112 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic assessment of probability distribution divergencies and Bayesian model comparison

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    Within path sampling framework, we show that probability distribution divergences, such as the Chernoff information, can be estimated via thermodynamic integration. The Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution pertaining to different Hamiltonians is implemented to derive tempered transitions along the path, linking the distributions of interest at the endpoints. Under this perspective, a geometric approach is feasible, which prompts intuition and facilitates tuning the error sources. Additionally, there are direct applications in Bayesian model evaluation. Existing marginal likelihood and Bayes factor estimators are reviewed here along with their stepping-stone sampling analogues. New estimators are presented and the use of compound paths is introduced

    Implementation outcome assessment instruments used in physical healthcare settings and their measurement properties:a systematic review protocol

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    INTRODUCTION: Over the past 10 years, research into methods that promote the uptake, implementation and sustainability of evidence-based interventions has gathered pace. However, implementation outcomes are defined in different ways and assessed by different measures; the extent to which these measures are valid and reliable is unknown. The aim of this systematic review is to identify and appraise studies that assess the measurement properties of quantitative implementation outcome instruments used in physical healthcare settings, to advance the use of precise and accurate measures.  METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The following databases will be searched from inception to March 2017: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and the Cochrane Library. Grey literature will be sought via HMIC, OpenGrey, ProQuest for theses and Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science. Reference lists of included studies and relevant reviews will be hand searched. Three search strings will be combined to identify eligible studies: (1) implementation literature, (2) implementation outcomes and (3) measurement properties. Screening of titles, abstracts and full papers will be assessed for eligibility by two reviewers independently and any discrepancies resolved via consensus with the wider team. The methodological quality of the studies will be assessed using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments checklist. A set of bespoke criteria to determine the quality of the instruments will be used, and the relationship between instrument usability and quality will be explored.  ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval is not necessary for systematic review protocols. Researchers and healthcare professionals can use the findings of this systematic review to guide the selection of implementation outcomes instruments, based on their psychometric quality, to assess the impact of their implementation efforts. The findings will also provide a useful guide for reviewers of papers and grants to determine the psychometric quality of the measures used in implementation research.  TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO): CRD42017065348

    What is the extent of reliability and validity evidence for screening tools for cognitive and behavioural change in people with ALS? A systematic review

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    Objective: This systematic review provides an updated summary of the existing literature on the validity of screening tools for cognitive and behavioural impairment in people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (pwALS), and also focuses on their reliability. Method: The following cognitive and behavioural screening tools were assessed in this review: the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen (ECAS); the ALS Cognitive Behavioural Screen (ALS-CBS), the Mini Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (Mini-ACE), the Beaumont Behavioural Interview (BBI); the MND Behaviour Scale (MiND-B); and the ALS-FTD Questionnaire (ALS-FTD-Q). A search, using Medline, PsychINFO and Embase (21/09/2023), generated 37 results after exclusion criteria were applied. Evidence of internal consistency, item-total correlations, inter-rater reliability, clinical validity, convergent validity, and structural validity were extracted and assessed and risk of bias was evaluated. Results: The cognitive component of the ECAS was the tool with most evidence of reliability and validity for the assessment of cognitive impairment in ALS. It is well-suited to accommodate physical symptoms of ALS. For behavioural assessment, the BBI or ALS-FTD-Q had the most evidence of reliability and validity. The BBI is more thorough, but the ALS-FTD-Q is briefer. Conclusions: There is good but limited evidence for the reliability and validity of cognitive and behavioural screens. Further evidence of clinical and convergent validity would increase confidence in their clinical and research use. <br/

    Comparison of in-person vs remote administration of cognitive screening tools for people with ALS

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    Objective: This study investigated whether cognitive screening tools used for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (pwALS) are affected by the screen being administered face-to-face or remotely online. It also investigated whether demographic variables predicted total cognitive screen scores.Methods: The cognitive component of the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen (ECASc); the cognitive component of the ALS Cognitive Behavioural Screen (ALS-CBSc), and the Mini Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (Mini-ACE) were administered to 41 pwALS and 41 controls face-to-face. Versions of the cognitive screens designed to be administered remotely were administered to 57 pwALS and 44 controls via videoconferencing methods. Backwards stepwise linear regressions were conducted to assess whether total scores on the ECASc, ALS-CBSc, and Mini-ACE scores were predicted by administration mode (face-to-face or remote) or demographic variables. Results: Mode of administration significantly affected scores on the ECASc and ALS-CBSc; remote administration was associated with better total scores. Administration mode did not significantly affect Mini-ACE scores. All cognitive screens were significantly affected by IQ scores; higher IQ scores predicted better screening tool scores. Only ECASc scores were significantly affected by age, with older age predicting poorer scores. Being female was associated with better Mini-ACE scores; sex did not predict ECASc and ALS-CBSc scores. Conclusions: Our results suggest that videoconferencing versions of the ECASc and ALS-CBSc may function differently to the original, face-to-face versions. There are advantages to using remote versions of cognitive screening tools but clinicians and researchers who use them should consider that they may not yield equivalent scores. <br/

