1,979 research outputs found

    Interval structure of the Pieri formula for Grothendieck polynomials

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    We give a combinatorial interpretation of a Pieri formula for double Grothendieck polynomials in terms of an interval of the Bruhat order. Another description had been given by Lenart and Postnikov in terms of chain enumerations. We use Lascoux's interpretation of a product of Grothendieck polynomials as a product of two kinds of generators of the 0-Hecke algebra, or sorting operators. In this way we obtain a direct proof of the result of Lenart and Postnikov and then prove that the set of permutations occuring in the result is actually an interval of the Bruhat order.Comment: 27 page

    Immunohistochemical Expression of Matrix Metalloprotease-2 and Matrix Metalloprotease-9 in the Disks of Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

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    Purpose Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) are tissue-remodeling enzymes that function during the remodeling process, such as in immune-inflammatory diseases. Metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) and metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9) are gelatinases that degrade several types of extracellular matrix collagen. It is hypothesized that in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression levels may be elevated. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the association of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression with temporomandibular joint dysfunction using an immunohistochemical approach to evaluate the joint disk. Material and Methods A total of 45 human temporomandibular joint samples were collected, with 36 samples in the test group (patients with anterior disk displacement with reduction (n = 29) and without reduction (n = 7)) and nine samples in the control group. The immunostaining of the TMJ disks was statistically compared between the groups (P \u3c 0.05). Results There was a statistically significant difference for the area of MMP-2 immunostaining between the control group and the displacement disks with reduction group (ADDwR) (P = 0.048) and between the groups with disk displacement and without reduction (ADDwoR) (P = 0.029). The expression of MMP-2 was significantly elevated in the ADDwoR group. Conclusion No statistically significant difference was found between the variable area of MMP-9 expression in the disk with and without disk displacement, as determined by immunohistochemical analysis. However, there was an elevation of MMP-2 expression in the disks of patients with displacement and without reduction (more severe alteration)

    Interleukin-6 Expression in Disc Derangement of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    The inflammatory process is a coordinated response that protects host after infection or trauma, involving several molecular reactions. Once the inflammation is closely linked to the process of destruction of the temporomandibular joint, this study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), an important inflammatory marker, in temporomandibular articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) and its association with osteoarthrosis (OA). Thirty-eight (n = 38) articular discs were divided into two cutoffs: 1) analysis 1: 4 control (acute pathology), 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR; and 2) analysis 2: without OA (n = 21) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (p \u3c 0.05). In the disc samples, no significant differences were observed between the groups ADDwR and ADDwoR, and with and without OA, in respect to the expression of IL-6 by immunohistochemical examination. Future studies should be conducted with a larger sample size, which could clarify the association of the inflammatory mediator IL-6 with temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Philosophical and methodological aspects of Operations Research: the evolution of an interdisciplinary area

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    Operations Research fits into the history of the great technological and scientific events of the twentieth century. Its influence on the emergence of other sciences and applications, whose developments in the post-war period contributed to the increased rationalization of modern society are evident. Given this context, this article aims to trace an analytical reconstruction on the philosophical and methodological aspects that mark the history of operations research. Such reconstruction will be developed based on a historical method using bibliography and documents. The refinement of Operations Research techniques was a determining factor for its success, and its methodological and philosophical aspects have revered thinkers such as John Dewey, Churchman, and Capra, who are references to understand modern men's thought. It turns out that World War II was determinant for science in general and more specifically for the great advance of operations research. The achievements of the OR, largely, result from the formation of multidisciplinary groups that allowed the evolution of the area in several directions, providing an interdisciplinary dialogue

    Intermultiplet transitions and magnetic long-range order in Sm-based pyrochlores

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    We present bulk and neutron scattering measurements performed on the isotopically enriched 154Sm2Ti2O7^{154}\mathrm{Sm_2Ti_2O_7} and 154Sm2Sn2O7^{154}\mathrm{Sm_2Sn_2O_7} samples. Both compounds display sharp heat capacity anomalies, at 350 mK and 440 mK, respectively. Inelastic neutron scattering measurements are employed to determine the crystalline electric field (CEF) level scheme, which includes transitions between the ground-state and first excited JJ multiplets of the Sm3+\mathrm{Sm}^{3+} ion. To further validate those results, the single-ion magnetic susceptibility of the compounds is calculated and compared with the experimental DC-susceptibility measured in low applied magnetic fields. It is demonstrated that the inclusion of intermultiplet transitions in the CEF analysis is fundamental to the understanding of the intermediate and, more importantly, low temperature magnetic behaviour of the Sm-based pyrochlores. Finally, the heat capacity anomaly is shown to correspond to the onset of an all-in-all-out long-range order in the stannate sample, while in the titanate a dipolar long-range order can be only indirectly inferred.Comment: 13 pages, 10 Figure

