11 research outputs found

    Key Noun + Noun Collocations in the Language of Tourism: A Corpus-Based Study of English and Serbian

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    In this paper, we investigate the main characteristics underlying noun + noun collocations in the English and Serbian language of tourism. Their morpho-syntactic, semantic and communicative features are contrasted and compared in the two languages. Firstly, we compiled two comparable corpora in English and Serbian from the tourism websites of Great Britain and Serbia. Based on their normalized frequencies per 10,000 words, key noun + noun collocations were extracted, using TermoStat Web 3.0 and AntConc. The results showed certain similarities in terms of the prevailing topics in the two corpora, based on the analysis of key noun + noun collocations. However, we found major differences in the two languages in terms of their morpho-syntactic features, communicative focus and the relationship of the collocates. The results of the study have implications for English for Tourism education, tourism discourse studies, language typology and lexicography

    The contrastive analysis of collocations adjective + noun and noun + noun in the corpus of tourism texts in English and Serbian Контрастный анализ коллокаций прилагательное + существительное и существительное + существительное в корпусе текстов в области туризма на английском и сербском языках

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    Најужи циљ овог истраживања је да се издвоје колокације типа придев + именица и именица + именица које су специфичне за језик туризма и могу се окарактерисати као кључне и терминолошке. Полазни језик анализе је енглески језик, а извршена је контрастивна упоредна анализа два корпуса - енглеског и српског, ради утврђивања сличности и разлика у овој области. Корпуси текстова на енглеском и српском језику из области туризма наменски су формирани за потребе овог рада. Колокације су ексцерпиране путем софтверских алата TermoStat Web 3.0 и AntConc уз додатну мануелну обраду коначних корпуса за анализу. С обзиром на то да је укупан број речи већи у корпусу текстова на енглеском језику, извршена је нормализација фреквенција на 10.000 речи. Укупни резултати показали су да је у српском пронађено више тзв. кључних терминолошких колокација које су такође имале већу нормализовану фреквенцију. Анализа је показала да постоје сличности и разлике у морфосинтаксичким, семантичким и лексичким особеностима анализираних колокација, као и у тематским областима у анализираним текстовима. Најзначајније разлике примећене су код колокација типа именица + именица у два језика, а закључено је да ове колокације, због њихове специфичне лексичко семантичке природе, треба посматрати као целину кроз међусобно лексичко, семантичко и структурно прожимање њихових конституената. Сматрамо да ће добијени резултати допринети даљем изучавању и систематизацији лексичких колокација у оквиру језика струке у области туризма, у смислу њихових лексичко- семантичких особености и употребе. Даље, може се очекивати и примена резултата и закључака у развоју комуникативних и културолошких компетенција код нематерњих говорника чија је струка туризам. Крајњу примену видимо у изради листе кључних терминолошких колокација у области туризма у енглеском и српском језику. Кључне речи: контрастивна анализа, колокације, корпусна анализа, енглески језик струке, енглески језик туризма, српски језик, лексичка семантика, интеркултурна комуникација, прагматика.The purpose of this research is to extract collocations of the type adjective + noun and noun + noun that are specific to the language of tourism and can be characterized as key and terminological. Having English as the source language, a contrastive analysis of English and Serbian textual corpora was performed in order to determine the similarities and differences in this field. English and Serbian corpora of texts in the field of tourism were purposely formed for this thesis. Collocations were extracted via the software tools TermoStat Web 3.0 and AntConc with additional manual processing of the final corpora for analysis. Since the total number of words is higher in the English corpus, the frequency was normalized to 10,000 words. The overall results showed a higher occurrence of the so-called key terminological collocations in the Serbian corpus, which also had a higher normalized frequency. The analysis showed similarities and differences in the morpho-syntactic, semantic and lexical features of the analyzed collocations, as well as in the thematic areas of the analyzed texts. The most significant differences were observed in collocations of the type noun + noun in the two languages, and it was concluded that these collocations, due to their specific lexical-semantic features, should be viewed as a whole and through lexical, semantic and structural interweaving of their constituents. We believe that the obtained results can contribute to the further study and the systematization of lexical collocations within the language for specific purposes in the field of tourism, in terms of their lexical-semantic features and use. Furthermore, the results and conclusions of the thesis can also be implemented in the development of communicative and cultural competencies of non-native speakers who are tourism professionals. Finally, results can also be used for the creation of a list of key terminological collocations in the field of tourism in English and Serbian

    Some epidemiological characteristics of malignant fibrous histiocytoma in the Province of Vojvodina

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    BACKGROUND: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is most common soft tissue sarcoma occurring in late adult life, most in the extremities and in the retroperitoneum, usually developing in deep fascia or skeletal muscle. Because of the aggressive nature of the tumor early and complete surgical removal is indicated. The overall survival rate of patients with malignant fibrous histiocytoma ranges from 36% to 58% at 5 years. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma in Vojvodina is still rare malignancy either in incidence or in mortality in both sexes. The population of Vojvodina is about 2 100 000. METHODS: We used a descriptive epidemiological method to analyze incidence and mortality from malignant fibrous histiocytoma in Vojvodina. This study is based on the Cancer Registry data for the ten-year period from 1993 to 2002. RESULTS: During the observed period 37 cases of malignant fibrous histiocytoma were reported (19 men and 18 women). The average age of patients was 50 years. The body site distribution differed between sexes and malignant fibrous histiocytoma was more common on the trunk (retroperitoneum) in men and on the lower limbs in women. The average annual incidence rate for the observed period was 1.82 per 1 000 000 for both sexes. The incidence rate changed irregularly over the observed period with the peak of 9 cases (4.55 per 1 000 000) in 2001. The overall linear trends of incidence and of mortality showed a slight increasing tendency in both sexes, but not significantly. Concerning mortality, the similar patterns were noticed. The mortality rate was 0.83 per 1 000 000. CONCLUSION: According to epidemiological data we obtained it can be concluded that Province of Vojvodina is not a region with an important risk for malignant fibrous histiocytoma; however, the increase of incidence appearing in both men and women should be taken into account very seriously in future

    Perspectives on Mentorship – Reinventing Mentoring in Arts and Creative Industries Management.

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    The book Perspectives on Mentorship – Reinventing Mentoring in Arts and Creative Industries Management offers a holistic view with multiple perspectives to the topic of mentorship in arts and cultural context. It can be used as a course book for mentorship programmes, providing further knowledge for anyone working in mentorship or planning to build a mentorship programme in the context of arts management education within art or cultural institutions. It provides a unique exploration of this subject by presenting different perspectives, raising thought provoking questions, and examining ways to manage a mentoring programme. It is important to remember that mentoring does not happen by itself, and that it requires management and intervention in order to be sustainable. University students interested in arts management will find the book invaluable in obtaining a better understanding of how mentoring could be approached and help them in the development of their professional identity. It does not present one universal truth or method, but instead is about sharing experiences. From the academic perspective, the book encourages readers to approach mentoring with an open mind, offering tools to reflect on the process of building programmes around the core of mentoring – a dynamic human relationship which affects the identity of both parties – and then to build on the different layers around that foundation. The book seeks to provide insights into the different layers that are created during the mentoring process. It poses a variety of questions that can apply to specific programmes and helps readers understand how to effectively manage and sustain mentorship relationships.EUROPEAN COMMISSION–EACEA 2020: Ref. 2020-1-EE01-KA203-078003. Reinventing Mentoring in Arts Management. (2020-2023

    Modulation of hepatic inflammation and energy-sensing pathways in the rat liver by high-fructose diet and chronic stress

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    Purpose High-fructose consumption and chronic stress are both associated with metabolic inflammation and insulin resistance. Recently, disturbed activity of energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) was recognized as mediator between nutrient-induced stress and inflammation. Thus, we analyzed the effects of high-fructose diet, alone or in combination with chronic stress, on glucose homeostasis, inflammation and expression of energy sensing proteins in the rat liver. Methods In male Wistar rats exposed to 9-week 20% fructose diet and/or 4-week chronic unpredictable stress we measured plasma and hepatic corticosterone level, indicators of glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism, hepatic inflammation (pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels, Toll-like receptor 4, NLRP3, activation of NF kappa B, JNK and ERK pathways) and levels of energy-sensing proteins AMPK, SIRT1 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha). Results High-fructose diet led to glucose intolerance, activation of NF kappa B and JNK pathways and increased intrahepatic IL-1 beta, TNF alpha and inhibitory phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 on Ser(307). It also decreased phospho-AMPK/AMPK ratio and increased SIRT1 expression. Stress alone increased plasma and hepatic corticosterone but did not influence glucose tolerance, nor hepatic inflammatory or energy-sensing proteins. After the combined treatment, hepatic corticosterone was increased, glucose tolerance remained preserved, while hepatic inflammation was partially prevented despite decreased AMPK activity. Conclusion High-fructose diet resulted in glucose intolerance, hepatic inflammation, decreased AMPK activity and reduced insulin sensitivity. Chronic stress alone did not exert such effects, but when applied together with high-fructose diet it could partially prevent fructose-induced inflammation, presumably due to increased hepatic glucocorticoids

    The contrastive analysis of collocations adjective + noun and noun + noun in the corpus of tourism texts in English and Serbian Контрастный анализ коллокаций прилагательное + существительное и существительное + существительное в корпусе текстов в области туризма на английском и сербском языках

