42 research outputs found

    Stereoselective synthesis of a-Amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives

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    a-Amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives are an important group of compounds of synthetic and medicinal interest and particular attention has been dedicated to their stereoselective synthesis in recent years. Among these, phosphinic pseudopeptides have acquired pharmacological importance in influencing physiologic and pathologic processes, primarily acting as inhibitors for proteolytic enzymes where molecular stereochemistry has proven to be critical. This review summarizes the latest developments in the asymmetric synthesis of acyclic and phosphacyclic a-amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives, following in the first case an order according to the strategy used, whereas for cyclic compounds the nitrogen embedding in the heterocyclic core is considered. In addition selected examples of pharmacological implications of title compounds are also disclosed

    Stereoselective Synthesis of α‐Aminophosphonic Acids through Pudovik and Kabachnik‐Fields Reaction

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    Representative examples concerning the Pudovik and Kabachnik‐Fields reactions as the main strategies for the stereoselective synthesis of α‐aminophosphonic acids are discussed, classifying these reactions according to the chiral auxiliary and chiral catalyst

    Stereoselective synthesis of α-amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives

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    α-Amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives are an important group of compounds of synthetic and medicinal interest and particular attention has been dedicated to their stereoselective synthesis in recent years. Among these, phosphinic pseudopeptides have acquired pharmacological importance in influencing physiologic and pathologic processes, primarily acting as inhibitors for proteolytic enzymes where molecular stereochemistry has proven to be critical. This review summarizes the latest developments in the asymmetric synthesis of acyclic and phosphacyclic α-amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives, following in the first case an order according to the strategy used, whereas for cyclic compounds the nitrogen embedding in the heterocyclic core is considered. In addition selected examples of pharmacological implications of title compounds are also disclosed.The authors gratefully acknowledge the CONACYT (grant 181816, 248868) and PRODEP (project UAEMOR-PTC-379) of Mexico, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grant CTQ2013-40855-R) and Gobierno de Aragón-FSE (research group E40) for their financial support.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)

    Propuesta de enseñanza lúdico pedagógica para fortalecer la autoestima y mejorar la convivencia en los estudiantes de grado décimo de la Institución Educativa Cauca

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    Este proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta lúdico-pedagógica encaminada a fortalecer la autoestima y mejorar la convivencia de los estudiantes del grado décimo de la I.E Cauca, quienes presentaban bajo nivel de motivación y autonomía. El marco teórico se apoyó en la motivación, la autoestima, la lúdica y la recreación como ejes de análisis. Para el diseño de esta propuesta lúdico-pedagógica se tuvo en cuenta la aplicación de encuestas a estudiantes, padres de familia y docentes, con el propósito de identificar las posibles causas del problema planteado. La muestra estuvo constituida por 44 estudiantes del grado décimo de la I.E Cauca, del municipio de Santander de Quilichao, departamento del Cauca, Colombia. Se puede concluir que a través de la propuesta lúdico-pedagógica, los estudiantes lograron mejorar la autoestima y la convivencia, de la misma forma, mostraron una mayor motivación hacia las actividades lúdicas, culturales y académicas

    Propuesta Estratégica de Mejora en la Implementación de los Estándares Mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa MOVILCO S.A.S para el segundo semestre del 2019 y principios del 2020.

