530 research outputs found

    Зовнішньоекономічна діяльність та фінансові результати машинобудівних підприємств України

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    The aim of the article is to study the interrelationships between indicators of foreign economic activity and financial results of machine-building enterprises at the current stage of development. The analysis of statistical reports related to series of two groups of indicators for 2005–2015 is carried out. The first group describing financial results includes the following indicators: volumes of sales, financial results before taxes, net income, return on operating activities. The second group characterizing the foreign economic activity includes the indicators of foreign direct investments, exports and imports, trade balance, share of exports in the total sales and the official average annual exchange rate of the national currency. Particular stages of interrelated trends of changes in the indicators in dynamics are determined. The degree of closeness of interrelationships between factor and result indicators is assessed by correlation analysis. Current interdependent problems associated with the development of foreign economic activity and financial soundness of the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine are revealed.Метою статті є дослідження взаємозв'язку між показниками зовнішньоекономічної діяльності та фінансовими результатами машинобудівних підприємств на сучасному етапі розвитку. Проведено аналіз статистичної звітності за 2005–2015 рр. динамічних рядів двох груп показників. Перша група, що характеризує фінансові результати, включає: обсяг реалізованої продукції, фінансові результати до оподаткування, чистий прибуток, рентабельність операційної діяльності. Друга, що характеризує зовнішньоекономічну діяльність, включає: прямі іноземні інвестиції, розміри експорту та імпорту, сальдо експорту та імпорту, питому вагу експорту в загальному обсязі реалізованої продукції та офіціальний середньорічний курс гривні. Виокремлено етапи взаємопов'язаних тенденцій змінення даних груп показників у динаміці. Виконано кореляційний аналіз, що дозволив оцінити щільність зв'язку між факторними та результативними параметрами. Виявлені сучасні взаємозалежні проблеми забезпечення фінансового благополуччя та розвитку зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств машинобудування

    Justification of Landscape and Biotechnical Solutions for Designing Water Protection Zones

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    By comparing the three main approaches to the establishment of water protection zones of small rivers (normative, theoretical and landscape), the method of delineation water protection zones with the application of GIS-technologies (GIS), as well as the basin model of the river system and the position-dynamic structure of landscapes was proposed. The role of a multilevel system of biotechnical measures with the help of tree and shrub vegetation during the formation of water protection zones is show

    Model of position-dynamic structure of river basins

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    In this work, we have presented semi automated means of modeling of position-dynamic structure (PDS) of river basins’ landscapes with application of geo-informational systems (GIS). Results of modeling were tested on the basin of one of headwaters. The structure of the model includes landscape lines, layers, sub-regions and regions. The model takes into account conditions of formation of landscape’s PDS in mountain and plain parts of river basinsyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Nash equilibrium design in the interaction model of entities in the customs service system

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the importance of the use of economic-mathematical tools in the course of modeling the interaction of the entities in the customs service system that is necessary for the development of foreign economic activity (FEA) of any state. The purpose of the article is to identify effective strategies for the interaction between the participants of foreign trade activities with customs brokers. The leading method to the study of this issue is economic-mathematical modeling, allowing studying the process of making decisions while choosing the strategy of cooperation between the customs broker and his client. Results: the article suggests the mathematical model to optimize the management mechanisms of interaction between enterprises, engaged in foreign trade, and customs dealers. The data of this article may be useful in modeling interaction of the entities in the customs service system using the methods of game theory. The model of “customer - customs broker” is implemented as a bimatrix game. Assuming the noncooperativegame the authors solve the problem of finding Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies. © 2016 Fedorenko et al


