86 research outputs found

    Identification of TUB as a novel candidate gene influencing body weight in humans

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    Previously, we identified a locus on 11p influencing obesity in families with type 2 diabetes. Based on mouse studies, we selected TUB as a functional candidate gene and performed association studies to determine whether this controls obesity. We analyzed the genotypes of 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) around TUB in 492 unrelated type 2 diabetic patients with known BMI values. One SNP (rs1528133) was found to have a significant effect on BMI (1.54 kg/m(2), P = 0.006). This association was confirmed in a population enriched for type 2 diabetes, using 750 individuals who were not selected for type 2 diabetes. Two SNPs in linkage disequilibrium with rs1528133 and mapping to the 3' end of TUB, rs2272382, and rs2272383 also affected BMI by 1.3 kg/m2 (P = 0.016 and P = 0.010, respectively). Combined analysis confirmed this association (P = 0.005 and P = 0.002, respectively). Moreover, comparing 349 obese subjects (BMI >30 kg/m(2)) from the combined cohort with 289 normal subjects (BMI <25 kg/m(2)) revealed that the protective alleles have a lower frequency in obese subjects (odds ratio 1.32 [95% CI 1.04-1.67], P = 0.022). Altogether, data from the tubby mouse as well as these data suggest that TUB could be an important factor in controlling the central regulation of body weight in humans

    Роль військових у формуванні євроатлантичної політики України

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    7 квітня 2009 року на базі Чернігівського центру євроатлантичної інтеграції відбувся інтерактивний семінар на тему: «Роль військових у формуванні євроатлантичної політики України». Захід провів Інститут трансформації суспільства (Київ, директор - Олег Соскін) спільно із Чернігівським державним педагогічним університетом їм. Т.Г. Шевченка за підтримки Посольства Словацької Республіки в Україні.

    Особливості перебігу та корекції артеріальної гіпертензії у хворих з супутньою вегетативною дисфункцією на курорті Трускавець

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    Частота синдрома вегетативной дисфункции у больных гипертонией составляет 60-70%, что существенно усложняет течение заболевания и ухудшает качество жизни пациентов. Больным гипертонией с признаками симпатикотонии целесообразно назначать бета-блокатор Корвазан и биологически активную воду Нафтуся, так так они существенно снижают частоту вегето-сосудистых кризов. Билогически активная вода Нафтуся содействует уменьшению количеству автономных нарушений и более быстрому достижению целевых уровней артериального давления

    Засади транскрибування китайської лексики українською мовою

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    Статтю присвячено проблемі уніфікації написання китайських географічних назв, власних імен та реалій українською мовою. Основним об’єктом дослідження є здатність української мови відтворювати китайські звуки. У статті розглянуто досвід транскрибування китайських слів засобами латинської та кириличної графіки, що важливо для формулювання основних принципів транскрипції з китайської на українську мову. Таких принципів у статті виділено чотири та розглянуто труднощі, які виникають під час їх застосування в процесі транскрибування. Відзначено, що ці труднощі можуть виявлятися або на рівні складу, або на рівні слова. Для вирішення проблем першого рівня, автор додає до статті таблицю складів-відповідників для китайської та української мов. А для уніфікації написання на другому рівні автор пропонує використовувати апостроф у випадку необхідності позначити межі складу, та відмінювати китайській імена й прізвища згідно норм української мови.Статья посвящается проблеме унификации написаний китайских географических названий, имен собственных и реалий в украинских текстах. Основным объектом исследования является способность украинского языка отображать китайские звуки. В статье рассматривается опыт транскрибирования китайских слов средствами латинской графики и кириллицы, что важно для формулирования основных принципов транскрипции с китайского языка на украинский. Таких принципов в статье выделено четыре, к тому же рассмотрены трудности, которые могут возникнуть при их применении в процессе транскрибирования. Отмечено, что эти трудности могут проявляться либо на уровне слога, либо на уровне слова. Для решения проблем первого уровня, автор прилагает к статье таблицу слоговых соответствий в китайском и украинском языках. А для унификации написаний на втором уровне, автор предлагает использовать апостроф в случае необходимости обозначить границы слогов, и склонять китайские имена и фамилии согласно нормам украинского языка.The article is devoted to the problem of unifying the ways to represent Chinese geographic names, persons’ names and cultural words in Ukrainian texts. The main object of the study is a capacity of Ukrainian language to reproduce Chinese sounds. It is proposed to consider an experience of transcription from Chinese into languages with Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, which is important to formulate main principles for the transcription from Chinese into Ukrainian. There are four main principles stated in the article for this pair of languages. It is also analyzed main difficulties, which occur in practice of using the transcription, based on these principles. The difficulties are divided into two groups: occurred on the level of syllable and occurred on the level of word. To solve problems on the former level, the author complicate the article with tables of Chinese syllables and there equivalents in Ukrainian. To unify writing on the latter level, the author proposes to use apostrophe if important to mark syllable bounds and change a word’s ending in Ukrainian texts according to the norms of Ukrainian grammar

