81 research outputs found
Mathematical Modeling of the Relationship between Employment and Living Standards of the Rural Population
The article is aimed at building a econometric model of the relationship between employment of the rural population of Ukraine and its standard of living, as well as studying the possibilities of using the model to substantiate measures for the improvement. To simulate such a relationship, the number of employed rural population of working age is taken as a performance indicator. On the basis of correlation analysis of structural relations the factors influencing the employment are determined. It is proved that significantly influencing variables are the following: number of general daytime education institutions, number of children in preschool institutions, number of libraries and club establishments. The performed check of the model confirmed its adequacy and statistical significance of factor attributes. It is substantiated that development of objects of rural social infrastructure will help to increase employment and living standards in rural areas
Frontal cortex functional activity modulation impact on the stereotypic, emotional and postural behavior in rats during the interictal period of pilocarpine-induced chronic epileptogenesis
The cholinergic mechanisms role determination in epileptogenesis attracts the attention of researchers. Pilocarpine administration in rats contributes to chronic form of epileptiform activity development characterized by the presence of a pronounced acute stage and an interictal period - free from behavioral convulsive reactions. We consider the most important feature of the pilocarpine-induced seizures interictal period might be the change of various forms of nonconvulsive behavior. Attempts to investigate the animals’ behavioral reactions details during the seizure-free interictal period, as well as to determine the mechanisms of similar types of behavior formation, are interesting. The purpose of the work is to investigate the motor, stereotypic and aggressive-defensive behavior of rats throughout the interictal period of pilocarpine-induced convulsive syndrome with a frontal cortex functional activity change. It was found that the severity of non-convulsive behavioral reactions in the interictal period during pilocarpine-induced chronic seizures is mostly determined by the frontal cortex functional state. At the same time, the frontal cortex hyperactivation is an important feature of pilocarpine-induced chronic epileptogenesis. The authors proved that when the frontal cortex is activated in rats, there is an increase in horizontal and vertical motor activity, as well as the expressiveness of emotional reactions in the “open field” test and the strengthening of the aggressive-defensive behavior. In conditions of this part of the cortex selective destruction the opposite behavioral effects are noted which confirms the important role of the frontal cortex in the interictal non-convulsive behavior formation. Observed behavioral effects during the frontal cortex functional activity modulation, according to the authors, indicate the reasonability of regulatory influences searching aiming forward this brain part to activate complex mechanisms aimed to pilocarpine-induced chronic epileptiform activity elimination
Организация психокоррекционной работы с родственниками пациентов с сосудистой деменцией
До сьогоднішнього часу проблеми клініко-психологічної дезадаптації осіб, родичі яких хворіють на деменцію практично не розкриті. Результати проведених нами початкових робіт показали актуальність та необхідність детального вивчення даного питання. У представленій статті розкрито актуальність проблеми супроводження хворих на судинну деменцію та їх родичів. Метою даної роботи стало вивчення клініко-психопатологічних та соціальних особливостей пацієнтів з судинною деменцією, а також закономірностей формування дезадаптації у їх родичів та розробка комплексного медико-соціальний супроводу хворих та їх родин. Автор наводить дані власного дослідження, де представлено особливості порушень психоемоційного стану у родичів хворих на судинну деменцію. У роботі, вперше представлено мішені психокорекційних інтервенцій у родичів пацієнтів з судинною деменцією, а саме порушення в психоемоційній, особистісній та психосоціальній сферах.Till now the problem of the clinical and psychological maladjustment persons whose relatives suffer from dementia, almost uncovered. The results of the initial work carried out by us have shown the urgency and the need for a detailed study of this issue. In the present article the urgency of the problem of tracking patients with vascular dementia and their relatives. The aim of this work was to study the clinical and psychopathological and social characteristics of patients with vascular dementia, as well as the laws of formation of maladjustment in their families and the development of integrated health and social support for patients and their families. The author cites his own research, which shows the features of disorders of mental and emotional state of the relatives of patients with vascular dementia. For the first time presented psychocorrectional target interventions in relatives of patients with vascular dementia, and it is in the psycho-emotional disorders, personality and psychosocial areas.До настоящего времени проблемы клинико-психологической дезадаптации лиц, родственники которых болеют деменцией, практически не раскрыты. Результаты проведенных нами начальных работ показали актуальность и необходимость детального изучения данного вопроса. В представленной статье раскрыто актуальность проблемы сопровождения больных сосудистой деменцией и их родственников. Целью данной работы стало изучение клинико-психопатологических и социальных особенностей пациентов с сосудистой деменцией, а также закономерностей формирования дезадаптации у их родственников и разработка комплексного медико-социального сопровождения больных и их семей. Автор приводит данные собственного исследования, где представлены особенности нарушений психоэмоционального состояния у родственников больных сосудистой деменцией. В работе впервые представлены мишени психокоррекционных интервенций у родственников пациентов с сосудистой деменцией, а именно нарушения в психоэмоциональной, личностной и психосоциальной сферах
