308 research outputs found

    Крымский фактор в становлении общественного идеала Л. Украинки

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    В статье рассмотрено воздействие крымских впечатлений на процесс становлення общественного идеала выдающейся украинской поэтессы Леси Украинки преимущественно в первый период ее творчества.У статті розглянутий вплив кримських вражень на процес становлення суспільного ідеалу видатної української поетеси Лесі Українки переважно у перший період її творчості.In article is considered influence of the crimeam impressions on process of the formation of the public ideal of the prominent ukrainian poetess Lesi Ukrainki mainly at the first period her creative activity

    ‘Chameleonic' Serological Findings Leading to Life-Threatening Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions

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    Background: The phenomena of co-incidence of transfusion-induced allo- and autoantibodies, blockage and/or loss of red blood cell (RBC) antigens are conspicuous and may result in confusion and misdiagnosis. Case Report: A 67-year-old female was transferred to the intensive care unit due to hemolysis which developed 2 days following transfusion of three Rh(D)-negative RBC units in the presence of strongly reactive autoantibodies. Standard serological testing and genotyping were performed. Upon arrival, the patient was typed as Ccddee. Her hemolysis was decompensated, and an immediate blood transfusion was required. In addition, direct and indirect antiglobulin tests (DAT and IAT) as well as the eluate were strongly positive. Emergency transfusion of Rh(D)-negative RBCs resulted in increased hemolysis and renal failure. An exhaustive testing revealed anti-D, anti-c, CCddee phenotype and CCD.ee genotype. Three units of cryopreserved CCddee RBCs were transfused, and the patient's condition immediately improved. The discrepancy between Rh-D phenotyping and genotyping was likely caused by masking of the D-epitopes by the autoantibodies. In fact, further enquiry revealed that the patient had been phenotyped as Rh(D)-positive 6 months ago and had been transfused at that time following hip surgery. Conclusion: The phenomena of transfusion-induced autoantibodies, masked alloantibodies, antigen blockage and/or loss are rare but important features which should be considered in patients presenting with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and/or hemolytic transfusion reactions

    Antioxidative vitamines for prevention of cardiovascular disease for patients after renal transplantation and patients with chronic renal failure

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    Introduction: The mortality from cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic renal failure is much higher than in the general population. In particular, patients with chronic renal failure with replacement therapies (dialysis patients and patients with renal transplantation) show both increased traditional risk factors and risk factors due to the dysfunction of the renal system. In combination with necessary medication for renal insufficiency oxidative stress is elevated. Progression of atherosclerosis is promoted due to increased oxidation of lipids and endothelium damage. This link between lipid oxidation and artherogenesis provides the rationale for the supposed beneficial effect of supplementation with antioxidative vitamins (vitamin A, C and E). Such an effect could not be demonstrated for patients with a history of cardiovascular disease and without kidney diseases. However, in high risk patients with chronic renal failure and renal replacement therapies this could be different. Objectives: The objective of this systematic literature review was to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of supplementation with antioxidative vitamins A, C or E to reduce cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney diseases, dialysis-requiring patients and patients after a renal transplantation with or without cardiovascular diseases. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted with documented search and selection of the literature, using a priori defined inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as a documented extraction and assessment of the literature according to the methods of evidence-based medicine. Results: 21 publications met the inclusion criteria for the evaluation of clinical effectiveness. No study could be identified for the economic evaluation. Two studies (four publications) analysed the effect of oral supplementation on the secondary prevention of clinical cardiovascular endpoints. Studies analysing the effect on patients without a history of cardiovascular disease could not be identified. 17 studies analysed the effect of oral supplementation or infusion with antioxidative vitamins or the supplementation with dialysis membranes coated with vitamin E on intermediate outcomes like oxidative stress or vessel parameters. The two randomized clinical trials analysing the effect of orally supplemented vitamin E on clinical endpoints in patients with mild-to-moderate renal insufficiency and for haemodialysis patients respectively reported different results. After 4.5 years supplementation with a daily dose of 400 IU vitamin E renal insufficiency patients showed neither a beneficial nor a harmful effect on a combined event rate of myocardial infarction, stroke or death by cardiovascular causes. The second study reported a 50% risk reduction (RR=0.46, 95%-KI: 0.27-0.78, p=0.014) on the combined event rate of fatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular disease or unstable angina pectoris in the study arm with vitamin E-Supplementation of 800 IU daily. In 16 of 17 studies with intermediate endpoints the supplementation with vitamins was associated with a change of one or several of the examined endpoints in the expected direction. This means that the concentrations of the markers for oxidative stress decreased in the Vitamin E-group, the progression of aortic calcification (only one study) was reduced, the intima media thickness decreased and the lipid profile improved. No studies regarding costs or cost-effectiveness were identified. Discussion: A possible explanation for the different results in the two studies with clinical endpoints may be due to the different study populations with different risk profiles, to different dosage during the intervention or to variation by chance. Due to the absence of clinically meaningful endpoints, the relevance of studies analysing the effect of antioxidative vitamins on intermediate endpoints like oxidative stress markers is basically limited to show single intermediate steps of the postulated biological effect mechanisms by which a potentially preventive effect could possibly be mediated. The mainly unsatisfactory planning and reporting quality of the 17 identified studies and a possible "publication bias" are further limitations. Conclusion: The available evidence is not sufficient to support or to reject an effect of antioxidative vitamins on secondary prevention for cardiovascular disease for patients with chronic renal insufficiency or renal replacement therapy. There is a lack of randomized, placebo-controlled studies with a sufficient number of cases and clinical endpoints of cardiovascular disease, on the effect of antioxidative vitamins either orally applied or given by vitamin E-modified dialysers.No data are available about supplementation with antioxidative vitamins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Therefore the current evidence does not allow to draw conclusions concerning this subject either. As opposed to patients with a history of cardiovascular disease without kidney diseases where there is enough evidence to exclude a beneficial effect on secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease for patients with chronic renal insufficiency and renal replacement therapy this question remains unanswered. Conclusions about costs and cost-effectiveness also cannot be drawn