    Cerebellar Cathodal Transcranial Direct Stimulation and Performance on a Verb Generation Task: A Replication Study

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    The role of the cerebellum in cognitive processing is increasingly recognized but still poorly understood. A recent study in this field applied cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (c-tDCS) to the right cerebellum to investigate the role of prefrontal-cerebellar loops in language aspects of cognition. Results showed that the improvement in participants' verbal response times on a verb generation task was facilitated immediately after cathodal c-tDCS, compared to anodal or sham c-tDCS. The primary aim of the present study is to replicate these findings and additionally to investigate possible longer term effects. A crossover within-subject design was used, comparing cathodal and sham c-tDCS. The experiment consisted of two visits with an interval of one week. Our results show no direct contribution of cathodal c-tDCS over the cerebellum to language task performance. However, one week later, the group receiving cathodal c-tDCS in the first visit show less improvement and increased variability in their verbal response times during the second visit, compared to the group receiving sham c-tDCS in the first visit. These findings suggest a potential negative effect of c-tDCS and warrant further investigation into long term effects of c-tDCS before undertaking clinical studies with poststroke patients with aphasia

    Genome-wide analysis of macrosatellite repeat copy number variation in worldwide populations: Evidence for differences and commonalities in size distributions and size restrictions

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    Background: Macrosatellite repeats (MSRs), usually spanning hundreds of kilobases of genomic DNA, comprise a significant proportion of the human genome. Because of their highly polymorphic nature, MSRs represent an extreme example of copy number variation, but their structure and function is largely understudied. Here, we describe a detailed study of six autosomal and two X chromosomal MSRs among 270 HapMap individuals from Central Europe, Asia and Africa. Copy number variation, stability and genetic heterogeneity of the autosomal macrosatellite repeats RS447 (chromosome 4p), MSR5p (5p), FLJ40296 (13q), RNU2 (17q) and D4Z4 (4q and 10q) and X chromosomal DXZ4 and CT47 were investigated. Results: Repeat array size distribution analysis shows that all of these MSRs are highly polymorphic with the most genetic variation among Africans and the least among Asians. A mitotic mutation rate of 0.4-2.2% was observed, exceeding meiotic mutation rates and possibly explaining the large size variability found for these MSRs. By means of a novel Bayesian approach, statistical support for a distinct multimodal rather than a uniform allele size distribution was detected in seven out of eight MSRs, with evidence for equidistant intervals between the modes. Conclusions: The multimodal distributions with evidence for equidistant intervals, in combination with the observation of MSR-specific constraints on minimum array size, suggest that MSRs are limited in their configurations and that deviations thereof may cause disease, as is the case for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. However, at present we cannot exclude that there are mechanistic constraints for MSRs that are not directly disease-related. This study represents the first comprehensive study of MSRs in different human populations by applying novel statistical methods and identifies commonalities and differences in their organization and function in the human genome

    Follow-up study of sensory-motor polyneuropathy in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic subjects after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation and after graft rejection