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    The article is based on the results of research carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project "Transformation of identities in Modern Europe and Russia" (Project  № 611458-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT). The research was conducted in early 2020 and was aimed at identifying the levels of European identity and the ratio of European and national identities among European and Russian youth. The study of the European identity of young people is particularly topical, since this is the generation that was born and grew up after the creation of the EU, so the processes of European integration and the formation of European identity affected them most obviously. The same concerns to studying the identities of Russian youth. The young generation of Russians are people who were born and grew up in the new Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They have been much influenced by the emerging Russian identity, as well as by globalization, European identity, and Western values.Transformations of European identity are considered in the context of integration processes in Europe in various aspects, including social and cultural values. Cultural differences is one of the main issue that the modern Europe are faced and affected the transformation of European identity. These are cultural differences within Europe (regional differences) and differences in the mentality and cultural values of Europeans and numerous migrants who come to Europe from Asia and the Middle East. Currently, the opposite trends are being recorded: towards integration and regionalization, which makes it difficult to form both European and national identities. The formation of the European identity is a political project that emerged in the process of creating the EU, i.e. in the process of European integration. At the same time, in a broader sense, European identity is extended to all residents of Europe. The danger of European integration is that it can destroy national identities so it is important to preserve cultural differences. Based on the results of the study, it can be noted that European identity is considered both as a project aimed at promoting European integration and as a cultural community within Europe. National identity is still more important for Europeans than the common European identity. At the same time, European identity is also important for the self-identification of Europeans and is given only positive characteristics, in contrast to the Russian identity, which includes both positive and negative characteristics. According to our research, the attitude towards migrants in both Europe and Russia is generally positive, but it is noted that illegal migration should be stopped. The danger to the identity of the country's indigenous people is that migrants are not integrated and live in closed communities.Статья написана по результатам исследования, реализуемого в рамках проекта Erasmus+ Jean Monnet «Трансформация идентичностей в Европе и России в современных условиях» (Проект № 611458-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT). Исследование проводилось в начале 2020 г. и было направлено на выявление уровней европейской идентичности и соотношения европейской и национальной идентичностей у европейской и российской молодежи. Исследование европейской идентичности молодежи особенно актуально, т.к. это поколение, которое родилось и выросло после создания ЕС, поэтому процессы евроинтеграции и формирования европейской идентичности повлияли на них наиболее очевидно. То же касается исследования идентичностей российской молодежи. Молодое поколение россиян - это люди, которые родились и выросли в новой России после распада Советского Союза. Они в наибольшей степени испытали влияние формирующейся российской идентичности, а также благодаря глобализации, европейской идентичности и западных ценностей.Трансформации европейской идентичности рассматриваются в контексте интеграционных процессов в Европе в различных аспектах, включая социальные и культурные ценности. Культурные различия - это один из основных вопросов, с которым сталкивается современная Европа и которые влияют на формирование европейской идентичности. Это культурные различия внутри Европы (региональные различия) и разница в менталитете и культурных ценностях европейцев и многочисленных мигрантов, которые прибывают в Европу из Азии и стран Ближнего Востока. В настоящее время фиксируются противоположные тенденции: к интеграции и регионализации, что затрудняет формирование как европейской, так и национальных идентичностей. Формирование европейской идентичности - это политический проект, который возник в процессе создания ЕС, т.е. в процессе европейской интеграции. В то же время, в более широком смысле, европейскую идентичность распространяют на всех жителей Европы. Опасность евроинтеграции в том, что она может разрушать национальную идентичность, поэтому важно сохранять культурные различия. По результатам проведенного исследования можно отметить, что европейская идентичность рассматривается и  как проект, направленный на содействие европейской интеграции, и как культурная общность внутри Европы. Национальная идентичность по-прежнему обладает большей значимостью для европейцев, чем общеевропейская. При этом, европейская идентичность также важна для самоидентификации европейцев и  наделяется только положительными характеристиками, в отличие от российской идентичности, которая включает в себя как положительные, так и отрицательные характеристики. Отношение к мигрантам, согласно проведенному нами исследованию, как в Европе, так и в России в целом положительное, но отмечается, что нелегальную миграцию надо пресекать. Опасность для идентичности коренных жителей страны представляет то, что мигранты не интегрированы, живут закрытыми сообществами

    Discovery of metastable tetragonal disordered phase upon phase transitions in the equiatomic nanostructured FePd alloy

