25,097 research outputs found

    Keanekaragam jenis tumbuhan masa lampau di situs pumeteran, Kabupaten Buleleng, Provinsi Bali (kajian berdasarkan analisis palinology)

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    A variety of plant species that exist today reflect the diversity of plant species as well as how pre-existing or in the past, the area along the environmental conditions are not much changed significantly. Plant communities in a region will illustrate the diversity of plant species tolerant to environmental conditions in the area. The power plant tolerance to different environmental factors will lead to different types of plants that live in the area By using HF method and Acetolysis, then the results of the identification of fossil pollen (pollen analysis) that has been done specifically on a sample of soil /sediment from the findings of pottery, as well as the box has been opened at the excavation site Pemuteran, Buleleng Regency, Bali Province randomly, especially in layer B in test pit 4 and 5, the types derived from fossil pollen from plants derived from plants that are useful in the family Compositae, Poaceae, Malvaceae and Papilionaceae. In addition, there is also a pollen that is not available on the site around Pemuteran, such as the family Pinaceae, Fagaceae, Daphnae, Sequoia, Geraniaceae, Cupressus

    Potensi kepariwisataan di pulau Karakelong, Sulawesi Utara

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    Pulau Karakelong terletak di Kepulauan Talaud, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Secara astronomi wilayah Kepulauan Talaud terletak antara 3°45' – 5° Lintang Utara dan antara 126°30' - 126°45' Bujur Timur. Pulau ini dikelilingi lautan dengan keindahan alam berupa pantai dan hutan. Data arkeologi yang tedapat di Pulau Karakelong ini berupa gua-gua hunian yang salah satunya yaitu Situs Gua Balangingi. Di situs ini telah didapatkan lebih dari 2604 pecahan gerabah, tiga manik-manik kaca berwarna merah, dan dua manikmanik kaca berwarna hijau, dua fragmen perunggu / tembaga, dan segmen gelang dari tembaga /perunggu. Dari sampel arang yang ditemukan pada kedalaman 20-30 cm telah dapat ditentukan umur pertanggalan C14 nya sekitar 950 ± 130 BP pada lapisan budaya bagian tengah (Tanudirjo, 2001). Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan terhadap lingkungan vegetasi di pulau Karakelong, khususnya Kecamatan Rainis (Desa Rainis) maka, secara fisiognomi lingkungan tumbuhan dapat dibagi atas: lingkungan vegetasi pantai, lingkungan vegetasi tanaman perkebunan, lingkungan vegetasi semak belukar, dan lingkungan vegetasi hutan. Jika dilihat dari baik data kearkeologian maupun keadaan lingkungan di situs ini maka sangat diharapkan daerah ini dapat menjadi daerah tujuan wisata di masa mendatan

    Adaptasi Masyarakat Pra-Sriwijaya di Lahan Basah Situs Air Sugihan, Sumatera Selatan

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    Abstract. Air Sugihan Site was one of early history residential centers in the east coast of South Sumatera. In general, the environment of Air Sugihan Site is dominated by the peat bogs which consist of marsh and paddy vegetations. With such environment, how people could adapt and run their daily activities? To dig more about that, survey and environment observation was conducted in area of Air Sugihan Site  to get information about the local community adaptation process with their environment. The survey revealed that people changed the peat bogs environment as settlement and to fulfill their daily needs, then with their local wisdom, used domestic plants such as nibung (Oncosperma tigillarium), jelutung (Dyera pollyphylla), bako (Rihzophoraceae), to make equipments and places for living in form of home on stilts to protect them from flood or wild animals and also opened paddy fields. Thus, it can be concluded that pra-Sriwijaya community had been managed the environment in accordance with their needs by using the available natural resources.Abstrak. Situs Air Sugihan merupakan salah satu pusat hunian awal sejarah di Pantai Timur Sumatera Selatan di masa lampau. Secara umum, keadaan lingkungan Situs Air Sugihan merupakan daerah yang didominasi oleh dataran rawa gambut yang terdiri dari vegetasi rawa dan vegetasi sawah. Dengan lingkungan rawa tersebut bagaimana manusia dapat beradaptasi dan melangsungkan kehidupannya sesuai dengan karakterisitik lingkungan yang ada. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut maka dilakukan survei dan pangamatan lingkungan terhadap pemukiman di wilayah Situs Air Sugihan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses adaptasi masyarakat setempat dengan lingkungannya. Dari survei tersebut diketahui bahwa masyarakat mengubah lingkungan rawa gambut untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, baik untuk bermukim maupun untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, dengan kearifan mereka, mereka memanfaatkan tumbuhan  nibung (Oncosperma tigillarium), jelutung (Dyera pollyphylla), dan bako (Rihzophoraceae) yang ada disekitarnya untuk membuat peralatan dan bangunan tempat mereka tinggal berupa rumahrumah panggung guna melindungi diri mereka dari banjir, maupun dari binatang buas serta membuka lahan untuk sawah. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan sumber daya alam yang ada, masyarakat dengan kearifan mereka telah mengelola lingkungan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.


