38 research outputs found

    A new species of Gyrodactylus (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae), an ectoparasite from the endemic Iranocichla hormuzensis (Teleostei, Cichlidae), the only Iranian cichlid

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    Iranocichla hormuzensis occupies a biogeographically peculiar position. This endemic of southern Iran is the only Iranian cichlid. While it is phylogenetically related to African oreochromine members of the cichlid family, it remains unclear how it has dispersed into its current range. It is one of the many lasting enigmas of cichlid biogeography. Monogenean fish parasites may provide useful additional information in such cases. Therefore, I. hormuzensis was examined for these flatworms. A gyrodactylid parasite is reported and compared to congeners from the Palearctic and from cichlids. In this way, we verify whether it shows affinities to parasites from fishes that are either biogeographically or phylogenetically close to Iranocichla hormuzensis. The species is new to science and is described as Gyrodactylus jalalii sp. nov. This is the first description of a parasite infecting I. hormuzensis. Because of the fixation method or age of the material, DNA could not be isolated. Due to the lack of genetic data, no conclusions can be drawn on its phylogenetic positioning. Indeed, Gyrodactylus phylogeny cannot be inferred from morphological characteristics alone. Moreover, the congeners phenotypically reminiscent of the new species belong to a Gyrodactylus clade which is highly diverse in geographic range and host choice. Hence, there is no evidence linking the new species to an exclusively African or cichlid-bound Gyrodactylus lineage

    Intra-annual genetic variation in the downstream larval drift of sutchi catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) in the Mekong river

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    Larvae of the sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus were collected during peak downstream drift in the Lower Mekong river on four occasions over an 8-week period during the 2003 spawning season, and genotyped using seven microsatellite loci. We provide evidence for several heterogeneous groups within and among the temporally discrete larval peak samples. Strong evidence for a significant deficit of heterozygotes was observed for each larval sample and the pooled sample, possibly due to population admixture. Although individual-based assignment tests suggested that each larval peak sample was admixed, significant but low genetic differentiation was observed among larval samples (FST = 0.0052, P < 0.01). The lack of significant relatedness confirms the multifamily composition of each larval group, excluding family bias to explain the observed genetic heterogeneity. Both the entire larval peak and each temporally separated larval peak originated from spawning groups with heterogeneous allelic composition involving several distinct spawning events. We propose three explanations to account for our findings: (1) the ecological match/mismatch hypothesis; (2) the genetic 'sweepstakes' selection hypothesis; and (3) life-history-specific characteristics of the spawning populations. Finally, an intra-annual shift in the contribution of the spawning populations to the larval drift was detected on successive occasions

    Identification and validation of single nucleotide polymorphisms in growth- and maturation-related candidate genes in sole (Solea solea L.)

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    Genomic methodologies applied in evolutionary and fisheries research have been of great benefit to understand the marine ecosystem and the management of natural resources. Although single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are attractive for the study of local adaptation, spatial stock management and traceability, and investigating the effects of fisheries-induced selection, they have rarely been exploited in non-model organisms. This is partly due to difficulties in finding and validating SNPs in species with limited or no genomic resources. Complementary to random genome-scan approaches, a targeted candidate gene approach has the potential to unveil pre-selected functional diversity and provides more in depth information on the action of selection at specific genes. For example genes can be under selective pressure due to climate change and sustained periods of heavy fishing pressure. In this study, we applied a candidate gene approach in sole (Solea solea L.), an important member of the demersal ecosystem. As consumption flatfish it is heavy exploited and has experienced associated life-history changes over the last 60 years. To discover novel genetic polymorphisms in or around genes linked to important life history traits in sole, we screened a total of 76 candidate genes related to growth and maturation using a targeted resequencing approach. We identified in total 86 putative SNPs in 22 genes and validated 29 SNPs using a multiplex single-base extension genotyping assay. We found 22 informative SNPs, of which two represent non-synonymous mutations, potentially of functional relevance. These novel markers should be rapidly and broadly applicable in analyses of natural sole populations, as a measure of the evolutionary signature of overfishing and for initiatives on marker assisted selection

    Modelling dispersal dynamics of the early life stages of a marine flatfish (Solea solea L.)

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    Connectivity throughout the life cycle of flatfish remains an open question, especially during the early life stages. Their effective management requires understanding of how spawning grounds and nurseries are connected and what processes influence larval retention and dispersal. The case of sole (Solea solea L.) is of particular interest because it is one of the most valuable commercial species in the North Sea, although stocks are chronically overexploited and variability in interannual recruitment is high. The transport of sole larvae from the spawning grounds to the nurseries is driven by hydrodynamic processes, but the final dispersal pattern and larval survival/abundance might be influenced by both behavioral and environmental factors. Therefore it is important to understand the relative impact of hydrodynamics, environment, behavior and ecophysiology on sole larval dispersal. Here we use a particle-tracking transport model coupled to a 3D hydro-dynamic model of the North Sea to investigate interannual variability of the transport of sole larvae over a 12-year period (1995–2006). A sensitivity analysis is performed to assess the relative impact of hydrodynamics, temperature and behavior on the recruitment dynamics to the nurseries. Four scenarios have been tested: (i) constant forcing of sea surface temperature during all years but varying meteorological forcing and river runoff, (ii) constant meteorological forcing during the whole period but varying sea surface temperature and river runoff, (iii) no vertical migration and (iv) an extended drift period (max. 30 days) before settlement if the larvae are not close to a suitable sediment type. Results suggest that year-to-year variability of larval supply to the nurseries is high, both in terms of abundance and larval source (balance between retention and dispersal). Sensitivity analysis shows that larval abundance at the end of the larval stage increases considerably if a settling delay is included. The impact of vertical migration on larval transport and the variations in larval retention at the nurseries due to varying meteorological conditions and sea surface temperature forcing are not spatially consistent

