19 research outputs found


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    Kualitas udara yang baik sangat penting bagi kesehatan masyarakat. Kualitas udara selama ajang Asian Games ke-18 di Jakarta menjadi masalah internasional yang sangat mempengaruhi reputasi Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualitas udara di Jakarta selama acara Asian Games ke-18 berdasarkan konsentrasi PM2.5. Data pengamatan diambil dari dua titik, di Jakarta Pusat dan Jakarta Selatan. Uji U Mann-Whitney sebagai tes non-parametrik digunakan untuk menentukan perubahan signifikan dalam konsentrasi PM2.5 sebelum, selama dan setelah acara Asian Games ke-18. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi rata-rata PM2.5 sebelum Asian Games ke-18 di Jakarta Selatan adalah 67,9 μg/m3 yang melebihi ambang batas. Semua hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa ada perubahan yang signifikan dalam konsentrasi PM2.5 untuk semua periode di kedua titik pengamatan. Penurunan konsentrasi yang mencolok antara periode sebelum dan sesudah Asian Games ke-18 terjadi pada hari Selasa di kedua titik pengamatan. Sedangkan penurunan konsentrasi terendah terjadi pada hari Minggu di Jakarta Pusat dan Jumat di Jakarta Selata

    Simulation of Rainwater Harvesting Potential to Satisfy Domestic Water Demand Based on Observed Precipitation Data in Jakarta

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    Jakarta as the most populous urban center of Indonesia has a major problem related to clean water availability for the domestic needs of its residents, who mostly depend on the extraction of groundwater. The rooftop rainwater harvesting (RRWH) system is a solution to reduce the use of groundwater to satisfy domestic water needs. This study used demographic data and precipitation observation data from the rain gauge network in Jakarta to simulate the water supply from rainwater harvesting from 2010 to 2019 in each municipality. Three simulations were carried out to calculate the percentage of domestic water demand (DS) satisfied by RRWH based on the proportion of residential areas installed with RRWH (RA). The results showed that an RA value of 0.2 produced the lowest DS (approximately 11% to 18.7%), while an RA value of 0.3 produced a higher DS (approximately 16.3% to 28%). An RA value of 0.4 resulted in a DS of around 21.8% to 37.4%. Overall, the RRWH system could provide up to 30% of domestic water demand on average, with South Jakarta having the highest fulfillment of water needs with an average of 28% based on the three simulations, while Central Jakarta had the lowest with 16.4%

    Simulation Of The Volcanic Ash Dispersion During The June 2019 Sinabung Eruption

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    The eruption of Sinabung on June 9, 2019, was categorized as a red code in the warning report for flights. Volcanic ash from volcanic eruptions is a serious threat in the world of aviation with the most dangerous ash particles are 6-10 μm and 37 μm in diameter. To enrich our understanding and modeling performances of the volcanic ash dispersion for the Sinabung eruption case, it is necessary to simulate the dispersion of volcanic ash in those particular sizes to see its distribution which can impact flight routes. The method used was the analysis of the direction and dispersion of the particular volcanic ash using Weather Research Forecast-Chemistry (WRF-Chem) and compared it with the volcanic ash warning information on flight routes issued by Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAAC)-Darwin. In general, WRF-Chem can simulate the distribution of volcanic ash from the eruption of Sinabung at the two-particle sizes at different heights, and found the difference in the distribution direction of the two groups of the particle sizes. Comparison results with warning information from VAAC-Darwin and previous study, WRF-Chem simulation shows a good concordance in the dispersion direction

    Potensi Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue Berdasarkan Skenario Perubahan Iklim RCP4.5 di Kabupaten Badung,Bali

