236 research outputs found

    Acid Alteration at Mawrth Vallis between the older Fe/Mg-rich Clays and the younger Al/Si-rich Clays

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    Spectral doublet at 2.21-2.23 and 2.26-2.28 µm attributed to acidic alteration of Fe/Mg-smectite at Mawrth Vallis

    Mineralogy of Layered Outcrops at Mawrth Vallis and Implications for Early Aqueous Geochemistry on Mars

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    Recently developed CRISM parameters and newly available DTMs are enabling refined characterization of the mineralogy at Mawrth Vallis. A stratigraphy including 5 units is mapped using HRSC DTMs across 100s of kms and using HiRISE DTMs across 100s of meters. Transitions in mineralogic units were characterized using spectral properties and surface morphology. The observations point to an ancient wet and warm geologic record that formed the thick nontronite unit, a period of wet/dry cycling to create acid alteration, followed by leaching or pedogenesis to result in Al-phyllosilicates, and finally a drier, colder climate that left the altered ash in the form of nanophase aluminosilicates, rather than crystalline clays

    Extracellular Sulfatases, Elements of the Wnt Signaling Pathway, Positively Regulate Growth and Tumorigenicity of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are control elements in Wnt signaling, which bind extracellularly to Wnt ligands and regulate their ability to interact with signal transduction receptors on the cell surface. Sulf-1 and Sulf-2 are novel extracellular sulfatases that act on internal glucosamine-6-sulfate (6S) modifications within HSPGs and thereby modulate HSPG interactions with various signaling molecules, including Wnt ligands. Emerging evidence indicates the importance of reactivated Wnt signaling in a number of cancers, including pancreatic adenocarcinoma. PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Both Sulf proteins were upregulated in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma tumors and were broadly expressed in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. Expression of human extracellular sulfatases Sulf-1 and Sulf-2 enhanced Wnt signaling in a reconstituted system. Three of four pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines tested exhibited autocrine Wnt signaling, in that extracellular Wnt ligands were required to initiate downstream Wnt signaling. Exposure of these pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells to a catalytically inactive form of Sulf-2 or siRNA-mediated silencing of endogenous Sulf-2 inhibited both Wnt signaling and cell growth. Sulf-2 silencing in two of these lines resulted in markedly reduced tumorigenesis in immunocompromised mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We have identified the Sulfs as potentiators of autocrine Wnt signaling in pancreatic cancer cells and have demonstrated their contribution to the growth and tumorigenicity of these cells. Since the Sulfs are extracellular enzymes, they would be attractive targets for therapy of pancreatic cancer. Our results run counter to the prevailing view in the literature that the Sulfs are negative regulators of tumorigenesis

    Severe asthma: One disease and multiple definitions

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    Afianzando lazos entre la universidad y las escuelas primarias mediante la extensiĂłn

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    En este trabajo se expone como el proyecto de extensión universitaria “La Facultad va a la Escuela” ha afianzado su vínculo con las Escuelas Primarias de La Plata, Berisso, Brandsen y Punta Indio, resultado de un trabajo continuado que llevo a un creciente apoyo de las autoridades escolares. Desde el año 2002, el objetivo es contribuir a mejorar la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales, incentivando el uso de la experimentación y observación en el espacio áulico, como una forma más de aprendizaje y apropiación del conocimiento. Para alcanzarlo generamos espacios de intercambio democráticos con los maestros, donde se trabajan herramientas metodológicas que permiten la implementación de experiencias en el aula y el análisis crítico de las mismas. Los espacios incluyen talleres dentro del ámbito escolar y encuentros de evaluación conjunta distritales. El impacto alcanzado ha favorecido la innovación en las prácticas de enseñanza, el desarrollo de proyectos de ciencia y la revalorización del laboratorio y de la alfabetización científica. Como consecuencia, para el Ciclo Lectivo 2014 surgió como nuevo objetivo lograr que quienes participan se constituyan en agentes multiplicadores hacia sus pares, y no sólo hacia sus alumnos, siendo fundamental para ello el rol de los directivos y la incorporación al proyecto institucional.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació
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