31 research outputs found

    Programa de Prioritat Social de l’IMAS. Valoració del risc de desprotecció de persones grans i intervenció prioritària

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    El present article descriu i analitza el trànsit i l’evolució dels serveis prestats per l’oficina de valoracions de persones grans de l’Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS) des de la valoració i gestió d’ingressos a la protecció i intervenció prioritària en casos d’usuaris grans en risc. El text comença amb una revisió de l’origen de l’equip tècnic i les seves funcions, i continua descrivint el procediment, el protocol i els fonaments metodològics emprats a l’hora de valorar la desprotecció i intervenir-hi amb especificitat. Per finalitzar, s’extreuen conclusions del que han estat aquests darrers tres anys a partir de l’anàlisi de les dades recopilades, alhora que s’esbossen les línies de treball per al futur en matèria de protecció de les persones grans en risc de Mallorca.El presente artículo describe y analiza el tránsito y la evolución de los servicios prestados por la oficina de valoraciones de personas mayores del Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS) desde la valoración y gestión de ingresos a la intervención prioritaria en casos de usuarios mayores en riesgo de desprotección. El texto empieza con una revisión de los orígenes del equipo técnico y sus funciones, y continúa describiendo el procedimiento, el protocolo y los fundamentos metodológicos empleados a la hora de valorar la desprotección e intervenir con especificidad. Por último, se extraen conclusiones de lo que han sido estos últimos tres años a partir del análisis de los datos recopilados, al mismo tiempo que se esbozan las líneas de trabajo para el futuro en materia de protección de las personas en riesgo de Mallorca

    Effectiveness of hygienic-dietary recommendations as enhancers of antidepressant treatment in patients with Depression: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent years some studies have been published supporting the efficacy of light exposure, physical activity, sleep control and a Mediterranean diet pattern on the improvement or prevention of Depression. However, to our knowledge, there have been no studies using all these measures together as an adjuvant antidepressant strategy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Multicenter, randomized, controlled, two arm-parallel, clinical trial. Eighty depressed patients undergoing standard antidepressant treatment will be advised to follow four additional hygienic-dietary recommendations about exercise, diet, sunlight exposure and sleep. Outcome measures will be assessed before and after the 6 month intervention period.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>We expect the patients in the active recommendations group to experience a greater improvement in their depressive symptoms. If so, this would be a great support for doctors who might systematically recommend these simple and costless measures, especially in primary care.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ISRCTN59506583</p

    European LeukemiaNet 2017 risk stratification for acute myeloid leukemia: validation in a risk-adapted protocol

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    The 2017 European LeukemiaNet (ELN 2017) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have become fundamental guidelines to assess the prognosis and postremission therapy of patients. However, they have been retrospectively validated in few studies with patients included in different treatment protocols. We analyzed 861 patients included in the Cooperativo Para el Estudio y Tratamiento de las Leucemias Agudas y Mielodisplasias-12 risk-adapted protocol, which indicates cytarabine-based consolidation for patients allocated to the ELN 2017 favorable-risk group, whereas it recommends allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) as a postremission strategy for the ELN 2017 intermediateand adverse-risk groups. We retrospectively classified patients according to the ELN 2017, with 327 (48%), 109 (16%), and 245 (36%) patients allocated to the favorable-, intermediate-, and adverse-risk group, respectively. The 2- and 5-year overall survival (OS) rates were 77% and 70% for favorable-risk patients, 52% and 46% for intermediate-risk patients, and 33% and 23% for adverse-risk patients, respectively. Furthermore, we identified a subgroup of patients within the adverse group (inv(3)/t(3;3), complex karyotype, and/or TP53 mutation/17p abnormality) with a particularly poor outcome, with a 2-year OS of 15%. Our study validates the ELN 2017 risk stratification in a large cohort of patients treated with an ELN-2017 risk-adapted protocol based on alloSCT after remission for nonfavorable ELN subgroups and identifies a genetic subset with a very poor outcome that warrants investigation of novel strategies

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    Hygienic-dietary recommendations for major depression treatment: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Depression is a highly prevalent and disabling mental disorder with an incidence rate which appears to be increasing in the developed world. This fact seems to be at least partially related to lifestyle factors. Some hygienic-dietary measures have shown their efficacy as a coadjuvant of standard treatment. However, their effectiveness has not yet been proved enough in usual clinical practice. Methods Multicenter, randomized, controlled, two arm-parallel, clinical trial involving 300 patients over 18 years old with a diagnosis of Major Depression. Major depression will be diagnosed by means of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The Beck Depression Inventory total score at the end of the study will constitute the main efficacy outcome. Quality of Life and Social and Health Care Services Consumption Scales will be also administered. Patients will be assessed at three different occasions: baseline, 6-month follow-up and 12-month follow-up. Discussion We expect the patients in the active lifestyle recommendations group to experience a greater improvement in their depressive symptoms and quality of life with lower socio-sanitary costs. Trial registration ISRCTN73931675</p

    Clinical and Prognostic Value of the Electrocardiogram in Patients With Acute Occlusion of the Left Circumflex Coronary Artery

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    The utility of the electrocardiogram (ECG) in patients with acute left circumflex (LC) coronary occlusion is not established. This study aimed at determining the clinical, angiographic, and prognostic characteristics associated with the different patterns of ST-segment changes in patients with LC occlusion. A cohort of 314 patients with LC occlusion was categorized according to the admission ECG: (1) ST-segment elevation (ST-E, n=208), (2) isolated ST-segment depression in precordial leads (ST-D, n=62), and (3) negligible ST-segment changes (No-ST, n=44). Clinical variables, coronary angiography, and 30-day major adverse cardiac event (MACE) (in-hospital ventricular fibrillation, 1-month mortality, or heart failure) were compared among the three groups. As compared with No-ST, patients with ST-E or ST-D presented more advanced Killip class, higher troponin peak, lower LV ejection fraction, and were independently associated with MACE (odds ratio 5.43, 95% confidence interval 1.09 to 27.20 and odds ratio 3.39, 95% confidence interval 0.66 to 17.50, respectively). Patients with ST-D were tardily reperfused, had more often mitral regurgitation (23.1% vs 9.3% in ST-E and 3.3% in No-ST, p=0.03), and presented ST-segment elevation in leads V7 to V9 in 12 of 16 cases with available recordings. Culprit proximal LC predominated in ST-D (41.9%), distal LC in ST-E (42.8%), and obtuse marginal in No-ST (59.1%) (all p<0.01). The No-ST had smaller coronary vessels and more collaterals. In conclusion, the three ST-segment patterns of LC occlusion identify patients with different clinical, angiographic, and prognostic characteristics. Patients with ST-depression pattern require a prompt reperfusion therapy and could be better recognized by recording leads V7 to V9