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    ABSTRACT Climate factors influence the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which is the vector that causes the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) incidence. This vector can be increasing with climate change as a result of global warming. This study aims to determine the potential distribution of DHF in Badung Regency based on climate factors and its projections using the RCP4.5 climate change scenario. This research in the historical period for the years  2010 – 2019 and the projection period for the years 2021 – 2030 and the years 2031 – 2040. The fuzzy logic model is used to get the output of the potential for DHF incidence which is described by the IR value of DHF based on the climate conditions in the study period. The data used include secondary data on average climate parameters; rainfall, air temperature, and relative humidity in 2010 – 2019, RCP4.5 scenario in  2010 – 2040, and annual DHF Incident Rate (IR) for the period 2010 – 2019. The results showed that in historical and projection periods the rainfall, air temperature, and relative humidity average have optimal values ​​for the breeding of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that cause DHF with IR > 55 in all areas of Badung Regency. The potential for DHF incidence in the projection period did not change from the historical period. In addition, the projection period saw an increased rainfall and air temperature average compared to the historical period. Meanwhile, the humidity average in the projection period did not change significantly compared to the historical period. ABSTRAK Faktor iklim yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap perkembangbiakan nyamuk Aedes aegypti yang menjadi vektor penyebab kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Vektor ini dapat meningkat dengan adanya perubahan iklim dampak dari pemanasan global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran potensi kejadian DBD di Kabupaten Badung berdasarkan faktor iklim dan perkiraannya menggunakan skenario perubahan iklim RCP4.5. Penelitian dilakukan pada periode historis tahun 2010 – 2019 dan periode perkiraan tahun 2021 – 2030 serta tahun 2031 – 2040. Model logika fuzzy digunakan untuk mendapatkan outputPotensi kejadian DBD yang digambarkan dengan nilai IR DBD berdasarkan kondisi iklim pada periode penelitian. Data yang digunakan meliputi data rata-rata parameter iklim curah hujan, suhu udara, dan kelembapan observasi tahun 2010 – 2019, data skenario RCP4.5 tahun 2010 - 2040, dan data Insidence Rate (IR) DBD tahunan periode 2010 – 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata curah hujan, suhu udara, dan kelembapan pada periode historis maupun periode penilaian memiliki nilai optimal untuk perkembangbiakan nyamuk Aedes aegyptiyang menyebabkan kejadian DBD dengan IR > 55 di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Badung. Potensi kejdian DBD pada periode perkiraan tidak mengalami perubahan dari periode historis. Selain itu, pada periode terlihat adanya peningkatan rata-rata curah hujan dan suhu udara dibandingkan dengan periode historis


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    Meningkatnya urbanisasi dan berkurangnya ruang terbuka hijau di wilayah perkotaan menyebabkan permasalahan pemanasan perkotaan, yaitu fenomena Urban Heat Island (UHI) yang akan berimplikasi kepada tingkat kenyamanan termal yang dapat dirasakan penduduk urban di luar ruangan. Penelitian ini mengkaji tingkat kenyamanan termal secara klimatologis serta kecenderungannya di kota-kota besar di Pulau Sulawesi dengan menggunakan indeks THI. Dua variabel iklim digunakan untuk menghitung indeks THI, yaitu suhu udara rata-rata harian dan kelembapan relatif harian selama periode 1985-2012 di 6 titik pengamatan yang mewakili masing-masing kota. Formula THI yang digunakan adalah formula dengan batas kenyamanan yang telah dimodifikasi untuk iklim tropis. Analisis klimatologis menunjukkan Palu dan Mamuju merupakan kota dengan kandungan uap air yang relatif rendah dengan suhu yang relatif tinggi secara klimatologis jika dibandingkan dengan kota lainnya. Sehingga, kedua kota tersebut memiliki tingkat kenyamanan yang paling rendah dirasakan oleh populasi perkotaan secara berturut yaitu 10,2% dan 24,7%, sedangkan  Manado dan Minahasa Utara merupakan kota yang paling nyaman dengan prosentase, yaitu 31,6 % dan 31,9%. Indeks THI tersebut cenderung mengalami peningkatan kecuali di Mamuju dengan laju terbesar dialami oleh Makassar sebesar 0,03⁰C per tahun atau 0,3⁰C per 10 tahun dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 41,6%

