29 research outputs found

    Effet d'un absorbant d'UV sur le photojaunissement de la laine

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    Todos los textiles son susceptibles de fotodegradarse cuando se exponen a la luz. La exposiciĂłn de la lana a la luz solar altera sus propiedades fĂ­sicas y quĂ­micas, produciendo amarilleamiento o decoloraciĂłn y pĂ©rdida en las propiedades mecĂĄnicas. El problema del fotoamarilleamiento ha sido objeto de muchas investigaciones en los Ășltimos 20 años. Numerosos estudios han pretendido dilucidar la naturaleza de los cambios que se producen en la lana cuando se expone a la luz. Algunos artĂ­culos tratan de los diferentes medios de prevenir los cambios de color y el dañado de las fibras. La aplicaciĂłn de absorbentes de ultravioleta, especialmente los del tipo hidroxifenilbenzotriazol o hidroxifenilbenzofenona, parece una de las mejores formas de proteger del fotoamarilleamiento a los tejidos de lana destinados a tapicerĂ­a y cortinaje. * Virginie Gueguen, GEMTEX, ENSAIT, Roubaix, France. ** Dra. AscensiĂłn Riva Juan, Profesora Titular de Universidad del Departamento de IngenierĂ­a Textil y Papelera (U.P.C.). Jefa del Laboratorio de FĂ­sico-QuĂ­mica de Tintura y Acabados del INTEXTER (U.P.C.) *** Ing. TĂ©c. Remedios Prieto Fuentes, Laboratorio de FĂ­sico-QuĂ­mica de la Tintura y Acabados del INTEXTER (U.P.C.) En este trabajo se estudia el efecto protector proporcionado por un absorbente de UV. Se describe el efecto de la luz sobre tejidos de lana expuestos a la luz artificial durante periodos de hasta 500 horas. Se ha tomado el Ă­ndice de amarillo de los tejidos (YI) como medida de los cambios producidos. Se ha estudiado el efecto de la concentraciĂłn de producto absorbente y la influencia de los tratamientos de blanqueo.All textiles can undergo photodegradation upon exposure to light. When wool is exposed to light, its physical and chemical properties are normally altered, giving rise to yellowing or fading and loss of mechanical properties. The problem of photoyellowing has been the object of a great deal of research in the past 20 years. Many studies have attempted to clarify the nature of the changes that occur in wool when it is exposed to light. Some articles deal with different ways of preventing colour changes and damage to the fibres. The application of ultraviolet absorbers, particularly of the hydroxyphenylbenzotriazol or hydroxyphenylbenzophenone types, appears to be one of the best ways of protecting wool fabrics for upholstery and curtains from photoyellowing. This study looks at the protective effect provided by a UV absorber. It describes the effect of light on wool textiles exposed to artificial light for periods of up to 500 hours. The yellowing index (YI) of the fabrics is taken as the measure of the changes detected. The study analyses the effect of the concentration of the absorber and the influence of bleaching treatments.Tous les textiles sont susceptibles de se dĂ©tĂ©riorer Ă  la lumiĂšre. L’exposition de la laine Ă  la lumiĂšre solaire altĂšre ses propriĂ©tĂ©s physiques et chimiques, ce qui se traduit par un jaunissement ou dĂ©coloration et par une perte de ses propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques. Le problĂšme du photo-jaunissement a fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches ces 20 derniĂšres annĂ©es. De nombreuses Ă©tudes ont cherchĂ© Ă  Ă©lucider la nature des changements qui se produisent sur la laine quand on l’expose Ă  la lumiĂšre. Certains articles dĂ©crivent diverses maniĂšres de prĂ©venir les changements de couleur et la dĂ©tĂ©rioration des fibres. Il semble que l’application d’absorbants de rayons ultraviolets, notamment de type hydroxyphĂ©nylbenzotriazole ou hydroxyphĂ©nyl-benzophĂ©none, soit l’une des meilleures solutions pour protĂ©ger du photo-jaunissement les lainages destinĂ©s aux tissus d’ameublement. Ce travail analyse l’effet protecteur d’un absorbant d’UV et dĂ©crit l’effet de la lumiĂšre sur les lainages exposĂ©s Ă  la lumiĂšre artificielle pendant des pĂ©riodes de 500 heures maximum. L’indice de jaune des tissus (YI) a servi de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour mesurer les changements produits. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l’effet de la concentration de produit absorbant et l’influence des traitements de blanchiment

