408 research outputs found

    Microwave radiative transfer studies of precipitation

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    Since the deployment of the DMSP SSM/I microwave imagers in 1987, increased utilization of passive microwave radiometry throughout the 10 - 100 GHz spectrum has occurred for measurement of atmospheric constituents and terrestrial surfaces. Our efforts have focused on observations and analysis of the microwave radiative transfer behavior of precipitating clouds. We have focused particular attention on combining both aircraft and SSM/I radiometer imagery with ground-based multiparameter radar observations. As part of this and the past NASA contract, we have developed a multi-stream, polarized radiative transfer model which incorporates scattering. The model has the capability to be initialized with cloud model output or multiparameter radar products. This model provides the necessary 'link' between the passive microwave radiometer and active microwave radar observations. This unique arrangement has allowed the brightness temperatures (TB) to be compared against quantities such as rainfall, liquid/ice water paths, and the vertical structure of the cloud. Quantification of the amounts of ice and water in precipitating clouds is required for understanding of the global energy balance

    Winter School on Impact of Climate Change on Indian Marine Fisheries Lecture Notes - Part 1, CMFRI, Cochin held on 18.1.2008 - 7.2.2008

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    The man-made problem of climate change is emerging as the biggest test for humankind. The greenhouse gas emission is increasing rapidly, and if unchecked, is likely to reach unprecedented and irreversible levels in another three to four decades. Every individual will have to experience the hardship of climate change in the near future. This challenge calls for preparedness and action at every level

    Surfacing activity and food utllization in a tropical air-breathing fish exposed to different temperatures

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    In tropical countries like India, \vhere availability of freshwater is limited , air-breathing fishes may be chosen for aquaculture, as they thrive in shallow waters deficient in oxygen. However, the advantageous air-breathing habit of these fishes and the consequent need to surface more or less at regular intervals may impose a considerable drain of energy, which otherwise could have been channelled into fish productio

    Erythrocyte count and haemoglobin concentration of some tropical fishes

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    In all three species studied, values obtained for blood properties such as erythrocyte counts haemoglobin concentration were the highest for males, intermediate for females and least for juveniles. The reason for the sex-dependent changes in the blood properties is not at present clear

    Effects of feeding and starvation on growth and swimming activity in an obligatory air-breathing fish

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    There exists an enormous body of literature on metabolism of fishes as studied by oxygen consumption. Since standard metabolism relates to 'maintenance energy cost' of nonfeeding, nondigesting, nongrowing, nonactive fish, Winberg (1956) rightly appealed for more studies on active metabolism. Studies on -active metabolism required exercising apparatus and techniques, such as grids or electrified fields, to ensure a high sustained level of activit

    Effects of food quality on swimming activity and food utilization in the air-breathing fish Ophiocephalus striatus

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    In cylindrical aquaria, liver fed O. striatus increased surfacing from 1104 times at 2.5 cm depth to 1738 times/day at 40 cm depth. Due to the sustained surfacing. O. striatus "hung" to the surface 20 times for 1 h/day in the former and 27 times for 3.2 h/day in the latter. Feeding increased from 24 to 40 mg/g.day, assimilation 24 to 34 mg/gтАвday and metabolism 0.5 to.1.1 ml O2 uptake/gтАвh in these groups

    Food utilization in the fish Tilapia mossambica fed on plant and animal foods

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    Only a few publications are available concerning food utilization in herbivorous fishes (see PANDIAN, 1975). MENZEL (1959) found that angelfish Holacanthus bermudi? nsis, fed on epizoan-free filamentous algae, failed to deposit protein ; he concluded that, though the utilized algae were sufficient to meet the metabolic energy requirements, the animal matter ingested intentionally or accidentally by the angelfish was essential to insure "true growth" (GERKING, 1952)

    Food intake, conversion and swimming activity in the air-breathing catfish Heteropneustes fossilis

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    Pandian & Vivekanandan (1976) and Vivekanandan ([976), who considered feeding rate and conversion efficiency estimates as parameters for assessing metabolic rates and efficiencies. observed that the obligatory airbreathing fish Opiliocepha/us slriatus, reared in aquaria containing different depths of water, swam longer or shorter distance to exhange atmospheric air; such a design of experiment permitted them to measure food intake. growth and sustained active metabolism on a long term basis

    Plausibility Verification for 3D Object Detectors Using Energy-Based Optimization

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    Environmental perception obtained via object detectors have no predictable safety layer encoded into their model schema, which creates the question of trustworthiness about the system\u27s prediction. As can be seen from recent adversarial attacks, most of the current object detection networks are vulnerable to input tampering, which in the real world could compromise the safety of autonomous vehicles. The problem would be amplified even more when uncertainty errors could not propagate into the submodules, if these are not a part of the end-to-end system design. To address these concerns, a parallel module which verifies the predictions of the object proposals coming out of Deep Neural Networks are required. This work aims to verify 3D object proposals from MonoRUn model by proposing a plausibility framework that leverages cross sensor streams to reduce false positives. The verification metric being proposed uses prior knowledge in the form of four different energy functions, each utilizing a certain prior to output an energy value leading to a plausibility justification for the hypothesis under consideration. We also employ a novel two-step schema to improve the optimization of the composite energy function representing the energy model

    Comparisons of precipitation measurements by the Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer and multiparameter radar

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    Includes bibliographical references.Multiparameter microwave radar measurements are based on dual-polarization and dual-frequency techniques and are well suited for microphysical inferences of complex precipitating clouds, since they depend upon the size, shape, composition, and orientation of a collection of discrete random scatterers. Passive microwave radiometer observations represent path integrated scattering and absorption phenomena of the same scatterers. The response of the upwelling brightness temperatures TB to the precipitation structure depends on the vertical distribution of the various hydrometeors and gases, and the surface features. As a result, combinations of both active and passive techniques contain great potential to markedly improve the longstanding issue of precipitation measurement from space. The NASA airborne Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) CP-2 multiparameter radar were jointly operated during the 1991 Convection and Precipitation/Electrification experiment (CaPE) in central Florida. The AMPR is a four channel, high resolution, across-track scanning total power radiometer system using the identical multifrequency feedhorn as the widely utilized Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) satellite system. Surface and precipitation features are separable based on the TB behavior as a function of the AMPR channels. The radar observations are presented in a remapped format suitable for comparison with the multifrequency AMPR imagery. Striking resemblances are noted between the AMPR imagery and the radar reflectivity at successive heights, while vertical profiles of the CP-2 products along the nadir trace suggest a storm structure consistent with the viewed AMPR TB. Directly over the storm cores, the difference between the 37 and 85 GHz TB was noted to approach (and in some cases fall below) zero. Microwave radiative transfer computations show that this is theoretically possible for hail regions suspended aloft in the core of strong convective storms.This work was supported by the NASA Earth Science and Applications Division under Grant NAG8-890. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation
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