Clinical and laboratory characteristics of influenza infection in hospitalized adult patients during the 2018-2019 epidemic season
Despite the success in prevention and therapy, influenza remains a mass disease with mortality rate up to 0.01—0.2% worldwide.Purpose. Conducting clinical and laboratory analysis of influenza infection cases and evaluating their etiological significance in adult hospitalized patients during 2018—2019 epidemic season. Materials and methods. There were analyzed 569 case histories of patients hospitalized at the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after S.P. Botkin. Patients were examined by PCR that resulted in verified influenza virus in 260 cases. Nasopharyngeal swabs collected from 36 patients were examined by virological method on MDCK cell culture. 24 influenza virus strains were isolated and identified.Results. The study allowed to identify a viral landscape represented by influenza viruses A and B found in 98.5% and 1.5% cases, respectively. Influenza viruses isolated on cell culture in 50% of cases were identified. Among the influenza viruses isolated on cell culture there were identified serotype A influenza viruses (H1N1) closely related to the pandemic influenza A (H1N1)pdm09. Some isolates (41.7%) belonged to serotype A (H3N2), which were related to strain A/Singapore/16-0019/16. Influenza B virus strain of the Victoria lineage isolated from a hospitalized patient possessed a triple deletion in hemagglutinin gene, which antigenic properties substantially differed from those of the influenza virus strain being included into current influenza vaccines. Upon admission, the condition of most patients was estimated as moderate (males — 48.7%, females — 51.3%). The median patient age was 35 years old, with comorbidities being registered in 50% cases. The clinical picture for 2018—2019 seasonal influenza displayed no distinctive features as compared to previous epidemic seasons. The duration of intoxication and catarrhal syndrome was 4.3±0.13 and 6.9±0.29 days, respectively, with median body temperature ranging within 39.2±0.06°С. All patients received standard pathogenetic therapy. Complications were noted in 86.7% cases such as pneumonia — 11.1%, sinusitis — 6.9%, bronchitis — 56.9%. The bed day length was 5.93±0.29, no lethal outcomes were recorded.Conclusion. It was found that influenza A viruses were dominant in patients observed comprising up to 98.5% cases, whereas influenza viruses B were found in as few as 1.5% patients. The clinical picture was characterized by severe intoxication and catarrhal syndrome, being frequently associated with complications
Епідеміологія хвороби Альцгеймера в Одеській області
The aim of the work was to study the epidemiology of Alzheimer’s disease in the Odesa region.
Materials and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of the Regional Mental Health Center (Odesa) in 2016–2021.
The data of the primary referral of patients with a verified diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease were analyzed. Statistical processing
of the obtained data was performed by frequency analysis methods using standard MS Excel packages (Microsoft Inc., USA). The
population of the Odesa region was determined according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
Results. According to the retrospective analysis over the past 5 years, there was a constant increase in the number of identified
patients with Alzheimer’s disease, from 4.9 cases per 100,000 population in 2016 to 6.0 cases in 2020 with a slight predominance
of women in the structure of cases. Brain MRI was performed only in 29 (4.6 %) patients, EEG in 41 (6.5 %) patients. There were
no cases of familial Alzheimer’s disease or early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. In 2020, Alzheimer’s and dementia deaths reached
14,196 or 2.54 % of total mortality in Ukraine.
Conclusions. The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease was 6.0 cases per 100,000 in the population of the Odesa region at the end
of 2021, which was an order of magnitude less than the global average. The mean score on the MMSE scale was 18.6 ± 0.5. The
analysis on subscales has shown the prevalence of memory, spatial orientation and verbal disorders. The Ukrainian population
is characterized by the small number of patients of the older age group (3.3 %) and the predominance of female patients
(59.4 %).Мета роботи – вивчення епідеміології хвороби Альцгеймера в Одеській області.
Матеріали та методи. Дослідження здійснили на базі Обласного центру психічного здоров’я (м. Одеса) у 2016–2021 рр.
Проаналізували дані первинного направлення пацієнтів із верифікованим діагнозом хвороба Альцгеймера. Статистичне
опрацювання результатів здійснили із застосуванням методів частотного аналізу, використавши стандартні пакети MS Excel
(Microsoft Inc., США). Кількість населення Одеської області визначили за даними Державної служби статистики України.
Результати. За результатами ретроспективного аналізу, протягом останніх 5 років відбувалося постійне зростання кількості встановлених діагнозів хвороба Альцгеймера: з 4,9 випадку на 100 тис. населення у 2016 році до 6,0 випадку у 2020
році. У структурі захворюваності на хворобу Альцгеймера виявили незначне переважання жінок. МРТ головного мозку
виконали тільки 29 (4,6 %) хворим, ЕЕГ – 41 (6,5 %) пацієнтові. Випадки сімейної форми хвороби Альцгеймера та хвороби
Альцгеймера з раннім початком не зафіксовані. У 2020 році в Україні померли 14 196 осіб від хвороби Альцгеймера та
деменції – 2,54 % від загальної кількості смертей.