    Considering socio-political framings when analyzing coastal climate change effects can prevent maldevelopment on small islands

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    Adapting to climate change and sea level rise is challenging on small islands. False adaptation can lead to adverse impacts on natural and societal dynamics. Therefore, an interdisciplinary perspective on the interaction of natural dynamics, societal demands, and political decisions is crucial. In this sense, this study scrutinizes coastal processes and socio-political dimensions of erosion on the reef island Fuvahmulah, the Maldives. The national government and Fuvahmulah’s population have an opposed perception and attribution of the drivers and processes behind Fuvahmulah’s most pressing coastal issue – coastal erosion. To review these perceptions, natural dynamics are recreated with process-based methods and discussed regarding present and projected marine pressures. Population surveys and interviews with actors in coastal development complement the physical insights into erosion on Fuvahmulah and describe the socio-political dimension of climate change adaptation on small islands. This interdisciplinary approach demonstrates how small-islands’ adaptive capacities are typically impaired and disclose the potential of local knowledge to overcome maldevelopment

    How Cations Change Peptide Structure

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    Specific interactions between cations and proteins have a strong impact on peptide and protein structure. We here shed light on the nature of the underlying interactions, especially regarding the effects on the polyamide backbone structure. To do so, we compare the conformational ensembles of model peptides in isolation and in the presence of either Li+ or Na+ cations by state-of-the-art density-functional theory (including van der Waals effects) and gas-phase infrared spectroscopy. These monovalent cations have a drastic effect on the local backbone conformation of turn-forming peptides, by disruption of the H bonding networks and the resulting severe distortion of the backbone conformations. In fact, Li+ and Na+ can even have different conformational effects on the same peptide. We also assess the predictive power of current approximate density functionals for peptide-cation systems and compare to results from established protein force fields as well as to high-level quantum chemistry (CCSD(T)).Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    The lives of others: Class divisions, network segregation, and attachment to society in Chile

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    In this paper, we examine whether social class and class divides in social networks contribute to individuals' attachment to society. We argue that network segregation restricts individuals' social worlds, thereby diminishing societal attachment. Our research site is Chile, a country with relatively low social cohesion and one of the world's highest levels of economic inequality. We use large-scale representative survey data collected in 2016 for the Chilean urban population aged 18–75 years (n = 2983) and interrelate indicators of well-established dimensions and sub-dimensions of societal attachment. Results of our regression analyses show that members of the upper middle class are more attached to society than their fellow citizens from other social strata. In addition, having more social contacts within one's own social class reduces attachment to society. In particular, network homogeneity lessens societal attachment for lower- and upper-class individuals, but not so strongly in the middle class. We conclude that social cohesion in Chilean society would be enhanced not only by more equal opportunities but also by changes to the social settings in which social class segregation is (re)produced

    Whom do we lose? The case of dissimilarity in personal networks

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    Previous research finds that individuals tend to form ties with similar others much more often than with dissimilar others. However, we know relatively little about tie loss and to what extent this is driven by (dis)similarity. In this paper, we argue that ties to persons who are dissimilar with regard to gender, age, ethnicity, and education are lost faster than ties to similar persons – and we test three explanations for this faster decay of ties with dissimilar others: lack of meeting opportunities, preferences for similarity, and lower network embeddedness. To test these explanations, we analysed two waves of the Survey on the Social Networks of the Dutch (SSND, 2007, 2014). These SSND-waves contain comprehensive longitudinal panel data on ego networks of 441 respondents, who were interviewed about a wide range of relationships, their alters’ sociodemographic characteristics, where and when they met their alters, as well as how and whether they maintain these relationships. We modelled tie loss by event history analyses. Results show that ties to persons who were dissimilar are more likely to be lost faster, and that tie loss occurs mostly in the early years of a relationship. However, meeting opportunities, preferences for similarity, and network embeddedness are unable to explain why ties to dissimilar others are lost faster. We conclude that dissimilarity is a powerful driver of tie loss, and that more arguments and research are needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms