100 research outputs found

    Strategy for implementing stabilizer-based codes on solid-state qubits

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    We present a method for implementing stabilizer-based codes with encoding schemes of the operator quantum error correction paradigm, e.g., the "standard" five-qubit and CSS codes, on solid-state qubits with Ising or XY-type interactions. Using pulse sequences, we show how to induce the effective dynamics of the stabilizer Hamiltonian, the sum of an appropriate set of stabilizer operators for a given code. Within this approach, the encoded states (ground states of the stabilizer Hamiltonian) can be prepared without measurements and preserved against both the time evolution governed by the original qubit Hamiltonian, and energy-nonconserving errors caused by the environment.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Preserving universal resources for one-way quantum computing

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    The common spin Hamiltonians such as the Ising, XY, or Heisenberg model do not have ground states that are the graph states needed in measurement-based quantum computation. Various highly-entangled many-body states have been suggested as a universal resource for this type of computation, however, it is not easy to preserve these states in solid-state systems due to their short coherence times. Here we propose a scheme for generating a Hamiltonian that has a cluster state as ground state. Our approach employs a series of pulse sequences inspired by established NMR techniques and holds promise for applications in many areas of quantum information processing.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Neutral edge modes in a superconductor -- topological-insulator hybrid structure in a perpendicular magnetic field

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    We study the low-energy edge states of a superconductor -- 3D topological-insulator hybrid structure (NS junction) in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. The hybridization of electron-like and hole-like Landau levels due to Andreev reflection gives rise to chiral edge states within each Landau level. We show that by changing the chemical potential of the superconductor, this junction can be placed in a regime where the sign of the effective charge of the edge state within the zeroth Landau level changes more than once resulting in neutral edge modes with a finite value of the guiding-center coordinate. We find that the appearance of these neutral edge modes is related to the level repulsion between the zeroth and the first Landau levels in the spectra. We also find that these neutral edge modes come in pairs, one in the zeroth Landau level and its corresponding pair in the first.Comment: 5 page

    Electron-phonon coupling in crystalline organic semiconductors: Microscopic evidence for nonpolaronic charge carriers

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    We consider electron(hole)-phonon coupling in crystalline organic semiconductors, using naphthalene for our case study. Employing a first-principles approach, we compute the changes in the self-consistent Kohn-Sham potential corresponding to different phonon modes and go on to obtain the carrier-phonon coupling matrix elements (vertex functions). We then evaluate perturbatively the quasiparticle spectral residues for electrons at the bottom of the lowest-unoccupied- (LUMO) and holes at the top of the highest-occupied (HOMO) band, respectively obtaining Ze0.74Z_e\approx 0.74 and Zh0.78Z_h\approx 0.78. Along with the widely accepted notion that the carrier-phonon coupling strengths in polyacenes decrease with increasing molecular size, our results provide a strong microscopic evidence for the previously conjectured nonpolaronic nature of band-like carriers in these systems.Comment: final, published versio

    Superfluid drag of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices

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    We study two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in quasi two-dimensional optical lattices of varying geometry and potential depth. Based on the numerically exact Bloch and Wannier functions obtained using the plane-wave expansion method, we quantify the drag (entrainment coupling) between the condensate components. This drag originates from the (short range) inter-species interaction and increases with the kinetic energy. As a result of the interplay between interaction and kinetic energy effects, the superfluid-drag coefficient shows a non-monotonic dependence on the lattice depth. To make contact with future experiments, we quantitatively investigate the drag for mass ratios corresponding to relevant atomic species.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in its original form but minor changes have been don

    Nano-friction in cavity quantum electrodynamics

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    The dynamics of cold trapped ions in a high-finesse resonator results from the interplay between the long-range Coulomb repulsion and the cavity-induced interactions. The latter are due to multiple scatterings of laser photons inside the cavity and become relevant when the laser pump is sufficiently strong to overcome photon decay. We study the stationary states of ions coupled with a mode of a standing-wave cavity as a function of the cavity and laser parameters, when the typical length scales of the two self-organizing processes, Coulomb crystallization and photon-mediated interactions, are incommensurate. The dynamics are frustrated and in specific limiting cases can be cast in terms of the Frenkel-Kontorova model, which reproduces features of friction in one dimension. We numerically recover the sliding and pinned phases. For strong cavity nonlinearities, they are in general separated by bistable regions where superlubric and stick-slip dynamics coexist. The cavity, moreover, acts as a thermal reservoir and can cool the chain vibrations to temperatures controlled by the cavity parameters and by the ions phase. These features are imprinted in the radiation emitted by the cavity, which is readily measurable in state-of-art setups of cavity quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Incommensurate superfluidity of bosons in a double-well optical lattice