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    Specific features of the phase transformation 1 → L10 (space groups Fm3m and P4/mmm, respectively) in single crystals of the equiatomic alloy FePd subjected to annealings both in the absence and in the presence of external uniaxial load, as well as in polycrystalline samples that had undergone severe plastic deformation via high-pressure torsion and subsequent annealing, have been studied. An investigation of the single crystals in a nanostructured state formed at different stages of ordering annealing was performed using optical polarization, thermomagnetic and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. The nanostructured state of the polycrystalline samples FePd after deformation of both disordered and ordered FePd alloys and subsequent annealing was examined with the help of TEM and X-ray techniques. The results obtained were analyzed based on the known concepts of the symmetry theory of phase transitions. It was concluded that the atomic ordering in the FePd alloys is preceded by the formation of a ferroelastic disordered body-centered tetragonal phase with the structural type 6 and the space group I4/mmm. Experimental data that evidence the existence of a tetragonal disordered phase both in the single crystals and in the polycrystalline samples of FePd after severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing are reported. Thus, the A1 ↔ A6 ↔ L10 phase transformation represents a combination of different types of phase transitions such as cooperative displacement A1 ↔ 6 and ordering A6 ↔ L10 of atoms

    Development of the Russian economy in a trend of current trends of technological effectiveness and knowledge intensity

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    A research objective is the analysis of the development of the Russian economy in a trend of current trends of technological effectiveness and knowledge intensity and establishment of a problem of the use of the human capital in the hi-tech enterprises of the industry of Russi

    Financial Income and Expenses of Collective Farmers of the Molotov Region in the First Post-War Five Years (1946—1950)

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    The issues related to the financial income and expenses of the families of collective farmers in the Molotov region are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the public interest shown in the study of various aspects of  the material living conditions of the population. The scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that previously unpublished archival materials stored in the Russian State Archive of Economics (RSAE) are introduced into circulation. The results of a comparative analysis of the average per capita financial income of collective farmers in the Molotov region and other territories of the Ural region are presented. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the tables presented by the author containing numerical data on the topic of the article. It is stated that the progressive improvement of the quality of the material living conditions of citizens today is one of the priority goals of the policy of any state that positions itself as social. Attention is focused on the fact that in the first post-war five years, the income of collective farmers was influenced by two main factors: the consequences of the Second World War and the attitude of the authorities to the collective farm peasantry. It is proved that the incomes of collective farmers in the Molotov region were lower than those of collective farmers in the economically more developed Sverdlovsk region, but were quite comparable with the incomes of collective farmers in other regions of the Urals

    The competency-based approach in education: issues and options

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    The paper discusses the systems problems of competency-based approach in education and solutions of them. The main problem of the division of competency into the independent components is systems complexity. Simulation modeling allows to overcome the systems complexity of the object of study by identifying cause-and-effect relationships in the simulation experimentВ работе обсуждаются системные проблемы компетентностного подхода в образовании и пути их решения. Главной проблемой разделения профессиональных качеств на независимые компетенции является их системная сложность. Применение имитационного моделирования позволяет преодолевать системную сложность объекта исследования путем выявления причинно-следственных связей в ходе имитационного эксперимент

    Oral vitamin A supplementation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infected gilts enhances IgA and lactogenic immune protection of nursing piglets

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    International audienceAbstractVitamin A (VA) has pleiotropic effects on the immune system and is critical for mucosal immune function and intestinal lymphocyte trafficking. We hypothesized that oral VA supplementation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV)-infected pregnant gilts would enhance the gut-mammary gland-secretory IgA axis to boost lactogenic immunity and passive protection of nursing piglets against PEDV challenge. Gilts received daily oral retinyl acetate (30 000 IU) starting at gestation day 76 throughout lactation. At 3–4 weeks pre-partum, VA-supplemented (PEDV + VA) and non-supplemented (PEDV) gilts were PEDV or mock inoculated (mock + VA and mock, respectively). PEDV + VA gilts had decreased mean PEDV RNA shedding titers and diarrhea scores. To determine if lactogenic immunity correlated with protection, all piglets were PEDV-challenged at 3–5 days post-partum. The survival rate of PEDV + VA litters was 74.2% compared with 55.9% in PEDV litters. Mock and mock + VA litter survival rates were 5.7% and 8.3%, respectively. PEDV + VA gilts had increased PEDV IgA antibody secreting cells and PEDV IgA antibodies in serum pre-partum and IgA+β7+ (gut homing) cells in milk post piglet challenge compared with PEDV gilts. Our findings suggest that oral VA supplementation may act as an adjuvant during pregnancy, enhancing maternal IgA and lactogenic immune protection in nursing piglets