203 research outputs found

    Comparing different approaches for generating random numbers device-independently using a photon pair source

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    What is the most efficient way to generate random numbers device-independently using a photon pair source based on spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC)? We consider this question by comparing two implementations of a detection-loophole-free Bell test. In particular, we study in detail a scenario where a heralded single photon source (HSPS) is used to herald path-entangled states, i.e. entanglement between two spatial modes sharing a single photon and where non-locality is revealed using photon counting preceded by small displacement operations. We start by giving a theoretical description of such a measurement. We then show how to optimize the Bell-CHSH violation through a non-perturbative calculation, taking the main experimental imperfections into account. We finally bound the amount of randomness that can be extracted and compare it to the one obtained with the conventional scenario using photon pairs entangled e.g. in polarization and analyzed through photon counting. While the former requires higher overall detection efficiencies, it is far more efficient in terms of both the entropy per experimental run and the rate of random bit generation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Unraveling the B. pseudomallei Heptokinase WcbL: from structure to drug discovery

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    Journal ArticleOpen Access funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public LicenseGram-negative bacteria utilize heptoses as part of their repertoire of extracellular polysaccharide virulence determinants. Disruption of heptose biosynthesis offers an attractive target for novel antimicrobials. A critical step in the synthesis of heptoses is their 1-O phosphorylation, mediated by kinases such as HldE or WcbL. Here, we present the structure of WcbL from Burkholderia pseudomallei. We report that WcbL operates through a sequential ordered Bi-Bi mechanism, loading the heptose first and then ATP. We show that dimeric WcbL binds ATP anti-cooperatively in the absence of heptose, and cooperatively in its presence. Modeling of WcbL suggests that heptose binding causes an elegant switch in the hydrogen-bonding network, facilitating the binding of a second ATP molecule. Finally, we screened a library of drug-like fragments, identifying hits that potently inhibit WcbL. Our results provide a novel mechanism for control of substrate binding and emphasize WcbL as an attractive anti-microbial target for Gram-negative bacteria.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Counci

    ERL Scheme for Compton Polarised Positron Sources

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    International audienceOne of the main challenges for the future linear colliders projects (ILC and CLIC) is to design an efficient positron source taking into account the constraints imposed by the target heating. At present, different schemes have been analysed to produce high energy gammas and to convert them in an amorphous target. One of them considers the possibility to boost the energy of the backscattered photons of a laser pulse by Compton effect. This method is very attractive since the source is independent from the main Linac and since the photon helicity is conserved in Compton scattering and subsequently transferred to the produced pairs. This allows the physics experiments disposing of both positron and electron polarised sources. Different schemes have been proposed to provide the electron beam for the Compton collisions. taking into account the constraint imposed by the low value of the Thomson cross section. One of the explored possibilities is to design an ERL with relatively low repetition frequency, high charge per pulse and then to stack the produced positrons in an accumulation ring. Different considerations on this scheme will be illustrated and the main constraints discussed. MO6RFP06

    Stacking Simulations for Compton Positron sources of Future Linear Colliders

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    The Compton positron source of a future linear collider must obtain the target bunch population by accumulating a large number of positron packets, arriving either in a number of bursts from a ‘Compton ring’, with intermediate damping of the scattering electron beam, or quasicontinually from a ‘Compton energy recovery linac’. We present simulation results for the longitudinal stacking of Compton positrons in the ILC damping ring (DR) and the CLIC pre-damping ring (PDR), discussing parameter optimization, stacking efficiency, possible further improvements, and outstanding questions

    Factors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection Evaluated by Antibody Response in a Sample of Workers from the Emilia-Romagna Region, Northern Italy

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    Factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection risk are still debated. This case–control study aims to investigate the possible relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection, evaluated through antibody response, and the main sociodemographic, occupational, clinical-anamnestic, and biochemical factors in a population of Modena province (Northern Italy), mainly workers. Both workers who voluntarily joined the screening campaign proposed by companies and self-referred individuals who underwent serological testing were enrolled. Subjects with antibody positivity were recruited as cases (n = 166) and subjects tested negative (n = 239) as controls. A questionnaire on sociodemographic, occupational, and clinical data was administered through telephone interviews. Serum zinc/iron/copper/chromium/nickel, vitamins D/B12, folates, triglycerides, and LDL/HDL/total cholesterol were measured. Cases lived more often in urban areas (61.8% vs. 57%). Cases and controls did not differ significantly by working macrocategories, but the percentage of workers in the ceramic sector was higher among cases. Low adherence to preventive measures in the workplace was more frequent among seropositives. Folate concentration was significantly lower among cases. Therefore, adequate folate levels, living in rural areas, and good adherence to preventive strategies seem protective against infection. Workers in the ceramic sector seem to be at greater risk; specific factors involved are not defined, but preventive interventions are needed
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