    Estimasi Konsentrasi PM10 Menggunakan Support Vector Regression

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    PM10 berkontribusi terhadap polusi udara pada saat kejadian kabut asap di musim kemarau dengan salah satu sumber utamanya adalah pembakaran biomassa. Pada saat musim kemarau, terdapat banyak kegiatan pembersihan lahan di Mempawah untuk persiapan masa tanam yang Sebagian besar dilakukan dengan pembakaran sisa tanaman. Sebagai salah satu polutan utama yang dapat memengaruhi kesehatan manusia, maka estimasi konsentrasi PM10 sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melakukan estimasi konsentrasi PM10 di Mempawah tahun 2019 menggunakan Support Vector Regression (SVR) berdasarkan data PM10 dan variabel meteorologi seperti curah hujan, kelembaban, suhu, tekanan permukaan laut dan kecepatan angin dari Stasiun Klimatologi Mempawah dengan periode latih tahun 2016 hingga 2018. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa estimasi konsentrasi PM10 menggunakan SVR berdasarkan parameter cuaca dapat menggambarkan variabilitas konsentrasi harian PM10 di Mempawah dengan baik, terkecuali saat terjadi kenaikan konsentrasi yang sangat tinggi yang mungkin dipengaruhi oleh faktor antropogenik. Selain itu, berdasarkan verifikasi, RMSE yang dihasilkan model estimasi hampir sama dengan nilai standar deviasi observasinya.

    Analisis Heat Stress saat Kondisi El – Niño, La – Niña, dan Netral di Wilayah Jakarta dan Sekitarnya Periode 1993 – 2018

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    Jakarta and its surroundings areas that have high surface temperatures due to high total CO2 emissions. High CO2 emissions will cause surface temperatures to increase due to the phenomenon of greenhouse gases. An increase in temperature will also have an impact on increasing heat strs which will be dangerous if no steps are taken for prevention. The El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) factor is also considered influential in terms of the value of heat stress. Calculating heat stress in Jakarta and surrounding areas can be done by the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature Index (WBGT) method. Data was obtained from six station points in Jakarta and surrounding areas in 1993 – 2018 consisting of daily air temperature and humidity and using Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) data to determine the ENSO period. The results show that the highest WBGT were identified in four regions, Tanjung priok, Kemayoran, Cengkareng and South Tangerang with ISBB values ​​of 30 – 32.5 (the heat stress increases to dangerous levels), while for the other two, Curug and Dramaga Bogor have WBGT values at 28.5 – 30 (heat stress increases). The most dangerous WBGT category was in Tanjung priok in April during El – Niño with 71% (58) days were in the dangerous category, while the WBGT category had the least heat stress at Dramaga in August when it was neutral with 17.7% (66) days were in the no heat stress category. When El-Niño ISBB was higher than when it is neutral and La-Niña and has higher minimum and maximum extreme values than when it is neutral and La – Niña.Daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya merupakan daerah yang memiliki suhu permukaan yang tinggi karena total emisi CO2 yang tinggi. Emisi CO2 yang tinggi akan menyebabkan suhu permukaan meningkat akibat fenomena gas rumah kaca. Peningkatan suhu akan berdampak juga pada meningkatnya heat stress yang akan membahayakan jika tidak ada langkah yang diambil untuk pencegahan. Faktor El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) juga dinilai berpengaruh dalam hal nilai heat stress. Menghitung heat stress di Jakarta dan sekitarnya dapat dilakukan dengan metode Indeks Suhu Bola Basah (ISBB). Data diperoleh dari enam titik stasiun di Jakarta dan sekitarnya tahun 1993 – 2018 yang terdiri dari suhu dan kelembaban udara harian serta menggunakan data Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) untuk penentuan periode ENSO. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai ISBB tertinggi pada umumnya berada pada empat daerah yaitu Tanjung Priok, Kemayoran, Cengkareng dan Tangerang Selatan dengan nilai ISBB 30.0 – 32.5 (kategori heat stress meningkat – berbahaya), sedangkan dua daerah lainnya yaitu Curug dan Dramaga Bogor, nilai ISBB berkisar pada 28.5 – 30.0 (kategori heat stress meningkat). Kategori ISBB paling berbahaya berada di Tanjung priok pada bulan April saat El – Niño dengan 71% (58) hari berada pada kategori berbahaya, sedangkan Kategori ISBB paling tidak ada heat stress berada di Dramaga pada bulan Agustus saat netral dengan 17.7% (66) hari berada pada kategori tidak ada heat stress. Saat El – Niño nilai ISBB lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pada saat netral dan La-Niña serta mempunyai nilai ekstrim minimum dan maksimum yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada saat netral dan La – Niña


