189 research outputs found

    A Methodology and Simulation-Based Toolchain for Estimating Deployment Performance of Smart Collective Services at the Edge

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    Research trends are pushing artificial intelligence (AI) across the Internet of Things (IoT)-edge-fog-cloud continuum to enable effective data analytics, decision making, as well as the efficient use of resources for QoS targets. Approaches for collective adaptive systems (CASs) engineering, such as aggregate computing, provide declarative programming models and tools for dealing with the uncertainty and the complexity that may arise from scale, heterogeneity, and dynamicity. Crucially, aggregate computing architecture allows for 'pulverization': applications can be decomposed into many deployable micromodules that can be spread across the ICT infrastructure, thus allowing multiple potential deployment configurations for the same application logic. This article studies the deployment architecture of aggregate-based edge services and its implications in terms of performance and cost. The goal is to provide methodological guidelines and a model-based toolchain for the generation and simulation-based evaluation of potential deployments. First, we address this subject methodologically by proposing an approach based on deployment code generators and a simulation phase whose obtained solutions are assessed with respect to their performance and costs. We then tailor this approach to aggregate computing applications deployed onto an IoT-edge-fog-cloud infrastructure, and we develop a corresponding toolchain based on Protelis and EdgeCloudSim. Finally, we evaluate the approach and tools through a case study of edge multimedia streaming, where the edge ecosystem exhibits intelligence by self-organizing into clusters to promote load balancing in large-scale dynamic settings

    Monitoring of common sole Solea Solea (L) captive broodstock from Northern Adriatic Sea over consecutive spawning seasons

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    The high nutritional quality of common sole Solea solea increases its value for the fishery industry and for the aquaculture sector. To ensure the expansion of its production, it is necessary to implement farming and broodstock management technique to produce high quality eggs and larvae. This work summarizes eight years of study on reproductive performances, growth and parental contribution of a common sole broodstock from the Mediterranean-North Adriatic Sea. The broodstock (11 females and 13 males) reached the peak of fecundity after 5/6 years of captivity, with a production of 296,476 and 376,541 7 103 of total eggs kg 121 female with a fertilization rate of 31.6 \ub1 18.3 and 41.9 \ub1 23.8 %, respectively. Results shows that variations in temperature cycles are pivotal for a successful breeding season, and body condition during the first 3 years of captivity was the most important parameter positively correlated to parental contribution for both males and females. Parental contribution was assessed by eight species-specific microsatellite loci during the first 3 years of reproduction. Although the two sexes displayed different temporal trends, parentage assessment demonstrated an overall increase in the number of active breeders. However, only 13 couples out of 50 produced the 70.4 % of the larvae in year 5, confirming the same reproduction behavioural pattern in Mediterranean common sole than that observed both in Senegalese sole and in common sole of Atlantic origin. This work provides valuable data needed to understand the mechanisms behind the maturation characteristics of this species and support future strategy for the establishment and management of Mediterranean common sole aquaculture

    High Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Is Not Associated with an Improved Sodium and Potassium Intake

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    Prevention and control of hypertension and cerebro-cardiovascular diseases are associated with adequate sodium and potassium intake and adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern. The aim of this study was to assess the association between adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MD) and the excretion of sodium and potassium as surrogate measures of intake. This is a cross-sectional analysis as part of a larger study (the iMC SALT randomized controlled trial) among workers of a public university. A food frequency questionnaire was used to assess the adherence to MD, using the alternative Mediterranean diet (aMED) score; sodium and potassium excretions were estimated by 24-h urine collections. Sociodemographic and other lifestyle characteristics were also obtained. The associations between the adherence to MD and Na and K excretion were calculated by logistic regression, adjusting for confounding variables. From the 109 selected participants, seven were excluded considering urine screening and completeness criteria, leaving a final sample of 102 subjects (48% male, average age 47 years). Mean sodium and potassium excretion were 3216 mg/day and 2646 mg/day, respectively. Sodium and potassium excretion were significantly higher in men, but no differences were found according to different levels of MD adherence. In logistic regression analysis, sodium, potassium, and sodium-to-potassium ratio urinary excretion tertiles were not associated with MD adherence (low/moderate versus high), even after adjustment for confounding variables. A high adherence to MD was thus not associated with a different level of sodium and potassium intake

    Power-assisted pedicle screws placement: Is it as safe and as effective as manual technique? Narrative review of the literature and our technique

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    Pedicle screws are the gold standard in spine surgery, allowing a solid tricolumnar fixation which is unmatched by hooks and wires. The freehand technique is the most widely adopted for pedicle screws placing. While freehand technique has been classically performed with manual tools, there has been a recent trend toward the use of power tools. The aim of this review is to summarize and expose potential risks and advantages of power pedicle screws placing. The literature showed that the use of power tools offers an acceptable safety profile, comparable to manual technique. With an adequate training, the power technique may speed up the screw placing, reduce the fluoroscopy time and the physical stress to the spine surgeon. Regarding differences in pull-out strength between power and manual techniques, the literature is still uncertain and inconsistent, both in clinical and preclinical studies. The choice between the use of power and manual freehand pedicle screws placing is still based on the surgeon’s own preference

    Epigenetic and Genetic Factors Related to Curve Progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Scoping Review of the Current Literature