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    The influence of successful simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation on peripheral polyneuropathy was investigated in 53 patients for a mean observation period of 40.3 months. Seventeen patients were followed-up for more than 3 years. Symptoms and signs were assessed every 6 months using a standard questionnaire, neurological examination and measurement of sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities. While symptoms of polyneuropathy improved (pain, paraesthesia, cramps, restless-legs) and nerve conduction velocity increased, there was no change of clinical signs (sensation, muscle-force, tendon-reflexes). Following kidney-graft-rejection there was a slight decrease of nerve conduction verlocity during the first year, which was not statistically significant. Following pancreas-graft rejection there was no change of nerve conduction velocity during the first year. Comparing the maximum nerve conduction velocity of the patients with pancreas-graft-rejection to the nerve conduction velocities of these patients at the end of the study, there was a statistically significant decrease of 6.5 m/s. In conclusion, we believe that strict normalization of glucose metabolism alters the progressive course of diabetic polyneuropathy. It may be stabilized or partly reversed after successful grafting even in long-term diabetic patients

    De invloed van stikstof op de gezondheid

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    Stikstof is noodzakelijk voor alle vormen van leven. Het is bijvoorbeeld een belangrijke bouwsteen van eiwitten. Planten, dieren en mensen nemen het op als reactief stikstof. Dat moet uit stikstof in de buitenlucht worden gevormd. In de natuur wordt reactief stikstof slechts op beperkte schaal gevormd, hoofdzakelijk door micro-organismen. De kunstmatige vorming van reactief stikstof werd een eeuw geleden mogelijk gemaakt door de uitvinding van een proces voor de synthese van ammoniak. Deze uitvinding legde de basis voor de fabricage van kunstmest. Daarmee werd een enorme toename van de voedselproductie per hectare grond mogelijk. Naast ammoniak vallen onder reactief stikstof nog vele stikstof bevattende verbindingen, waaronder ammonium- en nitraatzouten. Rijke werelddelen en landen, waaronder Europa, en zeker Nederland, hebben te maken met een teveel aan reactief stikstof in het milieu. Dit leidt tot aantasting van dit milieu en van de volksgezondheid. De overmaat aan reactief stikstof heeft twee belangrijke oorzaken: de landbouw en veehouderij, en de verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen. De Gezondheidsraad heeft zich over de mogelijke effecten van reactief stikstof op de Nederlandse volksgezondheid gebogen. Een commissie van de raad, de Commissie Signalering Gezondheid en milieu, heeft beoordeeld in hoeverre de volksgezondheid gebaat is bij het terugdringen van de hoeveelheid reactief stikstof in ons land

    The use of patient-reported outcome measures in the literature on traumatic foot fractures: A systematic review

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    Introduction: Adequate foot function is paramount in daily activities, yet the incidence of foot fractures shows a rising trend. Patient-reported outcome measures are increasingly used for research; however, the use of a wide variety of available instruments is undesirable. In the current study, an overview is provided of patient-reported outcome measures used in clinical research evaluating outcomes of foot fractures. Tools are provided to choose the most adequate instrument in future research. Methods: To identify the instruments, a systematic review was performed using PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. Articles published since 2000, reporting on traumatic foot fractures and/or their posttraumatic sequelae, and using a minimum of one condition- or region-specific patient-reported outcome measure were included. Forty-nine instruments were identified, used 636 times collectively. These instruments were evaluated on frequency of use, bones or joints analyzed with the instruments, the type and amount of contained items, and existing literature on their psychometric properties. Results: The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Ankle-Hindfoot Scale was used predominantly (AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Scale; n = 243, 38.2%), followed by the Maryland Foot Score (n = 90, 14.2%). Twenty-seven instruments were included for further analysis. The majority included questions on mobility (27/27) and pain (24/27). Tools to select an adequate instrument for new research are presented in the appendices. Discussion: Controversy surrounds the AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Scale as other authors have found that its psychometric properties, indicating it measures what it is supposed to measure adequately, are flawed. Conclusion: A multitude of specific patient-reported outcome measures concerning foot fractures exists. Furthermore, the predominantly used instrument is deemed insufficient regarding quality as found by other studies. A valid, reliable, and responsive patient-reported outcome measure for clinical research on foot fractures is necessary. The most adequate existing ones for future research on different topics can be found through the tools provided