    Assessing Functioning in adolescents with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome::Psychometric properties and Factor Structure of the School and Social Adjustment Scale and the Physical Functioning Subscale of the SF36

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has a major impact on functioning. However, no validated measures of functioning for this population exist.Aims: We aimed to establish the psychometric properties of the 5-item School and Social Adjustment Scale (SSAS) and the 10-item Physical Functioning Subscale of the SF-36 in adolescents with CFS.Method: Measures were completed by adolescents with CFS (n = 121).Results: For the Physical Functioning Subscale, a 2-factor solution provided a close fit to the data. Internal consistency was satisfactory. For the SSAS, a 1-factor solution provided an adequate fit to the data. The internal consistency was satisfactory. Inter-item and item-total correlations did not indicate any problematic items and functioning scores were moderately correlated with other measures of disability, providing evidence of construct validity.Conclusion: Both measures were found to be reliable and valid and provide brief measures for assessing these important outcomes. The Physical Functioning Subscale can be used as two subscales in adolescents with CFS.</p

    A nomological network for misophonia in two German samples using the S-Five model for misophonia

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    The Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome Scale (S-Five) is a contemporary and multidimensional self-report instrument measuring different aspects of misophonia. The five-factor scale consists of 25 items measuring the severity of the misophonic experience. The items capture misophonia in relation to internalising and externalising appraisals, perceived threat, aggressive behavior (outbursts), and adverse impact on individuals’ lives. It is complemented by a trigger checklist (S-Five-T), measuring the emotional nature and intensity of reactions to sensory triggers. In this work, we administered the S-Five in two German samples with a majority of individuals with significant misophonia. The S-Five and the supplementary S-Five-T were both translated into German using a rigorous translation procedure (i.e., TRAPD) and were separately tested in large German community samples. Psychometric analyses included the evaluation of the factor structure, measurement invariance with respect to age and gender, reliability (internal consistency and stability over time), and an extensive examination of the construct validity in a proposed nomological network. The nomological network we explore in this work consists of several constructs including different misophonic manifestations, anger and aggression, disgust propensity, anxiety sensitivity, depression, obsessive–compulsive traits, and functional impairment in different life domains. Results indicate evidence in line with the nomological network as demonstrated by strong correlations between the S-Five dimensions and convergent measures. All S-Five dimensions strongly correlated with overall misophonic symptoms (r ≥ 0.53). Internalising appraisals were highly associated with insight into excessive or disproportionate reactions to sounds (r ≥ 0.59), externalising appraisals with anger and irritability (r ≥ 0.46), threat with trait anxiety and dysregulation facets (r ≥ 0.62), aggressive behavior (outbursts) with anger and behavioral dysregulation (r ≥ 0.70), and impact with distress and functional impairment (r ≥ 0.64). The results demonstrate that the S-Five has a robust five-factor structure and allows to draw reliable and valid conclusions about misophonic experiences in German samples. The proposed nomological network gives an initial insight into the nature of misophonia and provides a formalized fundament to develop and test further hypotheses about misophonia in a more sophisticated and symptom-oriented way

    A nomological network for misophonia in two German samples using the S-Five model for misophonia