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    We study bosons in the first excited Bloch band of a double-well optical lattice, recently realized at NIST. By calculating the relevant parameters from a realistic nonseparable lattice potential, we find that in the most favorable cases the boson lifetime in the first excited band can be several orders of magnitude longer than the typical nearest-neighbor tunnelling timescales, in contrast to that of a simple single-well lattice. In addition, for sufficiently small lattice depths the excited band has minima at nonzero momenta incommensurate with the lattice period, which opens a possibility to realize an exotic superfluid state that spontaneously breaks the time-reversal, rotational, and translational symmetries. We discuss possible experimental signatures of this novel state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures

    Local quantum control of Heisenberg spin chains

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    Motivated by some recent results of quantum control theory, we discuss the feasibility of local operator control in arrays of interacting qubits modeled as isotropic Heisenberg spin chains. Acting on one of the end spins, we aim at finding piecewise-constant control pulses that lead to optimal fidelities for a chosen set of quantum gates. We analyze the robustness of the obtained results f or the gate fidelities to random errors in the control fields, finding that with faster switching between piecewise-constant controls the system is less susceptible to these errors. The observed behavior falls into a generic class of physical phenomena that are related to a competition between resonance- and relaxation-type behavior, exemplified by motional narrowing in NMR experiments. Finally, we discuss how the obtained optimal gate fidelities are altered when the corresponding rapidly-varying piecewise-constant control fields are smoothened through spectral filtering.Comment: final, published versio

    Controlling qubit arrays with anisotropic XXZ Heisenberg interaction by acting on a single qubit

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    We investigate anisotropic XXZXXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chains with control fields acting on one of the end spins, with the aim of exploring local quantum control in arrays of interacting qubits. In this work, which uses a recent Lie-algebraic result on the local controllability of spin chains with "always-on" interactions, we determine piecewise-constant control pulses corresponding to optimal fidelities for quantum gates such as spin-flip (NOT), controlled-NOT (CNOT), and square-root-of-SWAP (SWAP\sqrt{\textrm{SWAP}}). We find the minimal times for realizing different gates depending on the anisotropy parameter Δ\Delta of the model, showing that the shortest among these gate times are achieved for particular values of Δ\Delta larger than unity. To study the influence of possible imperfections in anticipated experimental realizations of qubit arrays, we analyze the robustness of the obtained results for the gate fidelities to random variations in the control-field amplitudes and finite rise time of the pulses. Finally, we discuss the implications of our study for superconducting charge-qubit arrays.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Transport of F- ions in gaseous environment for technological applications

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    Negativni halogeni joni su zastupljeni u različitim neravnotežnim plazmama koje su zastupljene u biomedicinskim uređajima, nanotehnologijama, električnim pražnjenjima i hemiji atmosfere. Prikazani su podaci za modelovanje niskotemperaturnih plazmi koje sadrže F- jone primenom globalnih i drugih plazma modela. Ovaj jon je izabran zbog svoje izuzetno velike elektronegativnosti, veoma je jak nukleofilni reagent i formira veoma jake veze sa Luisovim kiselinama u gasnoj fazi. Sa druge strane, neizbežan je u proizvodnji c-BN filmova. Efikasni preseci za rasejanje F- jona na atomima Ar i molekulima F2, CF4 i BF3 dobijeni su primenom Nanbuove teorije u kojoj je moguće razdvojiti elastične od reaktivnih sudarnih procesa. Kako bi se uočili efekti nekonzervativnih sudarnih procesa na brzine drifta, proračuni su rađeni do visokih vrednosti E/N (1000Td).In this work we present swarm data obtained for F- ions in atomic and molecular gases necessary to form the global models for the complex collisional plasmas. We also present the new results for the simple scattering cross section set and proposed transport coefficients for F- ions in BF3 that can be used in such models. Nanbu’s theory based on thermodynamic threshold energies and separating elastic and reactive collisions is used to calculate cross sections for binary collisions of ions with atoms and molecules. For the cases in which the measured transport coefficients were available Momentum Transfer theory (MTT) was applied in order to unfold the cross sections from the measured transport data. Direct Monte Carlo method is applied to obtain swarm parameters at the temperature of T=300 K