    Beurteilung von Stigmata und Problemen der Knochenalterbestimmung bei Kindern mit idiopathischem Kleinwuchs gegenĂŒber normalwĂŒchsigen Kindern

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    Anhand eines Röntgenbildes der Hand eines Kindes lassen sich Knochenalterbestimmungen durchfĂŒhren und verschiedene Merkmale (Stigmata) der einzelnen Handknochen beschreiben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sind diese beiden Aspekte an Handröntgenbildern einer Gruppe von insgesamt 257 Kindern mit idiopathischem Minderwuchs (Idiopathic short stature, ISS) und 115 normalwĂŒchsigen Kindern untersucht worden. Als ISS wird ein Minderwuchs ohne Syndromcharakter bezeichnet. Bei Patienten dieser Diagnose wurden endokrine Störungen, sowie chronische oder syndromale Erkrankungen ausgeschlossen. Zur Untersuchung der Knochenalterbestimmung wurden 409 Röntgenbilder von 253 ISS-Kindern (Hauptgruppe, HG) und 109 Röntgenbilder der Vergleichsgruppe (VG) anonymisiert und durch zwei Radiologen (Befunder A und B) nach der Methode von Greulich und Pyle befundet. In der Hauptgruppe lagen zusĂ€tzlich bereits Knochenalterbestimmungen aus dem Archiv vor (Befunder C), die in die Kalkulation miteinbezogen wurden. Ziel der Untersuchung war es, sowohl einen Interbeurteilungsunterschied als auch Unterschiede in den beiden Kollektiven unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des Geschlechts und des chronologischen Alters bei der Knochenalterbestimmung zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnten zeigen, dass in der Gruppe der ISS-Kinder der durchschnittliche Interbeurteilungsunterschied im Mittelwert (5,4 Monate) höher war als in der Vergleichsgruppe (3,7 Monate). Dieser Unterschied bestĂ€tigte sich auch bei der Betrachtung des Intervalls, in dem 95 % der Differenzwerte zwischen den Befundern lagen. Dieses stellte sich fĂŒr die Hauptgruppe (-1,08 Jahre bis +1,4 Jahr) grĂ¶ĂŸer als fĂŒr die Vergleichsgruppe (-1 Jahr bis + 11 Monate) dar. Die höhere Anzahl der identischen Bestimmungen der Befunder A und B in der Vergleichsgruppe wies in dieselbe Richtung (HG: 39,4 %, VG: 47,7 %). Eine mögliche ErklĂ€rung hierfĂŒr ist die Tatsache, dass in der Gruppe der ISS-Kinder viele Kinder mit dissoziierter Handentwicklung vertreten waren, bei denen sich der Interbeurteilungsunterschied bekanntlicherweise höher darstellt. Betrachtet man den Mittelwert jedes einzelnen Befunders, so fĂ€llt auf, dass die Befunder einzeln im Durchschnitt in der jeweiligen Gruppe sehr Ă€hnlich bestimmt haben (HG: Befunder A:118,65 Monate, Befunder B:116,8 Monate, Befunder C: 117,43 Monate; VG: Befunder A:85,13 Monate, Befunder B:85,66 Monate). Der anhand dieser Werte durchgefĂŒhrte t-Test konnte darstellen, dass durchschnittlich die Befunde C systematisch 1,2 Monate niedriger lagen als die von Befunder A und tendenziell um 0,6 Monate höher als die des Untersuchers B. Befunder A hingegen bestimmte die Knochenalter in der Hauptgruppe systematisch im Durchschnitt um 1,8 Monate höher als Befunder B, wĂ€hrend seine EinschĂ€tzungen in der Vergleichsgruppe im zufĂ€lligen Bereich um 0,5 Monate niedriger als diejenigen von Befunder B ausfielen. In Bezug auf das Geschlecht und das chronologische Alter konnte ermittelt werden, dass die Differenzen zwischen den Knochenalterbestimmungen der einzelnen Befunder unabhĂ€ngig von diesen beiden Faktoren entstanden und sich hier keine Systematik erkennen ließ. Resultierend lĂ€sst sich insbesondere im Hinblick auf vereinzelt hohe Unterschiede in der Knochenalterbestimmung zusĂ€tzlich sagen, dass anhand dieses Studienaufbaues EinflĂŒsse von inneren sowie Ă€ußeren Faktoren angenommen werden können. Diese könnten Auswirkungen auf die Ergebnisse der Knochenalterbestimmung nach Greulich und Pyle haben. Innere Faktoren umfassen z. B. die dissoziierte Handentwicklungen, Vorbefunde, Informationen zum vorliegenden Röntgenbild (wie klinische Diagnose, Grund der Knochenalteranalyse, Körperhöhe, Aufnahmedatum u.a.), wĂ€hrend als Ă€ußere Faktoren z.B. Arbeitsbedingungen (wie Anzahl der zu befundenden Bilder, Zeitpunkt und Ort der Bestimmung), oder auch die Zusammenarbeit der Befunder angenommen werden können. Hieraus können Empfehlungen zur optimalen Nutzung der Methode diskutiert werden: Zum Beispiel: 1. Die Diskussion unklarer Befunde mit mehreren erfahrenen Befundern, vor allem bei dissoziierten Handentwicklungen. 2. Die möglichst begrenzte Anzahl von Bildern und ausreichende Pausen, um mit maximalem Konzentrationsgrad arbeiten zu können. 3. Ein generelles Vorliegen aller relevanten Vorbefunde und aktuellen klinisch wichtigen Informationen zum Patienten. 