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    The Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome Scale (S-Five) is a contemporary and multidimensional self-report instrument measuring different aspects of misophonia. The five-factor scale consists of 25 items measuring the severity of the misophonic experience. The items capture misophonia in relation to internalising and externalising appraisals, perceived threat, aggressive behavior (outbursts), and adverse impact on individuals’ lives. It is complemented by a trigger checklist (S-Five-T), measuring the emotional nature and intensity of reactions to sensory triggers. In this work, we administered the S-Five in two German samples with a majority of individuals with significant misophonia. The S-Five and the supplementary S-Five-T were both translated into German using a rigorous translation procedure (i.e., TRAPD) and were separately tested in large German community samples. Psychometric analyses included the evaluation of the factor structure, measurement invariance with respect to age and gender, reliability (internal consistency and stability over time), and an extensive examination of the construct validity in a proposed nomological network. The nomological network we explore in this work consists of several constructs including different misophonic manifestations, anger and aggression, disgust propensity, anxiety sensitivity, depression, obsessive–compulsive traits, and functional impairment in different life domains. Results indicate evidence in line with the nomological network as demonstrated by strong correlations between the S-Five dimensions and convergent measures. All S-Five dimensions strongly correlated with overall misophonic symptoms (r ≥ 0.53). Internalising appraisals were highly associated with insight into excessive or disproportionate reactions to sounds (r ≥ 0.59), externalising appraisals with anger and irritability (r ≥ 0.46), threat with trait anxiety and dysregulation facets (r ≥ 0.62), aggressive behavior (outbursts) with anger and behavioral dysregulation (r ≥ 0.70), and impact with distress and functional impairment (r ≥ 0.64). The results demonstrate that the S-Five has a robust five-factor structure and allows to draw reliable and valid conclusions about misophonic experiences in German samples. The proposed nomological network gives an initial insight into the nature of misophonia and provides a formalized fundament to develop and test further hypotheses about misophonia in a more sophisticated and symptom-oriented way

    Psychometric properties of the Cognitive and Behavioural Responses Questionnaire (CBRQ) in adolescents with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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    Background:To better understand the maintenance of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), a valid and reliable measure of cognitive and behavioural responses to symptoms is required. Such a measure could also assess beliefs and coping behaviours in the context of fatigue in other somatic conditions.Aims:We aimed to establish the psychometric properties of both the Cognitive and Behavioural Responses Questionnaire (CBRQ) and its shortened version (CBRQ-S) in adolescents with CFS.Method:The full questionnaire was completed by a clinical cohort of adolescents (n = 121) presenting to specialist CFS units in the UK.Results:Both the CBRQ and CBRQ-S had good internal consistency. The CBRQ scores were strongly associated with depression, anxiety, school and social functioning, but weakly associated with fatigue and physical functioning, providing evidence of validity.Conclusion:Both the 40-item and the 18-item versions of the CBRQ were found to be reliable and valid in adolescents with CFS. To minimize unnecessary burden, the 18-item version is favoured. Using this assessment tool in future studies, including intervention studies, may help to better target interventions during clinical practice and improve outcomes.<br/

    Beyond sound irritation: cross-cultural evidence on the robustness of the five aspects of misophonic experience measured by the S-Five in a Polish sample

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    Misophonia is commonly associated with negative emotional or physiological responses to specific sounds. However, the consensus definition emphasizes that misophonia entails much more than that. Even in cases of subclinical misophonia, where individuals do not meet the disorder criteria, the experience can still be burdensome, despite not currently causing significant distress or impairment. The S-Five is a psychometric tool for comprehensive assessment of five aspects of misophonic experience: internalizing, externalizing, impact, threat, and outburst, and includes S-Five-T section to evaluate feelings evoked by triggering sounds and their intensity. We examined whether the five-factor structure developed in the UK could be replicated in a Polish sample, including individuals with and without self-identified misophonia. The Polish version of the S-Five was translated and tested on 288 Polish-speaking individuals. Comprehensive psychometric evaluation, including factor structure, measurement invariance, test–retest reliability, internal consistency, and concurrent validity evaluations, was conducted on the translated scale. Exploratory factor analysis suggested similar structure to the original English study, while bootstrap exploratory graph analysis showed the factor structure to be reproducible in other samples. The scale was found to be bias free with respect to gender, internally consistent and stable in time, and evidence of validity was provided using MisoQuest and Misophonia Questionnaire. These results offer support for the cross-cultural stability of the five factors and provide preliminary evidence for the suitability of the Polish version for clinical and research purposes. The study also investigated five facets of misophonia, triggering sounds, emotional responses, and their associations with symptoms of psychopathology across various cultures. It underscores the central role of anger, distress, and panic, while also highlighting the mixed role of irritation and disgust in misophonia across different cultural contexts. Mouth sounds evoked the most pronounced reactions compared to other repetitive sounds, although there were discernible cultural differences in the nature and intensity of reactions to various trigger sounds. These findings hold significant implications for future research and underscore the importance of considering cultural nuances in both research and the clinical management of misophonia