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    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a progressive deformity of the spine. Scoliotic curves progress until skeletal maturity leading, in rare cases, to a severe deformity. While the Cobb angle is a straightforward tool in initial curve magnitude measurement, assessing the risk of curve progression at the time of diagnosis may be more challenging. Epigenetic and genetic markers are potential prognostic tools to predict curve progression. The aim of this study is to review the available literature regarding the epigenetic and genetic factors associated with the risk of AIS curve progression. This review was carried out in accordance with Preferential Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The search was carried out in January 2022. Only peer-reviewed articles were considered for inclusion. Forty studies were included; fifteen genes were reported as having SNPs with significant association with progressive AIS, but none showed sufficient power to sustain clinical applications. In contrast, nine studies reporting epigenetic modifications showed promising results in terms of reliable markers. Prognostic testing for AIS has the potential to significantly modify disease management. Most recent evidence suggests epigenetics as a more promising field for the identification of factors associated with AIS progression, offering a rationale for further investigation in this field

    Distributed agents for online spatial searches

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    As the availability and utilisation of online data blossoms, automated online searches—whether to answer a simple question, seek specific sensor readings, or investigate research in a particular domain—have raised a number of issues. Simple search tools do not access the deep web of services and online forms, and cannot handle knowledge domain-specific search problems, but specialist search tools can have a narrow domain and applicability. Some online tools circumvent these problems by putting more filter controls into the hands of users, but this leads to more complex interfaces which can raise usability barriers. A distributed approach, where specialised search agents act autonomously to find contextualised information, can provide a useful compromise between a simple, general search interface and specialist searches. This paper outlines work in progress on design and use of specialist search agents, with a case study to find public transportation bus stops within a spatial region. The approach is demonstrated with a proof of concept web interface, developed to interpret a text query to find and show bus stop locations within a named boundary by coordinating multiple online search agents. Search agents were designed to follow a common model to allow for future development of agent types, including specialist agents used in the case study to search standard open web services and extract spatial features

    Freehand power-assisted pedicle screw placement in scoliotic patients: results on 5522 consecutive pedicle screws

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    Pedicle screws is the current gold standard in spine surgery, achieving a solid tricolumnar fixation which is unreachable by wires and hooks. The freehand technique is the most widely adopted for pedicle screws placing. While freehand technique has been classically performed with manual tools, there has been a recent trend toward the use of power tools. However, placing a pedicle screw remains a technically demanding procedure with significant risk of complications. The aim of this article is to retrospectively evaluate safety and accuracy of free-hand power-assisted pedicle screw placement in a cohort of patients who underwent correction and fusion surgery for scoliosis (both idiopathic and non-idiopathic) in our department. A retrospective review of all patients with scoliosis who underwent surgery and received a postoperative CT scan in our department in a 9-year period was undertaken. Screw density, number and location of pedicle screws were measured using pre and postoperative full-length standing and lateral supine side-bending radiographs. Then, postoperative CT scan was used to assess the accuracy of screw placement according to Gertzbein-Robbins scale. Malpositioned screws were divided according to their displacement direction. Finally, intra and postoperative neurological complications and the need for revision of misplaced screws were recorded. A total of 205 patients were included, with a follow-up of 64.9 ± 38.67 months. All constructs were high density (average density 1.97 ± 0.04), and the average number of fusion levels was 13.72 ± 1.97. A total of 5522 screws were placed: 5308 (96.12%) were grade A, 141 (2.5%) grade B, 73 (1.32%) grade C. Neither grade D nor grade E trajectories were found. The absolute accuracy (grade A) rate was 96.12% (5308/5522) and the effective accuracy (within the safe zone, grade A + B) was 98.6% (5449/5522). Of the 73 misplaced screws (grade C), 59 were lateral (80.80%), 8 anterior (10.95%) and 6 medial (8.22%); 58 were in convexity, while 15 were in concavity (the difference was not statistically significant, p = 0.33). Intraoperatively, neither neurological nor vascular complications were recorded. Postoperatively, 4 screws needed revision (0.072% of the total): Power-assisted pedicle screw placing may be a safe an accurate technique in the scoliosis surgery, both of idiopathic and non-idiopathic etiology. Further, and higher quality, research is necessary in order to better assess the results of this relatively emerging technique

    A Calculus for Orchestration of Web Services

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    We introduce COWS (Calculus for Orchestration of Web Services), a new foundational language for SOC whose design has been influenced by WS-BPEL, the de facto standard language for orchestration of web services. COWS combines in an original way a number of ingredients borrowed from well-known process calculi, e.g. asynchronous communication, polyadic synchronization, pattern matching, protection, delimited receiving and killing activities, while resulting different from any of them. Several examples illustrates COWS peculiarities and show its expressiveness both for modelling imperative and orchestration constructs, e.g. web services, flow graphs, fault and compensation handlers, and for encoding other process and orchestration languages

    Regulating Data Exchange in Service Oriented Applications

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    We define a type system for COWS, a formalism for specifying and combining services, while modelling their dynamic behaviour. Our types permit to express policies constraining data exchanges in terms of sets of service partner names attachable to each single datum. Service programmers explicitly write only the annotations necessary to specify the wanted policies for communicable data, while a type inference system (statically) derives the minimal additional annotations that ensure consistency of services initial configuration. Then, the language dynamic semantics only performs very simple checks to authorize or block communication. We prove that the type system and the operational semantics are sound. As a consequence, we have the following data protection property: services always comply with the policies regulating the exchange of data among interacting services. We illustrate our approach through a simplified but realistic scenario for a service-based electronic marketplace

    Reasoning About a Service-oriented Programming Paradigm

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    This paper is about a new way for programming distributed applications: the service-oriented one. It is a concept paper based upon our experience in developing a theory and a language for programming services. Both the theoretical formalization and the language interpreter showed us the evidence that a new programming paradigm exists. In this paper we illustrate the basic features it is characterized by