336 research outputs found

    Monitoring and forecasting the development of local food systems : a case study

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    The motivation of this research is the need to explore the role of a local food system in solving the problem of food security. The article develops the methods for analyzing the current state of a food system and forecasting the future development of food markets. The methods and techniques have been tested for the food system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The current trends in food supply chains in specific sectors (potatoes and vegetables, meat and milk, eggs and cereal products) have been highlighted for this region. The problems and the possible solutions have been identified. The medium-term and long-term consumption prospects offer opportunities for an in-depth study of the promising areas in the food industry of the region.peer-reviewe

    Justification of Landscape and Biotechnical Solutions for Designing Water Protection Zones

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    By comparing the three main approaches to the establishment of water protection zones of small rivers (normative, theoretical and landscape), the method of delineation water protection zones with the application of GIS-technologies (GIS), as well as the basin model of the river system and the position-dynamic structure of landscapes was proposed. The role of a multilevel system of biotechnical measures with the help of tree and shrub vegetation during the formation of water protection zones is show


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    Sapropels are multilayer deposits accumulating on the bottom of fresh water bodies. They are complex multicomponent systems containing both organic and mineral parts. The wide possibilities of using sapropels cause interest in studying their properties, processing methods and new sapropel-based materials. The specialized Sapropel Committee was established at the beginning of the last century. It carries out a large amount of work related to the study and processing of sapropels. In this paper we study the possibility of applying chemometric algorithms for the classification of carbon-mineral materials obtained by calcination of organic and mineral sapropels in an argon atmosphere, as well as products of acidic, alkali and steam treatment of initial carbon-mineral materials. For the chemometric data processing the principal component analysis is chosen as one of the most widely used chemometrical algorithms. In addition to the direct application, the principal component analysis serves as the basis for a group of other analogous chemometric algorithms. It is based on the decomposition of the initial data matrix into scores and loadings matrixes. In this paper, carbon-mineral materials chemometric classification possibilities by their physicochemical characteristics and elemental composition are studied. It is shown that carbon-mineral materials can be classified by initial sapropel type using any type of incomplete data set as well as data sets of various combinations. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that it is possible to predict certain characteristics of carbon-mineral materials with use of the principal component analysis from the results of simpler and faster measurements.Keywords: principal component analysis, samples classification, carbon-mineral materials, sapropelDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.002(Russian)E.N.Terekhova1, A.P.Komov2, I.V.Vlasosa21Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS Russian Federation, 644040, Omsk, ul. Neftezavodskaya, 542F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Russian Federation, 644077, Omsk,ul. Mira, 55Сапропели – многослойные отложения, скапливающиеся на дне пресных водоёмов. Они представляют собой сложные многокомпонентные системы, содержащие органическую и минеральную части. Сапропели непрерывно накапливаются в водоёмах. Широкие возможности применения сапропелей вызывают интерес к изучению их свойств, способов обработки и переработки как самих сапропелей, так и полученных на их основе новых материалов. В данной работе изучена возможность хемометрической классификации углерод-минеральных материалов, полученных путем прокаливания в атмосфере аргона сапропелей двух типов – органического и минерального, а также продуктов кислотной, щелочной и паровой обработки исходных углерод-минеральных материалов. Для хемометрической обработки данных в работе использован метод главных компонент – наиболее распространённый хемометрический алгоритм, применяемый не только сам по себе, но и дающий основу ряду других аналогичных методов. Основной принцип данного метода – декомпозиция матрицы исходных данных с получением произведения матриц счетов и нагрузок. В качестве исходных данных для проведения классификации образцов углерод-минеральных материалов и продуктов их переработки использованы физико-химические показатели и данные о содержании ряда элементов в изучаемых образцах. Показано, что при классификации образцов с использованием даже неполного набора данных любого типа, а также их различных комбинаций наблюдается чёткое деление на группы по природе исходного сапропеля. На основании полученных результатов сделан вывод о возможности предсказания некоторых характеристик углерод-минеральных материалов с помощью метода главных компонент по результатам более простых и быстрых измерений.Ключевые слова: метод главных компонент, классификация образцов, углерод-минеральные материалы, сапропельDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.00