4. Langfristige und ggf. enge Verlaufskontrollen. Desweiten wurden 232 Handröntgenbilder von ISS-Kindern sowie 115 Röntgenbilder von Kindern der Vergleichsgruppe anonymisiert auf die VorkommenshĂ€ufigkeit, die Geschlechterverteilung, die Verteilung unter Geschwistern (nur in der HG) und die Altersverteilung folgender Merkmale untersucht: 1.) Pseudoepiphysen, 2.) Einkerbungen im Os capitatum, 3.) Brachymesophalangien, 4.) verkĂŒrzte Metakarpalknochen, 5.) positives Metakarpalzeichen (schneidende Metakarpaltangente), 6.) dissoziierte Handentwicklungen, 7.) Ulna-Minusvarianten und 8.) Demineralisationen. Nach Alterskorrektur der gewonnenen Ergebnisse (durch Kovarianzanalyse und Berechnung ohne Kinder <4 Jahre) konnte der schon zuvor vermutete Trend bestĂ€tigt werden: Alle untersuchten Merkmale traten prozentual und ĂŒberzufĂ€llig bzw. im Trend statistisch hĂ€ufiger in der Gruppe der ISS-Kinder als in der Vergleichsgruppe auf. Einzig das Merkmal ‚schneidende Metakarpaltangente’ war in der Hauptgruppe nicht signifikant erhöht. Es lĂ€sst sich damit festhalten, dass bei Kindern mit idiopathischem Kleinwuchs bei der Beurteilung der Handröntgenaufnahme neben der Knochenalterbestimmung auch dem Auftreten von derartigen Merkmalen Beachtung geschenkt werden sollte. Eine HĂ€ufung einzelner, hier untersuchter Merkmale war bei anderen Ursachen fĂŒr eine mangelnde Wachstumsauschöpfung (z.B. UnterernĂ€hrung, Krankheit, etc.) in der Literatur beschrieben. Die fast durchgehende HĂ€ufung der Stigmata auch bei ISS-Kindern lĂ€sst bei der Merkmalsentstehung somit an ein nicht ausschließlich genetisches, sondern multifaktoriell bedingtes, von außen beeinflußtes Geschehen denken, welches nicht zwingend in die Richtung eines pathologischen Vorganges deutet. Bei Jungen beider Gruppen konnten deutlich hĂ€ufiger schneidende Metakarpaltangenten (HG:22,1 % VG:13,3 %), Ulna-Minusvarianten (HG:43,6 % VG:10 %) und dissoziierte Handentwicklungen (HG:30 % VG:13,3 %) bestimmt werden. Diese Tatsache sahen wir mitbegrĂŒndet in der grundsĂ€tzlich lĂ€ngeren Skelettreifezeit bei Jungen im Vergleich zur weiblichen ossĂ€ren Entwicklung. Eine Untersuchung der Altersverteilung des Merkmals ‚dissoziierte Handentwicklung’ ergab eine HĂ€ufung bei den 5-jĂ€hrigen, eine Demineralisation fand sich vermehrt bei den 8- und 9-jĂ€hrigen Kindern. Unter den Geschwisterkindern in der ISS-Gruppe fiel eine HĂ€ufung der Ulna-Minusvarianten (37,7 % der MerkmalstrĂ€ger sind verwandt), der Pseudoepiphysen (37 % der MerkmalstrĂ€ger sind verwandt), der schneidenden Metakarpaltangenten (33,3 % der MerkmalstrĂ€ger sind verwandt) und der Brachymesophalangie (30 % der MerkmalstrĂ€ger sind verwandt) auf. Es lassen sich damit wie oben bereits erwĂ€hnt auch familiĂ€re, genetische ZusammenhĂ€nge bei den Merkmalen unter den Geschwistern in der Gruppe der ISS-Kinder annehmen.By means of a child’s hand radiography an assessment can be performed of the skeletal age and the description of different stigmatas. These two aspects were analysed in this investigation by examining the x-ray photographs of 257 children with an idiopathic short stature (ISS) in comparison to images of 115 children of normal growth. ISS is a kind of dwarfism without the characteristics of a syndrom. ISS-patients have no endocrine, chronical or syndromal diseases. To calculate skeletal age by method of Greulich-Pyle, 409 randomized roentgenograma of 253 ISS-patients of a main group (MG) and 109 photographs of a group of control (CG) were anonymized and determined by two radiologists (observer A and B). The MG consisted of additional skeletal age assessments from the archive (observer C) which were included in the calculation. The aim of the stydy was to determine both the Inter-observer-difference and the difference concerning assessment of skeletal age with regards to gender and chronical ages of analysized children inside the two main collectives. The result of this study showed the mean Inter-observer-difference in a group of ISS-children to be 5.4 months higher in average than in comparison to controls (3.7 months). This difference was confirmed by the data from the observers, lying at an intervall that included 95 % of all differencial values. This intervall turned out to be higher (-1.08 years up to +1.4 years) in the MG than it was detected for CG (-1 year of age up to + 11 months). The higher amount of identically detected values from observer A and B within CG conveyed a similar impression: MG: 39.4 %, CG: 47.7 %. This mentioned difference may appear due to fact that within the MG many of the children showed a ‘disharmonic maturation of the hand’. As commonly known, this particular situation is affected with a statistically higher