1,374 research outputs found

    The potential of Antheraea pernyi silk for spinal cord repair

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    This work was supported by the Institute of Medical Sciences of the University of Aberdeen, Scottish Rugby Union and RS McDonald Charitable Trust. We are grateful to Mr Nicholas Hawkins from Oxford University and Ms Annette Raffan from the University of Aberdeen for assistance with tensile testing. We thank Ms Michelle GniÎČ for her help with the microglial response experiments. We also thank Mr Gianluca Limodio for assisting with the MATLAB script for automation of tensile testing’s data analysis.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Time-resolved torsional relaxation of spider draglines by an optical technique.

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    International audienceThe sensitivity of the torsional pendulum demonstrates the self-shape-memory effect in different types of spider draglines. Here we report the time-resolved noncovalent bonds recovery in the protein structure. The torsional dynamics of such multilevel structure governed by reversible interactions are described in the frame of a nested model. Measurement of three different relaxation times confirms the existence of three energy storage levels in such two protein spidroin systems. Torsion opens the way to further investigations towards unraveling the tiny torque effects in biological molecules

    Interesting green elastomeric composites: Silk textile reinforced natural rubber

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    The reinforcement of natural rubber (NR) with particles and fibres enables their use in even high performance applications, such as in road-racing bicycle tire casings. Here, for the first time, we examine the potential of silk textiles as reinforcements in NR to produce a fully-green, flexible yet strengthened elastomeric composite material. Various material properties were evaluated and compared with similar nylon textile reinforced NR composites. Two types of NR were used: whole and purified natural rubbers. The composite samples were prepared by sandwiching a single layer of textile between layers of NR. NR/silk composites exhibited higher static and dynamic mechanical properties than NR/nylon composites. In addition, silk textiles in whole NR composites performed significantly better than purified NR composites, due to stronger fibre/matrix adhesion and better wettability in the former, as indicated by surface energy measurements and scanning electron microscopy micrographs. Such bio-based natural rubber/silk composites might find interesting applications in soft robotics and as flexible, inflatable tubes.This work was supported and funded by the EXPERTS4Asia (Erasmus Mundus), the Oxford Silk Group at University of Oxford, the Thailand Research Fund (TRF RDC5850004) and Kasetsart University (Thailand). We also thank the US Air Force Office for Scientific Research (AFOSR Grant Number F49620-03-1-0111) and the European Research Council Advanced Grant (SP2-GA-2008-233409) for generous funding. We acknowledge Chul Thai Silk Co., Ltd for providing silk fabric, and Asia Fiber Co., Ltd. for providing nylon fabric.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2016.08.007

    Accelerometers and simple algorithms identify activity budgets and body orientation in African elephants Loxodonta africana

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    Accelerometers can be used to monitor animal behavior remotely, but validation is required for each species. Previously, we showed that accelerometer data in collars could be used to identify specific behaviors in African elephants Loxodonta africana, using complex analytical methods. Here, we show that simple methods can also be used to identify elephant activity levels and body orientation. Subjects were 6 African elephants: 3 at Disney’s Animal Kingdom¼, Florida, USA, and 3 in Samburu-Laikipia, Kenya. Each elephant wore a collar containing a tri-axial accelerometer positioned on top of the neck. Simultaneous video recordings allowed validation of accelerometer data against observed behavior. The standard deviation of the total acceleration was shown to be a valid measure of dynamic acceleration, differentiating activity levels associated with resting, feeding, bathing, walking, and rapid walking. The mean of the total acceleration was shown to be a valid measure of static acceleration, and indicated upright and recumbent orientations. Simulations showed how accuracy was affected by sample rate, number of axes examined, and analysis window lengths. Based on 34 continuous 24 h acceleration streams, the 6 elephants exhibited an average of 2.5 h of overnight recumbence associated with minimal movement, indicating sleep. Daily activity budgets exhibited periods of minimal activity (e.g. resting, 17%), low activity (e.g. feeding, 68%), medium activity (e.g. walking, 13%), and high activity (e.g. rapid walking, 2%). Kenyan elephants were slightly more active and exhibited less restful recumbence compared to zoo elephants. Accelerometers in elephant collars can detect activity levels that are associated with specific behaviors, and can detect body orientation as a proxy for sleep

    Changes in the Adhesive Properties of Spider Aggregate Glue During the Evolution of Cobwebs

