57 research outputs found

    Early and individualized goal-directed therapy for trauma-induced coagulopathy

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    Severe trauma-related bleeding is associated with high mortality. Standard coagulation tests provide limited information on the underlying coagulation disorder. Whole-blood viscoelastic tests such as rotational thromboelastometry or thrombelastography offer a more comprehensive insight into the coagulation process in trauma. The results are available within minutes and they provide information about the initiation of coagulation, the speed of clot formation, and the quality and stability of the clot. Viscoelastic tests have the potential to guide coagulation therapy according to the actual needs of each patient, reducing the risks of over- or under-transfusion. The concept of early, individualized and goal-directed therapy is explored in this review and the AUVA Trauma Hospital algorithm for managing trauma-induced coagulopathy is presented

    Postponing intubation in spontaneously breathing major trauma patients upon emergency room admission does not impair outcome

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    Background Pre-hospital emergency anaesthesia and tracheal intubation are life-saving interventions in trauma patients. However, there is evidence suggesting that the risks associated with both procedures outweigh the benefits. Thus, we assessed whether induction of anaesthesia and tracheal intubation of trauma patients can be postponed in spontaneously breathing patients until emergency room (ER) admission without increasing mortality. Methods Retrospective analysis of major trauma patients either intubated on-scene by an emergency medical service (EMS) physician (pre-hospital intubation, PHI) or within the first 10 min after admission at a level 1 trauma centre (emergency room intubation, ERI). Data was extracted from the German Trauma Registry, hospital patient data management and electronic clinical information system. Results From a total of 946 major trauma cases documented between 2010 and 2017, 294 patients matched the study inclusion criteria. Mortality rate of PHI (N = 258) vs. ERI (N = 36) patients was 26.4% vs. 16.7% (p = 0.3). After exclusion of patients with severe traumatic brain injury and/or pre-hospital cardiac arrest, mortality rate of PHI (N = 100) vs. ERI patients (N = 29) was 6% vs. 17.2%, (p = 0.07). Median on-scene time was significantly (p < 0.01) longer in PHI (30 min; IQR: 21–40) vs. ERI patients (20 min; IQR: 15–28). Conclusions There was no statistical difference in mortality rates of spontaneously breathing trauma patients intubated on-scene when compared with patients intubated immediately after hospital admission. Due to the retrospective study design and small case number, further studies evaluating the impact of airway management timing in sufficiently breathing trauma patients are warranted.publishedVersio

    Goal-directed coagulation management of major trauma patients using thromboelastometry (ROTEM®)-guided administration of fibrinogen concentrate and prothrombin complex concentrate

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    Introduction: The appropriate strategy for trauma-induced coagulopathy management is under debate. We report the treatment of major trauma using mainly coagulation factor concentrates. Methods: This retrospective analysis included trauma patients who received &gt;= 5 units of red blood cell concentrate within 24 hours. Coagulation management was guided by thromboelastometry (ROTEM(R)). Fibrinogen concentrate was given as first-line haemostatic therapy when maximum clot firmness (MCF) measured by FibTEM (fibrin-based test) was &lt; 10 mm. Prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) was given in case of recent coumarin intake or clotting time measured by extrinsic activation test (EXTEM) &gt; 1.5 times normal. Lack of improvement in EXTEM MCF after fibrinogen concentrate administration was an indication for platelet concentrate. The observed mortality was compared with the mortality predicted by the trauma injury severity score (TRISS) and by the revised injury severity classification (RISC) score. Results: Of 131 patients included, 128 received fibrinogen concentrate as first-line therapy, 98 additionally received PCC, while 3 patients with recent coumarin intake received only PCC. Twelve patients received FFP and 29 received platelet concentrate. The observed mortality was 24.4%, lower than the TRISS mortality of 33.7% (P = 0.032) and the RISC mortality of 28.7% (P &gt; 0.05). After excluding 17 patients with traumatic brain injury, the difference in mortality was 14% observed versus 27.8% predicted by TRISS (P = 0.0018) and 24.3% predicted by RISC (P = 0.014). Conclusions: ROTEM(R)-guided haemostatic therapy, with fibrinogen concentrate as first-line haemostatic therapy and additional PCC, was goal-directed and fast. A favourable survival rate was observed. Prospective, randomized trials to investigate this therapeutic alternative further appear warranted

    Airplane transport isolators may loose leak tightness after rapid cabin decompression

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    This article was originally published in Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.Air medical transport of patients suffering of highly infectious diseases is typically performed employing portable isolation chambers. Although the likelihood of decompression flight emergencies is low, sustainability of the devices used is crucial. When a standard isolation unit was subjected to an explosive cabin decompression of 493 hPa, simulating a 32808 ft flight level accident, leak tightness of the unit was lost due to rupture of the bag caused by over expansion. When the pressure chamber experiment was repeated with a modified unit, distension was minimized by an additional compensation air bag, thus ensuring leak tightness