    A Dirichlet problem for the Laplace operator in a domain with a small hole close to the boundary

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    We take an open regular domain Ω\Omega in Rn\mathbb{R}^n with n≄3n\ge 3. We introduce a pair of positive parameters Ï”1\epsilon_1 and Ï”2\epsilon_2 and we set Ï”â‰Ą(Ï”1,Ï”2)\epsilon\equiv(\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2). Then we define the perforated domain Ωϔ\Omega_\epsilon by making in Ω\Omega a small hole of size Ï”1Ï”2\epsilon_1\epsilon_2 at distance Ï”1\epsilon_1 from the boundary. When ϔ→(0,0)\epsilon\rightarrow(0, 0), the hole approaches the boundary while its size shrinks at a faster rate. In Ωϔ\Omega_\epsilon we consider a Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation and we denote its solution by uÏ”u_\epsilon. By an approach based on functional analysis and on the introduction of special layer potentials we show that the map which takes Ï”\epsilon to (a restriction of) uÏ”u_\epsilon has a real analytic continuation in a neighbourhood of (0,0)(0, 0).Comment: This work has been combined into arXiv:1612.0511

    Cohort profile : demographic and clinical characteristics of the MILESTONE longitudinal cohort of young people approaching the upper age limit of their child mental health care service in Europe

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    Purpose: The presence of distinct child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) impacts continuity of mental health treatment for young people. However, we do not know the extent of discontinuity of care in Europe nor the effects of discontinuity on the mental health of young people. Current research is limited, as the majority of existing studies are retrospective, based on small samples or used non-standardised information from medical records. The MILESTONE prospective cohort study aims to examine associations between service use, mental health and other outcomes over 24 months, using information from self, parent and clinician reports. Participants: Seven hundred sixty-three young people from 39 CAMHS in 8 European countries, their parents and CAMHS clinicians who completed interviews and online questionnaires and were followed up for 2 years after reaching the upper age limit of the CAMHS they receive treatment at. Findings to date: This cohort profile describes the baseline characteristics of the MILESTONE cohort. The mental health of young people reaching the upper age limit of their CAMHS varied greatly in type and severity: 32.8% of young people reported clinical levels of self-reported problems and 18.6% were rated to be ‘markedly ill’, ‘severely ill’ or ‘among the most extremely ill’ by their clinician. Fifty-seven per cent of young people reported psychotropic medication use in the previous half year. Future plans: Analysis of longitudinal data from the MILESTONE cohort will be used to assess relationships between the demographic and clinical characteristics of young people reaching the upper age limit of their CAMHS and the type of care the young person uses over the next 2 years, such as whether the young person transitions to AMHS. At 2 years follow-up, the mental health outcomes of young people following different care pathways will be compared. Trial registration number: NCT03013595

    Twist exome capture allows for lower average sequence coverage in clinical exome sequencing

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    Background Exome and genome sequencing are the predominant techniques in the diagnosis and research of genetic disorders. Sufficient, uniform and reproducible/consistent sequence coverage is a main determinant for the sensitivity to detect single-nucleotide (SNVs) and copy number variants (CNVs). Here we compared the ability to obtain comprehensive exome coverage for recent exome capture kits and genome sequencing techniques. Results We compared three different widely used enrichment kits (Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon V5, Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon V7 and Twist Bioscience) as well as short-read and long-read WGS. We show that the Twist exome capture significantly improves complete coverage and coverage uniformity across coding regions compared to other exome capture kits. Twist performance is comparable to that of both short- and long-read whole genome sequencing. Additionally, we show that even at a reduced average coverage of 70× there is only minimal loss in sensitivity for SNV and CNV detection. Conclusion We conclude that exome sequencing with Twist represents a significant improvement and could be performed at lower sequence coverage compared to other exome capture techniques

    A Solve-RD ClinVar-based reanalysis of 1522 index cases from ERN-ITHACA reveals common pitfalls and misinterpretations in exome sequencing

