134 research outputs found

    Penerapan Multimedia dalam Pembelajaran di Tk Ananda Bagan Batu

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    Abstrack - The interest in reading children in a conventional manner is currently less attractive to the age of kindergarten children (tk) so that technological tools are perceived visually and in motion so that children are more interested and easy in the learning process. The development of multimedia applications as a means of assisting devices helps children to be more creative and interested in learning and can stimulate the thinking of children in the field of education taught in children's garden schools. The programming language used is the VB programming language and is supported with photoshop in the design of existing images as well as sound recorders for recording sound built into the application. Keywords - multimedia, vb, t

    Alternative logistic concepts and their effect within the company and the supply chain

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    This document presents findings from the simulation of a focused factory at Volvo Aero, Trollhättan. A series of experiments were carried out, aimed at testing a range of alternative logistic concepts. Each concept describes an approach to the control of workflow within the business, for the purpose of determining its effect within the company, and in the wider context of the supply chain


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    Today, along with the times, which are supported by the rapid development of technology, all aspects of life cannot be separated from the influence of technology. The research was conducted to try to conduct research with the aim of examining more deeply what ingredients can be said to be harmful in food, how the performance of BBPOM in determining these hazardous materials, and how BBPOM will follow up if it has been found that some foods containing hazardous ingredients have been found. and what steps are taken to minimize the use of these hazardous materials in order to maintain the health of consumers. In drawing conclusions in expert systems, Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining are generally used. However, with the use of these two reasons, it is not possible to determine the value of confidence in the hypothesis. Based on the research conducted, it was found several things that can be observed in the development of uncertainty consultation media in the identification of formalin and borax in meatballs, namely the following, including the existence of an expert system with the certainty factor method, so that people can find out the characteristics of formalin meatballs without meeting directly with expert doctors or the expert. Likewise for designing expert system applications to identify food hazards in Formalin and Borax can use Visual Studio 2010 Applications Based on the research conducted, it was found several things that can be observed in the development of uncertainty consultation media in the identification of formalin and borax in meatballs, namely the following, including the existence of an expert system with the certainty factor method, so that people can find out the characteristics of formalin meatballs without meeting directly with expert doctors or the expert. Likewise for designing expert system applications to identify food hazards in Formalin and Borax can use Visual Studio 2010 Applications Based on the research conducted, it was found several things that can be observed in the development of uncertainty consultation media in the identification of formalin and borax in meatballs, namely the following, including the existence of an expert system with the certainty factor method, so that people can find out the characteristics of formalin meatballs without meeting directly with expert doctors or the expert. Likewise for designing expert system applications to identify food hazards in Formalin and Borax can use Visual Studio 2010 Application


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    Wendy Printing is one of the printers that collaborates with Labuhan Batu University, especially in the Computer Science faculty, Wendy's printing is located on the Jalan setia budi intersection of Labuhan Batu University campus. Wendy printing leaders and employees sometimes have difficulty knowing how many teaching materials are printed in one transaction, so that Wendy's printing leaders are still manual / speculative in printing teaching materials. The application of data mining for ordering teaching materials at the faculty of computer science at Labuhan Batu University in the wendy print can produce association rules that can be seen and analyzed for the results, so that the print leader can see the frequency of teaching materials that often occur in every transaction. Therefore, analysis and testing are carried out


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    Masalah transportasi adalah masalah pemrograman linier pada umumnya berhubungan dengan distribusi suatu produk dari beberapa sumber, dengan penawaran terbatas menuju beberapa tujuan dengan biaya tertentu pada biaya transportasi minimum. Tujuan dari model transportasi adalah merencanakan pengiriman suatu dari sumber tujuan sedemikian rupa untuk meminimalkan biaya transportasi. Beberapa teknik perhitungan sebagai bahan pertimbangan yang baik dalam membuat suatu kebijakan agar biaya pendistribusian minimal dapat tercapai oleh suatu usaha panglong, dalam hal ini untuk menentukan solusi awal yang layak digunakan metode  Least Cost ( biaya minimum)

    Penerapan Data Mining Klasifikasi Kepuasan Pelanggan Transportasi Online Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5

