2,489 research outputs found

    Schriftliches Peer-Textfeedback unter Studierenden: Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Inhalt von fremdem Text. Ergebnisse der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse von 6 retrospektiven Interviews

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    The paper at hand presents the results of a substudy from a 3-year research project carried out by the Bern University of Teacher Education, investigating how student teachers in their 1st semester deal with the content of other students’ texts when writing peer text feedback without guidance. In this study six future teachers were asked to substantiate their comments in retrospective verbalizations (see Linnemann 2017: 339) immediately after having written their text feedback. The transcriptions of the verbalizations were evaluated through thematic qualitative text analysis (see Kuckartz 2012). Whilst the result presentation is mainly category based, some case related results are also singled out, with a view to deriving observations for higher education teaching

    "Qui était-il avant de tomber malade ?"

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    Dating of ice cores from Vernagtferner (Austria) with fission products and lead-210

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    Fission product (90Sr_ 90y, I37CS, total beta) and 2tOPb_210pO activities were measured in core samples from the temperate vernagtferner (3150 m altitude, Oetztal Alps, Austria). The results show that the investigated fission products are transported with water resulting from melting processes, and are sorbed on dust or dirt horizons. These products are, therefore, not suited for dating temperate glaciers. 210Pb is also transported with water and displaced from its original deposition. However, despite large fluctuations, the specific activity of 210Pb decreases with depth, and can be used to estimate accumulation rates and the age of the ice. The average annual accumulation rate amounts to about 80 cm water equivalent, and the deepest sample (81 m i. e. "" 65 m w. e.) was deposited in the beginning of this century. These results agree with data obtained from other observations on this glacier and show that the 210Pb_method is suitable to date temperate glaciers, if the ice cores cover a time interval of about 100 years (i. e. "" 4 half-lives of 210Pb). The surface activity of 210Pb was found to be 5 ± I dpm per kg of ice in agreement with other locations in the Alps and with measurements of fresh snow

    Pronghorn fawn mortality on the National Bison Range

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    Psychiatrie de la personne âgée en Suisse

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    Homeschooling :: jouer le rôle du parent-enseignant

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    Ce travail de recherche traite du thème de l’école à la maison qui est une pratique encore peu répandue en Suisse. Je me suis intéressée à cette pratique pour savoir comment elle fonctionne et quelles sont les bases légales qui la régissent. Le but de cette recherche est de comprendre comment fonctionne cette alternative à l’école obligatoire et de répondre à la question de recherche suivante : comment le parent gère-t-il sa double posture du parent-enseignant ? En raison de la confidentialité, je n’ai pas pu obtenir les noms des familles du canton de Neuchâtel qui pratiquent l’école à la maison. C’est pourquoi je me suis rendue dans deux familles faisant l’école à la maison dans le canton de Vaud. J’ai pu observer un moment d’école dans chaque famille et réaliser deux entretiens qualitatifs avec les deux mères des familles. Suite à cela, j’ai comparé mes entretiens entre eux ainsi qu’avec les observations menés dans le but de répondre à ma question de recherche. Parmi les différents résultats, il faut relever un aspect affectif qui est une tension de cette posture du parent-enseignant ainsi que la limite due à la socialisation

    Wie Studierende Texte von Peers kommentieren : exemplarische Kontrastierung von zwei Fällen und erste hochschuldidaktische Schlussfolgerungen

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    Der Beitrag stellt einzelne Ergebnisse aus einem am Institut Vorschulstufe und Primarstufe (IVP) NMS der Pädagogischen Hochschule Bern durchgeführten Forschungsprojekt vor. Zentrales Anliegen dieses Projekts ist eine Annäherung an das im deutschsprachigen Raum noch kaum systematisch beforschte Phänomen der Textkommentierung zu Feedbackzwecken. Anhand von Beispielen aus einem Korpus von studentischen Textkommentierungen soll hier aufgezeigt werden, wie vielschichtig und komplex dieser Forschungsgegenstand aus linguistischer Perspektive ist. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden zwei kontrastiv ausgewählte Fälle im Detail vorgestellt. Dadurch soll ein Eindruck davon vermittelt werden, wie groß das Spektrum des Herangehens und der Umsetzung einer Textkommentierung zu Feedbackzwecken unter Mitstudierenden ist. Der Beitrag ist von einer didaktischen Perspektive geleitet: Zwar finden sich in der schreibdidaktischen Literatur zahlreiche Kriterien und Regeln für hilfreiches Textfeedback, konkrete Hinweise dazu, wie Textfeedback sprachlich so realisiert werden kann, dass es diesen Kriterien entspricht, sind jedoch allenfalls ansatzweise formuliert. Durch die hier präsentierten Resultate können die Empfehlungen für Textfeedback empirisch unterfüttert werden. Für die Analyse der Textkommentierungen wurde im Projekt ein aus zwei Rastern bestehendes Instrument entwickelt (InliAnTe), das eine Rückbindung der Feedbackregeln einerseits an (text)linguistisches Wissen als auch an konkretes Sprachhandlungswissen ermöglicht. Zusammen mit dem Inventar an Textkommentierungsstrategien – wie es aus dem untersuchten Korpus hervorgeht – kann es Ausgangspunkt für eine theoretisch und empirisch reflektierte Didaktik des Textkommentierens in Peer-Feedback-Prozessen sein

    Chemistry of Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment

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    Even though ozone has been applied for a long time for disinfection and oxidation in water treatment, there is lack of critical information related to transformation of organic compounds. This has become more important in recent years, because there is considerable concern about the formation of potentially harmful degradation products as well as oxidation products from the reaction with the matrix components. In recent years, a wealth of information on the products that are formed has accumulated, and substantial progress in understanding mechanistic details of ozone reactions in aqueous solution has been made. Based on the latter, this may allow us to predict the products of as yet not studied systems and assist in evaluating toxic potentials in case certain classes are known to show such effects.  Keeping this in mind, Chemistry of Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment: From Basic Principles to Applications discusses mechanistic details of ozone reactions as much as they are known to date and applies them to the large body of studies on micropollutant degradation (such as pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors) that is already available. Extensively quoting the literature and updating the available compilation of ozone rate constants gives the reader a text at hand on which his research can be based. Moreover, those that are responsible for planning or operation of ozonation steps in drinking water and wastewater treatment plants will find salient information in a compact form that otherwise is quite disperse. A critical compilation of rate constants for the various classes of compounds is given in each chapter, including all the recent publications.  This is a very useful source of information for researchers and practitioners who need kinetic information on emerging contaminants. Furthermore, each chapter contains a large selection of examples of reaction mechanisms for the transformation of micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fuel additives, solvents, taste and odor compounds, cyanotoxins

    The geometric approach to human stress based on stress-related surrogate measures.

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    We present a predictive Geometric Stress Index (pGSI) and its relation to behavioural Entropy ([Formula: see text]). [Formula: see text] is a measure of the complexity of an organism's reactivity to stressors yielding patterns based on different behavioural and physiological variables selected as Surrogate Markers of Stress (SMS). We present a relationship between pGSI and [Formula: see text] in terms of a power law model. This nonlinear relationship describes congruences in complexity derived from analyses of observable and measurable SMS based patterns interpreted as stress. The adjective geometric refers to subdivision(s) of the domain derived from two SMS (heart rate variability and steps frequency) with respect to a positive/negative binary perceptron based on a third SMS (blood oxygenation). The presented power law allows for both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the consequences of stress measured by pGSI. In particular, we show that elevated stress levels in terms of pGSI leads to a decrease of the [Formula: see text] of the blood oxygenation, measured by peripheral blood oxygenation SpO2 as a model of SMS