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    La empresa Movilco S.A.S, venia cumpliendo muy regularmente con el decreto 1072 de 2015 y cuando inicia el proceso de transición al Decreto 052 del 12 de enero de 2017 le ha sido muy tedioso ya que ha venido contando históricamente con muchas falencias que no han permitido hacer un diagnóstico claro para así implementar planes de mejoras y cumplir con las normativas vigente.Se identifico aspectos y funciones de la salud y seguridad Ocupacional (SG-SST) en el ámbito laboral y como es el fortalecimiento a los trabajadores tanto del clima laboral como el bienestar dentro de la empresa. También son necesarias las dinámicas de presión social, de promoción política, de normalización, de control administrativo o de gestión empresarial para una efectiva aplicación de dichas formas de trabajo dentro de una empresa u organización. Al culminar el desarrollo de esta actividad práctica se logró presentar un plan de mejora para el área de talento humano de la empresa Movilco s.a. el cual se enfocó en la motivación, el reconocimiento, las capacitaciones, programas de incentivos y de seguridad laboral; para impulsar la productividad y el desarrollo integral de los empleados. El modelo de gestión por competencias es clave para poder desarrollar en las personas las habilidades necesarias para continuar con su labor, y lograr cada día mejores resultados, que se verán también reflejados en los resultados empresariales. El área de recursos humanos es clave en este proceso, ya que es allí donde se debe seleccionar las personas que posean las habilidades requeridas en la organización, para lo cual debe estar en permanente contacto con la gerencia, para poder determinar los perfiles requeridos. El gerente debe entender que para que su resultado sea óptimo y pueda cumplir con los objetivos establecidos, debe tener como base de su gerencia el modelo de gestión por competencias en el cual se implemente el desarrollo de las personas como pilar fundamental. Que debe ser experto en identificar las personas que tengan potencial para obtener excelentes desempeños, colaborar con la selección de candidatos que sean acorde con las competencias requeridas en cada cargo y debe definir planes de carrera enmarcados en las competencias de las personas.Aspects and functions of Occupational Health and Safety (SG-SST) were identified in the workplace and how is the strengthening of workers both in the work environment and well-being within the company. The dynamics of social pressure, political promotion, standardization, administrative control or business management are also necessary for an effective application of these forms of work within a company or organization. Upon completion of the development of this practical activity, an improvement plan for the human talent area of ​​Movilco s.a. which focused on motivation, recognition, training, incentive programs and job security; to boost productivity and the integral development of employees. The competency management model is key to being able to develop in people the skills necessary to continue their work, and achieve better results every day, which will also be reflected in business results. The area of ​​human resources is key in this process, since it is there where you must select the people who possess the skills required in the organization, for which you must be in permanent contact with the management, in order to determine the required profiles. The manager must understand that in order for its result to be optimal and to meet the established objectives, it must be based on its management the competence management model in which the development of people as a fundamental pillar is implemented. That he must be an expert in identifying the people who have the potential to obtain excellent performances, collaborate with the selection of candidates that are consistent with the competences required in each position and must define career plans framed in the competences of the people

    Stereoselective Synthesis of α-Amino-C-phosphinic Acids and Derivatives

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    α-Amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives are an important group of compounds of synthetic and medicinal interest and particular attention has been dedicated to their stereoselective synthesis in recent years. Among these, phosphinic pseudopeptides have acquired pharmacological importance in influencing physiologic and pathologic processes, primarily acting as inhibitors for proteolytic enzymes where molecular stereochemistry has proven to be critical. This review summarizes the latest developments in the asymmetric synthesis of acyclic and phosphacyclic α-amino-C-phosphinic acids and derivatives, following in the first case an order according to the strategy used, whereas for cyclic compounds the nitrogen embedding in the heterocyclic core is considered. In addition selected examples of pharmacological implications of title compounds are also disclosed

    One-pot three-component highly diastereoselective synthesis of isoindolin-1-one-3-phosphonates under solvent and catalyst free-conditions

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    The one-pot three-component reaction of 2-formylbenzoic acid with (S)- and (R)-methylbenzylamine and dimethyl phosphite (Kabachnik-Fields reaction) proceeded in short reaction times under solvent and catalyst free-conditions to afford the corresponding (3R,1′S)- and (3S,1′R)-isoindolin-1-one-3- phosphonates 3, respectively, in good yield and with high diastereoselectivity (95:5 dr). The use of a solvent decreases the diastereoselectivity and slows the reaction rate. The reaction rate was also influenced by CO2H functionality through protonation of the imine intermediate. The absolute configuration at the new stereogenic center was determined by X-ray crystal analysis, and a mechanism was proposed to explain the high diastereoselectivity. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors thank the CONACYT of Mexico, for their financial support via projects 62271 and J000.400/2009), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project CTQ2010-17436) and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (project 2008MX0044. One of us, J.L.V.C. also thanks the CONACYT for a Graduate Scholarship.Peer Reviewe