124 research outputs found

    Porcs i bacteris

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    Encara que normalment no pensem en això, els animals de granja també tenen malalties. Un equip de la UAB ha estudiat com es comporten les poblacions d'un bacteri, Haemophilus parasuis, que conviu amb els porcs i provoca, a vegades, brots mortals. Aquest bacteri és un patogen respiratori i engloba soques amb distintes característiques, des de soques altament virulentes a soques avirulentes.Aunque normalmente no pensamos en ello, los animales de granja también tienen enfermedades. Un equipo de la UAB ha estudiado cómo se comportan las poblaciones de una bacteria, Haemophilus parasuis, que convive con los cerdos y provoca a veces brotes mortales de enfermedad. Esta bacteria es un patógeno respiratorio y engloba cepas con distintas características, desde cepas altamente virulentas a cepas avirulentas.Though we normally do not think about it, farm animals also suffer from diseases. A team from the UAB has studied the behaviour of bacterial populations of Haemophilus parasuis found in pigs and which sometimes provokes mortal outbreaks. This bacterium is a respiratory pathogen in pigs, whose strains differ in several features, including pathogenic potential

    Buscant marcadors de virulència per a la malaltia de Glässer en porcs

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    Investigadors del Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) han intentat identificar marcadors de virulència del Haemophilus parasuis, bacteri que causa infeccions respiratòries i sistèmiques en el porc amb greus conseqüències per al sector productiu porcí. En classificar les soques d'H. parasuis, segons la seva virulència per mètodes serològics i genètics, es va veure que no era possible establir una correlació fiable per predir la virulència de les soques, pel que es requereix continuar treballant en aquesta línia d'investigació. L'estudi també alerta sobre la possibilitat que els senglars puguin desenvolupar aquesta malaltia en casos de cria intensiva.Investigadores del Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) han intentado identificar marcadores de virulencia del Haemophilus parasuis, bacteria que causa infecciones respiratorias y sistémicas en el cerdo con graves consecuencias para el sector productivo porcino. Al clasificar las cepas de H. parasuis, según su virulencia por métodos serológicos y genéticos, se vio que no era posible establecer una correlació fiable para predecir la virulencia de las cepas y que se requiere continuar trabajando en esta línea de investigación. El estudio también alerta sobre la posibilidad de que los jabalíes puedan desarrollar esta enfermedad en casos de cría intensiva

    Piglet nasal microbiota at weaning may influence the development of Glässer's disease during the rearing period

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    The microbiota, the ensemble of microorganisms on a particular body site, has been extensively studied during the last few years, and demonstrated to influence the development of many diseases. However, these studies focused mainly on the human digestive system, while the populations in the respiratory tract have been poorly assessed, especially in pigs. The nasal mucosa of piglets is colonized by an array of bacteria, many of which are unknown. Among the early colonizers, Haemophilus parasuis also has clinical importance, since it is also the etiological agent of Glässer's disease. This disease produces economical losses in all the countries with pig production, and the factors influencing its development are not totally understood. Hence, the purpose of this work was to characterize the nasal microbiota composition of piglets, and its possible role in Glässer's disease development. Seven farms from Spain (4 with Glässer's disease and 3 control farms without any respiratory disease) and three farms from UK (all control farms) were studied. Ten piglets from each farm were sampled at 3-4 weeks of age before weaning. The total DNA extracted from nasal swabs was used to amplify the 16S RNA gene for sequencing in Illumina MiSeq. Sequencing data was quality filtered and analyzed using QIIME software. The diversity of the nasal microbiota was low in comparison with other body sites, showing a maximum number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) per pig of 1,603, clustered in five phyla. Significant differences were found at various taxonomical levels, when the microbiota was compared regarding the farm health status. Healthy status was associated to higher species richness and diversity, and UK farms demonstrated the highest diversity. The composition of the nasal microbiota of healthy piglets was uncovered and different phylotypes were shown to be significantly altered in animals depending on the clinical status of the farm of origin. Several OTUs at genus level were identified over-represented in piglets from control farms, indicating their potential as probiotics. Although we provide relevant data, fully metagenomic approaches could give light on the genes and metabolic pathways involved in the roles of the nasal microbiota to prevent respiratory diseases. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2700-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Piglet nasal microbiota at weaning may influence the development of Glässer's disease during the rearing period

