73 research outputs found

    Russian factory inspection (1882-1918): cui bono?

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    This study deals with history of important state institution in late Russian Empire - factory inspection. Such aspects of institutional development as evolution of legislative regulations, growth of staff, and complication of functions (and particularly, mediation in labour conflicts) are scrutinized. This paper presents some results on Russian experience of labour law implementation seeking to determine and evaluate the role and efficiency of Russian factory inspectors in conflicting triangle of relations among state, industrialists and workers.labour law ; factory inspection ; labour conflicts ; Russia

    Contemporary Russia: national interests and emerging foreign policy perceptions

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    'In den letzten Jahren waren die Grundprinzipien und Ziele der russischen Außenpolitik innerhalb Rußlands heftig umstritten. Auch fĂŒr Außenstehende war das Verhalten der russischen FĂŒhrung mitunter schwer zu deuten. Mittel- und langfristig ist aber eine kohĂ€rente außenpolitische Konzeption ein vitales BedĂŒrfnis fĂŒr Rußland. Die GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr sind elementar: Nur eine ausbalancierte und sorgfĂ€ltig durchdachte außenpolitische Strategie, die von den relevanten gesellschaftlichen KrĂ€ften getragen wird, kann das Land vor 'sektiererischen' ideologischen Schemata, unprofessionellen 'Experten' und fragwĂŒrdigen internationalen Verpflichtungen bewahren. Der vorliegende Bericht, der aus der Feder zweier namhafter russischer Wissenschaftler stammt, unternimmt den Versuch, den Rahmen fĂŒr eine Außenpolitik zu formulieren, die die nationalen Interessen wahrt und die internationale Position Rußlands sichert. Vor den PrĂ€sidentenwahlen verfaßt, weist der Text in seinem grundsĂ€tzlichen Umgang mit dem Problem auch fĂŒr die Zukunft mögliche Wege fĂŒr eine russische Außenpolitik.' (Autorenreferat)'In recent years, the basic principles and objectives of Russian foreign policy have been the subject of controversial debate within Russia. For outsiders, too, the actions of the Russian leadership have at times been difficult to comprehend. In the medium to long term, however, a coherent foreign-policy design is vitally important to Russia. The reasons for this are elementary: only a balanced and carefully deliberated foreign-policy strategy enjoying the support of society's main socio-political forces can protect the country from the imposition of 'sectional' ideological schemes, from non-professional 'experts', and from disputable international commitments. The present report, from the pen of two prominent Russian scholars, attempts to formulate a framework for a foreign policy that preserves Russia's national interests and secures its international position. Written before the presidential elections, the text and its fundamental handling of the problems involved point out possible paths for a Russian foreign policy for the future, too.' (author's abstract

    Complete convergence and complete moment convergence for arrays of rowwise END random variables

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    The authors study complete convergence and complete moment convergence for arrays of rowwise extended negatively dependent (END) random variables and obtain some new results. The results extend and improve the corresponding theorems by Sung (2005), Hu and Taylor (1997), Hu et al. (1989), and Chow (1988)

    Silicon Nanocrystals and Amorphous Nanoclusters in SiO<sub>x</sub> and SiN<sub>x</sub>: Atomic, Electronic Structure, and Memristor Effects

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    Semiconductor nanocrystals in dielectric films are interesting from fundamental aspect, because quantum-size effects in them appear even at room temperature, so such objects can be called as “quantum dots”. Silicon nanocrystals and amorphous silicon nanoclusters in substoichiometric SiOx and SiNx films are traps for electrons and holes that apply in nonvolatile memory devices. In this chapter the formation of silicon nanocrystals and silicon amorphous nanoclusters in SiOx and SiNx films was studied using structural and optical methods. The phonon confinement model was refined to obtain sizes of silicon nanocrystals from analysis of Raman scattering data. Structural models that lead to nanoscale potential fluctuation in amorphous SiOx and SiNx are considered. A new structural model which is intermediate between random mixture and random bonding models is proposed. Memristor effects in SiOx films are discussed

    Limiting behaviour of moving average processes under ρ\rho-mixing assumption

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    Let \{Y_i, -\infty<i<\infty\} be a doubly infinite sequence of identically distributed ρ\rho-mixing random variables, \{a_i,-\infty<i< \infty\} an absolutely summable sequence of real numbers. In this paper, we prove the complete convergence and Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund strong law of large numbers for the partial sums of the moving average processes {∑i=−∞∞aiYi+n,n≄1}\{\sum\limits^\infty_{i=-\infty}a_i Y_{i+n},n\geq1\}

    On the Weak Law with Random Indices for Arrays of Banach Space Valued Random Elements

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    Abstract For a sequence of constants {an, n ≄ 1}, an array of rowwise independent and stochastically dominated random elements {Vnj, j ≄ 1, n ≄ 1} in a real separable Rademacher type p Banach space for some p ∈ [1, 2], and a sequence of positive integer-valued random variables {Tn, n ≄ 1}, a general weak law of large numbers of the for

    Convergence rate of the dependent bootstrapped means

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    In this paper, a Baum–Katz, Erdos, Hsu–Robbins, Spitzer type complete convergence result is obtained for the dependent bootstrapped means.National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Bistability and Hysteresis of Intersubband Absorption in Strongly Interacting Electrons on Liquid Helium

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    We study nonlinear inter-subband microwave absorption of electrons bound to the liquid helium surface. Already for a comparatively low radiation intensity, resonant absorption due to transitions between the two lowest subbands is accompanied by electron overheating. The overheating results in a significant population of higher subbands. The Coulomb interaction between electrons causes a shift of the resonant frequency, which depends on the population of the excited states and thus on the electron temperature TeT_e. The latter is determined experimentally from the electron photoconductivity. The experimentally established relationship between the frequency shift and TeT_e is in reasonable agreement with the theory. The dependence of the shift on the radiation intensity introduces nonlinearity into the rate of the inter-subband absorption resulting in bistability and hysteresis of the resonant response. The hysteresis of the response explains the behavior in the regime of frequency modulation, which we observe for electrons on liquid 3^3He and which was previously seen for electrons on liquid 4^4He

    On convergence properties of sums of dependent random variables under second moment and covariance restrictions

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    Abstract For a sequence of dependent square-integrable random variables and a sequence of positive constants {b n , n ≄ 1}, conditions are provided under which the series n i=1 (X i − E X i )/b i converges almost surely as n → ∞ and {X n , n ≄ 1} obeys the strong law of large numbers lim n→∞ n i=1 (X i − E X i )/b n = 0 almost surely. The hypotheses stipulate that two series converge, where the convergence of the first series involves the growth rates of {Var X n , n ≄ 1} and {b n , n ≄ 1} and the convergence of the second series involves the growth rate of {sup n≄1 |Cov (X n , X n+k )|, k ≄ 1}
