13 research outputs found

    Estudos em Pitcairnia azouryi (Bromeliaceae), uma espécie endêmica de inselbergues da Floresta Atlântica

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    Este estudo aborda aspectos moleculares e citogenéticos de Pitcairnia azouryi Martinelli & Forzza, uma espécie endêmica de inselbergues da Floresta Atlântica através do estudo de suas populações a respeito de sua diversidade genética, da quantidade de DNA nuclear e do número de cromossomos. Amostras de folhas de 13-15 indivíduos foram coletadas em cinco populações entre o sul do ES e norte do RJ, em um total de 66 indivíduos. Nove marcadores microssatélites (SSRs) foram utilizados em PCRs. Os polimorfismos genéticos foram identificados a partir de polimorfismos entre indivíduos amostrados, detectadas por eletroforese em gel de acrilamida 8%. Os parâmetros de diversidade e estrutura genética de populações foram calculados utilizando o software Fstat, PopGene e Structure. A análise de citometria de fluxo foi efetuada utilizando amostras de folhas obtidas a partir de cinco indivíduos adultos de cinco populações distintas. Análises citogenéticas foram realizadas com raízes obtidas a partir de sementes germinadas coletadas em duas populações. Os nove primers SSR produziram produtos de amplificação satisfatórios, e provou ser polimórfico. O número de alelos por loco variou entre dois e oito. Os valores do índice de diversidade genética (Gd) e do índice de fixação (Fis) em populações variou 0,459-0,578 e 0,047-0,208, respectivamente. Os valores observados Fst mostrou que 81,20% da variação genética total é encontrada dentro das populações e a ocorrência de fluxo gênico (Nm) 1,073 (número médio de migrantes por geração). Análise Bayesiana indicaram que um modelo de k = 3 populações é capaz de apreender melhor a variação nos dados sobre a estrutura genética. A análise de citometria de fluxo mostrou que o teor de DNA nuclear é 2C = 1,16 picogramas em todas as populações analisadas, exceto na população PLC, no qual foi medida duas vezes do teor de DNA (2C = 2,32 picogramas). A análise citogenética revelou indivíduos com 2n = 50 cromossomos em ES e indivíduos 2n = 100 cromossomos no RJ A alta variação do índice de fixação adicionado à grande variação genética dentro e entre as populações sugerem a ocorrência do efeito fundador na dispersão de novos indivíduos em novos locais, seguido de deriva genética, especialmente para a população de Campos dos Goytacazes. As características encontradas em relação ao conteúdo de DNA nuclear e do número cromossômico podem ser dever ao isolamento geográfico de PLC, ou às características ambientais locais ou à diferentes processos evolutivos.This study reports the discovery of new areas of occurrence of Pitcairnia azouryi Martinelli & Forzza, and the study of their populations regarding its genetic diversity, the amount of nuclear DNA and the chromosome number. Seven new areas of occurrence for this species were located between the northern state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and the southern state of Espírito Santo (ES), and georeferenced to the other studies. Leaf samples of 13-15 individuals were collected in five of these populations (PLB - Pedra Lisa Burarama, PA - Pedra das Andorinhas, PTI - Pedra Três Irmãs, PPC - Pedra Parada Cristal and PLC - Pedra Lisa Campos), totaling 66 individuals. Nine SSR markers were used in PCRs. Genetic polymorphisms were identified from polymorphism between individuals sampled, detected by electrophoresis on acrylamide gel 8%. The parameters of diversity and genetic structure of populations were calculated using the software Fstat, PopGene and Structure. The flow cytometry analysis was performed using leaf samples obtained from adult individuals of five populations. Cytogenetic analyzes were performed with roots obtained from germinated seeds collected in two populations. The nine SSR primers produced satisfactory amplification products, and proved to be polymorphic. The number of alleles per loci ranged between two and eight. The values of gene diversity index (Gd) and the fixation index (Fis) in populations ranged from 0.459 to 0.578 and 0.047 to 0.208, respectively. The Fst values observed showed that 81.20% of the total genetic variation is found within populations and the occurrence of gene flow (Nm) 1,073 (average number of migrants per generation). Bayesian analysis indicated that a model of k = 3 populations is able to better capture the variation in the data on the genetic structure. The high variation of fixation index added to the large genetic variation within and moderate genetic differentiation among populations suggest the occurrence of the founder effect in the dispersion of new individuals in new locations, followed by genetic drift, especially for the population of Campos dos Goytacazes. The flow cytometry analysis showed that the nuclear DNA content is 2C = 1.16 picograms in all populations analyzed, except on PLC population, in which was measured twice of DNA content (2C= 2.32 picograms). This result was explained by cytogenetic analysis which revealed individuals with 2n = 50 chromosomes in ES and individuals 2n = 100 chromosomes in RJ. This result may be due for PLC's geographical isolation, environmental characteristics of different evolutionary processes

    Floristic composition of a Neotropical inselberg from Espírito Santo state, Brazil: an important area for conservation

