12 research outputs found

    Low background detector with enriched 116CdWO4 crystal scintillators to search for double beta decay of 116Cd

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    A cadmium tungstate crystal boule enriched in 116^{116}Cd to 82% with mass of 1868 g was grown by the low-thermal-gradient Czochralski technique. The isotopic composition of cadmium and the trace contamination of the crystal were estimated by High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass-Spectrometry. The crystal scintillators produced from the boule were subjected to characterization that included measurements of transmittance and energy resolution. A low background scintillation detector with two 116^{116}CdWO4_4 crystal scintillators (586 g and 589 g) was developed. The detector was running over 1727 h deep underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy), which allowed to estimate the radioactive contamination of the enriched crystal scintillators. The radiopurity of a third 116^{116}CdWO4_4 sample (326 g) was tested with the help of ultra-low background high purity germanium γ\gamma detector. Monte Carlo simulations of double β\beta processes in 116^{116}Cd were used to estimate the sensitivity of an experiment to search for double β\beta decay of 116^{116}Cd.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication on Journal of Instrumentatio

    Analysis of Ladening of Disk Milling Cutters With the Lateral Setting of Many-sided Indexable Insents

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    В работе проведен сравнительный анализ стандартных и предлагаемых сборных дисковых фрез с многогранными неперетачиваемыми пластинами и показана возможность уменьшения ширины резания ими, более чем в 2 раза, что ужесточает условия эксплуатации корпуса. Однако анализ его прочности по методу конечных элементов затруднен новизной конструкции, усложняющей выбор исходных условий. В данной работе эта задача решена с учетом анализа возникающих в корпусе фрезы напряжений. У роботі проведений порівняльний аналіз стандартних і запропонованих збірних дискових фрез з багатогранними непереточуваними пластинами і показана можливість зменшення ширини різання ними, більш ніж в 2 рази, що ускладнює умови експлуатації корпусу. Проте аналіз його міцності по методу кінцевих елементів утруднений новизною конструкції, що ускладнює вибір початкових умов. У даній роботі це завдання вирішене з урахуванням аналізу напруг, що виникають в корпусі фрези. The comparative analysis of the standard and offered combined teams of disk milling cutters is inprocess conducted with many-sided indexable insents. Possibility of diminishing of cutting width is rotined the last, more than in 2 times, it toughens external of corps environments. However laboured an analysis of his durability on the method of eventual elements is in a new construction, a novelty complicates the choice of initial terms. In this work this task is decided taking into account the analysis of arising up in the corps of milling cutter tensions

    Production of high purity granular metals: cadmium, zinc, lead

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    Cadmium, zinc and lead are constituent components of many semiconductor compounds. The obtained high purity distillates and ingots are large-size elements, which is not always convenient to use, and thus require additional grinding, which does not always allow maintaining the purity of the original materials. For the growth of semiconductor and scintillation single crystals it is advisable to use "friable" granular high-purity distillates, which can be processed without the risk of contamination. For example, the European low-background experiment LUCIFER required more than 20 kg of high-purity granulated zinc, which was agreed to be supplied by NSC KIPT. This task was then extended to cadmium and lead. Motivated by these tasks, the authors of this paper propose complex processes of deep refining of cadmium, zinc and lead by vacuum distillation. A device producing granules has been developed. The process of granulation of high-purity metals is explored. The purity of produced granules for cadmium and zinc is >99,9999, and >99,9995% for lead granules. To prevent oxidation of metal granules during exposition to air, chemical methods of surface passivation were used. Organic solvent based on dimethylformamide used as a coolant improves the resistance of granules to atmospheric corrosion during the granulation of high purity Cd, Zn and Pb

    CdWO4 crystal scintillators from enriched isotopes for double beta decay experiments

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    Cadmium tungstate crystal scintillators enriched in 106Cd and 116Cd were developed. The produced scintillators exhibit good optical and scintillation properties, and a low level of radioactive contamination. Experiments to search for double beta decay of 106Cd and 116Cd are in progress at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). Prospects to further improve the radiopurity of the detectors by recrystallization are discussed

    Development of radiopure cadmium tungstate crystal scintillators from enriched 106Cd anD 116Cd to search for double beta decay

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    Cadmium tungstate crystal scintillators enriched in 106Cd up to 66% (106CdWO4) and in 116Cd up to 82% (116CdWO4) have been developed. The low radioactive contamination of the crystals measured on the level of ≤ 1.5 mBq/kg (40K), ≤ 0.005−0.012 mBq/kg (226Ra), 0.04−0.07 mBq/kg (228Th) allows to carry out high sensitivity experiments to search for double beta processes in 106Cd and 116Cd

    Search for double

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    The production of ultra-pure raw material is a crucial step to ensure the required background level in rare event searches. In this work, we establish an innovative technique developed to produce high-purity (99.999%) granular zinc. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the refining procedure by measuring the internal contaminations of the purified zinc with a high-purity germanium detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The total activity of cosmogenic activated nuclides is measured at the level of a few mBq/kg, as well as limits on naturally occurring radionuclides are set to less than mBq/kg. The excellent radiopurity of the zinc sample allows us to search for electron capture with positron emission and neutrinoless double electron capture of 64^{64}Zn, setting the currently most stringent lower limits on their half-lives, T1/2εβ+>2.7×1021 yearT_{1/2}^{\varepsilon \beta ^+} > 2.7\times 10^{21}~\text {year} (90% CI), and T1/20ν2ε>2.6×1021 yearT_{1/2}^{0\nu 2\varepsilon }> 2.6\times 10^{21}~\text {year} (90% CI), respectively

    Double beta experiments with the help of scintillation and HPGe detectors at Gran Sasso

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    A search for double beta decay of 64,70Zn, 180,186W was carried out by using low background ZnWO4 crystal scintillators while a CeCl3 scintillation detector was applied to investigate 2β processes in 136,138,142Ce. A search for 2β decay of 96,104Ru, 156,158Dy, 190,198Pt and study of 2ν2β decay of 100Mo to the first excited 0+ level of 100Ru were realized by ultra‐low background HPGe γ spectrometry. Moreover CdWO4 crystal scintillators from enriched 106Cd and 116Cd isotopes were developed to search for 2β decay of 106Cd and 116Cd. Finally experiments aimed to investigate 96,104Ru and 116Cd are in progress and a new phase of the experiment to search for 2β processes in 106Cd is in preparation