13 research outputs found

    Criticidade curatorial - sobre o papel de curadores independentes no campo da arte contemporânea

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    Desde os anos 1990, a curadoria vem alcançando uma intensa visibilidade no campo da arte contemporânea. A ação exemplar de Harald Szeemann, que inaugurou o papel do curador independente, como um agente que propõe exposições e atua em diversos eventos culturais sem, no entanto, estar atrelado a uma única instituição, abriu caminho para diferentes frentes em curadoria, fazendo com que o curador atingisse um nível de paridade junto aos artistas. Por outro lado, é esperado dos curadores independentes que, ao atuar dentro de contextos específicos, eles ativem relações entre as produções artísticas e as conexões com as questões culturais, políticas, sociais e econômicas, no intuito de atingir uma postura crítica quanto aos projetos apresentados

    Harald Szeemann et l’art de l’exposition

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    L’attention portée à l’acte d’exposer l’art et la culture s’est accrue à une vitesse vertigineuse ces quinze dernières années, reflétant non seulement une démarche réflexive des institutions dont c’est l’activité, mais aussi une préoccupation des artistes comme des scientifiques. Traversant des disciplines et des professions diverses, cet intérêt se manifeste dans des conférences, dans des publications et dans les expositions elles-mêmes, et il rassemble, à côté des artistes ou des historiens..

    Fiona Tan

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    Dan Flavin : Installationen in Fluoreszierendem Licht, 1989-1993

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    Flavin's work is discussed by Gallwitz, along with the artist's process. Von Bismarck situates Flavin's project well within minimalism while analysing his approach according to the object, the room and the viewer. Biographical notes. Bibl. 3 p

    Exhibiting the Exhibition : From the Cabinets of Curiosities to the Curatorial Situation

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    " Exhibiting the Exhibition investigates the history of exhibiting up to the present day. The show at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden begins with predecessors to the modern museum and early art collections, then moves on to twentieth-century exhibition methods and the curatorial positions of today. The catalogue expands upon the exhibition concept: instead of photographing the exhibits for publication, various illustrators were hired to draw them, so that the book itself becomes an entirely independent instrument of “display.” Besides the essays and interviews, the volume features works by John Bock, Mariana Castillo Deball, Andrea Fraser, Jeppe Hein, Julian Irlinger, Friedrich Kiesler, Louise Lawler, El Lissitzky, Karin Sander, Sebastian Thewes, Kaari Upson, Pae White, Fred Wilson, and many others. " -- Publisher's website

    Art and Its Institutions : Current Conflicts, Critique and Collaborations

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    "Art and its Institutions is a comprehensive reader on current institutional conditions and the role of institutions within artistic processes, offering a powerful insight into the diversity of art institutions and their practice today" --p.[4] of cover