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    Purpose Within the Solve-RD project (https://solve-rd.eu/), the European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies aimed to investigate whether a reanalysis of exomes from unsolved cases based on ClinVar annotations could establish additional diagnoses. We present the results of the “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” reanalysis, reasons for the failure of previous analyses, and lessons learned. Methods Data from the first 3576 exomes (1522 probands and 2054 relatives) collected from European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies was reanalyzed by the Solve-RD consortium by evaluating for the presence of single-nucleotide variant, and small insertions and deletions already reported as (likely) pathogenic in ClinVar. Variants were filtered according to frequency, genotype, and mode of inheritance and reinterpreted. Results We identified causal variants in 59 cases (3.9%), 50 of them also raised by other approaches and 9 leading to new diagnoses, highlighting interpretation challenges: variants in genes not known to be involved in human disease at the time of the first analysis, misleading genotypes, or variants undetected by local pipelines (variants in off-target regions, low quality filters, low allelic balance, or high frequency). Conclusion The “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” analysis represents an effective, fast, and easy approach to recover causal variants from exome sequencing data, herewith contributing to the reduction of the diagnostic deadlock

    L’articulation entre les dimensions nationales et europĂ©enne d’apprĂ©hension du religieux : l’exemple des mobilisations autour de la controverse sur la mention des racines chrĂ©tiennes de l’Europe

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    La rĂ©daction de la Charte des droits fondamentaux, puis la rĂ©daction de la Constitution europĂ©enne, autour du dĂ©bat sur l’inscription de l’hĂ©ritage religieux puis chrĂ©tien dans les PrĂ©ambules, a suscitĂ© une controverse analysĂ©e dans cet article sous l’angle des dĂ©bats qui ont eus lieu en France et en Belgique. Une telle comparaison permet d’analyser ce qui se joue dans l’articulation entre le niveau national et le niveau europĂ©en d’apprĂ©hension du religieux. Les expĂ©riences nationales, liĂ©es Ă  la construction d’une Europe politique depuis la mise en place d’une citoyennetĂ© europĂ©enne (1992), conduisaient les diffĂ©rentes sociĂ©tĂ©s nationales, et la France peut-ĂȘtre davantage que d’autres, Ă  rĂ©agir en faveur d’une adaptation du propre modĂšle national de gestion du religieux ou en tout cas de nouveaux modes d’apprĂ©hension du religieux dans la sphĂšre publique. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, la religion est aussi une ressource identitaire utilisĂ©e soit comme force de rĂ©sistance pour prolonger des revendications nationales souffrant d’une faible audience, au niveau europĂ©en, soit comme source de dĂ©lĂ©gitimation politique et morale de ce nouvel espace politique. L’espace public europĂ©en constitue ainsi un nouvel espace d’opportunitĂ© pour des mobilisations Ă  fondement religieux.The drafting of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and, subsequently, the drafting of the European Constitution, with regard to the inscription of the religious, then Christian, heritage in the Preamble, gave rise to a controversy that is analysed here under its French and Belgian aspect. The study of this mobilization allows us to analyse what is at stake in the articulation between the national and European level of apprehension vis-Ă -vis the question of religion. The European experience in terms of a political project starting with the European citizenship established in 1992 led the various national societies, and perhaps France above all, to react in favour of a proper national model of management of religious issues or at least in favour of new modes of understanding religion in the public realm. In return, religion is also an identity resource used either as a source of resistance in order to extend the unpopular national orientations on the European level or as a source of political and moral delegitimization of that new political arena. The European political space thus constitutes a new field of opportunities for religious-based mobilizations.Die Ausarbeitung der EuropĂ€ischen Charta der Grundrechte und in der Folge der EuropĂ€ischen Verfassung war geprĂ€gt von einer Kontroverse ĂŒber die Frage nach einer ErwĂ€hnung der religiösen, insbesondere christlichen Wurzeln Europas. Diese Kontroverse wird hier mit Blick auf ihre französische und belgische Dimension beleuchtet. Eine solche vergleichende Vorgehensweise erlaubt uns, die entscheidenden Aspekte des VerhĂ€ltnisses von nationaler und europĂ€ischer Behandlung der Religionsproblematik zu erfassen. Die europĂ€ische Erfahrung im Sinne eines politischen Projekts, das nicht zuletzt durch die EinfĂŒhrung der europĂ€ischen StaatsbĂŒrgerschaft 1992 auf den Weg gebracht wurde, fĂŒhrte die verschiedenen beteiligten Gesellschaften, und Frankreich vielleicht in besonderer Weise, dazu, ein eigenes nationales religionspolitisches Modell anzustreben, zumindest neue Weisen der Behandlung von Religion im öffentlichen Raum zu suchen. Auf der anderen Seite sind Religionen auch identitĂ€tsstiftend und werden entweder als Widerstandspotential verwendet, um unpopulĂ€re nationale Orientierungen auf die europĂ€ische Ebene zu transportieren, oder als Quelle moralischer und politischer Delegitimation dieser neuen politischen Dimension. Der europĂ€ische politische Raum stiftet so ein neues BetĂ€tigungsfeld fĂŒr religionsbasierte Bewegungen

