14 research outputs found

    Efficacy Of Imidazolquinoline On Treatment Of Condyloma Acuminatum Of The Buccal Mucosa

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    The condylomata acuminata is a benign epithelial neoplasm induced by papillomavirus, and it is characterized by the proliferation of stratified squamous epithelial tissue that affects the anogenital and oral mucosa. It is considered to be a sexually transmitted disease and has a higher prevalence in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Various therapies have been used for the removal of lesions, such as cryotherapy, surgical laser and surgical excision, which are painful and scarring. These techniques, however, do not eliminate the virus and relapses are common shortly after treatment. The use of immunomodulators has been proposed to be an alternative treatment, as imidazolquinoline has been shown to be effective in the treatment of lesions in the anogenital region. However, its use in the oral cavity has been the subject of few reports in the literature. Thus, the objective of this study is to describe a case of warts in the labial mucosa of an HIV positive patient using imidazolquinoline 5%.371515

    Uso de ferramentas estatísticas para avaliação de revestimentos externos de alvenarias: o caso das fachadas das edificações de Pelotas

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    This paper presents the results of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis of qualitative data about pathological manifestations in the coverings of constructions external walls from urban zone of Pelotas city. The statistical analysis shows itself very efficient, identifying certain failure types predominant at certain covering types. This analysis allowed concluding that some covering types have best performance

    Efficacy of imidazolquinoline on treatment of condyloma acuminatum of the buccal mucosa

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    The condylomata acuminata is a benign epithelial neoplasm induced by papillomavirus, and it is characterized by the proliferation of stratified squamous epithelial tissue that affects the anogenital and oral mucosa. It is considered to be a sexually transmitted disease and has a higher prevalence in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Various therapies have been used for the removal of lesions, such as cryotherapy, surgical laser and surgical excision, which are painful and scarring. These techniques, however, do not eliminate the virus and relapses are common shortly after treatment. The use of immunomodulators has been proposed to be an alternative treatment, as imidazolquinoline has been shown to be effective in the treatment of lesions in the anogenital region. However, its use in the oral cavity has been the subject of few reports in the literature. Thus, the objective of this study is to describe a case of warts in the labial mucosa of an HIV positive patient using imidazolquinoline 5%3715154sem informaçã

    Histometric Study of Alveolar Bone in Rats Submitted to Ethanol During Lactation

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    The present work studied the adverse effects of maternal exposure of rats to alcohol during lactation, on the development of their offspring. Histometric evaluation by karyometry and of the alveolar bone at the level of the first upper molar of the sucking was perfomed. Two groups of animals, one coming from mothers exposed to drinking water containing 20% ethanol during the total lactation period and the other of controls coming from mothers receiving only alcohol-free drinking water during this period. On the 21 first day of lactation the young of each group were aleatorily selected and following anesthesia, their heads severed; after histological treatment, serial 6 mu m sections on the frontal plane at the molar level, stained with hematoxilin and eosin, were obtained. The experimental results produced, suggest that sucking from ethanol-treated mothers, show retarded post-natal growth, their alveolar bones presenting scarce, little calcified trabeculae, and a more abundant bone marrow compared to controls

    Effects of Evidence-based Dentistry educational interventions on undergraduate students. A systematic review

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    The objective of this systematic review is to critically evaluate the evidence on the changes observed after the application of Evidence-based Dentistry educational interventions on undergraduate dental students’ knowledge


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    Objetivo: Relatar o caso de um paciente com diagnóstico de Síndromeda Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA) e Sarcoma de Kaposi (SK)tendo como sítio primário a cavidade bucal. Descrição do caso: Pacientedo sexo masculino, previamente hígido, apresentou um quadrode astenia, tosse seca, perda ponderal, esplenomegalia e odinofagia.Paciente foi encaminhado para um Hospital Universitário, onde foi realizadoum teste rápido para Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH),sendo positivo para o mesmo. O paciente não sabia sobre a infecçãodo vírus e devido ao quadro de imunossupressão severa com contagemde células CD4 de apenas 5 células/mm³e carga viral de 246.441cópias/mlapresentava infecções secundárias à SIDA.No exame odontológico,foi observadauma lesão em palato duro de coloração arroxeada,compatível com SK, tal lesão apresentouum curso rápido einvasivo, comconsequente disseminação da doença.Para determinaro diagnóstico foi realizada uma biopsia incisonal da lesão sob profilaxiaantibiótica, devido ao quadro de imunossupressão do paciente.O resultado do diagnóstico patológico foi de SK. Com isso, o pacientefoi encaminhado para tratamento especializado. Conclusão: O SK frequentementetem como sítio primário a boca, por isso, é importante oconhecimento do cirurgião-dentista sobre esse tipo de lesão para queseja possível a realização do diagnósticoprecoce, no intuito de realizarmedidas terapêuticas necessárias para atenuar os sintomas e melhorara qualidade de vida do paciente.ABSTRACTPurpose: To report the case of a patient diagnosed with Acquired ImmuneDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) with thebuccal cavity as the primary site. Case description: A previously healthymale patient had asthenia, dry cough, weight loss, splenomegaly, andodynophagia. Patient was referred to a University Hospital, where arapid test for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) was performed,being positive for it. The patient did not know about virus infectionand due to severe immunosuppression with a CD4 cell count of only5 cells / mm³ and a viral load of 246,441 copies / ml had infectionssecondary to AIDS. In the dental examination, a lesion was found ona hard palate of purplish coloration, compatible with KS, such lesionpresented a rapid and invasive course, with consequent disseminationof the disease. In order to determine the diagnosis, an incisional biopsy of the lesion under antibiotic prophylaxis was performed, due tothe immunosuppression of the patient. The result of the pathologicaldiagnosis was SK. With this, the patient was referred for specializedtreatment. Conclusion: The KS often has a primary site of mouth, soit is important the knowledge of the dental surgeon about this typeof lesion, so that early diagnosis can be made in order to perform thenecessary therapeutic measures to reduce the symptoms and improvethe patient’s quality of life

    Fungal and Viral Oral Infections in individuals with Onco-Hematologic Neoplasms in a University Hospital

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    ction: Individuals undergoing onco-hematologic treatment present higher risk for developing oral and/or systemic infections, due to the intense immunosuppression and compromise of the mucosal barriers during treatment. The aim of this study was to identify the fungal and viral oral infections that most frequently affected patients undergoing onco-hematologic treatment in a University Hospital, and relate them to the biopsychosocial data, underlying disease and treatment. Methods: This was a crosssectional study in which descriptive analysis of the data was performed, and the Exact Fisher test was applied to verify the association between the infections and the variables: sex, age group, educational level, underlying disease and treatment, considering a 5% probability of error. Results and Discussion: The clinical exam revealed that oral candidiasis was present in 8.92% of the individuals, and herpes simplex, in 4.5%. No significant associations were found between the variables and infections. The fungal and viral oral infections were little prevalente in individuals with hematologic neoplasms in the present study, suggesting that the action of dental surgeons in caring for the onco-hematologic patients at the Institution evaluated and the protocols use were efficient