41 research outputs found

    Editorial: Reproductive medical care in minors: ethical and liability issues

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    The proposal for the Research Topic focuses on the study of responsibility and ethical aspects related to health workers involved in assisting minors in their reproductive health. It addresses legal and ethical issues concerning the minors exercise of their right to assistance, their autonomy, their ability to comprehend risks, and make informed choices. The attention was also delves into the responsibility of healthcare professionals in assisting minors in their reproductive health, including invasive procedures and drug therapies. The WHOalready emphasized in 2010 that “Adolescence is not an easy time. Young people can be vulnerable, at risk of low self-esteem, unwanted pregnancies, induced abortions, and sexually transmitted infections. Just one raised eyebrow or unfriendly comment can deter young people from seeking help with sexual and reproductive health concerns, sometimes withserious consequences. Theymayfeelthatonlyinternet blogs and chat rooms can provide assistance .” Even though a 2021 survey reports a 17% decrease in sexual activity among adolescents, the importance of the topic remains unchanged and highly relevant

    The moral compass in the COVID-19 era: the line between empathy and eagerness of the young surgical generation. A multidisciplinary point of view from first year residents (PGY-1)

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    Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting surgical residents in many ways and to varying degrees. While the senior surgical residents have been facing a drastic decrease in the operation time, the junior surgical residents have been exposed to an increased number of beside procedures. However, both of them have been affected by an increased exposure to deaths. This sudden exposure to this amount of deaths can, and has been, greatly impressing mostly the young surgeon generation, still green and impressionable. PGY-1 residents have been balancing emotional confusion between the eagerness of learning new procedures and the anguish coming from facing the loss of patients that they have been trying so hard to save day by day. This situation is leading to an increase in burn-out cases, mostly from the general physicians and health care providers. The real effect of this emotional distress is still unknown and it will be topic of further studies once situation is resolved. This article is described using a multidisciplinary approach, giving a PGY-1 personal point of view and an inner philosophical prospective

    Operational Health Pavilions in Mass Disasters: Lessons Learned from the 2023 Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

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    The massive earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in February 2023 killed tens of thousands of people, and most of the deceased have not yet been identified. Many victims were pulled from the rubble hours or days later, injured and in need of assistance, treatment, and food, and many have not yet been connected with their families. Armed forces, volunteers, technicians, and health workers must cooperate in synergy in these situations to ensure effective interventions and to improve resilience. Based on the lessons learned from the response efforts to this recent natural catastrophe, this brief report proposes, for the first time, an organisational model structured around five functional pavilions that can be safely set up at the edge of a disaster area. Each pavilion should run its own activities to make a vital contribution to the overall coordinated emergency response. Looking to the future, it is extremely important to apply a technical approach that leads to maximum operational synergy at a disaster site and during the first phase of a sudden-onset emergency

    The hunger strike in prison: bioethical and medico-legal insights arising from a recent opinion of the Italian national bioethics committee

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    : This contribution addresses some bioethical and medico-legal issues of the opinion formulated by the Italian National Bioethics Committee (CNB) in response to the dilemma between the State's duty to protect the life and health of the prisoner entrusted to its care and the prisoner's right to exercise his freedom of expression. The prisoner hunger strike is a form of protest frequently encountered in prison and it is a form of communication but also a language used by the prisoner in order to provoke changes in the prison condition. There are no rules in the prison regulations, nor in the laws governing the legal status of prisoners, that allow the conscious will of the capable and informed subject to be opposed and forced nutrition to be carried out. However, this can in no manner make therapeutic abandonment legitimate: the medical doctor should promote every action to support the patient. In the recent opinion formulated by the CNB it was remarked how self-determination is a central concept in human rights and refers to an individual's ability to make autonomous and free decisions about his or her life and body

    Over-the-counter emergency contraception in Italy: ethical reflections and medico-legal issues

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    Although more than ten years have passed since the marketing of Ulipristal acetate in Europe, emergency contraception remains a complex issue with many scientific, legal, ethical and social implications. The topic is an example of the differences that can exist between scientific evidence, the certainties on which law is based, and social implications. This paper shows the incompleteness of the scientific reconstruction on the effects of emergency hormonal contraceptives and the dangerousness of the decision to alienate the supply of over-the-counter drugs from the general rules of health care. This report shows the incompleteness of the scientific reconstruction on the effects of emergency hormonal contraceptives and the dangerousness of the decision to alienate the supply of over-the-counter drugs from the general rules of health care. Various ethical and medico-legal issues will be addressed, also focusing attention on underage women whose sexual and reproductive health requires not abandoning them, but actually taking charge of them without medicalizing their choices

    Unproven stem cell therapies: is it my right to try?

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    Background. Nowadays one of the most critical aspects of innovative cell-based therapies is the unregulated industry, as it is becoming a competitor of the regulated system. Many private clinics, worldwide, advertise and offer cell-based interventions treatments directly to the consumer and this poses a risk to both vulnerable patients and health systems. Several countries have implemented Compassionate Use Programmes (CUP) that provide patients with medicines that have not yet completed the approval pathway, in the event that no reasonable alternative exists. Recently, in the public discourse, compassionate use has been increasingly associated with a patient’s right to try. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess public knowledge of the clinical trials process with specific reference to innovative stem cell treatments, and trust in the institutions responsible for regulatory activities. We also asked people about their “right” to use unregulated therapies.   Methods. We developed an ad hoc questionnaire on three main areas of concern and administered it to 300 people in the patient waiting room at an Italian university hospital.Results. Our findings suggest that people have a good knowledge of the clinical trials process and trust in healthcare institutions. Nonetheless, one person in two believes it is a right to use unregulated therapies.Conclusions. We stress the need, in the age of cellular therapies, for a commitment to support vulnerable patients and to strengthen awareness among the public about the substantial boundary that differentiates experimental therapies from unproven therapies. There should not be a “right to try” something that is unsafe but rather approved treatments and in line with good clinical practice. The trend, which emerged on this issue from our study, is quite different, confirming the urgent need to improve health information so that it is as complete as possible

