60 research outputs found

    Brainstem NTCP and dose constraints for carbon ion RT—Application and translation from Japanese to European RBE-weighted dose

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    Background and Purpose: The Italian National Center of Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO) has applied dose constraints for carbon ion RT (CIRT) as defined by Japan’s National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS). However, these institutions use different models to predict the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). CNAO applies the Local Effect Model I (LEM I), which in most clinical situations predicts higher RBE than NIRS’s Microdosimetric Kinetic Model (MKM). Equal constraints therefore become more restrictive at CNAO. Tolerance doses for the brainstem have not been validated for LEM I-weighted dose (DLEM I). However, brainstem constraints and a Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) model were recently reported for MKM-weighted dose (DMKM), showing that a constraint relaxation to DMKM|0.7 cm3 <30 Gy (RBE) and DMKM|0.1 cm3 <40 Gy (RBE) was feasible. The aim of this work was to evaluate the brainstem NTCP associated with CNAO’s current clinical practice and to propose new brainstem constraints for LEM I-optimized CIRT at CNAO. Material and Methods: We reproduced the absorbed dose of 30 representative patient treatment plans from CNAO. Subsequently, we calculated both DLEM I and DMKM, and the relationship between DMKM and DLEM I for various brainstem dose metrics was analyzed. Furthermore, the NTCP model developed for DMKM was applied to estimate the NTCPs of the delivered plans. Results: The translation of CNAO treatment plans to DMKM confirmed that the former CNAO constraints were conservative compared with DMKM constraints. Estimated NTCPs were 0% for all but one case, in which the NTCP was 2%. The relationship DMKM/DLEM I could be described by a quadratic regression model which revealed that the validated DMKM constraints corresponded to DLEM I|0.7 cm3 <41 Gy (RBE) (95% CI, 38–44 Gy (RBE)) and DLEM I|0.1 cm3 <49 Gy (RBE) (95% CI, 46–52 Gy (RBE)). Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that RBE-weighted dose translation is of crucial importance in order to exchange experience and thus harmonize CIRT treatments globally. To mitigate uncertainties involved, we propose to use the lower bound of the 95% CI of the translation estimates, i.e., DLEM I|0.7 cm3 <38 Gy (RBE) and DLEM I|0.1 cm3 <46 Gy (RBE) as brainstem dose constraints for 16 fraction CIRT treatments optimized with LEM I.publishedVersio

    Localization of anatomical changes in patients during proton therapy with in-beam PET monitoring: a voxel-based morphometry approach exploiting Monte Carlo simulations

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    Purpose: In-beam positron emission tomography (PET) is one of the modalities that can be used for in vivo noninvasive treatment monitoring in proton therapy. Although PET monitoring has been frequently applied for this purpose, there is still no straightforward method to translate the information obtained from the PET images into easy-to-interpret information for clinical personnel. The purpose of this work is to propose a statistical method for analyzing in-beam PET monitoring images that can be used to locate, quantify, and visualize regions with possible morphological changes occurring over the course of&nbsp;treatment. Methods: We selected a patient treated for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) with proton therapy, to perform multiple Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of the expected PET signal at the start of treatment, and to study how the PET signal may change along the treatment course due to morphological changes. We performed voxel-wise two-tailed statistical tests of the simulated PET images, resembling the voxel-based morphometry (VBM) method commonly used in neuroimaging data analysis, to locate regions with significant morphological changes and to quantify the&nbsp;change. Results: The VBM resembling method has been successfully applied to the simulated in-beam PET images, despite the fact that such images suffer from image artifacts and limited statistics. Three dimensional probability maps were obtained, that allowed to identify interfractional morphological changes and to visualize them superimposed on the computed tomography (CT) scan. In particular, the characteristic color patterns resulting from the two-tailed statistical tests lend themselves to trigger alarms in case of morphological changes along the course of&nbsp;treatment. Conclusions: The statistical method presented in this work is a promising method to apply to PET monitoring data to reveal interfractional morphological changes in patients, occurring over the course of treatment. Based on simulated in-beam PET treatment monitoring images, we showed that with our method it was possible to correctly identify the regions that changed. Moreover we could quantify the changes, and visualize them superimposed on the CT scan. The proposed method can possibly help clinical personnel in the replanning procedure in adaptive proton therapy treatments

    In-vivo range verification analysis with in-beam PET data for patients treated with proton therapy at CNAO