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    Our study on granitic and gneissic rock outcrops on Pedra dos Pontões in Espírito Santo state contributes to the knowledge of the vascular flora of inselbergs in southeastern Brazil. We registered 211 species distributed among 51 families and 130 genera. Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae and Polypodiaceae were the most representative families. Concerning vegetative habit, herbs were predominant and about the preference for substrates, holorupicolous species and epiphytes were most speciose. The richest rocky habitat type was woody thicket, with 122 exclusive species. In total, 27 of the species registered in our study are cited on official lists of endangered plant species from Espírito Santo state and Brazil. In addition, two new records of angiosperms for Espírito Santo flora and two new species were recorded for the area. Our data demonstrates the importance of the area for conservation of unique biodiversity that serves as a sanctuary for a rich rupicolous flora composed of endemic and endangered species, some of which are new to science

    Cross-amplification and characterization of microsatellite markers in Alcantarea patriae Versieux & Wand

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    The Alcantarea patriae is a Bromeliaceae endemic to the inselbergs of the Atlantic Forest. This taxon, described in the year of 2007 by Versieux & Wanderley, presents restricted and fragmented distribution outside conservation units. Studies to evaluate the genetic structure of its populations can contribute to the conservation and management strategies for the species. In this study, 31 microsatellite markers, descriptive to six different Bromeliaceae species, were evaluated by cross-amplification tests in 20 individuals of A. patriae. The individuals were collected in the district of Vila Cruzeiro, in the municipality of Jerônimo Monteiro. Twelve markers were polymorphic and 10 monomorphic, with an amplification success rate of 71%. The displayed polymorphism information content was considered high, indicating that the selected markers are informative. The values found for the fixation index were positive and indicated the occurrence of inbreeding. The mean number of alleles was 4.66 (3-6), the mean expected and observed heterozygosities were 0.6605 and 0.4618, respectively. The detection of polymorphic markers was important for future studies of diversity and genetic structuring of natural populations and for germplasm bank creation aiming to contribute to in situ and ex situ conservations of A. patriae. © 2017 The Authors

    Desenvolvimento embrionário e transição alimentar de alimento vivo para inerte na larvicultura de tainha (Mugil liza)

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura, Florianópolis, 2022.Um dos maiores entraves para o desenvolvimento da piscicultura marinha no Brasil se encontra na fase de obtenção de formas jovens para a engorda. Visando o aumento da eficiência nesta fase de produção, este trabalho teve como objetivo definir para a tainha (Mugil liza) a idade em que a transição alimentar para alimento inerte demonstre o melhor desempenho zootécnico dentre as testadas e caracterizar/comparar os eventos do desenvolvimento embrionário da tainha em diferentes temperaturas. Para o primeiro experimento (capítulo 1), uma transição alimentar foi testada em triplicata aos 28, 31, 34 e 37 dias após a eclosão. 270 juvenis foram distribuídos aleatoriamente nas unidades experimentais e foram alimentados com metanáuplio de Artemia sp até a transição, sendo oferecida ração comercial 6 vezes ao dia. Mortalidade, fator de condição e coeficiente de variação do comprimento não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Os ganhos de peso e comprimento foram significativamente maiores após os 31 dias de idade, diferindo apenas do tratamento iniciado aos 28 dias. O coeficiente de variação de peso apresentou uma maior variação entre as larvas de 28 dias, indicando maior heterogeneidade entre os animais. Na histologia, foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para altura e largura das pregas. Já no segundo experimento (capítulo 2) foi testado diferentes temperaturas de incubação (18, 22, 26 e 30 ºC) e foi observado que com o aumento da temperatura os eventos embrionários foram acelerados, ao contrário nas temperaturas mais baixas, além de malformação e mortalidade dos embriões antes da eclosão para 18 e 30 ºC.Abstract: One of the biggest obstacles to the development of marine fish farming in Brazil is in the stage of obtaining young forms for fattening. Aiming at increasing efficiency in this production phase, this work aimed to define for the mullet (Mugil liza) the age at which the food transition to inert food demonstrates the best zootechnical performance among those tested and to characterize/compare the events of embryonic development of mullet at different temperatures. For the first experiment (chapter 1), a feed transition was tested in triplicate at 28, 31, 34 and 37 days after hatching. 270 juveniles were randomly distributed in the experimental units and were fed with Artemia sp. metanauplius until transition, being offered commercial food 6 times a day. Mortality, condition factor and length variation coefficient didn't show significant differences (p>0.05) between treatments. Weight and length gains were significantly greater after 31 days of age, differing only from treatment started at 28 days. The weight variation coefficient showed a greater variation among the 28-dayold larvae, indicating greater heterogeneity among the animals. In the histology, significant differences were observed between treatments for height and width of the folds. The second experiment (chapter 2) was tested at different incubation temperatures (18, 22, 26 and 30 ºC) and it was observed that with increasing temperature the embryonic events were accelerated, unlike at lower temperatures, in addition to malformation and embryo mortality before hatching at 18 and 30 ºC

    Floristic composition of a Neotropical inselberg from Espírito Santo state, Brazil: an important area for conservation

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    Our study on granitic and gneissic rock outcrops on Pedra dos Pontões in Espírito Santo state contributes to the knowledge of the vascular flora of inselbergs in southeastern Brazil. We registered 211 species distributed among 51 families and 130 genera. Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae and Polypodiaceae were the most representative families. Concerning vegetative habit, herbs were predominant and about the preference for substrates, holorupicolous species and epiphytes were most speciose. The richest rocky habitat type was woody thicket, with 122 exclusive species. In total, 27 of the species registered in our study are cited on official lists of endangered plant species from Espírito Santo state and Brazil. In addition, two new records of angiosperms for Espírito Santo flora and two new species were recorded for the area. Our data demonstrates the importance of the area for conservation of unique biodiversity that serves as a sanctuary for a rich rupicolous flora composed of endemic and endangered species, some of which are new to science

    Vascular epiphytes in seasonal semideciduous forest in the State of Espírito Santo and the similarity with other seasonal forests in Eastern Brazil

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    Neste estudo, avaliamos a composição florística de epífitos vasculares em remanescentes de Floresta Estacional Semedicidual na bacia hidrográfica do rio Itapemirim, sul do estado do Espírito Santo, com o intuito de analisar sua similaridade com outras florestas semidecidual estudadas no Brasil. Excursões quinzenais foram realizadas entre junho de 2008 a maio de 2009 e os epífitos coletados e registrados (55 espécies, 34 gêneros e seis famílias). Orchidaceae, com 21 espécies, foi a mais rica, enquanto os gêneros com o maior riqueza foram Tillandsia (7 spp.), Rhipsalis (4), Aechmea, Epidendrum e Peperomia, com três espécies cada. A categoria ecológica mais representativa foi holoepífita característica com 84% das espécies. O ambiente mais importante para a flora epifítica foi as matas ciliares. Análise de similaridade e PCA sustentaram quatro grupos, onde a área estudada aparece disjunta das demais, corroborando a hipótese de que a proximidade geográfica, a altitude e clima tem forte efeito sobre a composição florística, condicionando a formação de floras distintas. Estudos detalhados sobre a composição florística e estrutura dessa comunidade é importante para a elaboração de estudos de impactos ambientais coerentes, porque epífitas é típico de florestas tropicais, e é importante componente florístico, estrutural e funcional desses ecossistemas. In this study, we evaluated the floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in seasonal semideciduous forest fragments of the Itapemirim River basin, Southern State of Espírito Santo, in order to verify its similarity to other semideciduous forests studied in Brazil. Excursions were conducted every fortnight between June 2008 and May 2009, and epiphytes were collected and recorded (55 species, 34 genera and six families). Orchidaceae (21 species) was the richest family, whereas the genera presenting the greatest richness were Tillandsia (seven), Rhipsalis (four), Aechmea, Epidendrum and Peperomia (three species each). The category the most representative was characteristics holoepiphytes (84%). The riparian forests were the most important environments for the epiphytic flora. Similarity analysis and PCA supported four groups, where the study area appears disjointed from the others, supporting the hypothesis that geographical proximity, elevation and climate have a strong effect on the floristic composition, conditioning the formation of distinct floras. Detailed surveys on the floristic composition and structure of this community are important for the elaboration of studies on coherent environmental impacts, since epiphytes are typical in tropical rainforests, and they are an important floristic, structural and functional component of these ecosystems.

    List of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment reveals collection gaps in Espírito Santo state, Brazil

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    This study presents a list of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment in the southern portion of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, a region that represents a collection gap within the Atlantic Forest. The studied site is a relatively small fragment of 144 ha located within a conservation unit, the Mata das Flores State Park. The site belongs to a conservation priority area for the Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo, and is under strong anthropic pressure. Of the 239 species listed here, 21 are new records for the state, eight are endemic, and 20 figure either in the country’s or the state’s Red Lists of endangered species. Rubiaceae and Piperaceae were the families with the highest number of species. We show that small fragments that were never inventoried before can reveal a relatively large number of threatened species and that collection gaps need to be filled in order to refine our understanding about conservation priorities within the Atlantic Forest Biome

    List of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment reveals collection gaps in Espírito Santo state, Brazil

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    This study presents a list of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment in the southern portion of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, a region that represents a collection gap within the Atlantic Forest. The studied site is a relatively small fragment of 144 ha located within a conservation unit, the Mata das Flores State Park. The site belongs to a conservation priority area for the Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo, and is under strong anthropic pressure. Of the 239 species listed here, 21 are new records for the state, eight are endemic, and 20 figure either in the country's or the state's Red Lists of endangered species. Rubiaceae and Piperaceae were the families with the highest number of species. We show that small fragments that were never inventoried before can reveal a relatively large number of threatened species and that collection gaps need to be filled in order to refine our understanding about conservation priorities within the Atlantic Forest Biome