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    The microbiota, the ensemble of microorganisms on a particular body site, has been extensively studied during the last few years, and demonstrated to influence the development of many diseases. However, these studies focused mainly on the human digestive system, while the populations in the respiratory tract have been poorly assessed, especially in pigs. The nasal mucosa of piglets is colonized by an array of bacteria, many of which are unknown. Among the early colonizers, Haemophilus parasuis also has clinical importance, since it is also the etiological agent of Glässer's disease. This disease produces economical losses in all the countries with pig production, and the factors influencing its development are not totally understood. Hence, the purpose of this work was to characterize the nasal microbiota composition of piglets, and its possible role in Glässer's disease development. Seven farms from Spain (4 with Glässer's disease and 3 control farms without any respiratory disease) and three farms from UK (all control farms) were studied. Ten piglets from each farm were sampled at 3-4 weeks of age before weaning. The total DNA extracted from nasal swabs was used to amplify the 16S RNA gene for sequencing in Illumina MiSeq. Sequencing data was quality filtered and analyzed using QIIME software. The diversity of the nasal microbiota was low in comparison with other body sites, showing a maximum number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) per pig of 1,603, clustered in five phyla. Significant differences were found at various taxonomical levels, when the microbiota was compared regarding the farm health status. Healthy status was associated to higher species richness and diversity, and UK farms demonstrated the highest diversity. The composition of the nasal microbiota of healthy piglets was uncovered and different phylotypes were shown to be significantly altered in animals depending on the clinical status of the farm of origin. Several OTUs at genus level were identified over-represented in piglets from control farms, indicating their potential as probiotics. Although we provide relevant data, fully metagenomic approaches could give light on the genes and metabolic pathways involved in the roles of the nasal microbiota to prevent respiratory diseases. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2700-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Variations in association of nasal microbiota with virulent and non-virulent strains of Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis in weaning piglets

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    International audienceAbstractGlaesserella (formerly Haemophilus) parasuis causes Glässer’s disease, which results in high economic loss in the swine industry. To understand the polymicrobial interactions of G. parasuis and the nasal microbiota, the statistical association patterns of nasal colonizing bacteria with virulent and non-virulent strains of G. parasuis were studied accounting for the farm management practices as potential risk factors for the occurrence of Glässer’s disease. The nasal microbiota from 51 weaned-piglets from four farms with Glässer’s disease and three farms with no respiratory diseases was previously characterized and included in this study. The presence of virulent and/or non-virulent G. parasuis strains in the nasal cavities was determined in order to establish the potential association with other members of the nasal microbiota. Multivariate logistic and linear regression models were performed among the various members of nasal microbiota and G. parasuis. The multi-site production system and disease presence in the farm were both significantly associated with the presence of G. parasuis virulent strains in the nose of the piglets. Differential bacterial associations were observed with virulent or non-virulent G. parasuis. Chitinophagaceae, Corynebacteriaceae and Corynebacterium were positively associated with the virulent G. parasuis strains, while Enterobacteriaceae, Peptostreptococcaceae, Clostridium XI, and Escherichia/Shigella were negatively associated with virulent G. parasuis. On the other hand, Flavobacteriaceae, Planobacterium, and Phascolarctobacterium were positively associated with the non-virulent G. parasuis strains, while Rikenellaceae, Enterococcaceae, Odoribacter, and Corynebacterium were negatively associated with non-virulent G. parasuis. In conclusion, the nasal microbiota communities showed variations in the association with the G. parasuis strains type

    Sow Contact Is a Major Driver in the Development of the Nasal Microbiota of Piglets

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    The nasal microbiota composition is associated with the health status of piglets. Sow-contact in early life is one of the factors influencing the microbial composition in piglets; however, its impact has never been assessed in the nasal microbiota of piglets reared in controlled environmental conditions. Nasal microbiota of weaning piglets in high-biosecurity facilities with different time of contact with their sows (no contact after farrowing, contact limited to few hours or normal contact until weaning at three weeks) was unveiled by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Contact with sows demonstrated to be a major factor affecting the nasal microbial composition of the piglets. The nasal microbiota of piglets that had contact with sows until weaning, but were reared in high biosecurity facilities, was richer and more similar to the previously described healthy nasal microbiota from conventional farm piglets. On the other hand, the nasal communities inhabiting piglets with no or limited contact with sows was different and dominated by bacteria not commonly abundant in this body site. Furthermore, the length of sow-piglet contact was also an important variable. In addition, the piglets raised in BSL3 conditions showed an increased richness of low-abundant species in the nasal microbiota. Artificially rearing in high biosecurity facilities without the contact of sows as a source of nasal colonizers had dramatic impacts on the nasal microbiota of weaning piglets and may introduce significant bias into animal research under these conditions

    Piglet nasal microbiota at weaning may influence the development of Glässer’s disease during the rearing period