    Adolescents’ Opinions on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Hints toward Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness in the Future

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    To understand and assess vaccine reluctance, it is necessary to evaluate people’s perceptions and grasp potential reasons for generic apprehension. In our analysis, we focus on adolescents’ impressions towards anti-vaxxer behavior. The aim of the study is to figure out students’ opinions about vaccine reluctance, connecting possible explanations that motivate anti-vaxxer decisions with common specific personality traits. We further investigate people’s forecasts concerning the evolution of the pandemic. Between 2021 and 2022, we conducted a randomized survey experiment on a sample of high school individuals (N=395 ) living in different Italian regions. At that time, the vaccination campaign had already been promoted for nearly one year. From the analysis, it emerges that vaccinated people (92%), especially males, tend to be more pessimistic and attribute a higher level of generic distrust in science to anti-vaxxers. The results show that family background (mother’s education) represents the most influential regressor: individuals coming from less educated families are less prone to attribute generic distrust and distrust of vaccines as principal reasons for vaccine reluctance. Similarly, those who rarely use social media develop a minor tendency to believe in a generic pessimism of anti-vaxxers. However, concerning the future of the pandemic, they are less likely to be optimistic toward vaccines. Overall, our findings shed light on adolescents’ perceptions regarding the factors that influence vaccine hesitancy and highlight the need for targeted communication strategies to improve vaccination rates

    From COVID-19 Pandemic to Patient Safety: A New "Spring" for Telemedicine or a Boomerang Effect?

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    During the Covid-19 health emergency, telemedicine was an essential asset through which health systems strengthened their response during the critical phase of the pandemic. According to the post-pandemic economic reform plans of many countries, telemedicine will not be limited to a tool for responding to an emergency condition but it will become a structural resource that will contribute to the reorganization of Healthcare Systems and enable the transfer of part of health care from the hospital to the home-based care. However, scientific evidences have shown that health care delivered through telemedicine can be burdened by numerous ethical and legal issues. Although there is an emerging discussion on patient safety issues related to the use of telemedicine, there is a lack of reseraches specifically designed to investigate patient safety. On the contrary, it would be necessary to determine standards and specific application rules in order to ensure safety. This paper examines the telemedicine-risk profiles and proposes a position statement for clinical risk management to support continuous improvement in the safety of health care delivered through telemedicine

    From syndemic lesson after COVID-19 pandemic to a “systemic clinical risk management” proposal in the perspective of the ethics of job well done

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    The syndemic framework proposed by the 2021–2030 World Health Organization (WHO) action plan for patient safety and the introduction of enabling technologies in health services involve a more effective interpretation of the data to understand causation. Based on the Systemic Theory, this communication proposes the “Systemic Clinical Risk Management” (SCRM) to improve the Quality of Care and Patient Safety. This is a new Clinical Risk Management model capable of developing the ability to observe and synthesize different elements in ways that lead to in-depth interventions to achieve solutions aligned with the sustainable development of health services. In order to avoid uncontrolled decision-making related to the use of enabling technologies, we devised an internal Learning Algorithm Risk Management (LARM) level based on a Bayesian approach. Moreover, according to the ethics of Job Well Done, the SCRM, instead of giving an opinion on events that have already occurred, proposes a bioethical co-working because it suggests the best way to act from a scientific point of view

    Ethical Criteria for the Admission and Management of Patients in the ICU Under Conditions of Limited Medical Resources: A Shared International Proposal in View of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction The present pandemic has exposed us to unprecedented challenges that need to be addressed not just for the current state, but also for possible future similar occurrences. It is worth pointing out that discussions on the allocation of medical resources may not necessarily refer to an exception, but, unfortunately, to a regular condition for a large part of humanity (1). The criteria for admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) setting generally take into account multiple factors. There must be a diagnostic and prognostic basis for the decisions made, considering both biological factors and patient values and wishes. Furthermore, the decision-making process should, whenever possible, respect the patient's advance directives as well as the relationship with the patient's family or attorney. Therapeutic neglect should be avoided. Having applied standard clinical evaluation criteria for the appropriate treatment of patients with COVID-19, including consideration of prognosis, if a hospital then finds itself unable to provide optimal treatment (e.g., due to a disproportion between the number of patients and the availability of beds, healthcare providers, ventilators, and drugs in the ICU), it becomes necessary to evaluate, case by case, how to achieve justice and the best possible good for the greatest number of patients. It is therefore mandatory to explore alternative solutions; these include increasing available beds and healthcare providers, implementing alternative, though suboptimal, approaches (where appropriate), transferring patients to other clinical units, etc. Making these decisions properly also involves the recovery of the political role of medicine and science (2). If the imbalance between needs and resources reaches a critical level, an emergency triage protocol, following the operational and ethical indications of “disaster medicine,” should be activated. These have been deployed in major and serious natural (earthquakes or tsunamis for example) and technological (factory explosions, public transport accidents for example) disasters, as well as following terrorist attacks (3, 4). The question of the feasibility of developing a clinical evaluation algorithm to support the decision-making of the triage team remains open, though many such protocols have been written. According to the above, we propose the following five ethical criteria for the triage of patients in conditions of limited resources, such as the COVID pandemic. They are the result of an interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue between specialists from different disciplines. Several of the authors are working in the main epicenters of the crisis and currently are playing a central role in the bioethical, clinical, social and legal aspects of the management of the COVID-19 pandemic