397 research outputs found

    Inguino-abdominal combined approach for laterally extended pelvic resection: a step by step procedure

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    This video article demonstrates an inguino-abdominal combined approach for laterally extended pelvic resection, a major surgical procedure for locally advanced primary or recurrent gynecological cancer infiltrating the pelvic sidewall, for which palliative therapy is the only alternative.1 After local institutional review board approval (protocol No CICOG 02/03/62), we made a step by step surgical video of an inguino-abdominal combined approach for laterally extended pelvic resection , defined as an en bloc resection of a pelvic tumor with pelvic sidewall structures, including the iliopsoas and/or obturator internus muscles.2 3 The patient, a 48-year-old woman, diagnosed with single pelvic platinum resistant recurrence after five lines of chemotherapy for serous ovarian cancer G3, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage IIIC, BRCA wild type. The preoperative positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan detected uptake on the right side at the level of the external iliac region and obturator fossa: the tumor surrounded the right external iliac vessels by more than 50% of their circumferences, with possible involvement of the vascular wall and venous vascular compression (Tinelli's score=4).4 The tumor extended towards the obturator fossa, with possible involvement of the inguinal canal. Due to an uncertain pathological response, the size of the recurrence, and its close contiguity with the ureter and bowel, we decided to avoid radiation therapy as it could result in a ureteral or intestinal fistula. We performed a laterally extended pelvic resection, as shown step by step in the video.The procedure was conducted until complete removal of recurrence (R0). Estimated blood loss was 1000 mL and total operative time was 240 min. The patient was discharged after 15 days; we reported a urinary infection, a likely postoperative complication. The pathology report described a lymphnodal relapse of ovarian cancer (diameter=6 cm) with infiltration of surrounding tissue and in the sano margins. Six months after surgery, the patient is alive without evidence of relapse.The borders of pelvic surgical anatomy are continually extending, requiring surgeons to use a personalized approach and to continually update their anatomic knowledge. In this context, laterally extended pelvic resection could be a feasible surgical procedure, representing a salvage treatment in recurrent or persistent primary gynecological malignancies infiltrating the pelvic sidewall, when other approaches have failed. However, additional clinical trials are needed to confirm these results.

    A Case of Advanced Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy after Emergency Contraception

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    Ectopic pregnancy is a relatively common condition and an important cause of morbidity in women of childbearing age. The most frequent implantation site is the fallopian tube. Most cases are diagnosed in an early gestational period. Patients come to the attention of clinicians for pelvic pain and vaginal blood loss, and consequent diagnosis is made through clinical presentation, laboratory tests, and ultrasound. Other rarer implantation sites such as the abdominal cavity give space for ectopic pregnancy to grow until later gestational ages, delaying diagnosis. This is a rare case of a healthy 41-year-old woman with an advanced ectopic pregnancy after emergency contraception with Ulipristal Acetate. The patient went to visit for amenorrhea after taking a contraceptive. Evaluation with ultrasound demonstrated a 10 + 4 weeks’ unruptured tubal pregnancy with fetal heart rate. The patient underwent laparoscopic salpingectomy without complication. This is the first case of such an advanced ectopic pregnancy in a woman who performed emergency contraception with Ulipristal Acetate

    "Water or not water: That is the question." Analysis of costs and consumption of the operating theaters in a greener perspective

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    Objective: To compare the amounts of water and plastic used in surgical hand washing with medicated soaps and with alcohol-based products and to compare costs and consumption in a year, based on scheduled surgical activity. Method: This retrospective study was carried out at Udine's Gynecology Operating Block from October to November 2022. We estimated the average amount of water with a graduated cylinder and the total cost of water usage based on euros/m3 indicated by the supplier; for each antiseptic agent we collected the data relevant to wash time, amount of water and product used per scrub, number of handscrubs made with every 500 mL bottle and cost of a single bottle. We put data into two hypothetical contexts, namely WHO guidelines and manufacturers' recommendations. Data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: The daily amount of water using povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine-gluconate and alcohol-based antiseptic agents was 187.6, 140.7 and 0 L/day (P value = 0.001), respectively; A total of 69 000 L/year of water would be saved if alcohol-based products were routinely used. A single unit of an alcohol-based product allows three times as many handscrubs as any other product (P value = 0.001) with consequent reduction in plastic packaging. Conclusion: Despite the cost saving being negligible, choosing alcohol-based handrub over medicated soap handrub - on equal antiseptic efficacy grounds - could lead to a significant saving of water and plastic, thus making our operating theaters more environmentally friendly

