168 research outputs found

    Semantic web service automation with lightweight annotations

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    Web services, both RESTful and WSDL-based, are an increasingly important part of the Web. With the application of semantic technologies, we can achieve automation of the use of those services. In this paper, we present WSMO-Lite and MicroWSMO, two related lightweight approaches to semantic Web service description, evolved from the WSMO framework. WSMO-Lite uses SAWSDL to annotate WSDL-based services, whereas MicroWSMO uses the hRESTS microformat to annotate RESTful APIs and services. Both frameworks share an ontology for service semantics together with most of automation algorithms

    WSMO-Lite: lowering the semantic web services barrier with modular and light-weight annotations

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    Services are an increasingly important part of the Web, and they are a necessary component of the semantic Web. Semantic Web services (SWS) are a research effort towards automation of the use of Web services, enhancing existing SOA capabilities with intelligent and automated integration. We have introduced WSMO-Lite, a lightweight service ontology intended for semantic annotations of the Web Service Description Language WSDL. In contrast to preceding SWS frameworks such as OWL-S and WSMO, WSMO-Lite simplifies the semantic descriptions and enables bottom-up semantic annotation of Web services, but very importantly, it also relaxes the requirements on completeness of semantic descriptions, which enables building incremental layers of semantics on top of existing service descriptions. In this work, we describe various useful subsets of the extent of semantic annotation on Web services with respect to the requirements of SWS automation tasks; and we detail the means of validating SWS descriptions with flexible levels of strictness

    Power systems for pacemakers

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    Kardiostimulátor je jako jakékoliv jiné zařízení závislý na elektrické energii uložené v baterii. Dnešní kardiostimulátory si hlídají stav baterie sami a upozorní na případnou výměnu. Tato práce se zabývá tím, po jak dlouhou dobu je přístroj ještě schopen správné funkce po takovém to upozornění.The pacemaker, like any other device, is dependent on the electrical energy stored in the battery. Today's pacemakers are monitoring their battery status and alerting them of possible replacement. This work deals with how long the device is still able to function properly after that notice

    hRESTS: An HTML microformat for describing RESTful web services

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    The Web 2.0 wave brings, among other aspects, the programmable Web: increasing numbers of Web sites provide machine-oriented APIs and Web services. However, most APIs are only described with text in HTML documents. The lack of machine-readable API descriptions affects the feasibility of tool support for developers who use these services. We propose a microformat called hRESTS (HTML for RESTful Services) for machine-readable descriptions of Web APIs, backed by a simple service model. The hRESTS microformat describes main aspects of services, such as operations, inputs and outputs. We also present two extensions of hRESTS: SA-REST, which captures the facets of public APIs important for mashup developers, and MicroWSMO, which provides support for semantic automation

    Evaluation of Integration of the European Union Member States

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    This bachelor's thesis deals with the evaluation of the integration of the European Union member states through a new index that includes indicators of institutional, economic and civic integration. The main objective is to determine how integrated the countries are from these three perspectives and whether there are any spatial or developmental similarities. The work is framed by theories of integration and placed in the context of existing research in the field of European integration evaluation. An index is calculated based on five indicators from each dimension, but no relation is found between the results of these dimensions. Some similarities can be found when comparing the results of the new index with those of older indices, and similarly, links have been found for countries joining the Union at the same or similar times and between countries from the same regions.Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením integrovanosti členských států Evropské unie prostřednictvím nového indexu, který zahrnuje ukazatele institucionální, ekonomické a občanské integrace. Hlavním cílem je zjistit, jak jsou státy integrované z těchto tří pohledů a zda existují nějaké prostorové či vývojové podobnosti. Práce je zarámována teoriemi integrace a položena do kontextu dosavadního výzkumu na poli hodnocení evropské integrace. Index je spočítán na základě pěti ukazatelů z každé dimenze, mezi výsledky těchto dimenzí ale nebyla nalezena souvislost. Určité podobnosti je možné odhalit při porovnávání výsledků nového indexu s indexy staršími a obdobně byly objeveny spojitosti u států, které přistoupily do Unie ve stejný či podobný čas, i mezi zeměmi ze stejných regionů.Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional DevelopmentFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Tenzan jutsu: Revolution in Traditional Japanese Mathematics