Inter-observer-difference. Considering the mean of each observer, it appears as if every radiologist found averaged in a quite similar manner in the different groups of examination (MG: observer A: 118.65 months / observer B:116.8 months / observer C: 117.43 months, CG: observer A:85.13 months, observer B:85.66 months). For these data, the t-test determined that observer C detected the skeletal ages to be 1.2 months less than observer A but 0.6 months higher than detections of observer B. However the skeletal-age identifications of observer A in the MG were systematically as much as 1.8 months higher than those of observer B. Identifications of A regarding the CG distributed randomly 0.5 months lower than those of observer B. With reference to the gender and chronological ages of examined children this study identifies the differences of each observer between definitions of skeletal ages concerning these two aspects as independent and without systematic distribution. As a result in terms of isolated high differences in skeletal age identifications, inner and outer influencing factors can be appointed. Identifying skeletal ages by the Greulich-Pyle method shows that both inner and outer factors can have explicit influence/effects on the results. Inner factors include e.g. dissociated development of the hand, recent diagnosis, reason of skeletal age identification, body hight, date of clinical admittance, etc. In contrast outer factors include e.g. collaboration of assessing radiologist, working conditions (number of assessing x-ray photographs, time and place of identification, etc.). Hence recommendations for optimal use of this certain method of identification can be discussed: i) discussing of indistinct identifications of skeletal age with many expert/practised radiologists ii) limited number of x-ray-photographs and adequate numbers of breaks during the findings in order to guarantee maximum concentration iii) preferebly complete availability of all relevant recent and present diagnoses of the patient iiii) long-term course-controls, if needed at close quarters Furthermore, 232 x-rays of the hands from ISS-patients and 115 images of children from CG were analysed to determine the incidence, distribution in gender, distribution among brothers and sisters in the MG, and the distribution of age of the following stigmata: 1) pseudoepiphyses, 2) capitate notch, 3) brachymesophalangia, 4) shortening of metacarpals, 5) (positive) metacarpal sign, 6) disharmonic maturation of the hand, 7) ulna-minus-variants, 8) demineralization. Following a statistical correction of age, via an analysis of covariance and a computation without children of less than 4 years of age, the results confirmed the assumed trend: All investigated parameters/stigmata appeared statistically in percentage and more than incidentally respectively tendencially more frequent in the group of ISS-children. ‘Metacarpal sign’ was the only parameter detected that was not significantly increased in MG, compared to CG. In conclusion this study demonstrated the necessity of both the identification of skeletal age and the assessment of suchlike stigmata for children suffering from ISS while finding a radiograph of the hand. An accumulation of single parameters examined in this study has been reported about concerning lacks of growth potentials (e.g. malnutrition, illness, etc.) in many studies before. An almost continuous accumulation of stigmata with ISS-patients’ x-rays within this study does not construe that the development of stigmata is exclusively genetic or pathological but suggests that the process is influenced externallytoo. The assessment of metacarpal signs of boys’ x-rays of both groups clearly showed a greater incidence: (MG:22.1 % vs. CG:13.3 %), ulna-minus-variants (MG:43.6 % vs. CG:10 %) and disharmonic maturation of the hand (MG:30 % vs. CG:13.3 %). We assume this is due to a physiologically prolonged adolescence of skeleton compared with ossary development of girls. A disharmonic maturation of the hand was cumulatively detected on x-rays of children aged 5 years, signs of demineralization could be diagnosed notably within the group of children aging 8 and 9 years. Among siblings of ISS-group, there was a distinct accumulation of the stigma of ulna-minus-variants (37.7 % of all were akin), pseudoepiphyses (37 % of all were akin), metacarpal sign (33.3 % of all were akin) and brachymesophalangia (30 % of all were akin). Hence, as mentioned above familiar, genetic coherences concerning the incidence of stigmas affecting brothers and sisters in the ISS-group can be assumed to be responsible for the development of stigmata