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    Klasifikasi kepuasan pelanggan pengguna transportasi online merupakan suatu sikap positif atau respon pelanggan terhadap pelayanan penggunaan transportasi online. Pengklasifikasin kepuasan pengguna transportasi online ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas perusahaan khususnya di bidang pelayanan pengguna transportasi roda dua. Dalam penelitian ini, tingkat kepuasan pelanggan diklasifikasian dalam empat atribut yaitu harga, fasilitas, pelayanan, dan loyalitas sehingga dari ke empat atribut tersebut dapat diperoleh hasil pengklasifikasian tingkat kepuasan pelanggan dalam kategori puas dan tidak puas. Dengan menerapkan berbagai persamaan dan langkah-langkah mengenai perhitungan algoritma C4.5, yaitu dengan menghitung entropy, split info, gain dan nilai gain ratio dengan atribut Fasilitas, Pelayanan, Loyalitas, Kategori. Himpunan Atribut yaitu Sangat Puas, Puas, Cukup Puas, Tidak Puas, Sangat Tidak Puas. Input data sebanyak 155 data. Dari data tersebut maka dibagi 2 yaitu 100 data data latih (training) dan 55 data data uji (testing). klasifikasi kepuasan pelanggan “Tidak Puas” sebanyak 91 orang pelanggan, sedangkan yang “Tidak Puas” sebanyak 9 orang pelanggan

    Penentuan Tumbuh Kembang Balita Dengan Pengimplementasian Metode Simple Multi Atribute Rating Technique (SMART)

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    Status gizi balita merupakan faktor penting dalam upaya menurunkan angka kematian anak. Perkembangan gizi masyarakat dapat dipantau melalui hasil pencatatan dan pelaporan program perbaikan gizi masyarakat yang tercermin dari hasil penimbangan bayi dan balita setiap bulan di Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu), dimana upaya tersebut bertujuan untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan serta mencegah dan menanggulangi timbulnya masalah kesehatan masyarakat khususnya yang ditujukan pada balita. Namun dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan Tenaga Medis, dihadapkan pada permasalahan penting yaitu masih sulitnya dalam memberikan informasi terkait hasil pemantauan tumbuh kembang balita, karena informasi tumbuh kembang bayi yang dimiliki diperoleh dari pendataan yang dilakukan secara manual seperti; membuat catatan dan perhitungan untuk mengetahui kondisi balita yang dinyatakan baik, kurang, atau buruk. Penerapan metode SMART pada tumbuh kembang Balita, metode ini dapat digunakan berdasarkan bobot dan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Kriteria yang digunakan didasarkan pada kriteria penilaian indeks Antropometri. Hasil analisis tersebut merupakan hasil pemeringkatan nilai terbesar untuk dijadikan bahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. metode ini dapat digunakan berdasarkan bobot dan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Kriteria yang digunakan didasarkan pada kriteria penilaian indeks Antropometri. Hasil analisis tersebut merupakan hasil pemeringkatan nilai terbesar untuk dijadikan bahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. metode ini dapat digunakan berdasarkan bobot dan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Kriteria yang digunakan didasarkan pada kriteria penilaian indeks Antropometri. Hasil analisis tersebut merupakan hasil pemeringkatan nilai terbesar untuk dijadikan bahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan

    Implementasi Metode Transportasi North West Corner Untuk Optimasi Biaya Pengiriman Barang Pada UD. Naga Timbul

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    Delivery of goods or services is an important part of the activities of a government agency or a particular company. The problem that is often faced with shipping is the issue of cost. The delivery system is a series of activities that determine the company where the products are sent to consumers to be marketed with the aim of facilitating product marketing. The delivery system is one of the main supports after the production process thus realizing the optimization of shipping costs. UD. Naga Timbul is a company engaged in the fertilizer sector. Goods produced will be sent to the branch company UD. Naga Timbul. The method in this study is to use the North West Corner (NWC) method to calculate the cost of shipping goods. The application consists of three parts, namely, filling in the data supply and location of demand, as well as filling in data on the cost of shipping goods. To build this system application design, Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and Mysql software are needed as database creation


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    Abstrack - The interest in reading children in a conventional manner is currently less attractive to the age of kindergarten children (tk) so that technological tools are perceived visually and in motion so that children are more interested and easy in the learning process. The development of multimedia applications as a means of assisting devices helps children to be more creative and interested in learning and can stimulate the thinking of children in the field of education taught in children's garden schools. The programming language used is the VB programming language and is supported with photoshop in the design of existing images as well as sound recorders for recording sound built into the application.   Keywords - multimedia, vb, t
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