1,407 research outputs found

    Spectral modeling of type II supernovae. I. Dilution factors

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    We present substantial extensions to the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code TARDIS to perform spectral synthesis for type II supernovae. By incorporating a non-LTE ionization and excitation treatment for hydrogen, a full account of free-free and bound-free processes, a self-consistent determination of the thermal state and by improving the handling of relativistic effects, the improved code version includes the necessary physics to perform spectral synthesis for type II supernovae to high precision as required for the reliable inference of supernova properties. We demonstrate the capabilities of the extended version of TARDIS by calculating synthetic spectra for the prototypical type II supernova SN1999em and by deriving a new and independent set of dilution factors for the expanding photosphere method. We have investigated in detail the dependence of the dilution factors on photospheric properties and, for the first time, on changes in metallicity. We also compare our results with two previously published sets of dilution factors by Eastman et al. (1996) and by Dessart & Hillier (2005), and discuss the potential sources of the discrepancies between studies.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Spectroscopy of atomic rubidium at 500 bar buffer gas pressure: approaching the thermal equilibrium of dressed atom-light states

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    We have recorded fluorescence spectra of the atomic rubidium D-lines in the presence of several hundreds of bars buffer gas pressure. With additional saturation broadening a spectral linewidth comparable to the thermal energy of the atoms in the heated gas cell is achieved. An intensity-dependent blue asymmetry of the spectra is observed, which becomes increasingly pronounced when extrapolating to infinitely high light intensity. We interpret our results as evidence for the dressed (coupled atom-light) states to approach thermal equilibrium.Comment: 4 page

    Mars orbiter conceptual systems design study

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    Spacecraft system and subsystem designs at the conceptual level to perform either of two Mars Orbiter missions, a Climatology Mission and an Aeronomy Mission were developed. The objectives of these missions are to obtain and return data

    Grafting of 2 (2-hydroxy-5-vinylphenyl) 2H-benzotriazole onto polymers with aliphatic groups. Synthesis and polymerization of 2 (2-hydroxy-5-isopropenylphenyl) 2H-benzotriazole and a new synthesis of 2 (2-hydroxy-5-vinylphenyl) 2H-benzotriazole

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    Successful grafting of 2(2-hydroxy-5-vinylphenyl)2H-benzotriazole onto saturated aliphatic C-H groups of polymers has been accomplished. When the grafting reaction was carried out in chlorobenzene at 150 C = 160 C with di-tertiarybutylperoxide as the grafting initiator, grafts as high as 20 percent - 30 percent at a grafting efficiency of 50 percent and 80 percent have readily been obtained. The grafting reaction was carried out in tubes sealed under high vacuum since trace amounts of oxygen cause complete inhibition of the grafting reaction by the phenolic monomer. On a variety of different polymers including atactic polypropylene, ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer, poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(butyl acrylate), and polycarbonate were used

    Copula-based assimilation of radar and gauge information to derive bias corrected precipitation fields

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    This study addresses the problem of combining radar information and gauge measurements. Gauge measurements are the best available source of absolute rainfall intensity albeit their spatial availability is limited. Precipitation information obtained by radar mimics well the spatial patterns but is biased for their absolute values. <br><br> In this study copula models are used to describe the dependence structure between gauge observations and rainfall derived from radar reflectivity at the corresponding grid cells. After appropriate time series transformation to generate "iid" variates, only the positive pairs (radar >0, gauge >0) of the residuals are considered. As not each grid cell can be assigned to one gauge, the integration of point information, i.e. gauge rainfall intensities, is achieved by considering the structure and the strength of dependence between the radar pixels and all the gauges within the radar image. Two different approaches, namely <i>Maximum Theta</i> and <i>Multiple Theta</i>, are presented. They finally allow for generating precipitation fields that mimic the spatial patterns of the radar fields and correct them for biases in their absolute rainfall intensities. The performance of the approach, which can be seen as a bias-correction for radar fields, is demonstrated for the Bavarian Alps. The bias-corrected rainfall fields are compared to a field of interpolated gauge values (ordinary kriging) and are validated with available gauge measurements. The simulated precipitation fields are compared to an operationally corrected radar precipitation field (RADOLAN). The copula-based approach performs similarly well as indicated by different validation measures and successfully corrects for errors in the radar precipitation

    Theory of semiconductor quantum-wire based single- and two-qubit gates

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    A GaAs/AlGaAs based two-qubit quantum device that allows the controlled generation and straightforward detection of entanglement by measuring a stationary current-voltage characteristic is proposed. We have developed a two-particle Green's function method of open systems and calculate the properties of three-dimensional interacting entangled systems non-perturbatively. We present concrete device designs and detailed, charge self-consistent predictions. One of the qubits is an all-electric Mach-Zehnder interferometer that consists of two electrostatically defined quantum wires with coupling windows, whereas the second qubit is an electrostatically defined double quantum dot located in a second two-dimensional electron gas beneath the quantum wires. We find that the entanglement of the device can be controlled externally by tuning the tunneling coupling between the two quantum dots.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, RevTex4 two-column format, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Triplet-singlet relaxation in semiconductor single and double quantum dots

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    We study the triplet-singlet relaxation in two-electron semiconductor quantum dots. Both single dots and vertically coupled double dots are discussed. In our work, the electron-electron Coulomb interaction, which plays an important role in the electronic structure, is included. The spin mixing is caused by spin-orbit coupling which is the key to the triplet-singlet relaxation. We show that the selection rule widely used in the literature is incorrect unless near the crossing/anticrossing point in single quantum dots. The triplet/singlet relaxation in double quantum dots can be markedly changed by varying barrier height, inter-dot distance, external magnetic field and dot size.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, PRB in pres

    Neutron Star Properties from an NJL Model Modified to Simulate Confinement

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    The NJL model has recently been extended with a method to simulate confinement. This leads in mean field approximation to a natural mechanism for the saturation of nuclear matter. We use the model to investigate the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter and then use it to compute the properties of neutron stars.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to be published in the proceedings for QCD Down Under Workshop, Adelaide, March 10-19, 200

    Theory of excitons in cubic III-V semiconductor GaAs, InAs and GaN quantum dots: fine structure and spin relaxation

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    Exciton fine structures in cubic III-V semiconductor GaAs, InAs and GaN quantum dots are investigated systematically and the exciton spin relaxation in GaN quantum dots is calculated by first setting up the effective exciton Hamiltonian. The electron-hole exchange interaction Hamiltonian, which consists of the long- and short-range parts, is derived within the effective-mass approximation by taking into account the conduction, heavy- and light-hole bands, and especially the split-off band. The scheme applied in this work allows the description of excitons in both the strong and weak confinement regimes. The importance of treating the direct electron-hole Coulomb interaction unperturbatively is demonstrated. We show in our calculation that the light-hole and split-off bands are negligible when considering the exciton fine structure, even for GaN quantum dots, and the short-range exchange interaction is irrelevant when considering the optically active doublet splitting. We point out that the long-range exchange interaction, which is neglected in many previous works, contributes to the energy splitting between the bright and dark states, together with the short-range exchange interaction. Strong dependence of the optically active doublet splitting on the anisotropy of dot shape is reported. Large doublet splittings up to 600 ÎĽ\mueV, and even up to several meV for small dot size with large anisotropy, is shown in GaN quantum dots. The spin relaxation between the lowest two optically active exciton states in GaN quantum dots is calculated, showing a strong dependence on the dot anisotropy. Long exciton spin relaxation time is reported in GaN quantum dots. These findings are in good agreement with the experimental results.Comment: 22+ pages, 16 figures, several typos in the published paper are corrected in re
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