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    Background: The microbiota, the ensemble of microorganisms on a particular body site, has been extensively studied during the last few years, and demonstrated to influence the development of many diseases. However, these studies focused mainly on the human digestive system, while the populations in the respiratory tract have been poorly assessed, especially in pigs. The nasal mucosa of piglets is colonized by an array of bacteria, many of which are unknown. Among the early colonizers, Haemophilus parasuis also has clinical importance, since it is also the etiological agent of Glässer’s disease. This disease produces economical losses in all the countries with pig production, and the factors influencing its development are not totally understood. Hence, the purpose of this work was to characterize the nasal microbiota composition of piglets, and its possible role in Glässer’s disease development. Results: Seven farms fromSpain (4 with Glässer’s disease and 3 control farms without any respiratory disease) and three farms from UK (all control farms) were studied. Ten piglets from each farm were sampled at 3–4 weeks of age before weaning. The total DNA extracted from nasal swabs was used to amplify the 16S RNA gene for sequencing in Illumina MiSeq. Sequencing data was quality filtered and analyzed using QIIME software. The diversity of the nasal microbiota was low in comparison with other body sites, showing a maximum number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) per pig of 1,603, clustered in five phyla. Significant differences were found at various taxonomical levels, when the microbiota was compared regarding the farm health status. Healthy status was associated to higher species richness and diversity, and UK farms demonstrated the highest diversity. Conclusions: The composition of the nasal microbiota of healthy piglets was uncovered and different phylotypes were shown to be significantly altered in animals depending on the clinical status of the farm of origin. Several OTUs at genus level were identified over-represented in piglets from control farms, indicating their potential as probiotics. Although we provide relevant data, fully metagenomic approaches could give light on the genes and metabolic pathways involved in the roles of the nasal microbiota to prevent respiratory diseases.This work was supported by grant AGL2013-45662 from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain

    Identification of a class B acid phosphatase in Haemophilus parasuis

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    An acid phosphatase activity was detected in the supernatant of Haemophilus parasuis, a Gram-negative pleomorphic bacillus and the causative agent of Glässer’s disease in pigs. To identify the gene responsible for the secreted activity, a genomic library of H. parasuis strain ER-6P was produced in Escherichia coli. Screening of the library allowed identifi cation of two homologs to known phosphatases: PgpB and AphA. PgpB was predicted to be located in the bacterial membrane through six transmembrane domains while AphA was predicted to have a signal peptide. The aphA gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Characterization of H. parasuis AphA indicated that this protein belongs to the class B nonspecifi c acid phosphatases. AphA contained sequence signatures characteristic of this family of phosphatases and its activity was inhibited by EDTA. The optimal pH of recombinant AphA differed from that of the phosphatase activity found in H. parasuis supernatants. In addition, the phosphatase activity from H. parasuis supernatants was not inhibited by EDTA, indicating that H. parasuis AphA does not account for the phosphatase activity observed in the supernatants. Our results demonstrate the presence of a class B acid phosphatase (AphA) in H. parasuis and suggest that the bacterium would also secrete another, as yet unidentifi ed phosphatase. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(3):141-147]Keywords: Haemophilus parasuis · non-specifi c acid phosphatases · phosphatase activity · Glässer’s diseas

    Update on Glässer’s disease: How to control the disease under restrictive use of antimicrobials

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    Antimicrobials have been commonly used to control bacterial diseases in farm animals. The efficacy of these drugs deterred the development of other control measures, such as vaccines, which are currently getting more attention due to the increased concern about antimicrobial resistance. Glässer’s disease is caused by Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis and affects pork production around the world. Balance between colonization and immunity seems to be essential in disease control. Reduction in antimicrobial use in veterinary medicine requires the implementation of preventive measures, based on alternative tools such as vaccination and other strategies to guarantee a beneficial microbial colonization of the animals. The present review summarizes and discusses the current knowledge on diagnosis and control of Glässer’s disease, including prospects on alternatives to antimicrobials.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Haemophilus parasuis VtaA2 is involved in adhesion to extracellular proteins

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    Haemophilus parasuis is part of the microbiota of the upper respiratory tract in swine. However, virulent strains can cause a systemic disease known as Glässer’s disease. Several virulence factors have been described in H. parasuis including the virulence-associated trimeric autotransporters (VtaAs). VtaA2 is up-regulated during infection and is only found in virulent strains. In order to determine its biological function, the vtaA2 gene was cloned with its native promotor region in pACYC184, and the transformed Escherichia coli was used to perform functional in vitro assays. VtaA2 was found to have a role in attachment to plastic, mucin, BSA, fibronectin and collagen. As other VtaAs from H. parasuis, the passenger domain of VtaA2 contains collagen domains. In order to examine the contribution of the collagen repeats to VtaA2 function, a recombinant vtaA2 without the central collagen domains was obtained and named vtaA2OL. VtaA2OL showed similar capacity than VtaA2 to adhere to plastic, mucin, BSA, fibronectin and plasma but a reduced capacity to adhere to collagen, suggesting that the collagen domains of VtaA2 are involved in collagen attachment. No function in cell adhesion and invasion to epithelial alveolar cell line A549 or unspecific binding to primary alveolar macrophages was found. Likewise VtaA2 had no role in serum or phagocytosis resistance. We propose that VtaA2 mediates adherence to the host by binding to the mucin, found in the upper respiratory tract mucus, and to the extracellular matrix proteins, present in the connective tissue of systemic sites, such as the serosa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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