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    One of the disasters can cause losses in various sectors and have an impact on people's lives is drought. Lombok Island is an area with a high risk of drought. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) describes meteorological drought using rainfall as the main parameter. The Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI) describes agricultural drought based on remote sensing. This research aims to determine the relationship between SPI using the reanalysis rainfall data Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) with observed rainfall (CH Obs) and NDVI at 22 rain observation stations on Lombok Island during the 2001 – 2018. The use method is to calculate the Pearson correlation and the significance of SPI with CH Obs and NDVI. The correlation between SPI with CH Obs and NDVI is positive and significant, respectively 0.31 and 0.21 with p-value <0.05. This illustrates that drought monitoring using reanalysis and remote sensing data can be done because it describes the actual drought in the study area. In addition, it can be concluded that the meteorological drought that occurred could have an impact on agricultural drought in the Lombok during 2001 - 2018

    The Effect of Precipitation on Scavenging of PM2.5 in Jakarta Based on Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models

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    Fine particles, including PM2.5, impact human health, especially in a megacity such as Jakarta. Meanwhile, precipitation is one of the most efficient mechanisms to reduce atmospheric particulate matter, including PM2.5. This study investigated the changes in PM2.5 concentrations before and after rain events along with the threshold of precipitation and a certain time lag that affects the reduction of PM2.5 concentrations in Jakarta from 2017 to 2019. PM2.5 concentration datasets from two observation sites at Central and South Jakarta were used in this study. The relative effect and scavenging probability of PM2.5 concentrations were calculated to seek further understanding of the effect of rain events on the decrease of PM2.5 concentrations using hourly data. A Non-Linear Distributed Pause Model was used in this study with hourly rainfall data and hourly air temperature that controlled the reduction in PM2.5 concentrations. This study indicates that higher precipitation provides greater influence to the decrease of PM2.5 concentration in both Central Jakarta and South Jakarta. The precipitation threshold for reducing PM2.5 concentrations in Central Jakarta is 5 mm of rainfall with no time lag and a maximum delay of up to 12 hours. The South Jakarta area is 5 mm of rainfall with a time lag of up to 10 hours. In addition, the results suggest an increase in the probability of the concentration of PM2.5 below the standard (SP) with rainfall and a certain time lag that was greater in South Jakarta, which was up to 19% compared to 11% in Central Jakart


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    The lapse rate profile in the site candidate for the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) at Gosong Beach Bengkayang, has been investigated to obtain a description of the lability of the atmosphere and upper air as part of a meteorological aspect safety study in the plan to develop a NPP site. The study of the lapse rate was carried out using air data on the reanalysis of the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) by extracting air temperature data at each altitude level so as to obtain a lapse rate of up to 25 km. Daily data was processed during 2021 and transformed in the monthly average profile data to describe the lapse rate profile in January – December 2021. Tropopause was identified with average altitude about 16.6 km and stratosphere at 20.5 km with a lapse rate about -0.21 ℃/100 m. The surface layer to 200 m have lapse rate from 0.7 ℃/100 m - 0.9 ℃/100 m at 00.00 Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and 0.5 ℃/100 m -0.6 ℃/100 m at 12.00 UT