Висновки. Поширеність хвороби Альцгеймера серед населення Одеської області наприкінці 2021 року становила 6,0
випадку на 100 тис. населення; це істотно менше, ніж середній показник у світі. Середній бал за шкалою MMSE становив
18,6 ± 0,5. Аналіз за субшкалами показав переважання порушень пам’яті, просторової орієнтації та вербальних розладів.
Для населення України характерна незначна кількість хворих старшої вікової групи (3,3 %) та переважання жінок (59,4 %)
Особенности клинического течения риновирусной инфекции у госпитализированных взрослых больных в эпидемический сезон 2017–2018 гг.
Purpose. Rhinovirus infection has in the past been perceived as a disease capable of causing mild respiratory symptoms in most cases in children. Modern clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that rhinovirus infection in adults and children and has a moderate and severe course. The aim of this study was to conduct a clinical and laboratory analysis of cases of rhinovirus infection in adult hospitalized patients and evaluate the etiological role of rinoviruses in the epidemic season of 2017/18.Materials and methods. 1013 case histories of patients admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of SARS were studied. These patients were taken nasopharyngeal swabs were investigated by PCR for the detection of respiratory pathogens. A positive result was obtained with rhinovirus infection of 51 patients.Results. Of the examined patients, 41,6% had influenza, 45,8% had no viruses and 12,6% had other viral infections, of which 40% were due to rhinovirus infection. Among them, young patients prevailed: the median age for men was 31,0 years, for women-27,5 years. The disease occurred in a moderate form – 78,8%, severe course was observed in 5,3% of patients and was accompanied by infectious and toxic shock. Most often the disease occurred with complications acute bronchitis – 22,1%, pneumonia joined in 15,7% of cases.Conclusion. rhinovirus infection ranks first (40%) among non-influenza causes of viral respiratory tract infection in the examined patients. It was registered mainly in young people. In most cases, it proceeded in a moderate form and had a complicated course, including pneumonia.Цель. Риновирусная (РВ) инфекция в прошлом воспринималась как заболевание, способное вызывать легкие респираторные симптомы в большинстве случаев у детей. Современные клинико-эпидемиологические исследования показали, что РВ-инфекция у взрослых и детей имеет среднетяжелое и тяжелое течение. Целью настоящего исследования было проведение клинико-лабораторного анализа случаев риновирусной инфекции у взрослых госпитализированных больных и оценка этиологического значения риновирусов в эпидемический сезон 2017–2018 гг.Материалы и методы. Изучено 1013 историй болезни пациентов, обследованных методом ПЦР, из них 51 с РВ инфекцией.Результаты. Из обследованных больных у 41,6% выявлен грипп, у 45,8% вирусы не обнаружены и у 12,6% выявлены другие вирусные инфекции, из которых 40% приходится на РВ. Среди них преобладали пациенты молодого возраста: медиана для мужчин – 31,0 лет, для женщин – 27,5 лет. Заболевание протекало в среднетяжелой форме – 78,8%, тяжелое течение было отмечено у 5,3% больных и сопровождалось инфекционно-токсическим шоком. Заболевание наиболее часто осложнялось острым бронхитом – 22,1%, в 15,7% случаев присоединялась пневмония.Заключение. РВ-инфекция занимает первое место (40%) среди негриппозных причин вирусного поражения респираторного тракта у обследованных пациентов. Она регистрировалась преимущественно у лиц молодого возраста. В большинстве случаев протекала в среднетяжелой форме и имела осложненное течение, в том числе пневмонией.
Features of psychological states of patients with vascular dementia
Сосудистая деменция составляет 15–20% всех случаев деменции и количество заболеваний растет с увеличением
возраста. По международной классификации болезней деменция отнесена к разделу психических заболеваний, и трактуется, как результат церебрального инфаркта вследствие цереброваскулярного заболевания. Кроме того особенностью данного заболевания является клиническое многообразие нарушений и не редкое сочетание нескольких неврологических и нейропсихологических синдромов у больного. Именно поэтому изучение особенностей психологического состояния больных сосудистой деменцией является важным при диагностике и разработке эффективной терапии.Vascular dementia is 15–20% of all dementia cases and the number of diseases increases with age. According to the international classification of diseases attributed to dementia rubric of mental illness, and is interpreted as a result of cerebral infarction due
to cerebrovascular disease. Also feature of this disease is the clinical diversity of disorders and rare combination of several neurological and
neuropsychological syndromes in patients. That is why the study of features of the psychological state of patients with vascular dementia is
important in the diagnosis and the development of effective therapy
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