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    Keluarga merupakan suatu lembaga sosial yang terdiri dari beberapa individu yang berinteraksi satu sama lain dan memiliki peran sosial seperti suami, istri, adik, dan kakak. Di Amerika, terdapat berbagai tipe keluarga seperti nuclear family, extended family, dan keluarga orang tua tunggal.Hal ini dapat diteliti dalam film Jersey Girl. Untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis yang baik , digunakan dua metode penelitian yaitu metode penelitian dengan studi kepustakaan dan juga metode pendekatan secara historis dan eksponensial. Dalam film tersebut digambarkan dengan jelas kehidupan sebuah keluarga ayah tunggal di Amerika yang berusaha menjalankan perannya dalam mengembangkan nilai-nilai keluarga. Dan nilai kekeluargaan tersebut juga mempengaruhi hubungan antara anggota keluarga dan kondisi kehidupan sosial keluarga ayah tunggal di Amerika tersebut

    A numerical study of a two-layer model for the growth of granular matter in a silo

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    The problem of filling a silo of given bounded cross-section with granular matter can be described by the two-layer model of Hadeler and Kuttler [8]. In this paper we discuss how similarity quasi-static solutions for this model can be numerically characterized by the direct finite element solution of a semidefinite elliptic Neumann problem. We also discuss a finite difference scheme for the dynamical model through which we can show that the growing profiles of the heaps in the silo evolve in finite time towards such similarity solutions.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the MASCOT2015 - IMACS/ISGG Workshop, Rome, Ital

    The Representation of the Violated Body and its Spectatorship: the Negative Approach (1970s to 2016)

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    This study explores the representation of the violated body and its spectatorship, focusing on the ‘negative’ approach in the period from the 1970’s up to 2016. This thesis argues that any censorship either the state/military/media or self-inflicted (‘forced’ and emphasised absence) has a potential to provide important cause and vital stimulus to rethink and reformulate traditional assumptions about the photographs of the violated body and their function in society. The research and analysis of the case studies demonstrated that visibility is a complex and unstable system of permissions and prohibitions. That it is a shifting process, where some bodies are brought into the frame and others are left and kept outside, and/or brought back into the frame to make them socially and politically visible and significant. The findings demonstrated that photographic depictions of the violated body are regarded as important, relevant and necessary. It was repeatedly shown that their status as evidence - for instance for journalists/media, US army and government personnel, European officials, and artists, was essential. Nevertheless, it was also highlighted that worst things were not documented or their depiction and evidence was destroyed, or there were atrocities that could not be documented photographically. Moreover, it was argued that Western democracies have developed stealth torture after the WW2, with an aim to avoid detection, therefore often there would be no visible sign to document and show as the evidence. Thus, the context of seeming abundance and importance attributed to the photographic image of violence, prompted me to focus on the ‘negative’ approach and explore artworks where the image of the vulnerable/violated body is withheld either by artists themselves or it has been censored by the state, military and the media. At the end of my thesis I consider issues raised by Paglen’s (and Crawford’s) research on machine vision and AI and Zuboff’s research on surveillance capitalism that I find essential to the field of violence representation and particularly for the ‘negative’ approach. Their findings reveal tectonic changes to previous modes of thinking and action and indicate a need for a further study on the representation of the violated body and its spectatorship in the digital realm

    Exponential or power law? How to select a stable distribution of probability in a physical system

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    A mapping of nonextensive statistical mechanics into Gibbs' statistical mechanics exists, which leads to a generalization of Einstein's formula for fluctuations. A unified treatment of stability of relaxed states in nonextensive statistical mechanics and Gibbs' statistical mechanics follows. The former and the latter are endowed with probability distribution of microstates ruled by power laws and Boltzmann exponentials respectively. We apply our treatment to the relaxed states described by a 1D nonlinear FokkerPlanck equation. If the latter is associated to the stochastic differential equation obtained in the continuous limit from a 1D, autonomous, discrete map affected by noise, then we may ascertain whether if a relaxed state follow a power law distribution (and with which exponent) by looking at both map dynamics and noise level, with no assumptions concerning the additive or multiplicative nature of the noise and with no numerical computation of the orbits. Results agree with the simulations of Sanchez et al. EPJ 143.1 (2007) 141-143 concerning relaxation to a Pareto-like distribution.Comment: Conference paper, 3 figure
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