    FasL Expression in Articular Discs of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    Background Apoptosis is a programme of cell death which does not induce an inflammatory response. Recent previous research has suggested a correlation between temporomandibular internal derangement and apoptosis. Fas ligand (FasL) is an apoptosis‐inducing factor, known to trigger apoptosis through distinct signal pathways. This study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of FasL in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) in patients with and without osteoarthrosis (OA). Methods Forty‐two (n = 42) TMJ articular discs were divided into two cut‐offs: (i) 8 control, 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR, and (ii) without OA (n = 25) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (P \u3c 0.05). Results Statistically significant differences were found in the expression of FasL in TMJ discs between the three groups (P = 0.001). ADDwR presented significant higher FasL expression when compared with ADDwoR (P \u3c 0.001). Significant higher FasL expression was observed in the group without OA (P = 0.001). All patients without OA presented ADDwR, while all the patients with OA presented ADDwoR. Conclusion A higher area of in situ immunostaining of FasL was found in temporomandibular discs with reduction, which is the less severe condition. Moreover, a reduced expression of FasL in the discs of patients with osteoarthrosis was found, suggesting that some aspects of apoptosis might underlie the progression of TMJ disorders

    Peningkatan Tekanan Air Pori Akibat Pemancangan Pondasi Tiang

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    Aktivitas pemancangan akan meningkatkan tekanan air pori dalam tanah di area sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemancangan dengan menggunakan jack piling system terhadap peningkatan air pori di area sekelilingnya. Pengumpulan data peningkatan tekanan air pori dilakukan dengan metode standpipe dan piezometer. Lokasi penelitian meliputi jalan Siwalanketro (U.K. Petra), jalan Jemursari (Hotel Yello) di Surabaya,serta jalan Kalimantan (Hotel Amaris) di Madiun. Dari hasil pengamatan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa aktivitas pemancangan meningkatkan tekanan air pori dalam tanah di area sekitarnya. Peningkatan air pori pada proyek U.K. Petra mencapai 12 cm pada jarak 8 m untuk tiang tunggal. Pada proyek Hotel Yello, akumulasi peningkatan tekanan air pori mencapai 2,45 m pada 1-3 hari pemancangan tiang. Sedangkan pada proyek Hotel Amaris yang didominasi dengan lapisan tanah pasir, akumulasi peningkatan tekanan air pori pada 1 hari pemancangan tiang sekitar 1 m