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    V předkládané práci se zabývám historickým vývojem tradiční japonské matem- atiky wasan. Především se zaměřuji na vznik početní metody tenzan džucu, která se svou základní logikou a využitím symbolického zápisu výrazně podobá západní algebře. Jelikož v dosavadní literatuře chybí uspokojivé zhodnocení míry této podobnosti, rozhodl jsem se tenzan džucu detailněji prozkoumat, a to za použití teorie potencialit matematického jazyka Ladislava Kvasze. Na základě srovnání mého rozboru s analýzou západní algebry L. Kvasze jsem došel k závěru, že ačkoli byl ve většině aspektů jazyk tenzan džucu srovnatelný s jazykem západní algebry, výrazně se lišil způsob, kterým se tyto jazyky utvářely. Zatímco na západě byl vývoj dlouhou dobu brzděn nutností interpretovat moc- niny proměnných jako geometrické objekty a potřebou vyjadřovat členy rovnice pouze v kladném tvaru, v případě japonské matematiky, která tato omezení neznala, byl vývoj daleko dynamičtější. Klíčová slova tenzan džucu, wasan, Tokugawa, Edo, Seki Takakazu, Seki Kówa, algebra, matematika, tengen džucu, Ladislav Kvasz, jazyk matematikyProposed paper is a study of historical development of wasan, i.e., traditional Japanese mathematics. I chiefly focus on the origin of tenzan jutsu, a calcula- tion method, that by its inner logic and by usage of a symbolic notation greatly resembles Western algebra. As there is no satisfying evaluation of a level of similarity of those two traditions in an existing literature, I decided to closely examine tenzan jutsu using a theory of potentialities of language of mathemat- ics proposed by Ladislav Kvasz. Comparing my examination and analysis of Western algebra done by L. Kvasz, I came to a conclusion, that although the language of tenzan jutsu is in most aspects almost identical to the language of Western algebra, there is a major difference in a way those languages developed. While the development of the Western algebra was hindered by a cultural need to interpret exponents in a geometrical context and by a strong reluctance to accept negative terms as a part of equation, the development of Japanese math- ematics, which was free of such restrictions, was considerably more dynamic. Keywords tenzan jutsu, wasan, Tokugawa, Edo, Seki Takakazu, Seki Kowa, algebra, math- ematics, tengen jutsu, Ladislav Kvasz, language of mathematicsÚstav asijských studiíInstitute of Asian StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Rainwater propagation through snowpack during rain-on-snow sprinkling experiments under different snow conditions

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    The mechanisms of rainwater propagation and runoff generation during rain-on-snow (ROS) events are still insufficiently known. Understanding storage and transport of liquid water in natural snowpacks is crucial, especially for forecasting of natural hazards such as floods and wet snow avalanches. In this study, propagation of rainwater through snow was investigated by sprinkling experiments with deuterium-enriched water and applying an alternative hydrograph separation technique on samples collected from the snowpack runoff. This allowed us to quantify the contribution of rainwater, snowmelt and initial liquid water released from the snowpack. Four field experiments were carried out during winter 2015 in the vicinity of Davos, Switzerland. Blocks of natural snow were isolated from the surrounding snowpack to inhibit lateral exchange of water and were exposed to artificial rainfall using deuterium-enriched water. The experiments were composed of four 30 min periods of sprinkling, separated by three 30 min breaks. The snowpack runoff was continuously gauged and sampled periodically for the deuterium signature. At the onset of each experiment antecedent liquid water was first pushed out by the sprinkling water. Hydrographs showed four pronounced peaks corresponding to the four sprinkling bursts. The contribution of rainwater to snowpack runoff consistently increased over the course of the experiment but never exceeded 86 %. An experiment conducted on a non-ripe snowpack suggested the development of preferential flow paths that allowed rainwater to efficiently propagate through the snowpack limiting the time for mass exchange processes to take effect. In contrast, experiments conducted on ripe isothermal snowpack showed a slower response behaviour and resulted in a total runoff volume which consisted of less than 50 % of the rain input