    L’articulation entre les dimensions nationales et europĂ©enne d’apprĂ©hension du religieux : l’exemple des mobilisations autour de la controverse sur la mention des racines chrĂ©tiennes de l’Europe

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    La rĂ©daction de la Charte des droits fondamentaux, puis la rĂ©daction de la Constitution europĂ©enne, autour du dĂ©bat sur l’inscription de l’hĂ©ritage religieux puis chrĂ©tien dans les PrĂ©ambules, a suscitĂ© une controverse analysĂ©e dans cet article sous l’angle des dĂ©bats qui ont eus lieu en France et en Belgique. Une telle comparaison permet d’analyser ce qui se joue dans l’articulation entre le niveau national et le niveau europĂ©en d’apprĂ©hension du religieux. Les expĂ©riences nationales, liĂ©es Ă  la construction d’une Europe politique depuis la mise en place d’une citoyennetĂ© europĂ©enne (1992), conduisaient les diffĂ©rentes sociĂ©tĂ©s nationales, et la France peut-ĂȘtre davantage que d’autres, Ă  rĂ©agir en faveur d’une adaptation du propre modĂšle national de gestion du religieux ou en tout cas de nouveaux modes d’apprĂ©hension du religieux dans la sphĂšre publique. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, la religion est aussi une ressource identitaire utilisĂ©e soit comme force de rĂ©sistance pour prolonger des revendications nationales souffrant d’une faible audience, au niveau europĂ©en, soit comme source de dĂ©lĂ©gitimation politique et morale de ce nouvel espace politique. L’espace public europĂ©en constitue ainsi un nouvel espace d’opportunitĂ© pour des mobilisations Ă  fondement religieux.The drafting of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and, subsequently, the drafting of the European Constitution, with regard to the inscription of the religious, then Christian, heritage in the Preamble, gave rise to a controversy that is analysed here under its French and Belgian aspect. The study of this mobilization allows us to analyse what is at stake in the articulation between the national and European level of apprehension vis-Ă -vis the question of religion. The European experience in terms of a political project starting with the European citizenship established in 1992 led the various national societies, and perhaps France above all, to react in favour of a proper national model of management of religious issues or at least in favour of new modes of understanding religion in the public realm. In return, religion is also an identity resource used either as a source of resistance in order to extend the unpopular national orientations on the European level or as a source of political and moral delegitimization of that new political arena. The European political space thus constitutes a new field of opportunities for religious-based mobilizations.Die Ausarbeitung der EuropĂ€ischen Charta der Grundrechte und in der Folge der EuropĂ€ischen Verfassung war geprĂ€gt von einer Kontroverse ĂŒber die Frage nach einer ErwĂ€hnung der religiösen, insbesondere christlichen Wurzeln Europas. Diese Kontroverse wird hier mit Blick auf ihre französische und belgische Dimension beleuchtet. Eine solche vergleichende Vorgehensweise erlaubt uns, die entscheidenden Aspekte des VerhĂ€ltnisses von nationaler und europĂ€ischer Behandlung der Religionsproblematik zu erfassen. Die europĂ€ische Erfahrung im Sinne eines politischen Projekts, das nicht zuletzt durch die EinfĂŒhrung der europĂ€ischen StaatsbĂŒrgerschaft 1992 auf den Weg gebracht wurde, fĂŒhrte die verschiedenen beteiligten Gesellschaften, und Frankreich vielleicht in besonderer Weise, dazu, ein eigenes nationales religionspolitisches Modell anzustreben, zumindest neue Weisen der Behandlung von Religion im öffentlichen Raum zu suchen. Auf der anderen Seite sind Religionen auch identitĂ€tsstiftend und werden entweder als Widerstandspotential verwendet, um unpopulĂ€re nationale Orientierungen auf die europĂ€ische Ebene zu transportieren, oder als Quelle moralischer und politischer Delegitimation dieser neuen politischen Dimension. Der europĂ€ische politische Raum stiftet so ein neues BetĂ€tigungsfeld fĂŒr religionsbasierte Bewegungen

    France et Belgique face à l'héritage chrétien de l'Europe: stratégies politiques et renégociations des identités nationales

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