    Modeling genetic connectivity in sticklebacks as a guideline for river restoration

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    Estimating genetic connectivity in disturbed riverine landscapes is of key importance for river restoration. However, few species of the disturbed riverine fauna may provide a detailed and basin-wide picture of the human impact on the population genetics of riverine organisms. Here we used the most abundant native fish, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.), to detect the geographical determinants of genetic connectivity in the eastern part of the Scheldt basin in Belgium. Anthropogenic structures came out as the strongest determinant of population structure, when evaluated against a geographically well-documented baseline model accounting for natural effects. These barriers not only affected genetic diversity, but they also controlled the balance between gene flow and genetic drift, and therefore may crucially disrupt the population structure of sticklebacks. Landscape models explained a high percentage of variation (allelic richness: adjusted R2 = 0.78; pairwise FST: adjusted R2 = 0.60), and likely apply to other species as well. River restoration and conservation genetics may highly benefit from riverine landscape genetics, including model building, the detection of outlier populations, and a specific test for the geographical factors controlling the balance between gene flow and genetic drift

    Temperament traits and microhabitat use in bullhead, Cottus perifretum: fish associated with complex habitats are less aggressive

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    Temperament traits have been linked to fitness-related functional contexts such as dispersal or mating attractiveness, but few studies have linked inter-individual differences in habitat use to temperament traits. Therefore, we conducted a three-month field study with weekly tracking to define the individual microhabitat use of bullhead (Cottus perifretum). The species is known for its dependence on structured habitats. At the end of the field-survey, bullhead were recaptured and tested in the laboratory for five temperament traits: boldness, interest in novel food, novel environment activity, aggressiveness and activity. Repeated trait tests (activity, r = 0.439; novel environment activity, r = 0.422) and habitat complexity use (r = 0.568) indicated behavioural consistency. Overall, bullhead significantly preferred complex habitats, such as branch jams, while avoiding open water. Individual frequency in the use of complex habitats could not be attributed to size or sex differences, but was significantly negatively correlated to the level of aggressiveness. We hypothesize that this relationship was caused by a higher level of aggressive defence of less structured territories. Other temperament traits were not significantly linked to individual habitat use. To our knowledge, this study is the first to show a relationship between aggressiveness measured under laboratory conditions and the use of complex habitats in situ

    Population genetic structure of North American burbot (Lota lota maculosa) across the Nearctic and at its contact zone with Eurasian burbot (Lota lota lota)

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    The burbot, Lota lota (Teleostei: Gadidae), has a holarctic distribution, with one subspecies (Lota lota lota) living in the lakes and rivers of the Palaearctic and northwestern North America and the other (Lota lota maculosa) living in the Nearctic (except the northwest). We analysed nine microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region of 350 burbot sampled across North America to develop a continent-wide understanding of population differentiation following postglacial recolonization. Using mitochondrial DNA, we identify three subclades of L. l. maculosa: one is widespread, one is moderately well distributed, and the third is restricted to the southwest. Lota l. lota is restricted to Yukon and Alaska. Microsatellite loci show moderate levels of genetic diversity and high population differentiation throughout North America (Rst ≤ 0.9). Lota l. maculosa and L. l. lota mtDNA lineages only co-occur appreciably in Great Slave Lake. An individual-based Bayesian approach to detect genotypic admixture indicates that very few of all individuals show signs of admixture between subspecies, and those individuals are restricted to Great Slave Lake and Lake Laberge

    Extracting a century of preserved molecular and population demographic data from archived otoliths in the endangered European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.)

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    Archived otolith collections represent an invaluable source of information to study demographic and genetic changes in commercially important fish populations. Studies combining both approaches are however rare and reliable extraction of molecular and population demographic data from the same collection of otoliths has never been assessed in the endangered European eel (Anguilla anguilla L). Here we evaluate various DNA extraction protocols to compare DNA yield, microsatellite amplification success, genotype integrity and precision of age determination for eel otoliths that have been archived for 4 weeks, and for 28 and 48 years. Our results show a high amplification success and an equal genotype integrity for DNA fragments extracted from both recently sampled otoliths and high quality reference DNA tissue. Although historical samples yielded low amounts of DNA. PCR amplification was successful and genotyping reliable for short fragments, but decreased significantly with PCR fragment size. None of the extraction protocols caused physical damage to the otoliths and precision of age determination was high for both treated and untreated otoliths. Hence, the methodology can be applied as a standard for the further joint analysis of past demographic and genetic changes during the last century in the highly exploited European eel and in other fish requiring urgent conservation measures. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved