113 research outputs found

    Nonlinear effects for coda-type elastic waves in stressed granular media

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    Experimental results and their interpretations are presented on the nonlinear acoustic effects of multiple scattered elastic waves in unconsolidated granular media. Short wave packets with a central frequency higher than the so-called cut-off frequency of the medium are emitted at one side of the statically stressed slab of glass beads and received at the other side after multiple scattering and nonlinear interactions. Typical signals are strongly distorted compared to their initially radiated shape both due to nonlinearity and scattering. It is shown that acoustic waves with a deformation amplitude much lower than the mean static deformation of the contacts in the medium can modify the elastic properties of the medium, especially for the weak contact skeleton part. This addresses the problem of reproducibility of granular structures during and after acoustic excitation, which is necessary to understand in the non destructive testing of the elastic properties of granular media by acoustic methods. Coda signal analysis is shown to be a powerful time-resolved tool to monitor slight modifications in the elastic response of an unconsolidated granular structure

    Nonlinear Acoustics at GHz Frequencies in a Viscoelastic Fragile Glass Former

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    Using a picosecond pump-probe ultrasonic technique, we study the propagation of high-amplitude, laser-generated longitudinal coherent acoustic pulses in the viscoelastic fragile glass former DC704. We observe an increase of almost ten percent in acoustic pulse propagation speed of its leading shock front at the highest optical pump fluence which is a result of the supersonic nature of nonlinear propagation in the viscous medium. From our measurement we deduce the nonlinear acoustic parameter of the glass former in the GHz frequency range across the glass transition temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Time-domain Brillouin scattering assisted by diffraction gratings

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    Absorption of ultrashort laser pulses in a metallic grating deposited on a transparent sample launches coherent compression/dilatation acoustic pulses in directions of different orders of acoustic diffraction. Their propagation is detected by the delayed laser pulses, which are also diffracted by the metallic grating, through the measurement of the transient intensity change of the first order diffracted light. The obtained data contain multiple frequency components which are interpreted by considering all possible angles for the Brillouin scattering of light achieved through the multiplexing of the propagation directions of light and coherent sound by the metallic grating. The emitted acoustic field can be equivalently presented as a superposition of the plane inhomogeneous acoustic waves, which constitute an acoustic diffraction grating for the probe light. Thus, the obtained results can also be interpreted as a consequence of probe light diffraction by both metallic and acoustic gratings. The realized scheme of time-domain Brillouin scattering with metallic grating operating in reflection mode provides access to acoustic frequencies from the minimal to the maximal possible in a single experimental configuration for the directions of probe light incidence and scattered light detection. This is achieved by monitoring of the backward and forward Brillouin scattering processes in parallel. Applications include measurements of the acoustic dispersion, simultaneous determination of sound velocity and optical refractive index, and evaluation of the samples with a single direction of possible optical access.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Mathematical analysis of thermal diffusion shock waves

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    Thermal diffusion, also known as the Ludwig-Soret effect, refers to the separation of mixtures in a temperature gradient. For a binary mixture the time dependence of the change in concentration of each species is governed by a nonlinear partial differential equation in space and time. Here, an exact solution of the Ludwig-Soret equation without mass diffusion for a sinusoidal temperature field is given. The solution shows that counterpropagating shock waves are produced which slow and eventually come to a halt. Expressions are found for the shock time for two limiting values of the starting density fraction. The effects of diffusion on the development of the concentration profile in time and space are found by numerical integration of the nonlinear differential equation

    Revealing sub-{\mu}m inhomogeneities and {\mu}m-scale texture in H2O ice at Megabar pressures via sound velocity measurements by time-domain Brillouin scattering

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    Time-domain Brillouin scattering technique, also known as picosecond ultrasonic interferometry, which provides opportunity to monitor propagation of nanometers to sub-micrometers length coherent acoustic pulses in the samples of sub-micrometers to tens of micrometers dimensions, was applied to depth-profiling of polycrystalline aggregate of ice compressed in a diamond anvil cell to Megabar pressures. The technique allowed examination of characteristic dimensions of elastic inhomogeneities and texturing of polycrystalline ice in the direction normal to the diamond anvil surfaces with sub-micrometer spatial resolution via time-resolved measurements of variations in the propagation velocity of the acoustic pulse traveling in the compressed sample. The achieved two-dimensional imaging of the polycrystalline ice aggregate in-depth and in one of the lateral directions indicates the feasibility of three-dimensional imaging and quantitative characterization of acoustical, optical and acousto-optical properties of transparent polycrystalline aggregates in diamond anvil cell with tens of nanometers in-depth resolution and lateral spatial resolution controlled by pump laser pulses focusing.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figure

    Granular Graphene: direct observation of zigzag and armchair edge waves

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    We propose a mechanical granular graphene obtained by replacing the carbon atoms with macroscopic spherical stainless steel beads in contact. The experimental measured dispersion relation is presented, in conjunction with evidence of the Dirac points. In addition, wave propagation along the zigzag and a robust turning effect of edge waves from the zigzag to the armchair boundary is experimentally revealed, even in the absence of a full band gap for bulk modes. Our work shows that mechanical granular graphene can serve as an excellent experimental platform to study novel Dirac, topological and nonlinear wave phenomena