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    Morphological changes that may arise through a treatment course are probably one of the most significant sources of range uncertainty in proton therapy. Non-invasive in-vivo treatment monitoring is useful to increase treatment quality. The INSIDE in-beam Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner performs in-vivo range monitoring in proton and carbon therapy treatments at the National Center of Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO). It is currently in a clinical trial (ID: NCT03662373) and has acquired in-beam PET data during the treatment of various patients. In this work we analyze the in-beam PET (IB-PET) data of eight patients treated with proton therapy at CNAO. The goal of the analysis is twofold. First, we assess the level of experimental fluctuations in inter-fractional range differences (sensitivity) of the INSIDE PET system by studying patients without morphological changes. Second, we use the obtained results to see whether we can observe anomalously large range variations in patients where morphological changes have occurred. The sensitivity of the INSIDE IB-PET scanner was quantified as the standard deviation of the range difference distributions observed for six patients that did not show morphological changes. Inter-fractional range variations with respect to a reference distribution were estimated using the Most-Likely-Shift (MLS) method. To establish the efficacy of this method, we made a comparison with the Beam's Eye View (BEV) method. For patients showing no morphological changes in the control CT the average range variation standard deviation was found to be 2.5&nbsp;mm with the MLS method and 2.3&nbsp;mm with the BEV method. On the other hand, for patients where some small anatomical changes occurred, we found larger standard deviation values. In these patients we evaluated where anomalous range differences were found and compared them with the CT. We found that the identified regions were mostly in agreement with the morphological changes seen in the CT scan

    cIAP1/2 Are Direct E3 Ligases Conjugating Diverse Types of Ubiquitin Chains to Receptor Interacting Proteins Kinases 1 to 4 (RIP1–4)

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    The RIP kinases have emerged as essential mediators of cellular stress that integrate both extracellular stimuli emanating from various cell-surface receptors and signals coming from intracellular pattern recognition receptors. The molecular mechanisms regulating the ability of the RIP proteins to transduce the stress signals remain poorly understood, but seem to rely only partially on their kinase activities. Recent studies on RIP1 and RIP2 have highlighted the importance of ubiquitination as a key process regulating their capacity to activate downstream signaling pathways. In this study, we found that XIAP, cIAP1 and cIAP2 not only directly bind to RIP1 and RIP2 but also to RIP3 and RIP4. We show that cIAP1 and cIAP2 are direct E3 ubiquitin ligases for all four RIP proteins and that cIAP1 is capable of conjugating the RIPs with diverse types of ubiquitin chains, including linear chains. Consistently, we show that repressing cIAP1/2 levels affects the activation of NF-κB that is dependent on RIP1, -2, -3 and -4. Finally, we identified Lys51 and Lys145 of RIP4 as two critical residues for cIAP1-mediated ubiquitination and NF-κB activation

    Monitoring Carbon Ion Beams Transverse Position Detecting Charged Secondary Fragments: Results From Patient Treatment Performed at CNAO

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    Particle therapy in which deep seated tumours are treated using 12C ions (Carbon Ions RadioTherapy or CIRT) exploits the high conformity in the dose release, the high relative biological effectiveness and low oxygen enhancement ratio of such projectiles. The advantages of CIRT are driving a rapid increase in the number of centres that are trying to implement such technique. To fully profit from the ballistic precision achievable in delivering the dose to the target volume an online range verification system would be needed, but currently missing. The 12C ions beams range could only be monitored by looking at the secondary radiation emitted by the primary beam interaction with the patient tissues and no technical solution capable of the needed precision has been adopted in the clinical centres yet. The detection of charged secondary fragments, mainly protons, emitted by the patient is a promising approach, and is currently being explored in clinical trials at CNAO. Charged particles are easy to detect and can be back-tracked to the emission point with high efficiency in an almost background-free environment. These fragments are the product of projectiles fragmentation, and are hence mainly produced along the beam path inside the patient. This experimental signature can be used to monitor the beam position in the plane orthogonal to its flight direction, providing an online feedback to the beam transverse position monitor chambers used in the clinical centres. This information could be used to cross-check, validate and calibrate, whenever needed, the information provided by the ion chambers already implemented in most clinical centres as beam control detectors. In this paper we study the feasibility of such strategy in the clinical routine, analysing the data collected during the clinical trial performed at the CNAO facility on patients treated using 12C ions and monitored using the Dose Profiler (DP) detector developed within the INSIDE project. On the basis of the data collected monitoring three patients, the technique potential and limitations will be discussed

    Pilot Study for Standardization of RBE Intercomparison of Hadron Therapy Beams in vitro

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    Cancer therapy with carbon ions at the HIMAC has started in 1994, more than 5,000 lesions have been treated by 2010, and fruitful results have been demonstrated. Following those results, few heavy-ion treatment facilities are working, some are under construction and many new facilities are planning all over the world now. To start treatments with HIMAC clinical experiences such as treatment planning, the beam quality at those new facilities must be very similar to the HIMAC in physics and biology. Biological results are easy to affected by the biological conditions, techniques or so on. We tried to establish a standard biological protocol for this purpose.Both C3H/He mice bead at NIRS (N) and Charles River Co. (C) were employed, and the crypt cell survival assay 3.5 days after the irradiation was performed with whole body single irradiation of carbon 290 MeV/u beam having 6 cm SOBP at HIMAC. Crypt survival data was taken from (N) and (C) mice, by both trained and fresh observers.The radio-sensitivity of the mice crypt was different by the breeders. The Dq values were similar between them (C and N), but the Do for (N) was higher than that for (C). Recognition level of the existing crypts at counting was different by the observers, but this technical difference was conquerable by simple training. Change in the recognition level with elapsed time could not found for an observer within 6 years.Use of mice supplied by worldwide breeder with good quality control may be required for intercomparison of RBE. Short training could unify technique of new observer.14th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR2011