On convergence properties of sums of dependent random variables under second moment and covariance restrictions


Abstract For a sequence of dependent square-integrable random variables and a sequence of positive constants {b n , n ≥ 1}, conditions are provided under which the series n i=1 (X i − E X i )/b i converges almost surely as n → ∞ and {X n , n ≥ 1} obeys the strong law of large numbers lim n→∞ n i=1 (X i − E X i )/b n = 0 almost surely. The hypotheses stipulate that two series converge, where the convergence of the first series involves the growth rates of {Var X n , n ≥ 1} and {b n , n ≥ 1} and the convergence of the second series involves the growth rate of {sup n≥1 |Cov (X n , X n+k )|, k ≥ 1}

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