    The video endoscopy inguinal lymphadenectomy for vulvar cancer: A pilot study

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    Abstract Objective This prospective pilot study aims to validate feasibility, efficacy and safeness of the innovative technique of video endoscopy inguinal lymphadenectomy (VEIL) and compare it to open inguinal lymphadenectomy (OIL) in the staging and treatment of vulvar cancer (VC). Material and methods All patients affected by VC suitable for bilateral inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy were prospectively enrolled and submitted to VEIL on one side and OIL contralaterally, sparing the saphenous vein. The surgical and post-surgical data were collected. Univariate analysis included chi square analysis or Fisher's exact test, when appropriate for categorical variables, and the Student t test and Mann–Whitney test when appropriate for continuous variables. Results Between October 2014 and June 2015 fifteen patients were valuable for the study. Although nodal retrieval was comparable for both procedures, operative time was higher after VEIL. No intraoperative complications were observed in both techniques. Postoperative complications were observed in 3 and 2 cases for OIL and VEIL respectively. One patient needed reoperation after OIL for wound necrosis and infection. According to Campisi's stage, lymphedema resulted significantly to be lower after VEIL (p = 0.024). Conclusions Waiting for larger series and longer follow-up data, the VEIL seems to be feasible allowing a radical removal of inguinal lymph nodes as well as OIL with lower morbidity

    The video endoscopy inguinal lymphadenectomy for vulvar cancer: A pilot study

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    Objective This prospective pilot study aims to validate feasibility, efficacy and safeness of the innovative technique of video endoscopy inguinal lymphadenectomy (VEIL) and compare it to open inguinal lymphadenectomy (OIL) in the staging and treatment of vulvar cancer (VC). Material and methods All patients affected by VC suitable for bilateral inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy were prospectively enrolled and submitted to VEIL on one side and OIL contralaterally, sparing the saphenous vein. The surgical and post-surgical data were collected. Univariate analysis included chi square analysis or Fisher's exact test, when appropriate for categorical variables, and the Student t test and Mann–Whitney test when appropriate for continuous variables. Results Between October 2014 and June 2015 fifteen patients were valuable for the study. Although nodal retrieval was comparable for both procedures, operative time was higher after VEIL. No intraoperative complications were observed in both techniques. Postoperative complications were observed in 3 and 2 cases for OIL and VEIL respectively. One patient needed reoperation after OIL for wound necrosis and infection. According to Campisi's stage, lymphedema resulted significantly to be lower after VEIL (p = 0.024). Conclusions Waiting for larger series and longer follow-up data, the VEIL seems to be feasible allowing a radical removal of inguinal lymph nodes as well as OIL with lower morbidity

    Surgical Treatment Following Failed Medical Treatment of an Interstitial Pregnancy

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    Interstitial pregnancy (IP) is a type of ectopic pregnancy in which the embryo implants in the interstitial part of the Fallopian tube. It accounts for 2% of all ectopic pregnancies. Signs and symptoms appear later than the other forms of ectopic pregnancies because of its peculiar location. The gold standard for its diagnosis is transvaginal ultrasound. The treatment can be medical or surgical. Medical treatment is based on the systemic or local injection of methotrexate (MTX); a dose of mifepristone can be added with a reported 85-90% success rate. The surgical option is laparoscopic unilateral cornuostomy or unilateral salpingectomy. The therapeutic choice is based on symptoms, serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) values, and sonographic features. Furthermore, the patient's fertility perspectives should be considered. We report a case of IP in a Caucasian woman of 29 years old, with a previous salpingectomy for ectopic pregnancy medically treated by a double dose of intramuscular MTX 50 mg/m2 combined with a single dose of leucovorin 15 mg and a single dose of mifepristone 600 mg orally. Medical therapy failed as suggested by the sudden onset of intense pelvic pain after 10 days. Because of the clinical symptoms and the sonographic suspicious of pregnancy rupture due to the modest amount of fluid in the pouch of Douglas, clinicians decided on an urgent unilateral laparoscopic salpingectomy. The hemoperitoneum was drained. The patient was discharged two days later and β-hCG serum levels became negative after 45 days. The advantages of fertility sparing should be weighted according to the patient's reproductive perspectives. Appropriate counseling is therefore key in managing the treatment of interstitial pregnancy

    Large Pelvic Mass in a Female Adolescent: Atypical Presentation and Successful Treatment of Extraskeletal Ewing Sarcoma

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    Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma is a rare soft tissue tumor primarily affecting pediatric patients. The treatment is currently based on a multidisciplinary approach which allows, in cases of localized disease, good survival rates. We report the case of a 15-year-old female patient with a rapidly growing suspected pelvic mass misdiagnosed following the preliminary radiological exams, which assessed the findings as a mass of ovarian origin. The girl underwent surgery and, thanks to histopathological, immunohistochemical and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) examinations, it was possible to make the right diagnosis and to administer the best treatment in terms of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, obtaining a long disease-free interval and no recurrence to date
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