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    We compare the prey capture glues produced by orb-weaving spiders (viscid glue) and their evolutionary descendents, the cobweb-weaving spiders (gumfoot glue). These glues are produced in homologous glands but exhibit contrasting structure, properties and response to changing humidity. Individual glue droplet stretching measurements indicate that the gumfoot glue behaves like a viscoelastic liquid in contrast to the viscid glue, which behaves like a viscoelastic solid. Moreover, the gumfoot glue is largely humidity-resistant – elasticity and adhesion are constant across variation in humidity and there is weak volume-dependence. Viscid glue, however, is highly humidity-sensitive. The glue expands an order of magnitude and demonstrates a monotonous reduction in elasticity under increased humidity, while glue adhesion optimizes at intermediate levels of humidity. We suggest that observed differences are due to different ‘tackifiers' used in these systems. These results shall inspire future efforts in fabricating stimuli-resistant and stimuli-sensitive materials

    Hierarchical Chain Model of Spider Capture Silk Elasticity

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    Spider capture silk is a biomaterial with both high strength and high elasticity, but the structural design principle underlying these remarkable properties is still unknown. It was revealed recently by atomic force microscopy that, an exponential force--extension relationship holds both for capture silk mesostructures and for intact capture silk fibers [N. Becker et al., Nature Materials 2, 278 (2003)]. In this Letter a simple hierarchical chain model was proposed to understand and reproduce this striking observation. In the hierarchical chain model, a polymer is composed of many structural motifs which organize into structural modules and supra-modules in a hierarchical manner. Each module in this hierarchy has its own characteristic force. The repetitive patterns in the amino acid sequence of the major flagelliform protein of spider capture silk is in support of this model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Will be formally published in PR

    Spatial diet overlap and food resource in two congeneric mullet species revealed by stable isotopes and stomach content analyses

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    Food partitioning among coexisting species in different habitats remains an important research topic in trophic ecology. In this work, we combined carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios and stomach content analyses to investigate differences in diet and niche overlap of two congeneric juvenile mullet species (Mugil curema and Mugil liza) coexisting in a marine surf-zone and an estuarine zone in southern Brazil (29oS). These habitats have contrasting levels of food availability, especially in terms of prey diversity, with higher microalgae diversity in the estuary than in the marine surf-zone. In these contrasting conditions, we predicted that both mullet species will have (a) higher niche overlap and smaller niche breadth at the marine surf-zone due to the common exploration of highly abundant surf-zone diatoms and (b) lower niche overlap and higher niche breadth inside the estuary due to selective feeding on more diverse food resources. Isotope niche areas (measured as standard ellipse areas) were higher in the estuary (6.10 and 6.18) than in the marine surf-zone (3.68 and 3.37) for both M. curema and M. liza, respectively. We observed an overlap of 52% in isotopic niches of both species in the marine surf-zone and none in the estuary. We also found contrasting patterns in the diet composition between species according to the habitat. At the marine surfzone, diatoms of the classes Bacillariophyceae and Coscinodiscophyceae dominated (> 99%) the food content of both mullet species. In contrast, green algae, cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and flagellates comprised the diet of both species in the estuary. These results could be explained by spatial differences in food availability (especially regarding diversity of microalgae) between both habitats. At the marine site, both species explored the most abundant microalgae available (mostly the surf-zone diatom Asterionellopsis cf. guyunusae and fragments of Coscinodiscus), whereas in the estuary both species shifted their diets to explore the greater diversity of microalgae resources. Overall, our findings revealed that niche partitioning theory could not fully predict changes in breadth and overlap of food niches of estuarine dependent fish species with complex life cycles encompassing marine to estuarine systems with contrasting food availabilities

    Environmental effects on the construction and physical properties of Bombyx mori cocoons

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    Published studies of silks focus on processed fibres or the optimum conditions for their production. Consequently, the effects of the environment on the physical properties of the cocoon are either poorly understood or kept as closely guarded industrial secrets. In this study, we test the hypothesis that silkworms as ectothermic animals respond to environmental conditions by modifying their spinning behaviour in a predictable manner, which affects the material properties of the cocoons in predictable ways. Our experiments subjected spinning Bombyx mori silkworms to a range of temperatures and relative humidities that, as we show, affect the morphology and mechanical properties of the cocoon. Specifically, temperature affects cocoon morphology as well as its stiffness and strength, which we attribute to altered spinning behaviour and sericin curing time. Relative humidity affects cocoon colouration, perhaps due to tanning agents. Finally, the water content of a cocoon modifies sericin distribution and stiffness without changing toughness. Our results demonstrate environmentally induced quality parameters that must not be ignored when analysing and deploying silk cocoons, silk filaments or silk-derived bio-polymers

    Horses and cows might teach us about human knees

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