485 research outputs found

    Social and cultural implications of migration processes of women-scientists

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    Lipai, T. Social and cultural implications of migration processes of women-scientists / T. Lipai, O. Volkova // Демократия и управление. - 2015. - Вып.1(19).-P. 43.The project is aimed at the solution of the research problem - contemporary forms of discrimination against women-scientists, having experienced migrations to the Soviet Union republics and then from NIS to Russi

    Physics Reach of High-Energy and High-Statistics IceCube Atmospheric Neutrino Data

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    This paper investigates the physics reach of the IceCube neutrino detector when it will have collected a data set of order one million atmospheric neutrinos with energies in the 0.1 \sim 10^4 TeV range. The paper consists of three parts. We first demonstrate how to simulate the detector performance using relatively simple analytic methods. Because of the high energies of the neutrinos, their oscillations, propagation in the Earth and regeneration due to \tau decay must be treated in a coherent way. We set up the formalism to do this and discuss the implications. In a final section we apply the methods developed to evaluate the potential of IceCube to study new physics beyond neutrino oscillations. Not surprisingly, because of the increased energy and statistics over present experiments, existing bounds on violations of the equivalence principle and of Lorentz invariance can be improved by over two orders of magnitude. The methods developed can be readily applied to other non-conventional physics associated with neutrinos.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, Revtex

    Globalization: cultural implications of migration processes of women

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    Lipai, T. Globalization: cultural implications of migration processes of women / T. Lipai, O. Volkova // Globalization: Impact of Trade, Economy and Low. International student Conference 03-04 May. Prishtina: University of Prishtina Printing House, 2016. - Prishtina, 2016. - P. 73-76.Industrial, economic, scientific and cultural development was spread over the whole country, including distant rural areas. Self-contained, independent Soviet economy called for a differentiation in industry and education. To provide for the new demands new educational establishments were being built, new specialists in various fields of industry and science were being prepared. Women were encouraged to work in the system of science and higher educatio

    Migration as a driver for development of society

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    Lipai, T. Migration as a driver for development of society / T. Lipai, O. Volkova // Development and Democracy. Sustainable World with No One Left Behind: International Conference Booklet, 27th October 2016. - Bratislava, 2016. - P. 94-105. - Refer.: p. 104-105.Industrial, economic, scientific and cultural development was spread over the whole country, including distant rural areas. Self-contained, independent Soviet economy called for a differentiation in industry and education. To provide for the new demands new educational establishments were being built, new specialists in various fields of industry and science were being prepare

    Oil and gas potential of Ukrainian sector of the Sea of Azov by a comprehensive assessment of aerospace research data

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    One of the lines of optimization of prediction and exploration of oil and gas fields in the offshore area is involvement of new unconventional data sources, in particular materials of multispectral satellite imagery. A rating assessment of oil-and-gas promising areas in the Ukrainian sector of the Sea of Azov was carried out, taking into account the results obtained in determining the rank of OGPA according to the structural and geomorphological, neotectonic, spectral and brightness, and structural and geological criteria

    Characteristics of immune-active and immune-silent phenotypes of early-stage cervical carcinoma as revealed by transcriptome sequencing

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    Molecular classification, immuneheterogeneity, and the existence of distinct immunophenotypes of virus-associated cervical cancer (CeCa) remain as-yet weakly explored issues, and this is particularly true of its earliest clinical stages and pre-invasive forms: cervical intraepithelial neoplastic (CIN) lesions. The goal of the study was to identify transcriptomic landscapes of invasive CeCa at its initial progression that differ substantially in their immune-related characteristics, patterns of signaling pathways and composition of the microenvironment. Transcriptome profiling was carried out using RNA-sequencing on Illumina platform. A panel of surgical-derived tissue samples comprised human papillomavirus-positive CIN grade 1-3, cancer of FIGO IA1-IIB stages, and morphologically normal epithelium. Transcriptomic profiles were analyzed with the use of bioinformatics tools, such as gene set enrichment (GAGE) for signaling pathways, xCell enrichment for cell composition identification, and PREDA positional analysis of genomic data. Hierarchical clustering revealed heterogeneity of transcriptomic profiles within the early-stage CeCa, namely, the existence of two clusters of tumor samples and three functional patterns of genes showing coordinately altered expression. Pathway enrichment analysis on genes differently expressed between the two clusters/groups of CeCa samples (‘A' and ‘B') and CIN (group ‘C') suggested that invasive tumor progression in groups ‘A' and ‘B' might rely on immunologically dissimilar mechanisms. xCell analysis confirmed heterogeneity of changes in the abundancies of cell populations when comparing CeCa sample groups and CIN, along with differences in immune and stromal scores. PREDA demonstrated that these transcriptomic differences could be linked to different chromosomal regions and co-localized with particular gene families and potentially the reported virus integration hotspots. Overall, the existence and detectability of different transcriptomic immune-based phenotypes of invasive CeCa at its initial stages of progression is shown, which may provide new options to broaden the knowledge and applicability of target and immune anti-cancer therapy

    High-pressure behavior of superconducting boron-doped diamond

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    This work investigates the high-pressure structure of freestanding superconducting (TcT_{c} = 4.3\,K) boron doped diamond (BDD) and how it affects the electronic and vibrational properties using Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction in the 0-30\,GPa range. High-pressure Raman scattering experiments revealed an abrupt change in the linear pressure coefficients and the grain boundary components undergo an irreversible phase change at 14\,GPa. We show that the blue shift in the pressure-dependent vibrational modes correlates with the negative pressure coefficient of TcT_{c} in BDD. The analysis of x-ray diffraction data determines the equation of state of the BDD film, revealing a high bulk modulus of B0B_{0}=510±\pm28\,GPa. The comparative analysis of high-pressure data clarified that the sp2^{2} carbons in the grain boundaries transform into hexagonal diamond.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Особливості викладання фізики у медичному коледжі

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    Одним із базових предметів, що входять до переліку дисциплін, необхідних для отримання повної загальної середньої освіти, є курс фізики, теми якого розглядаються у 10-11-х класах. У загальному розумінні ця наука розглядає все те, що оточує людину протягом всього життя. Для студента медичного коледжу розуміння основних закономірностей та взаємозв’язків у фізичних процесах чи явищах є особливо важливим. Зазвичай на перших заняттях викладач наголошує на важливості та всеосяжності даної дисципліни, формуванні наукового світогляду, розвитку логічного мислення тощо. Але в медичних навчальних закладах, в першу чергу, слід пояснювати, що не лише оточуючій світ існує за законами фізики, але і сама людина є фізичним об’єктом, біологічною системою. Саме в людському організмі яскраво представлені усі розділи науки від механіки до ядерної фізики. Вивчати динаміку на прикладі опорно-рухового апарату, розглядати тиск чи капілярні явища на колах кровообігу, будувати зображення в збірній лінзі, перевіряючи результат власним оком – все це робить опанування дисципліни набагато цікавішим, у результаті чого зростає не лише інтерес до науки, але і розуміння перебігу тих чи інших процесів та явищ

    Особливості викладання фізики у медичному коледжі

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    Одним із базових предметів, що входять до переліку дисциплін, необхідних для отримання повної загальної середньої освіти, є курс фізики, теми якого розглядаються у 10-11-х класах. У загальному розумінні ця наука розглядає все те, що оточує людину протягом всього життя. Для студента медичного коледжу розуміння основних закономірностей та взаємозв’язків у фізичних процесах чи явищах є особливо важливим