modello di transizione è stato affrontato in tre fasi, andando innanzitutto a analizzare le equazioni sulle quali si basa il suddetto modello e successivamente confrontando i risultati ottenuti in ambiente STAR-CCM+ con risultati sperimentali e con risultati provenienti da altri codici CFD. Si sono eseguite, inoltre, diverse analisi di sensibilità rispetto ad alcuni parametri che sono stati ritenuti significativi. Lo studio, invece, circa l’attendibilità dei risultati ottenuti utilizzando griglie di calcolo con elevato numero di elementi è stato affrontato generando e risolvendo molteplici simulazioni caratterizzate da diversi valori di numero di celle e conseguentemente di infittimenti, andando poi a verificare l’effettiva attendibilità dei risultati ottenuti

    Screening for Referral of Serious Pathology by Physical Examination Tests in Patients with Back or Chest Pain: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: To investigate the most common physical examination tests (PET) for the screening for referral of patients with back or chest pain caused by serious pathology. Methods: A systematic review was conducted. Searches were performed on seven electronic databases between June 2020 and December 2021. Only studies evaluating patients with back and/or chest pain with clear reporting of PETs and prompt patient referrals were included. Results: 316 full texts were included, and these studies had a total of 474/492 patients affected by a serious disease. Only 26 studies of them described suspicion of serious disease due to at least one positive PET. Cardiac/pulmonary auscultation and heartbeats/blood pressure measurements were the most frequently reported tests. None of the reported studies included physiotherapists and chiropractors who reported the use of various tests, such as: cardiac and pulmonary auscultation, lung percussion, costovertebral angle tenderness, and lymph node palpation, highlighting a lack of attention in measuring vital parameters. On the contrary, doctors and nurses reported the assessment of the range of motion of the thoracolumbar spine and hip less frequently. Conclusions: Appropriate reporting of PETs is sparse, and their utilization is heterogeneous among different healthcare professionals. Further primary studies are needed to describe PETs results in patients suffering from back and/or chest pain