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    Најужи циљ овог истраживања је да се издвоје колокације типа придев + именица и именица + именица које су специфичне за језик туризма и могу се окарактерисати као кључне и терминолошке. Полазни језик анализе је енглески језик, а извршена је контрастивна упоредна анализа два корпуса - енглеског и српског, ради утврђивања сличности и разлика у овој области. Корпуси текстова на енглеском и српском језику из области туризма наменски су формирани за потребе овог рада. Колокације су ексцерпиране путем софтверских алата TermoStat Web 3.0 и AntConc уз додатну мануелну обраду коначних корпуса за анализу. С обзиром на то да је укупан број речи већи у корпусу текстова на енглеском језику, извршена је нормализација фреквенција на 10.000 речи. Укупни резултати показали су да је у српском пронађено више тзв. кључних терминолошких колокација које су такође имале већу нормализовану фреквенцију. Анализа је показала да постоје сличности и разлике у морфосинтаксичким, семантичким и лексичким особеностима анализираних колокација, као и у тематским областима у анализираним текстовима. Најзначајније разлике примећене су код колокација типа именица + именица у два језика, а закључено је да ове колокације, због њихове специфичне лексичко семантичке природе, треба посматрати као целину кроз међусобно лексичко, семантичко и структурно прожимање њихових конституената. Сматрамо да ће добијени резултати допринети даљем изучавању и систематизацији лексичких колокација у оквиру језика струке у области туризма, у смислу њихових лексичко- семантичких особености и употребе. Даље, може се очекивати и примена резултата и закључака у развоју комуникативних и културолошких компетенција код нематерњих говорника чија је струка туризам. Крајњу примену видимо у изради листе кључних терминолошких колокација у области туризма у енглеском и српском језику. Кључне речи: контрастивна анализа, колокације, корпусна анализа, енглески језик струке, енглески језик туризма, српски језик, лексичка семантика, интеркултурна комуникација, прагматика.The purpose of this research is to extract collocations of the type adjective + noun and noun + noun that are specific to the language of tourism and can be characterized as key and terminological. Having English as the source language, a contrastive analysis of English and Serbian textual corpora was performed in order to determine the similarities and differences in this field. English and Serbian corpora of texts in the field of tourism were purposely formed for this thesis. Collocations were extracted via the software tools TermoStat Web 3.0 and AntConc with additional manual processing of the final corpora for analysis. Since the total number of words is higher in the English corpus, the frequency was normalized to 10,000 words. The overall results showed a higher occurrence of the so-called key terminological collocations in the Serbian corpus, which also had a higher normalized frequency. The analysis showed similarities and differences in the morpho-syntactic, semantic and lexical features of the analyzed collocations, as well as in the thematic areas of the analyzed texts. The most significant differences were observed in collocations of the type noun + noun in the two languages, and it was concluded that these collocations, due to their specific lexical-semantic features, should be viewed as a whole and through lexical, semantic and structural interweaving of their constituents. We believe that the obtained results can contribute to the further study and the systematization of lexical collocations within the language for specific purposes in the field of tourism, in terms of their lexical-semantic features and use. Furthermore, the results and conclusions of the thesis can also be implemented in the development of communicative and cultural competencies of non-native speakers who are tourism professionals. Finally, results can also be used for the creation of a list of key terminological collocations in the field of tourism in English and Serbian


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    This paper examines the problems of jobs, employment, staff hiring in the agriindustrial complex, job description and requirements, theoretical and practical job cost indicators, and the willingness of our people to create new jobs by starting up their own private agribusiness. The results indicate a chronic lack of private funds necessary for every new business as well as the inevitability of borrowing. Potential entrepreneurs know the advantages and the disadvantages of solo and partnership business; however, they do not have any potential partners in sight. Almost a half of them have their own facilities and arable land etc. as a material base; however, they do not know what else is needed for a business to operate properly. In general, they understand the importance of education and training for any future business

    Influence of Overpressure Breathing on Vowel Formant Frequencies

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    Voice controlled management systems are based on speech recognition techniques. The use of such systems in combat aircraft is complex due to a number of critical factors which affect the accuracy of speech recognition, such as high level of ambient noise and vibration, use of oxygen masks, serious psycho-physical stress of speakers, etc. One of the specificity of the oxygen mask application is overpressure breathing. The results of the simulations presented in this paper show that the presence of overpressure on the order of 1000 Pa in the vocal tract has a significant influence on the first two formant frequencies. The formants discrimination field is significantly reduced when oxygen mask is used, influencing both perceptive and automatic discrimination of spoken vowels

    A new evidence for pachyostotic snake from Turonian of Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    Records of Cretaceous marine snakes from Bosnia and Herzegovina have been known for nearly a hundred years. This paper presents a new finding of a pachyostotic snake from the local quarry Dubovac, three kilometers northwest of Bileća. The specimen consists of 29 vertebrae, seven of which are detached from the slab. The two best preserved vertebrae are almost square-shaped resembling Simoliophis rochebrunei but neural arches are much more swollen. Vertebrae and ribs are extremely pachyostotic as in Pachyophis woodwardi. Since there are no three-dimensional vertebrae of this species preserved from Bosnia and Herzegovina, precise identification was limited to a certain extent

    Measurements of physical-chemical characteristics of dairy plant waste waters

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    Characteristics of waste waters of the dairy industry are specific and differ essentially from waste waters of other branches of the food industry. The complexity of production in dairy plants with several units for different products render the problem of waste waters of this industry particularly complex. Waste waters of the AD Imlek dairy plant were sampled and their chemical characteristics were determined at different seasons of the year and at different times of the day in the years 2001 and 2007. The obtained concentrations were compared with the maximum permitted concentrations listed under the Regulations on technical and sanitary conditions for releasing waste waters into the City Sewers of the City of Belgrade