    Phenological assessment of early-maturing soybean accessions (<i>Glycine max</i> (L.) Merr.) under the conditions of Moscow Province

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    Background. The range of early-maturing cultivars suitable for the Non-Black-Earth Zone of the Russian Federation (RF) is extremely limited. The main method of finding sources of earliness for crop production and breeding is the evaluation of the gene pool under the required conditions.Materials and methods. The objects of the study were 81 soybean accessions from the VIR collection, precharacterized as early-ripening under the conditions of Northwest Russia. The studies were carried out in 2018–2020 as field trials under the conditions of Moscow Province.Results. Soybean accessions were characterized by the duration of the emergence-to-flowering (37–53 days), flowering-to-ripening (50–85 days) and emergence-to-ripening (81–130 days) periods. The extreme ripening dates for the accessions were observed from August 20 to October 5, while the maximum duration from emergence to ripening was from 93 to 139 days. The highest sum of active temperatures above 10°C for a growing season ranged from 1642 to 2189°C. Most of the studied accessions were characterized by a short emergence-to-flowering period. Therefore, the differences among accessions in the duration of the growing season were mainly due to the different lengths of their flowering-to-ripening period.Conclusion. Soybean seeds should ripen no later than the first 10 days of September for a stable harvest under the weather conditions of the Russian Non-Black-Earth Zone. There were 32 accessions from breeding centers of the RF, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Sweden, and the U.S. that met these requirements during the three years of observations. The selected accessions demonstrated a short emergence-to-flowering period of 37–48 days, and the length of their flowering-to-ripening period of 50–66 days, on average for three years. They can be used as sources of earliness in soybean breeding

    Criteria for the educational process in the assimilation of students' knowledge

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.In this study, we examine one measure of the effectiveness of the educational process which consists in studying the assimilation of knowledge and the necessary parameters to the required level of operating them. The description of levels of knowledge which is the basis of allocation of teaching purposes, followed by knowledge assessment based on these levels. Evaluation of knowledge is seen as a systematic process. It presents a taxonomy of learning objectives bloom as an example of the classification of learning objectives for the stages of assimilation. The specificity of evaluation of knowledge in vocational training of adults

    Changes in the urban population in the republic of the volga federal district of Russia

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study considers the the dynamics of the urban population in the republics of the Volga Federal District (VFD) Russia: Bashkortostan, Mari El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chuvashia from 1990-2013. The main factors affecting to the changing in the urban population in these republics: decline in industrial production; internal and external migration; deterioration of the socio-economic conditions of the population, especially in small cities and towns associated with unemployment; aggravation of environmental problems in large cities and others. Of the 6 republics of the VFD the positive dynamics of the urban population is observed only in the Republic of Tatarstan to 197 thous. people from 1990-2012. And in the other republics of VFD there are negative indicators of the dynamics of the urban population

    Laser Therapy in Correction of Optimization of Surgical Endointoxication

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    The problem of endointoxication remains one of the most urgent in modern surgery. The severity of the intoxication syndrome is determined not only by the intensity of the entry of toxic substances into the bloodstream from the lesion focus, but also by the adequacy of the functioning of the main mechanisms of detoxification - elimination of toxins. Clinical and laboratory studies of 62 patients with acute peritonitis were performed. To this end, daily sessions of laser therapy with “Matrix” were conducted for 5 days after the operation, using a head of KLO3 (radiation with a wavelength of 635 nm, 2 mW). Laser irradiation of blood through the skin in the projection of the ulnar vein was performed for 30 minutes. Using laser therapy for patients with acute peritonitis led to the reduction of the endogenous intoxication severity. The level of medium-mass molecules (λ = 280 nm) decreased by 13.3-26.2% compared to the control, the level of average-weight molecules (λ = 254 nm) decreased by 15.5-32.6% (p &lt;0.05) against the background of laser therapy. Thus, the use of laser therapy in patients with acute peritonitis has led to a decrease in the severity of endogenous intoxication. One of the significant components of this treatment is its ability to improve microcirculation and, as a result, to correct lipid peroxidation and hypoxia, which reduces catabolic phenomena (one of the sources of endogenous intoxication). Clinical and laboratory studies have established that the effectiveness of such treatment decreases with severe forms of peritonitis

