15 research outputs found

    Legal aspects of gender identity in Ukraine

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    The issue of gender identity in the modern world is becoming increasingly relevant. The place of a person's right to recognise their gender identity in the Ukrainian legal plane is uncertain. The study considers the specific features of regulating the human right to recognise gender identity and gender reassignment in Ukraine. The authors of the study consider personal non-property rights of an individual as a specific concept, and somatic rights – as a generic concept, the main meaning of which is the ability to dispose of one's body. Accordingly, a person's right to recognition of their gender identity is a personal non-property right. In Ukraine, legal regulation of gender change is carried out, but certain regulations come into force only in the event of a legal fact of gender change, although their provisions regulate the direct implementation of such a right. However, gender identity is the third most common cause of discrimination. It is necessary for Ukrainian legislation to update the regulatory framework that governs the procedure for changing gender. It is worth paying attention to the correct use of terminology in these relations


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    Mucoviscidosis is a monogenic autosomal recessive caused by the CFTR gene mutations and characterized by pronounced genetic heterogeneity and clinical polymorphism, which emphasizes the need in comprehensive diagnosis and molecular-genetic verification of the final diagnosis. Quality and duration of a mucoviscidosis patient depend on early diagnosis and timely adequate therapy. The article presents mucoviscidosis diagnostic methods and protocols and capabilities of the modern molecular-genetic pathological diagnosis; a review of DNA diagnostic sets has been performed. As sets of some of the genes typical to the Russian population have not been registered in the Russian Federation, mutations in 20% of the patients cannot be specified. In order to solve this problem it is necessary to develop DNA diagnostic sets specific for the Russian Federation, ensure genetic diagnosis of the disease, including sequencing methods at the expense of the federal budget, increase the amount of information and improve quality of teaching this discipline to  students of medial universities and at postgraduate courses for appropriate specialists

    Reconstruction of mantle sections beneath Yakutian kimberlite pipes using monomineral thermobarometry

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    <p>Four original monomineral methods for mantle peridotite associations are used to reconstruct <em>P</em>–<em>T</em> conditions beneath the kimberlite pipes of Yakutia. The clinopyroxene Jd–Di method gives the closest coincidence with Opx barometry in accord with all physico-chemical boundaries. Garnet thermometers calibrated using Opx, Gar–Cpx and Ni-garnet thermometers and two variants of barometers were developed separately for pyroxenites and peridotites. A Cr–Sp thermobarometer uses the monomineralic version of the Ol–Sp thermometer and a newly calibrated Cr–Sp barometer. A picroilmenite method uses the Ol–Sp thermometer and a pressure-calibration of the geikielite component. Each mantle column is divided into two (upper and lower) sections by a pyroxenite layer located near 40 kbar. Below the pyroxenite layer, the lower section comprises 3–4 lithologically distinct horizons, with a thermally perturbed layer at the base. Above the pyroxenite layer are 3–5 lithologically distinct horizons, which are more fertile than the lower sections. Splitting of the geotherms characterizes most <em>P</em>–<em>T</em> diagrams and is ascribed to multistage melt percolation processes typical for the mantle beneath kimberlite pipes. The largest pipes are diamond-bearing and have a highly depleted peridotite lens above the asthenospheric layer. </p


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    Mucoviscidosis is a monogenic autosomal recessive caused by the CFTR gene mutations and characterized by pronounced genetic heterogeneity and clinical polymorphism, which emphasizes the need in comprehensive diagnosis and molecular-genetic verification of the final diagnosis. Quality and duration of a mucoviscidosis patient depend on early diagnosis and timely adequate therapy. The article presents mucoviscidosis diagnostic methods and protocols and capabilities of the modern molecular-genetic pathological diagnosis; a review of DNA diagnostic sets has been performed. As sets of some of the genes typical to the Russian population have not been registered in the Russian Federation, mutations in 20% of the patients cannot be specified. In order to solve this problem it is necessary to develop DNA diagnostic sets specific for the Russian Federation, ensure genetic diagnosis of the disease, including sequencing methods at the expense of the federal budget, increase the amount of information and improve quality of teaching this discipline to  students of medial universities and at postgraduate courses for appropriate specialists. Муковисцидоз ― моногенное, аутосомно-рецессивное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями гена СFTR, характеризующееся выраженной генетической гетерогенностью и клиническим полиморфизмом, что подчеркивает необходимость комплексной диагностики с молекулярно-генетической верификацией окончательного диагноза. При муковисцидозе качество и продолжительность жизни пациента зависят от ранней диагностики и своевременной адекватной терапии. В статье освящены методы и протоколы диагностики муковисцидоза, возможности молекулярно-генетической диагностики патологии на современном этапе; проведен обзор диагностических наборов для ДНК-диагностики. В связи с отсутствием в панели зарегистрированных в Российской Федерации наборов некоторых характерных для российской популяции генов 20% пациентов остаются без уточнения имеющейся мутации. Для решения указанной проблемы необходимы разработка специфичных для РФ наборов для ДНК-диагностики, обеспечение генетической диагностики болезни, включая методы секвенирования, за счет федеральных средств, а также расширение объема информации и качества преподавания данного раздела студентам медицинских университетов, на курсах повышения последипломного образования соответствующих специалистов.