    A new case of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with semi-cryptic t(7;21)(p22;q22)

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    Case report of a translocation : A new case of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with semi-cryptic t(7;21)(p22;q22)

    Неонатальный скрининг на тяжелую комбинированную иммунную недостаточность в России: прекрасное дале ко или завтрашняя реальность?

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    Mass screening of newborns in Russia for five hereditary diseases does not meet the requirements of the world community for the neonatal screening program. Success in the development of laboratory diagnostic technologies and active introduction of achievements in genetics and molecular biology into medical practice allow for the revision of the list of nosologies included in the national neonatal screening program by replacing the disease or adding new nosologies. The article discusses the possibility of including genetic testing for severe combined immune deficiency in the Newborn Screening Program in Russia. The results from a retrospective study of markers of naive T- and B-lymphocytes (TREC and KREC) in the group of children with immuno-dependent pathology developed in the first year of life are discussed. © 2017 Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics. All rights reserved

    Molecular diagnostics of primary immunodeficiencies in Sverdlovsk region

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    The article presents the results of the work performed by the laboratory of molecular diagnostics at the Medical Center “Health Care of Mother and Child” for the diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency in Sverdlovsk region over 5 years. The laboratory was organized in 2009 to verify the diagnosis of monogenic hereditary diseases included in the Neonatal Screening Program in the Russian Federation, e.g., phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis, classical galactosemia. Over time, the range of diagnosed nosologies expanded, and since 2014, the laboratory has included in studies of a new group of disorders, i.e., congenital errors of immunity. Every year the Regional Registry of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) replenished by 20 to 70 persons, thus comprising 15 to 43% of the entire Russian Registry for these conditions. As of 03/01/2020, the registry of patients with a clinical diagnosis of “primary immunodeficiency” consisted of 526 people, more than half of them (275) being children under 18 years of age. According to the expert calculations, the frequency of detected PID cases in the Sverdlovsk region is 1:10 480 inhabitants, which indicates not only high level of the existing clinical immunology service, but also the high expected frequency of PID in the region. Until 2014, verification of the “primary immunodeficiency” diagnosis in the patients from Sverdlovsk region was traditionally carried out in Moscow clinics (Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow Research Centre for Medical Genetics). Over 6 years of cooperation between regional immunological service with the medical genetic center, 47 children received molecular genetic confirmation of the diagnosis of congenital immunity errors at the laboratory of Regional Medical Center “Health Care of Mother and Child”. The authors present the data of Regional Registry of patients, classified into nosological forms of immune-dependent pathology and provide a detailed description of diagnostic procedures for the patients with various PIDs. A deletion of chromosome 22 (Di Giorgi syndrome) was found in 43 people, mutations in the Btk gene (X-linked agammaglobulinemia) were revealed in 7 patients and 6 members of their families, Nijmegen syndrome was confirmed in 1 child, a familial case of ADA-deficiency, difficult for diagnostics, was decided. The results of the study encourage the authors for further expansion of the spectrum of detectable disorders diagnosis, and give a hope that development of regional laboratories at this level may improve the diagnostic algorithm for PID diagnostic procedures in Russia, i.e., from prenatal and neonatal screening to the development of gene therapy for certain forms of immune-dependent disorders